

Youtube profile pic for Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

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[00:00 - 00:05]Introduction to Tag Across Europe and the rules of the game

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[00:17 - 00:29]Adam is in Paris trying to earn coins to rent a train for tomorrow

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[00:17 - 00:29]He pulls a curse card and can't use his phone, vetoing his last challenge

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[03:03 - 03:08]Ben and the narrator are searching for Adam and his location is constantly changing

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[03:54 - 04:01]They run into John Green, who is in Paris on jet lag

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[04:15 - 04:23]Adam is seen on a boat in the river, but it's not confirmed

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[04:29 - 04:35]They continue searching, but the tracker is not accurate in crowded areas

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[07:25 - 07:31]The trackers move east, towards Garden Leon

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[07:31 - 07:40]The narrator and Ben head towards Garden Leon to find Adam

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[00:00 - 07:47]Adam is participating in Tag Across Europe and is currently in Paris, trying to earn coins to rent a train for the next day. He pulls a curse card and can't use his phone, vetoing his last challenge. Ben and the narrator are searching for him, but the tracker is not accurate in crowded areas. They encounter John Green, who is in Paris on jet lag. The trackers eventually lead them to Garden Leon, where they hope to find Adam.

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[07:47 - 07:53]Two individuals are discussing their plan to intercept someone at a train station

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[08:18 - 08:25]They mention that the person they are trying to intercept is possibly taking the RER yellow line

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[08:51 - 09:09]They decide to take the RER sea line to Massey where there are Tejavez to rent

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[09:09 - 09:15]They discuss the timing for their interception and decide to aim for the rest period

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[09:16 - 09:23]One of the individuals attempts to do squats while waiting for the train

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[09:36 - 09:45]They reach their destination and the person they are trying to intercept is spotted

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[10:01 - 10:08]They decide to physically get as close to the person as possible and potentially intercept them

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[15:37 - 15:43]They make a plan for the next day and decide to go back to their starting point

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[16:38 - 16:47]The individual vetoes a challenge card and discusses their plan to take a specific train to St. Milo

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[07:47 - 17:07]Two individuals discuss and execute a plan to intercept someone at a train station, including taking specific train lines and vetoing a challenge card. They eventually spot the person crossing a bridge and follow them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[18:26 - 18:32] The speaker and someone else are trying to catch someone at a train station

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[18:57 - 19:03]They encounter difficulties with buying tickets and using their phones

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[20:39 - 20:44]They try to catch the person at different stations, but their tracker is not accurate

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[24:02 - 24:08]They successfully catch the person at Massey Palace

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[24:30 - 24:37]They eventually figure out the person is heading to Massey Palace and plan to block them off

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[17:07 - 26:38]The speaker and someone else encounter difficulties while trying to catch someone at a train station, but eventually succeed in catching the person at Massey Palace.

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[27:08 - 27:16] The team starts closing in on their target as soon as he enters the Massey Palace train station.

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[28:02 - 28:14]They coordinate through a call and track his movements on a tracker.

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[28:35 - 28:41]The target is having trouble getting through the gates with his ticket.

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[30:12 - 30:18]The team is frustrated when the target is able to evade them and they realize he is a trained genius.

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[30:28 - 30:35]He is wearing a green shirt and a wig as a disguise.

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[30:51 - 30:58]The target is able to leave Paris without being caught.

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[31:20 - 31:25]The target's location is checked on Google Street View.

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[32:34 - 32:44]The show's host reflects on the chaotic and unpolished nature of the show's first season.

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[32:54 - 33:01]The team's attempts to catch the target are documented in footage for a TV show.

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[33:42 - 33:56]A bundle deal is offered to viewers to support the show.

A youtube thumbnail wor Playing a 72 Hr Game of Tag Across Europe - Ep 3

[26:39 - 34:09]The team tries to catch their target at a train station, but he evades them and escapes Paris. Their efforts are documented for a TV show and a bundle deal is offered to viewers to support the show.