

Youtube profile pic for We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[00:00 - 00:11]They mention thinking about life in a deeper way than most people

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[00:14 - 02:47]They are interrupted by someone laughing at them and a story from their childhood is mentioned

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[01:34 - 02:32]The group was supposed to fly to Austin, Texas for a day to record a podcast with Ludwig and Schlatt, but their flight was cancelled

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[02:01 - 03:31]They tried to take a later flight, but couldn't retrieve their checked luggage in time

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[02:48 - 06:14]There is a discussion about the different tiers of comfort on a Delta plane and the speaker's phone accidentally opening iTunes.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[03:14 - 05:54]They are interrupted by someone laughing at them and a story from their childhood is mentioned

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[05:56 - 08:33]The speaker mentions being stressed and bleeding from the nose, possibly due to an event they wanted to go well

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[07:11 - 11:18]They tried to take a later flight, but couldn't retrieve their checked luggage in time

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[08:33 - 11:09]The speaker mentions being stressed and bleeding from the nose, possibly due to an event they wanted to go well

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[09:06 - 11:49]The speaker expresses dislike for something, possibly a situation

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[11:18 - 14:34]The group is stressed and has had a rough week, including a power outage at their office and Ludwig's car being stolen

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[11:25 - 14:44]They mention BTS, a company they have close friends who work for, shutting down after a decade of operation

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[11:58 - 13:29]They worked together for 10 years and the speaker describes LD as being very kind and empathetic, but also lazy.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[12:30 - 15:30]They put on sports events and games, and it was a big part of the speaker's life.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[13:13 - 14:21]Ludwig's departure is mentioned and the speaker expresses love and comfort for him.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[13:29 - 15:59]They mention that their podcast has a large audience of people in the esports and production industry, and offer to share the contact information of their former colleagues who are now looking for work.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[13:35 - 14:21]The speaker mentions being stressed and bleeding from the nose, possibly due to an event they wanted to go well

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[14:44 - 16:20]There is a discussion about the different tiers of comfort on a Delta plane and the speaker's phone accidentally opening iTunes.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[15:03 - 16:20]The speaker discusses their value and mentions wanting to say something about 'fucking' and 'asking' but didn't.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[15:12 - 16:07]They put on sports events and games, and it was a big part of the speaker's life.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[15:12 - 17:11]They were trying to connect with Aiden and the conversation turned to the movie 'The Social Network'.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[15:30 - 17:25]The speaker used to work at a production studio called Beyond the Summit, along with everyone except Ludwig.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[16:51 - 17:47]The speaker discusses their value and mentions wanting to say something about 'fucking' and 'asking' but didn't.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[17:03 - 19:47]They have a discussion about different types of people, including a tier list of "homies" and "kind of cringe" individuals.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[17:11 - 21:09]The three speakers have a concept for the episode, ranking every guy ever.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[19:48 - 20:40]The speaker expresses sympathy for those in the whack playlist, saying they may ultimately just want relationships.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[19:48 - 20:40]They have 93 guys on the list and each person gets one 'one time' to rank a guy if they can't agree.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[20:40 - 22:41]They have a discussion about different types of people, including a tier list of "homies" and "kind of cringe" individuals.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[21:10 - 24:13]The speaker discusses their value and mentions wanting to say something about 'fucking' and 'asking' but didn't.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[21:16 - 22:10]The three speakers have a concept for the episode, ranking every guy ever.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[21:49 - 23:27]The speaker argues that most 'crypto guy real' people suck, despite believing in it.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[22:03 - 25:42]The speaker shares their opinion that poker players are culturally bankrupt and kind of cringe.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[23:57 - 26:45]They have a debate about whether someone named "Archie" is kind of cringe or harmless.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[23:57 - 26:51]They discuss different types of guys, including those who always think everything is chill, pathological liars, and 'crypto guy real'.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[25:43 - 26:31]They have a discussion about different types of people, including a tier list of "homies" and "kind of cringe" individuals.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[25:49 - 27:37]The speaker wants 'little cross earrings' to be at the top of the list.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[26:45 - 28:55]The speaker expresses sympathy for those in the whack playlist, saying they may ultimately just want relationships.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[26:52 - 28:10]They worked together for 10 years and the speaker describes LD as being very kind and empathetic, but also lazy.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[26:52 - 28:33]They discuss different types of guys, including those who always think everything is chill, pathological liars, and 'crypto guy real'.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[27:50 - 28:33]The speaker expresses sympathy for those in the whack playlist, saying they may ultimately just want relationships.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[28:16 - 29:00]They conclude by saying that they are upgrading the people in the whack playlist to that category based on sympathy.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[28:16 - 29:06]They were trying to connect with Aiden and the conversation turned to the movie 'The Social Network'.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[29:06 - 31:39]There is some controversy over where to rank 'crypto guy real'.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[29:52 - 31:30]They mention a person they talked to that they found interesting despite potential cringe behavior

