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Our First Live Podcast | Trash Taste #154

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[00:00 - 00:05] Trash Taste episode filmed in front of live audience

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[00:09 - 00:29]National Anthem played

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[00:30 - 00:40]Host Joey joined by Gaunt, Connor, and Dreamhack Melbourne

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[01:49 - 01:54]Discussion about Australia and Melbourne

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[03:14 - 03:23]Gaunt's experience with Australian weather and culture

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[03:56 - 04:03]Trash Taste Cafe event

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[05:22 - 05:27]Discussion about happiest cities in Australia

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[06:34 - 06:40]Mention of a porn factory in ACT

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[07:39 - 07:45]Canberra as the capital city

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[08:27 - 08:34]Discussion about Perth and Australians' tendency to travel

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[08:40 - 08:45]Mention of Papua New Guinea as closest country to Australia

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[00:00 - 08:51]Trash Taste episode filmed in front of live audience with discussion about Australia and Australians' tendency to travel, including mention of Melbourne, Canberra, Perth, and Papua New Guinea.

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[09:09 - 09:16]The speaker and the person they are talking to discuss popular holiday destinations in Australia, specifically Bali and a graduation party called "schoolies."

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[10:49 - 10:57]They also talk about Australian slang and the country's tendency to end words with "O."

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[13:09 - 13:16]The speaker mentions Australia's invention of Wi-Fi but notes that their Wi-Fi is not very good.

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[13:31 - 13:40]The conversation turns to the names of places in Australia, including Melbourne almost being called "Batmania" and a town called "Banana" in Queensland.

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[15:24 - 15:34]They also mention the Big Banana tourist attraction and a town called Orange in New South Wales.

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[16:29 - 16:38]The Northern Territory is known for its large sheep population.

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[16:51 - 16:57]The capital of Victoria is Melbourne and the capital of the Northern Territory is Darwin.

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[16:57 - 17:04]The speaker jokes about nuking Orange and forgetting that the Northern Territory exists, specifically the capital city of Darwin.

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[16:57 - 17:04]The speaker asks if anyone in the audience has been to Darwin.

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[08:51 - 17:04]In summary, the conversation covers popular holiday destinations, Australian slang, the invention of Wi-Fi, and the names of places in Australia, including Banana and Orange. The speaker also mentions the Northern Territory and its capital city, Darwin.

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[17:05 - 17:11]Joey and two other YouTube content creators visit Darwin and discuss the lack of activities to do there

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[17:24 - 17:31]They are sponsored by Oxford, a company that delivers authentic Japanese snacks and teas to your door

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[17:31 - 17:38]The first box they receive is called "Seasons of Japan" and comes with a cultural booklet explaining the snacks and their origins

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[17:57 - 18:03]They try a snack called Kionosato Shiro Miso Cembe and enjoy it

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[19:13 - 19:21]They promote a clean energy drink called Game of Sops, which has unique flavors and waifu cups

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[21:38 - 21:44]They visit the crown casino in Melbourne with a friend who has a black card, but one of their producers is denied entry due to dress code

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[21:52 - 22:01]The producer is let in after the bouncer recognizes Joey as "the anime man"

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[23:34 - 23:41]A similar incident happened in Sydney at a pizza bar with the same friend, Chad, and another content creator, where the bouncer allowed them in without ID due to Chad's persuasion

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[17:05 - 25:01]A bullet point list of chronological events in Darwin and Melbourne, as well as the sponsorship and casino incidents, is given as a summary.

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[31:25 - 31:31] The speaker recalls an experience at an event where they were let in because they were recognized as the "anime man"

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[31:31 - 31:42]The speaker and their friends were surprised and confused at why they were let in

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[31:48 - 31:57]The speaker's bags were checked multiple times at TSA because they were recognized as the "anime man"

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[31:48 - 31:57]The speaker and their friends discuss the acceptance of anime in Australia and other countries

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[32:11 - 32:16]The speaker jokes about the interaction being a result of the manager meeting the "Karen"

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[32:17 - 32:33]The speaker shares their personal experience of being bullied for watching anime in school

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[32:17 - 32:33]The speaker's friend also shares their experience of being bullied for watching anime

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[32:17 - 32:33]The speaker jokes about their friend's Japanese heritage being a reason for their love of anime

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[32:17 - 32:33]The speaker and their friend discuss how their parents reacted to them watching anime

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[32:17 - 32:33]The speaker shares their limited access to anime in their childhood through VHS tapes from Japan and recordings on VHS sent by their grandmother

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[32:17 - 32:33]The speaker recalls the first time they were able to watch anime regularly on TV in Australia through a program called "cheese TV"

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[32:34 - 32:43]The speaker lists some of the anime available on "cheese TV"

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[32:34 - 32:43]The speaker reminisces about waking up early on Sundays to watch anime with their sister

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[25:02 - 32:43]The speaker and their friend discuss the acceptance and accessibility of anime in different countries, particularly in Australia, and share their personal experiences of being bullied for watching anime in school and their limited access to anime in their childhood.

