

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 152: Bathroom Break

SuperMegaCast - EP 152: Bathroom Break

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[00:05 - 00:11]Podcast episode 152

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[01:42 - 01:50]Discussion of Miyazaki's films

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[01:42 - 01:50]Finished all of Miyazaki's movies

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[02:49 - 02:55]Last movie seen was "The Wind Rises"

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[03:04 - 03:09]Mention of a Ghibli film called "Whisper of the Heart"

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[04:34 - 04:40]Talked about the movie being loosely based on an aviation engineer

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[05:48 - 06:00]Recommendation to watch "Grave of the Fireflies"

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[06:01 - 06:15]Confusion between Miyazaki's movies and Ghibli's movies

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[06:01 - 06:15]Discussion of "Whisper of the Heart" and its slice-of-life plot

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[06:30 - 06:37]Mention of a cosplay of the girl from the playlist

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[06:55 - 07:01]Not forcing to be a certain thing because of aesthetic

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[07:16 - 07:22]Mention of liking movies that make you feel gross and depressed

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[07:28 - 07:33]Mention of a cool box set for all Miyazaki movies

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[07:28 - 07:33]Mention of Miyazaki's own collection of movies

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[07:28 - 07:33]Mention of a playlist on YouTube from "Whisper of the Heart"

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[07:28 - 07:33]Mention of feeling good while watching Ghibli movies

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[07:28 - 07:33]Mention of "Dream Valentine" and "Brawl in Cell Block 99"

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[07:28 - 07:33]Mention of a western movie with Kurt Russell and Cowboys and Aliens

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[07:28 - 07:33]Recommendation to watch "Mid-Summers"

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[07:28 - 07:33]Discussion of presentation of wonder in Ghibli movies

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[07:28 - 07:33]Mention of Miyazaki walking out of his son's movie

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[07:45 - 07:56]Mention of video of Miyazaki critiquing 3D animators

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[00:05 - 07:56]Discussion of Miyazaki's films, recommendation to watch "Grave of the Fireflies," and mention of Miyazaki's brutal personality and critiques.

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[09:34 - 09:40] Japanese artist Miyazaki is known for his animated films and is considered a genius.

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[11:10 - 11:20]However, he has a reputation for being a difficult and uncompromising person.

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[11:10 - 11:20]However, he has a reputation for being a difficult and uncompromising person.

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[12:17 - 12:23]In a clip, he is seen walking out of his son's movie and smoking a cigarette, which has sparked controversy.

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[12:17 - 12:23]Some believe this behavior is a result of his perfectionism and high standards.

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[12:17 - 12:23]His son, who is also an artist, may have been influenced by his father's absence during his childhood.

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[12:17 - 12:23]The movie that Miyazaki walked out of may have featured elements that reminded him of his past work, causing him to feel uncomfortable.

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[12:17 - 12:23]This incident has sparked discussions about the pressure and expectations placed on children of successful artists.

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[12:17 - 12:23]Miyazaki's statement about anime being a mistake has also been a topic of debate and interpretation.

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[12:17 - 12:23]The conversation evolves into a discussion about how emotion and personal experiences can influence artistic creations.

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[12:34 - 12:41]There is a mention of Max Landis, the son of a famous filmmaker, and how his perceived entitlement may have affected his work.

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[12:47 - 12:55]They also joke about creating a cartoon show about a family of overweight caterpillars, which transitions into a satirical discussion about promoting unhealthy eating habits to children.

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[13:14 - 13:20]The hosts discuss the importance of separating the art from the artist and not letting personal opinions cloud one's enjoyment of a creative work.

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[14:21 - 14:29]The conversation ends with a reference to the Beatles and their rumored use of penicillin to treat STDs during their time as a popular band.

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[07:56 - 14:46]Japanese artist Miyazaki's controversial behavior of walking out of his son's movie and smoking a cigarette has sparked discussions on the pressure and expectations placed on children of successful artists, the influence of personal experiences on artistic creations, and the importance of separating the art from the artist. The conversation also delves into the topic of promoting unhealthy habits to children and ends with a mention of the Beatles' rumored use of penicillin during their time as a popular band.

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[15:50 - 16:03]Discussion about having sex with famous musicians, specifically the Beatles and Ronald Reagan

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[17:29 - 17:36]Mention of potentially being the only person in history to go back in time and have sex with a president

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[18:11 - 18:20]Suggestion to watch the movie "Black Dynamite"

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[19:02 - 19:12]Mention of another parody show called "Garth Meringi's Dark Place"

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[19:45 - 19:54]Comparison of dubbing in old videos and on SpongeBob

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[20:55 - 21:01]Discussion of different types of comedy, including dad jokes and slapstick

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[21:18 - 21:23]Mention of their own style of slapstick in live action videos

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[21:52 - 21:58]Request to lock up the house before leaving

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[21:52 - 21:58]Discussion of emergencies and end of conversation

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[14:47 - 21:58]Discussion of having sex with famous musicians and presidents, and mention of parody movies and comedy styles.