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[30:35 - 32:00]The three speakers have a concept for the episode, ranking every guy ever.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[31:01 - 32:00]They categorize different types of people as either cringe or harmless

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[31:07 - 33:42]They mention a person they talked to that they found interesting despite potential cringe behavior

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[31:39 - 34:01]They discuss a person who works at Verizon and may also sell mattresses out of their garage

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[33:43 - 36:28]They discuss the acceptability of age gaps in relationships

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[35:42 - 38:25]They categorize different types of people as either cringe or harmless

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[36:07 - 37:07]They talk about skater culture and its similarities to the gaming community

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[38:08 - 40:22]They discuss people who have anime stickers on their Honda Civics

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[40:23 - 41:41]They discuss the concept of "reply guys" on Twitter and their annoyance

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[41:43 - 44:11]They discuss the acceptability of having a Zelda tattoo and whether it makes someone cringe or not

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[41:52 - 43:17]Discussion about a guy who is always dressed in puffer jackets and khaki cargo shorts

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[41:52 - 43:50]They mention a person they talked to that they found interesting despite potential cringe behavior

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[41:58 - 42:54]Mention of a guy who is confident in his opinions about gaming, but has a Zelda tattoo

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[42:54 - 44:11]Includes references to a guy with a Zelda tattoo, a beer glass tattoo, and cargo shorts

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[43:17 - 43:50]Mention of a guy who is a messy haired dad wearing vans, with debate about whether he is kind of based or harmless

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[43:24 - 43:30]Mention of a guy who is confident in his opinions about gaming, but has a Zelda tattoo

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[44:11 - 45:41]Mention of a guy who wears Patagonia and other outdoor brands, but doesn't actually hike

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[45:16 - 45:27]Debate about whether this guy is cringy or harmless

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[45:41 - 47:56]Mention of a girl who dated a messy car guy and how his car was always filled with trash

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[46:13 - 48:38]Mention of a guy who is a messy haired dad wearing vans, with debate about whether he is kind of based or harmless

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[46:36 - 47:27]Discussion about someone who only orders food and never goes out, with debate about whether they are kind of base or not based at all.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[47:41 - 48:02]Mention of a girl who dated a messy car guy and how his car was always filled with trash

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[48:02 - 49:17]Mention of a guy who is a messy haired dad wearing vans, with debate about whether he is kind of based or harmless

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[49:24 - 52:03]Argument that this person belongs on the "whack playlist" of people you don't want to hang out with

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[49:38 - 50:03]Mention of someone who is always lying, and how they are different from the contrarian guy

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[50:03 - 51:56]Discussion about a guy who is always contrarian in college classes and how he forcibly enters people's lives

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[51:47 - 53:10]The group discusses different types of people, including those who use Uber Eats frequently and those who are into fitness and gyms

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[51:57 - 54:29]They mention a rap fast guy and a gambler, both of whom are considered harmless

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[52:03 - 52:54]Discussion about someone who only orders food and never goes out, with debate about whether they are kind of base or not based at all.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[52:03 - 57:13]The group discusses different types of people, including those who use Uber Eats frequently and those who are into fitness and gyms