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[32:44 - 39:51]Speaker recalls their childhood memories of watching TV, being prohibited from watching certain shows, and dealing with dangerous spiders and snakes in their home in Australia. They also mention the misconception of foxes and the aggressiveness of snakes and spiders in Australia.

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[39:58 - 40:03] Person talking about entering a house in the UK and comparing it to Australia

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[40:57 - 41:04]They encounter a tree snake while trying to open the gate

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[41:11 - 41:21]They call a hotline called "snake patrol" for help

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[43:01 - 43:14]The snake turns out to be non-venomous and the person's dad removes it

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[44:00 - 44:07]Person talks about the variety of birds in Australia, specifically the "bin chicken" or ibis

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[45:52 - 45:59]They mention magpies and their habit of swooping cyclists

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[47:17 - 47:25]Person ponders on the idea of doing a cycling trip in Australia and the challenges they may face

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[39:52 - 47:25]Overall, person shares their experiences with encountering potentially dangerous animals in Australia and the differences between the country and their home country.

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[47:25 - 47:32] The speaker discusses the idea of cycling from Sydney to Canberra.

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[47:44 - 47:51]They mention the dangers of cycling in Australia, such as quick time events and magpies.

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[47:44 - 47:51]They doubt the feasibility of cycling across the entire country.

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[48:14 - 48:22]The conversation shifts to talking about exotic birds in Australia.

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[48:14 - 48:22]They discuss the differences in wildlife between Australia and Wales.

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[49:45 - 49:53]The speaker shares a story about a sad bird encounter.

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[53:55 - 54:01]The speaker talks about encountering a ram and a kangaroo in unexpected places.

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[47:25 - 54:55]Overall, the conversation revolves around the unique and sometimes dangerous aspects of nature in Australia.

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[54:56 - 55:03] The speaker grew up in rural Australia and had a backyard next to a national park

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[55:10 - 55:20]They saw a lot of smaller kangaroos and rock wallabies in their backyard

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[55:10 - 55:20]The first time they saw a rock wallaby in their backyard, their father encouraged them to feed it bread

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[55:25 - 55:31]The speaker initially hesitated, but eventually fed the rock wallaby and was amazed

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[56:20 - 56:28]The speaker believes that all Australians have had a similar moment with an animal

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[56:20 - 56:28]Australians are stereotypically known for their love of animals

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[56:43 - 56:51]The speaker's first encounter with a kangaroo in real life left them confused and amazed

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[58:37 - 58:43]The cassowary's sharp claws and beak make it a formidable and dangerous animal

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[59:09 - 59:19]The speaker's family went on a rainforest safari where they encountered a wild cassowary

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[1.01:07 - 1.01:24]The speaker recalls watching TV shows about surviving a spider or snake bite in the Australian wilderness

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[1.01:24 - 1.01:44]If possible, seek medical attention immediately

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[1.02:01 - 1.02:07]In case of a bite, the first step is to tightly wrap the affected area with cloth to prevent the venom from spreading

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[1.02:21 - 1.02:27]Australia has strict laws regarding bringing produce into the country to prevent the spread of diseases and pests

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[54:56 - 1.02:27]Overall, the speaker has a deep appreciation for the unique and diverse wildlife in Australia.

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[1.02:27 - 1.02:33]Discussion about seeds and invasive species in Australia

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[1.03:57 - 1.04:05]Introduction of cane toads to control pests, but they become a bigger problem

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[1.05:21 - 1.05:30]List of things most Aussies do that are considered normal

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[1.06:58 - 1.07:04]Summary of Australia's inventions and drinking culture

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[1.07:25 - 1.07:34]Examples include stealing traffic cones and playing drinking games like "goon of fortune"

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[1.08:34 - 1.08:42]Explanation of goon of fortune and its use of "goon bags" (bags of cheap wine)

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[1.09:52 - 1.09:58]Other examples include drinking out of a shoe and mixing chocolate and Vegemite

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[1.10:07 - 1.10:15]Personal opinions on Vegemite and its divisive nature among Australians

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[1.02:27 - 1.10:42]The discussion covers topics such as seeds and invasive species in Australia, the introduction of cane toads as a solution for pests, and a list of common things that Aussies do, including playing drinking games and mixing chocolate with Vegemite. Personal opinions on Vegemite and Australia's inventions and drinking culture are also mentioned.

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[1.10:42 - 1.10:48] Instant nut is good, but the speaker had to be told what a Vegemite and cheese sandwich was.

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[1.10:53 - 1.11:01]Vegemite and chocolate would be a strange combination.

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[1.11:08 - 1.11:18]In Australia, there is a national debate about how to make sausage sandwiches.

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[1.12:16 - 1.12:23]The debate is about whether to use one slice of bread or two.

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[1.13:13 - 1.13:18]The speaker prefers using one slice of bread.

