

Youtube profile pic for Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[00:00 - 00:58]They mention seeing Tim Allen at the Laugh Factory and his controversial use of a racial slur during his set.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[00:58 - 01:53]Interview with Super Mega, a YouTube channel known for their libertarian views and controversial content.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[01:22 - 01:44]The hosts discuss their personal views on libertarianism and some of their previous videos, including one on age of consent laws.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[01:53 - 04:04]They mention director Michael Bay defending a state's age of consent laws in a recent movie.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[02:36 - 02:55]They mention seeing Tim Allen at the Laugh Factory and his controversial use of a racial slur during his set.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[03:02 - 03:50]Machine Gun Kelly is brought up for his defense of rock stars dating underage girls.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[03:14 - 05:11]Dane Cook's recent stand-up show is praised by one of the hosts.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[04:58 - 05:49]They mention seeing Tim Allen at the Laugh Factory and his controversial use of a racial slur during his set.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[05:12 - 07:08]The hosts express their preference for the Comedy Store and their encounters with famous comedians.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[06:25 - 07:42]The interviewee asks about the hosts' background and they mention working with Markiplier and Richard Spencer (jokingly).

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[07:08 - 07:56]The speaker met Mark while doing a sketch comedy thing in South Carolina.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[07:17 - 08:19]They sent an email when Mark had 50,000 subscribers and asked him to do a video.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[08:03 - 10:35]They eventually moved to LA to edit and work for Mark.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[08:20 - 08:32]The speaker was working at Chick-fil-A at the time.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[08:38 - 08:44]They had a mutual friend who showed them Mark's channel.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[08:56 - 10:22]The speaker and Mark's friendship started with the speaker sending photoshopped pictures of his family members on porn ads.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[09:09 - 10:16]The speaker and Mark met in person and Mark took a blowtorch lighter to the speaker's arm.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[10:22 - 10:42]The speaker met Mark while doing a sketch comedy thing in South Carolina.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[10:43 - 11:12]They had a mutual friend who showed them Mark's channel.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[11:13 - 11:24]The speaker met Mark while doing a sketch comedy thing in South Carolina.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[11:24 - 11:58]They had a mutual friend who showed them Mark's channel.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[11:30 - 11:42]The speaker met Mark while doing a sketch comedy thing in South Carolina.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[11:58 - 13:03]They started their own channel, Super Mega, and continued working for the Game Grumps.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[12:08 - 12:46]The speaker and Mark met in person and Mark took a blowtorch lighter to the speaker's arm.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[12:26 - 12:39]Mark respected them for wanting to do a sketch instead of just playing games.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[13:04 - 13:09]The speaker was working at Chick-fil-A at the time.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[13:10 - 13:56]They started their own channel, Super Mega, and continued working for the Game Grumps.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[13:56 - 14:59]The speaker met Mark while doing a sketch comedy thing in South Carolina.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[14:07 - 14:52]The speaker and Mark met in person and Mark took a blowtorch lighter to the speaker's arm.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[14:40 - 16:01]They started working for the Game Grumps in 2016.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[16:01 - 16:22]They went through a phase of being anti-SJW.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[16:22 - 16:33]The Amazing Atheist got in trouble for sticking things up his ass.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[16:33 - 16:50]The speaker and Mark met in person and Mark took a blowtorch lighter to the speaker's arm.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[16:51 - 17:04]They went through a phase of being anti-SJW.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[17:04 - 17:41]The speaker did not have a political leaning at first but eventually became more left-leaning.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[17:19 - 17:53]The Amazing Atheist got in trouble for sticking things up his ass.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[17:53 - 18:20]Narrator discusses a viral video involving a man who looks like Keemstar riding a dildo on a railroad track

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[18:21 - 19:16]Keemstar is known for being a controversial figure in the media who has been banned from YouTube multiple times but still has sponsorships

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[19:16 - 21:42]Keemstar made a top 10 saddest YouTube videos list that included a video about the death of the narrator's friend, but focused more on Markiplier taking a hiatus because of it

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[21:49 - 23:43]Narrator discusses a viral video involving a man who looks like Keemstar riding a dildo on a railroad track

