

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[00:17 - 00:29]The speaker takes off their flip flops and hat while discussing the idea of being able to switch out hair like Lego pieces.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[01:12 - 01:37]They joke about being able to switch out hairstyles and imagine being able to have a mohawk or skinhead look.

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[02:59 - 03:11]The topic shifts to Kevin from Game Grumps and how attractive he is.

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[04:08 - 04:20]The speaker mentions playing Mario Kart and how they no longer get mad when they're in last place.

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[05:03 - 05:08]They talk about the German word for taking joy in other people's pain.

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[05:28 - 05:39]The speaker expresses their love for the podcast listeners and jokes about framing their profile pictures.

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[05:39 - 05:49]They discuss a photo album filled with the listeners' profile pictures and how they kiss each one before bed.

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[06:42 - 06:56]The speaker talks about separating the pictures by categories and having a miscellaneous room.

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[06:42 - 06:56]They end with a joke about kissing the faces of famous let's players.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[00:00 - 06:56]The speaker discusses various topics such as switching out hair like Lego pieces, playing Mario Kart, and their admiration for Game Grumps' Kevin. They also joke about framing the profile pictures of podcast listeners and express their love and respect for the fans.

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[06:56 - 07:02]Two people discussing someone named "septiceye" who is "jacked"

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[07:02 - 07:12]They saw a picture of him that looked photoshopped

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[07:23 - 07:32]They discuss how they could also photoshop themselves to look muscular

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[07:53 - 08:01]They talk about the AC being turned on and being cold

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[08:02 - 08:23]They talk about being able to survive in a post-apocalyptic world because no one would want to eat them

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[10:54 - 11:00]They discuss their favorite Girl Scout cookies and eating them at midnight

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[11:00 - 11:06]They talk about waking up hungry in the middle of the night and eating snacks

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[12:17 - 12:24]They discuss their different appetites throughout the day and forcing themselves to eat breakfast

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[12:31 - 12:37]One person mentions being able to go a whole day without eating

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[06:56 - 13:46]Two people discuss photoshopping themselves to look muscular, being cold due to the AC, and how they would survive in a post-apocalyptic world. They also talk about their favorite Girl Scout cookies and eating them at midnight, their different appetites throughout the day, and a first world problem of getting full too quickly. One person mentions being able to go a day without eating and wishing they could always be hungry without gaining weight.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[13:46 - 13:53]Discussion about the idea that "ugly doesn't equal scary"

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[13:53 - 13:59]Mention of the movie "Jack and Jill"

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[14:00 - 14:05]Talk about a Hansel and Gretel vampire slayer movie

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[14:06 - 14:15]Discussion about a bad movie on Netflix

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[14:15 - 14:24]Mention of a one day a week magical thing where you can eat as much as you want

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[14:35 - 14:42]Complaining about getting full after eating at Olive Garden

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[14:42 - 14:57]Realization that this is a first world problem and acknowledgement of people starving in the world

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[14:57 - 15:02]Mention of homeless people and how it sucks to be full

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[18:33 - 18:40]Fear of drug cartels and their power

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[18:40 - 18:51]Mention of Brazil and its high gun violence

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[18:51 - 19:01]Discussion about the music genre bossa nova

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[19:35 - 19:44]Suggestion for Apple to make iTunes more social and allow for sharing of playlists

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[19:51 - 19:58]Mention of an alternative program called "Food Bar" that allows for playing flak files

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[20:07 - 20:19]Personal experience with getting a porn virus from LimeWire

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[20:41 - 20:57]Dad taking the blame for looking at porn

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[21:14 - 21:29]Personal experience with searching for lesbians on the computer

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[21:14 - 21:29]Conclusion about the discussion

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[13:46 - 21:29]Overall, the discussion covers topics such as ugly versus scary, movies, food, technology, and personal experiences.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[21:42 - 21:55] The speaker talks about getting baptized and grounded on the same day.

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[21:55 - 22:01]He shares a story about being baptized again at a church event and getting thrown off a pier afterwards.

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[22:09 - 22:14]The speaker's mom finds out about his internet browsing history and grounds him for the rest of the day.

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[22:14 - 22:24]He talks about how his mom threatened to have his search history pulled up by a specialist.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[23:57 - 24:13]The speaker discusses the recent bombings in Austin, Texas and his upcoming trip there.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[25:18 - 25:30]He jokes about being friends with Mark Wahlberg and other celebrities.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[26:11 - 26:23]The speaker suggests that Chris Brown should get reconstructive surgery to make himself smaller.

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[26:11 - 26:23]He talks about how this would overshadow the controversy surrounding Chris Brown.

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[28:17 - 28:22]The speaker reveals that he used to be a fan of Chris Brown's music.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[21:29 - 28:37]Overall, the speaker discusses baptism, getting grounded, the Austin bombings, and celebrity friendships.

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[29:12 - 29:30] Two men are discussing a song collaboration between Chris Brown and Michael Jackson.

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[29:31 - 29:38]They mention Chris Brown's talent and compare him to Michael Jackson.

