

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

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[00:16 - 00:21] Introduction to the Super Mega Cast and discussion about family and friends

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[00:36 - 00:46]Mention of Sergeant Frog manga and its appeal

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[02:13 - 02:21]Discussion about the term "weeaboo" and its negative connotations

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[03:17 - 03:25]Personal experiences with encountering weeaboos, including Aaron Hanson

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[03:56 - 04:04]Foam sword fights with Aaron at an arcade called Round One

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[04:26 - 04:43]Super Mega's busy schedules and the limitations of their YouTube revenue

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[05:08 - 05:21]Description of a place called One is One, which is a karaoke bar, snack arena, arcade, and bowling alley

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[05:21 - 05:27]Ryan and Matt's love for snacks

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[05:33 - 05:46]Matt's observation that you can't tell someone's love for snacks unless you live with them

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[00:09 - 05:46]The Super Mega Cast discusses family and friends, the appeal of Sergeant Frog manga, the term "weeaboo" and its negative connotations, personal experiences with weeaboos, foam sword fights with Aaron at Round One, their busy schedules and YouTube revenue, and their love for snacks.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[07:34 - 07:47]Two individuals, presumably friends, are discussing snacking and their different body types.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[08:19 - 08:24]They mention the one individual's sister's wedding and the possibility of becoming morbidly obese in the future.

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[08:32 - 08:38]They mention getting off topic frequently and wanting to talk about round one.

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[08:38 - 08:45]They mention recording this conversation a week early and one of them possibly passing away in a plane crash on Friday the 13th.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[09:57 - 10:08]They briefly discuss Japanese claw machines and their differences from American claw machines.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[09:57 - 10:08]They mention the possibility of going to Japan together and the differences in prizes found in Japanese claw machines.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[10:37 - 10:56]They mention winning a Mario and Luigi plush from round one.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[05:46 - 11:12]The last bullet point is a comprehensive summary of the entire conversation, mentioning their discussion of snacking, round one, and Japanese claw machines.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[11:13 - 11:18] The speaker talks about playing a game called Tenuki and winning two toys, one for Mario and one for Luigi.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[11:25 - 11:31]A girl watching the speaker play asks if he can win her a toy, and he agrees and wins her a Mario toy.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[11:43 - 11:49]The girl's boyfriend shows up and the speaker gives her the toy, but the boyfriend is confused and the speaker walks away.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[11:56 - 12:02]The girl's friend later asks if the speaker can win her a Luigi toy, but they are unable to win it.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[13:13 - 13:28]The speaker's friend talks about a claw machine in a Denny's with bad plushies, including obscure football team players and off-brand SpongeBob and Frozen toys.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[16:32 - 16:46]The speaker mentions a Mexican/Salvadorian restaurant with a claw machine containing scattered five dollar bills.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[11:13 - 16:46]The speaker won two toys, gave one to a girl, and attempted to win a third for her friend, but was unable to. They also mention a bad claw machine at Denny's and a restaurant with scattered money in a claw machine.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[16:52 - 16:59]The speaker discusses the concept of gambling and wonders why arcades are not considered gambling.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[17:22 - 17:29]They research the topic and find that arcade games are considered games of skill rather than chance.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[18:03 - 18:10]They mention their personal favorite arcade games and discuss how they are not games of skill.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[18:11 - 18:21]The speaker talks about their friend Aaron Hanson's skill at winning tickets at arcades.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[20:49 - 21:01]They mention seeing the movie "Captain America: Civil War" and discuss their favorite superhero movies.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[21:34 - 21:40]The topic shifts to discussing obscure movies and the speaker mentions "Dinner for Schmucks" and "George of the Jungle 2."

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[21:54 - 22:05]They mention how Brendan Fraser was once a popular actor but has since been blacklisted from Hollywood.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[22:30 - 22:41]The speaker compares Fraser to current actor Chris Pratt and notes similarities in their fan base.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[16:46 - 22:41]The overall theme of the conversation is the concept of fame and how it can change over time.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[22:50 - 22:55] Discussion about actor Brendan Frazier and his roles in popular movies

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[23:29 - 23:42]Mention of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and his upcoming film projects

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[23:48 - 23:57]Comparison of Zac Efron to a previous "man crush" (Ryan Gosling)

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[24:06 - 24:12]Mention of a movie called "Drive" and plans to watch it together

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[24:18 - 24:25]Discussion of the movie "Furry Vengeance" and its similarities to "Dr. Dolittle"

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[24:37 - 24:43]Brief mention of the movie "Birth of a Nation" and its racist themes

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[25:06 - 25:12]Mention of a controversial Disney movie called "Song of the South"

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[26:20 - 26:26]Discussion of a Disney cartoon featuring Donald Duck as part of the Nazi regime

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[27:51 - 28:02]Discussion about Arnold Schwarzenegger as a former governor and his personal scandals

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[28:09 - 28:14]Mention of a video of David Hasselhoff drunk and embarrassing himself

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[22:41 - 28:20]Overall, the conversation covers various topics including actors, movies, and controversial moments in pop culture.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[28:20 - 28:28] Discussion about public perception of celebrities and not caring about their mistakes

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[29:12 - 29:19]Hypothetical idea of rappers using tricked out segways in music videos

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[29:20 - 29:25]Discussion about past TV shows and childhood memories

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[29:43 - 29:50]Ryan's surprise that Matt didn't have cable

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[29:56 - 30:03]Matt's limited access to cable growing up and winning a scholarship

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[29:56 - 30:03]Discussion about PBS and favorite shows

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[29:56 - 30:03]Mention of "Pimp My Ride" and exhibit as host

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[30:03 - 30:10]Matt and Ryan's love for PBS show "Arthur"

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[30:10 - 30:16]Mention of "Magic School Bus"

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[32:55 - 33:05]Matt's previous struggle with YouTube and promise to return to two videos a week schedule

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[33:28 - 33:34]Mention of upcoming surprises

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[33:28 - 33:34]Conclusion and thank you to viewers for supporting the podcast and other daily activities

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 6: Claw Machines and Weeb Stuff

[28:20 - 33:37]Overall, the text is a conversation between two individuals discussing various topics such as public perception of celebrities, childhood memories, TV shows, and their YouTube channel. They also mention upcoming surprises and thank their viewers for supporting their content.