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[52:54 - 52:59]Mention of a guy who is a messy haired dad wearing vans, with debate about whether he is kind of based or harmless

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[53:00 - 53:10]Discussion about whether messy car guy is cringy or harmless, with some arguing he is kind of base

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[56:38 - 58:37]They also talk about people who are fans of Tyler the Creator and other similar artists

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[58:37 - 1.00:59]The Instagram tourist is described as someone who travels solely for the purpose of posting about it on social media

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.00:02 - 1.01:13]The group also discusses the type of person who is always kidding and difficult to be acquaintances with

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.00:08 - 1.03:00]Criticism of people who are always kidding and never serious, seen as emotionally inept and unable to connect with others

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.03:01 - 1.06:47]Mention of attempts at humor and failure as a way to determine someone's lack of funny-ness

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.03:07 - 1.06:14]Comparison to a poker player and discussion of different types of crypto people

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.03:28 - 1.05:44]They mention a rap fast guy and a gambler, both of whom are considered harmless

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.03:59 - 1.06:47]The conversation ends with a statement about the topic being refined over time.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.06:02 - 1.08:59]Discussion of the changing appearance of esports org employees and the cringe factor associated with them

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.08:39 - 1.11:11]Discussion of the dislike for playlists and the perception of those who listen to them

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.09:30 - 1.10:47]Criticism of people who larp (live action role-play) as a different type of person, specifically those who adopt a country or southern aesthetic without actually being from the area

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.11:11 - 1.11:37]Discussion of people who don't listen during conversations and only wait to talk, seen as a waste of time

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.11:24 - 1.12:56]Mention of attempts at humor and failure as a way to determine someone's lack of funny-ness

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.12:56 - 1.14:52]Criticism of white people who wear Rasta colors without any connection to Jamaican culture

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.14:10 - 1.16:16]They then go on to discuss the concept of being extremely nice but not funny. Some believe this is harmless, while others argue that it is actually a negative trait.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.14:52 - 1.15:57]Discussion of extremely nice people who are not funny, seen as genuine in their kindness but lacking in humor

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.16:16 - 1.18:56]The conversation shifts to talking about being a "Nintendo gamer" and whether or not this is considered cringe. Some argue that it is based and others think it is cringe.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.18:12 - 1.20:39]The conversation begins with a discussion about whether or not someone should be put in jail. The group is divided on this topic.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.18:56 - 1.23:34]Group is discussing different types of people, specifically those who are cringe or whack

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.19:09 - 1.25:42]Mention of a YouTuber and his controversial actions

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.19:16 - 1.27:22]They mention a person who is a homeless and decide he is cringe

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.19:26 - 1.23:23]The group then talks about the idea of being a YouTuber and how this is viewed by society. They also mention the concept of starting a podcast and whether or not this is worse than being a YouTuber.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.22:40 - 1.23:34]The conversation then turns to discussing people who are obsessed with concerts, festivals, and EDM. They are seen as kind of miserable and hard to please.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.23:23 - 1.27:39]Comparison to car salesmen and their tactics

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.23:34 - 1.25:24]The group also talks about cinephiles and how they can be seen as contrarians who are ultimately kind of miserable.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.25:09 - 1.27:45]The conversation begins with a discussion about whether or not someone should be put in jail. The group is divided on this topic.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.25:24 - 1.27:28]Lastly, they discuss the concept of being terminally broke and how this is viewed by society. They debate whether or not this is a harmless trait.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.26:52 - 1.30:43]They discuss a person who is a realtor and describe them as cringe and trying too hard to prove themselves

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.26:52 - 1.30:43]Debate on whether a self-titled intellectual should be put in jail or given the death penalty