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[23:19 - 24:57]The narrator and their friend were included in the honorable mentions of the list, causing controversy and backlash

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[23:49 - 24:16]Narrator discusses a viral video involving a man who looks like Keemstar riding a dildo on a railroad track

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[24:16 - 25:11]The narrator and their friend were included in the honorable mentions of the list, causing controversy and backlash

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[24:43 - 26:43]Narrator and Markiplier are often compared in looks and political views, with some saying Markiplier is a better leftist

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[26:43 - 28:27]Narrator discusses a viral video involving a man who looks like Keemstar riding a dildo on a railroad track

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[26:55 - 29:15]Narrator and Markiplier have both been on private jets with David Dobrik, but the atmosphere was not a party one and there was a 45-year-old man in the group

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[29:16 - 29:46]They mention the person in question is about to turn 50 and was born after the Vietnam War

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[29:21 - 30:26]There is discussion about the person in question hanging out with 17 and 19-year-olds

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[29:58 - 30:47]The speaker mentions a "card" possibly related to age or identification

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[30:04 - 31:38]They bring up Michael Bay and a scene in one of his movies involving a 17-year-old

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[31:38 - 31:49]The speaker mentions a "card" possibly related to age or identification

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[31:49 - 32:32]The speaker mentions Adam Sandler's role in a movie called "Daddy Grown Up" and some confusion about other movies

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[32:14 - 33:07]They mention the person in question has something going on in their personal life

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[33:07 - 34:16]The topic shifts to Adam Sandler and a personal story involving playing basketball with him

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[33:27 - 33:37]They mention the person in question is about to turn 50 and was born after the Vietnam War

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[33:37 - 34:02]They mention the person in question has something going on in their personal life

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[34:02 - 35:52]The topic shifts to Adam Sandler and a personal story involving playing basketball with him

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[34:34 - 35:10]The speaker wishes the person in question would play off their age in a humorous way

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[35:30 - 35:35]The speaker mentions Adam Sandler's role in a movie called "Daddy Grown Up" and some confusion about other movies

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[35:35 - 35:46]They mention the person in question has something going on in their personal life

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[35:52 - 36:36]The speaker mentions Adam Sandler's role in a movie called "Daddy Grown Up" and some confusion about other movies

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[36:36 - 36:42]The speaker wishes the person in question would play off their age in a humorous way

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[36:42 - 36:53]The topic shifts to Andrew Tate being banned from Facebook and Instagram

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[36:54 - 38:24]They mention the person in question has something going on in their personal life

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[37:01 - 38:16]There is discussion about Tate's controversial views on women and property

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[38:24 - 38:44]They mention his appearance on Aiden Ross's stream and a clip of Keemstar on the stream

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[38:30 - 39:14]The speaker suggests watching another clip, possibly behind a paywall, involving "train tracks"

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[38:57 - 39:19]They discuss logistics of the podcast and mention having extra episodes already cut.

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[39:56 - 40:58]The conversation shifts to a topic about being held at gunpoint at USC

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[40:29 - 42:11]The speakers are discussing YouTuber Keemstar and his recent behavior

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[42:11 - 43:30]Keemstar's beard and its appearance is discussed

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[42:59 - 44:45]The speakers are discussing YouTuber Keemstar and his recent behavior

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[44:06 - 44:26]They discuss their own YouTube channel and social media accounts

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[44:34 - 46:11]They mention Keemstar's daughter and her potential embarrassment over her father's actions

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[44:45 - 44:58]They mention a Patreon video involving heavy drinking and vomiting

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[45:05 - 46:31]The conversation shifts to a topic about being held at gunpoint at USC

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[45:10 - 46:18]They mention Keemstar's daughter and her potential embarrassment over her father's actions

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[46:18 - 48:54]The topic of Baron Trump and his potential YouTube activity is brought up

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[47:49 - 49:24]The conversation shifts to a topic about being held at gunpoint at USC

A youtube thumbnail wor Hasan & SuperMega Expose Karl Jacobs (CANCELLED) | Fear&SuperMega

[49:25 - 51:07]They discuss their own YouTube channel and social media accounts