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[29:31 - 29:38]They discuss the possibility of a collaboration between Michael Jackson and Hopson.

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[30:10 - 30:17]They talk about making a public playlist and recommend using Shazam to add songs to it.

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[30:17 - 30:26]They mention that Taylor Swift's music is not on Spotify and discuss other music streaming services.

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[30:50 - 31:01]They joke about a fan listening to their podcast and masturbating while thinking about them.

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[32:39 - 32:53]They discuss the depressing imagery in a scene described earlier in the podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[34:19 - 34:28]One of the men mentions a photo he has of the other man's butt and discusses his own fitness progress.

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[35:49 - 35:57]They joke about male fan shippers and decide not to encourage it.

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[35:49 - 35:57]The men conclude the podcast with a discussion about not feeding into fan shippers.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[28:37 - 35:57]Two men discuss various music topics and jokes throughout the podcast.

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[35:57 - 36:02] Person is talking about someone complimenting their butt

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[36:03 - 36:10]They took a picture of their butt on their phone

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[36:10 - 36:19]They want the other person to tweet the picture out

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[36:19 - 36:29]They were in their room changing their pants for a video

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[36:19 - 36:29]They took their pants off because no one was looking

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[36:19 - 36:29]The other person took a picture of them

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[37:04 - 37:21]They want the other person to make the picture their wallpaper

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[37:28 - 37:43]They want to purposely lose their phone with the picture as the wallpaper and have someone find it

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[39:51 - 40:01]They talk about a false story of a man with two faces

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[41:07 - 41:13]They mention being excited for Banjo Kazooie in Smash Brothers and Mario Tennis Aces

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[41:29 - 41:41]They talk about how much money they would need to get a crying laughing emoji tattooed on their face

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[42:46 - 42:59]They take a break to go to the bathroom

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[43:00 - 43:05]They come back and mention being slightly dehydrated

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[35:57 - 43:35]Person talks about a compliment they received on their butt, taking a picture of it on their phone, wanting someone to tweet it out, and losing their phone with the picture as the wallpaper. They also discuss a false story, being excited about upcoming video games, and the amount of money they would need to tattoo a crying laughing emoji on their face. They also mention taking a bathroom break and being slightly dehydrated.

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[43:35 - 44:07]Talk of Russia's influence in 2016 election

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[44:07 - 44:16]Upset that they didn't call it "Clinton though"

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[44:24 - 44:35]Russian video game called "hill tindo" created to make voters dislike Hillary Clinton

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[44:54 - 45:00]Use of illegal nerve agent

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[45:20 - 45:51]Recent news of Russia poisoning a man in another country

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[46:36 - 46:46]NASA confirms it was 100% Russia

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[47:17 - 47:23]Sense of pride in America, but other countries don't receive same attention

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[47:44 - 48:03]Putin wins fourth term in rigged election

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[48:29 - 48:36]America also does bad things, but not to major countries

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[49:24 - 49:38]Interference in 2016 election should have been a big deal, but nothing is being done

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[49:38 - 49:44]Politics in America is like an insider's club, all about money

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[49:59 - 50:19]NFL mentality in elections, ignore big problems as long as the enemy is doing worse

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[51:17 - 51:28]Important for Americans to vote and participate in the system

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[43:35 - 51:28]Russia's influence in 2016 election, release of video game to make voters dislike Clinton, recent news of poisoning in another country, rigged election in Russia, and importance of voting and participating in the political system.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[51:28 - 51:35] Discussion about Trump's potential for winning a second term

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[51:54 - 52:07]Importance of voting and low voter turnout in 2016 election

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[53:48 - 54:11]Shift in voting trends and potential impact on 2020 election

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[57:34 - 57:43]Trump's past and current actions as president

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[57:34 - 57:43]Personal opinions on Trump's presidency and his actions as president

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[57:34 - 57:43]Reflection on the fact that Donald Trump is the current president of the United States

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[58:24 - 58:36]Discussion on the overall sentiment towards Trump, regardless of political affiliation

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[58:36 - 59:00]Reminder to make informed decisions and vote in elections

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[51:28 - 59:00]Discussion on Trump's presidency, potential for winning a second term, importance of voting, and personal opinions on his actions as president. Reminder to be informed and vote in elections.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[59:00 - 59:11]Discussion about the importance of voting and using one's voice in the democratic process

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[59:34 - 59:39]Introduction to Matt's music recommendation segment

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[1.00:19 - 1.00:25]Recommendation of the song "When You Sleep" by My Bloody Valentine

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[1.03:34 - 1.03:44]Discussion about watching Shrek the Musical on Broadway and reactions to it

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[1.03:52 - 1.04:31]Discussion about high school productions of Shrek the Musical and sharing funny pictures

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[1.05:43 - 1.05:49]Wrap up and reminder to rate the podcast on iTunes

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[1.05:49 - 1.05:56]Matt and Ryan joking about Matt's "secret" music career

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 85: Big Boy Russia

[59:00 - 1.05:56]In summary, the podcast covers discussions about the importance of voting, a music recommendation, reactions to watching Shrek the Musical on Broadway, and discussions about high school productions of the musical.