

Youtube profile pic for Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

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[00:00 - 00:06] Introduction to Episode 6 of Capture the Flag game in Japan.

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[00:06 - 00:14]Scotty and narrator are behind in points and need to win round 3 to tie the game.

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[00:14 - 00:33]Last episode, narrator was stopped by Adam while returning midfield flag.

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[00:14 - 00:33]Adam's team is currently in the lead due to being caught closer to their midfield flag.

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[03:58 - 04:07]Narrator completes another challenge involving chopstick skills.

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[04:31 - 04:39]End of day three, everyone goes to bed and the game resumes at 7am the next day.

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[04:46 - 04:51]Narrator completes a challenge to catch a Pokemon and purchase something with a Pokemon on it.

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[07:37 - 07:42]Narrator successfully wastes Adam's time and prevents him from scoring points.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[08:52 - 08:58]Narrator completes a challenge involving eating Wagyu.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[08:52 - 08:58]Narrator and Adam have a confrontation while trying to find Wagyu.

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[09:27 - 09:43]End of day four, narrator and Scotty's team is in the lead.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[10:01 - 10:07]Scotty and Ben are still on their way back to Tokyo station.

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[10:09 - 10:14]Adam is not happy about the situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[10:32 - 10:37]Narrator and Scotty focus on defense to prevent Adam's team from scoring points.

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[11:50 - 11:58]Narrator and Adam have a confrontation while walking to Tokyo station.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[00:00 - 11:58]During day three of the Capture the Flag game, narrator and Scotty's team is behind in points and must win round 3 to tie the game. Narrator completes challenges and focuses on defense to prevent Adam's team from scoring points. By the end of day four, narrator and Scotty's team is in the lead.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[11:58 - 12:03] Ben suggests they go back to Tokyo for maximum flexibility and follow their opponents all day.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[12:20 - 12:26]They discuss the Vampire Tower and its effect on opponents in the area.

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[12:28 - 12:36]Adam talks to the camera and says Ben's strategy "sucks."

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[12:48 - 12:57]They decide to try and earn coins and avoid being tracked by going to a mall in the vampire zone.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[12:57 - 13:03]They acknowledge that their strategy is annoying but it is their best option.

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[13:03 - 13:10]Adam heads to a platform while Ben stays back to make a plan.

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[13:55 - 14:04]Ben draws a card that requires him to be at least half a mile away from the nearest 7-Eleven.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[14:19 - 14:25]He plans to go to the middle of a park to complete the challenge.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[14:25 - 14:31]Adam tries to fake out Ben by going to a different station, but Ben sees through it and avoids getting on the train.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[16:37 - 16:45]Ben runs to meet Adam outside and they discuss their next move.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[18:09 - 18:14]They decide to travel together and try to find the least frequent train to escape the vampire zone.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[19:08 - 19:24]Ben and Adam take a local line to the neutral zone and draw a card that requires them to visit a museum and spend 15 minutes there.

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[19:37 - 19:44]They meet Scotty in Shinigawa and discuss their plans.

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[19:37 - 19:44]They meet up with Scotty and make their way to Shinigawa to catch a train.

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[21:49 - 21:55]They realize there was another train that could have taken them to their destination faster.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[11:58 - 22:38]Ben and Adam strategize, avoid being tracked, complete challenges, and travel together in an effort to earn coins and escape the vampire zone. They meet up with Scotty and make their way to their next destination, but realize they could have taken a faster train.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[24:01 - 24:09] Team discusses their margin and options for the challenge

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[33:25 - 33:32]They find an ice tower and have to roll a die to walk in the area

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[33:46 - 33:51]Team returns to Tokyo station and continues on to Shinagawa station

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[34:27 - 34:38]They try to ride on the seat to move faster

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[34:48 - 34:54]They discuss their chances of completing the challenge

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[34:54 - 34:59]Team goes back to Anawara to try again with a new challenge

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[35:00 - 35:05]Team finds the castle and a museum

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[35:00 - 35:05]They try to hide in the museum while completing challenges

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[35:05 - 35:15]They decide to get caught quickly to start a new challenge

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[35:05 - 35:15]They meet up with another team and continue on their journey

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[35:24 - 35:32]They discuss their strategy and decide to go for the far flag

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[22:39 - 35:51]The team discusses their margin and options for the challenge before trying to complete it quickly. They find a castle and a museum, where they encounter an ice tower and have to roll a die to move in the area. They return to Tokyo and decide to go for the far flag, going back to Anawara to try again with a new challenge. They meet up with another team and continue on their journey.

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[36:00 - 36:12] Characters discuss their last opportunity to successfully complete a challenge and earn 3,000 coins

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[36:13 - 36:21]They must avoid getting caught and take a train at either 101 or 105

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[41:22 - 41:27]They successfully complete challenges and earn enough coins for three towers

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[41:38 - 41:46]They must also complete physical challenges, such as doing 100 squats and carrying a melon

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[43:14 - 43:21]They use a tower to force their opponents off a train and continue on their journey

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[44:53 - 44:59]They acquire a melon and use it to complete another challenge

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[35:51 - 46:07]A group of characters must complete various challenges and earn 3,000 coins while avoiding getting caught. They are successful and use towers to manipulate their opponents and complete the game.

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[51:30 - 51:35]Participants discuss strategy for their next move.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[53:25 - 53:36]They decide to chase after another team on the train.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[55:16 - 55:22]They receive a challenge that will make them late for their train.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[55:22 - 55:27]They realize they won't make it to their destination in time.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[55:28 - 55:38]They get off at a stop to pull a challenge.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[55:47 - 55:59]They realize the other team may be going after a second flag.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[55:47 - 55:59]They plan to split up and chase the other team at different points.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[55:47 - 55:59]They try to hide from the other team.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[55:47 - 55:59]The other team catches up to them and tags them.

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[55:47 - 55:59]The tiebreaker round is announced.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 6 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[46:07 - 57:02]Participants discuss strategy, decide to chase another team, realize the other team may be going after a second flag, split up to chase, receive a challenge that makes them late for their train, realize they won't make it in time, try to hide, get tagged by the other team, tiebreaker round announced, viewers directed to watch the finale on Nebula.