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[1.14:11 - 1.14:17]Some Australian prime ministers have had interesting traits, such as one shitting himself in a McDonald's.

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[1.15:36 - 1.15:46]Some people in rural Australia make coffee in avocado, but this is not common in Melbourne.

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[1.16:32 - 1.16:38]The speaker has a newfound interest in anime due to the current season having many good shows.

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[1.17:22 - 1.17:31]The speaker recently watched 15 episodes of anime in one week, including Oshinoko, Hell's Paradise, and The Rock.

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[1.19:05 - 1.19:11]The Rock is good but also cringe.

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[1.10:42 - 1.19:19]The speaker discusses instant nut, a national debate about sausage sandwiches, and interesting traits of Australian prime ministers. They also mention the recent popularity of anime and their personal opinions on specific shows.

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[1.20:32 - 1.20:37]Discussing the cringiness of a show and its relatability

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[1.21:05 - 1.21:15]Initial thoughts and synopsis of the show

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[1.21:05 - 1.21:15]Comparison to other shows and its popularity

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[1.21:05 - 1.21:15]Enjoyment of the music and respect for the show's message

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[1.21:25 - 1.21:41]Frustration with the main character and the repetitive plot

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[1.22:06 - 1.22:14]Disagreement on whether the show is overrated

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[1.25:17 - 1.25:33]Explanation of why the comparison between the two shows is not appreciated

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[1.25:46 - 1.26:12]Comparison to another show and its story

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[1.26:52 - 1.27:06]Appreciation for a specific character in the show

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[1.28:01 - 1.28:11]Mention of another show and its weirdness

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[1.28:11 - 1.28:16]Comparison to virtual YouTubers

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[1.28:32 - 1.28:43]Description of the show as a more depressing look at the entertainment industry

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[1.19:19 - 1.28:53]Discussion of cringiness and relatability of a show, initial thoughts and synopsis, comparison to other shows, enjoyment of the music and respect for the message, frustration with the main character and repetitive plot, disagreement on whether the show is overrated, comparison to another show and explanation of why the comparison is not appreciated, appreciation for a specific character, mention of another show and its weirdness, comparison to virtual YouTubers, and description of the show as a more depressing look at the entertainment industry.

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[1.28:58 - 1.29:04]The speaker talks about stumbling upon hate comments as a YouTuber and how it ruins their day.

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[1.29:14 - 1.29:21]They discuss a show with a bizarre premise about a man who becomes a girl's child.

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[1.29:26 - 1.29:43]The speaker and another person discussed the show during a stream and were paid to talk about it.

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[1.29:43 - 1.30:03]The speaker mentions other strange anime, including one about a man who gets reincarnated as a girl's dog.

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[1.31:35 - 1.32:05]They talk about "Hell's Paradise" and how it feels like a throwback to early 2000s manga with its gore and monster designs.

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[1.32:12 - 1.32:19]The speaker regrets starting to watch "Vinland Saga" as it is slow to release new episodes.

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[1.33:59 - 1.34:07]They briefly mention other anime, including "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure," "Try Gun Stampede," and "Attack on Titan."

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[1.33:59 - 1.34:07]The speaker and others in the audience are asked to clap for the anime they want to discuss.

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[1.35:21 - 1.35:29]They discuss the animation and plot of "Try Gun Stampede" and recommend watching it even if the viewer has not seen the original.

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[1.37:25 - 1.37:55]The speaker mentions the long wait for new episodes of "Attack on Titan" and wonders if the ending will be as impactful as the previous seasons.

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[1.37:25 - 1.37:55]Despite the slow release schedule, the speaker does not hear as much buzz around the show as before.

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[1.28:53 - 1.37:55]The comprehensive summary is that the speaker and another person talk about various anime, including a bizarre show with a strange premise, and recommend watching "Try Gun Stampede" and "Hell's Paradise." They also mention the slow release schedule for "Attack on Titan" and the lack of buzz around the show.

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[1.37:55 - 1.38:03]Discussion about the popularity of Attack on Titan and how it compares to other anime

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[1.39:44 - 1.40:24]Personal opinions on Jiu-Jitsu Kaisen and why it may be seen as "mid" by some

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[1.40:44 - 1.40:55]Comparison to other anime such as Dr. Stone and Carole & Tuesday

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[1.41:47 - 1.42:12]Discussion about the possibility of being replaced by AI in the future

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[1.42:17 - 1.42:26]Mention of Balenciaga AI memes and AI-generated music

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[1.42:26 - 1.42:48]Mention of the recent presidential debates being AI-generated

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[1.44:44 - 1.44:51]Reference to upcoming season releases

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[1.44:51 - 1.45:38]Discussion about Twitch audience and patrons

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[1.44:51 - 1.45:38]Conclusion and thanking Dreamhack Melbourne for the opportunity to record in front of an audience

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[1.37:55 - 1.46:10]Overall, the discussion covered the popularity of Attack on Titan, personal opinions on various anime, and the potential impact of AI on the entertainment industry.