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[21:58 - 22:03]Narrator discussing a bathroom break

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[22:12 - 22:19]Offer to cover for Ryan while he takes a bathroom break

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[22:37 - 22:44]Finding out they have matching car keys

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[23:01 - 23:07]Discussion about missing each other and working on videos

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[24:45 - 24:50]Vernon hits his head on a microphone

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[27:16 - 27:27]Narrator's existential thoughts about his voice being heard in the future

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[28:36 - 28:43]Narrator and Ryan texting about stomach issues and unreleased Japan vlog footage

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[29:04 - 29:22]Narrator reflects on the privilege of making videos in Japan for a living

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[21:58 - 29:22]Narrator and Vernon discuss bathroom breaks, reminisce about working together and missing each other, and reflect on the privilege of their job and the potential impact of their voices being heard in the future.

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[29:22 - 29:28] The speaker expresses gratitude for their career and credits their audience for their success.

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[31:08 - 31:17]They stayed up until 5 am to finish the re-edit.

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[31:32 - 31:41]They mention a mishap with an external hard drive while editing a recent video.

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[31:32 - 31:41]The hard drive was not recognized and they had to start editing from scratch.

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[34:47 - 35:00]The speaker plans to continue editing the video until 5 am that night.

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[35:26 - 35:32]The speaker explains their emotional attachment to their work and the disappointment of losing it.

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[37:27 - 37:37]They continue to search for lost footage.

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[37:27 - 37:37]Multiple episodes of the Japan vlog will be released.

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[29:22 - 37:37]The speaker expresses gratitude for their career and credits their audience for their success, discusses a mishap with an external hard drive while editing a recent video, and explains their emotional attachment to their work and the disappointment of losing it before mentioning their plans to continue editing and release multiple episodes of the Japan vlog.

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[37:37 - 37:48] The plan is to release one vlog per week on weekends.

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[37:49 - 38:04]There is a possibility of releasing more content in the future.

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[38:12 - 38:18]The unfinished video may be released on Patreon instead of YouTube.

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[38:37 - 38:50]The channel's most popular video is a joke about Kangaroo Jack.

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[39:20 - 39:26]The hosts did a sponsored ad read for Raycon wireless earbuds.

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[40:58 - 41:07]They are currently playing Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and collecting specific Pokemon.

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[44:03 - 44:10]They are also interested in Tommy Bahama furniture for their kitchen.

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[44:03 - 44:10]The hosts are looking for donations of the expensive Tommy Bahama bar cart.

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[44:55 - 45:07]The hosts make a plea for someone to send them the $3,000 piece of furniture.

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[37:37 - 45:07]In summary, the hosts discuss their current plans for their channel, a sponsored ad read, and their interests in Pokemon and Tommy Bahama furniture, with a final plea for donations.

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[45:29 - 45:37]Ryan talks about a time when Don jokingly said he would bring Tommy Bahama items to town

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[45:37 - 45:43]Ryan expresses his love for Don and the rest of the SuperMega crew

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[46:32 - 46:37]Justin is praised for his editing skills and facial hair growth

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[46:32 - 46:37]Ryan and Justin joke about their facial hair and who looks more like a man

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[48:15 - 48:24]Ryan talks about using Rogaine to grow a mustache and dying it

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[49:42 - 49:47]Ryan talks about wanting to try growing out his facial hair

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[49:42 - 49:47]Ryan's family's reactions to his mustache and long hair are discussed

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[49:42 - 49:47]Ryan and Matt discuss their hair and hair care routines

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[51:14 - 51:25]Ryan jokes about the possibility of a "Ryan Renaissance"

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[45:08 - 51:43]Ryan talks about various topics related to himself, Don, and the SuperMega crew, including facial hair, hair care, and joking about a "Ryan Renaissance".

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[52:04 - 52:11]Discussion about a woman they saw in Nashville who was built like the Liberty Bell

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[52:22 - 52:29]Description of the woman's body shape and how it resembled cartoon characters

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[52:22 - 52:29]Speculation about potential reasons for her unusual body shape

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[55:44 - 55:50]Discussion about their Patreon and a recent video they uploaded

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[56:01 - 56:07]Mention of censoring Ryan's balls and ass in a Patreon video, and a fan's disappointment about it

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[57:05 - 57:10]Mention of Bella Delphine and her success selling gamer bathwater

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[57:21 - 57:27]Disclaimer not to call the number at the end of the gamer bathwater video

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[58:01 - 58:05]Conclusion and announcement of next week's episode

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[51:44 - 58:05]The audio is a conversation about a strange woman they saw in Nashville, followed by discussions about their Patreon, censoring in videos, and Bella Delphine's success.