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.27:45 - 1.29:16]The conversation begins with a discussion about whether or not someone should be put in jail. The group is divided on this topic.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.28:51 - 1.28:56]The speaker describes themselves as being more cerebral and heady, but lacking in speed.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.28:56 - 1.29:04]The speaker concludes by stating that it doesn't matter and people should just shut up about it.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.29:04 - 1.29:40]The speaker admits to not being interested in books and class, but considers themselves to be intelligent.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.29:23 - 1.41:17]Mention of a YouTuber and his controversial actions

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.29:28 - 1.30:31]They discuss the concept of a "level one thinker" and how some people believe themselves to be intellectual and analytical, but others may not agree.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.29:47 - 1.30:43]The speaker talks about contrarians and how they often rap fast.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.30:43 - 1.31:50]They compare CrossFit guy to Jim guy, and decide CrossFit guy is cringe because they are too into it and try to convince others to do it

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.30:43 - 1.31:50]They mention being different from someone else in terms of their style.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.30:50 - 1.31:15]The speaker concludes by stating that it doesn't matter and people should just shut up about it.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.31:50 - 1.32:45]They differentiate between a half-weeb and a full weeb, with the latter being considered "whack."

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.31:50 - 1.36:38]Group is discussing different types of people, specifically those who are cringe or whack

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.32:11 - 1.33:22]They mention reading comments about a previous episode where they made fun of Japanese hand gestures and relate it to being cringe

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.32:11 - 1.33:37]They discuss the dismissiveness of other media that can come with being a weeb.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.32:18 - 1.32:34]They mention being different from someone else in terms of their style.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.32:35 - 1.34:33]They differentiate between a half-weeb and a full weeb, with the latter being considered "whack."

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.34:04 - 1.35:15]They discuss the dismissiveness of other media that can come with being a weeb.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.35:01 - 1.36:30]Debate on whether a self-titled intellectual should be put in jail or given the death penalty

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.35:15 - 1.36:58]They differentiate between a half-weeb and a full weeb, with the latter being considered "whack."

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.35:21 - 1.35:46]They mention being different from someone else in terms of their style.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.35:21 - 1.39:10]They mention a person who repeatedly asks them to do drugs and decide he is cringe

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.35:28 - 1.35:34]The speaker argues that it is harder to use anime to fuel intellectual understanding of real life.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.35:35 - 1.36:52]The concept of a cinephile is introduced as someone who is overdosed on a specific type of media, but also has a sense of self-titled intellectualism.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.36:21 - 1.36:45]The speaker argues that it is harder to use anime to fuel intellectual understanding of real life.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.36:39 - 1.37:21]Person is discussing different types of people and their behaviors

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.36:58 - 1.38:03]They mention Coke Guy and how a person's personality extends beyond their drug use.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.36:58 - 1.38:35]Mentions a "Coke guy" and how he always has cocaine

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.36:58 - 1.38:58]Mention of a book club and moving someone to jail tier

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.37:43 - 1.40:18]Person is discussing different types of people and their behaviors

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.38:09 - 1.38:58]The speaker brings up the idea of horoscopes and how being extremely into them or hating them both have negative aspects.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.38:19 - 1.39:36]They compare the idea of being into horoscopes to the outwardly edgy hater of religion.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.38:19 - 1.41:11]Group is discussing different types of people, specifically those who are cringe or whack

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.38:35 - 1.39:03]They differentiate between a half-weeb and a full weeb, with the latter being considered "whack."

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.38:35 - 1.40:52]Mention of a YouTuber and his controversial actions

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.39:03 - 1.39:30]The speaker brings up the idea of horoscopes and how being extremely into them or hating them both have negative aspects.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.39:03 - 1.43:31]Discussion on a conspiracy theorist and their potential punishment

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.39:36 - 1.40:52]Mention of a type of person who only takes photos of girls, often naked

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.40:53 - 1.43:31]Person is discussing different types of people and their behaviors

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.40:59 - 1.41:11]Talks about a type of person who is excited for their 27th birthday

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.41:12 - 1.43:24]Talks about conspiracy theorists and how their beliefs used to be more fun and harmless

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.43:32 - 1.44:53]Mentions a type of person who only wears sandals and is barefoot all the time

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.44:23 - 1.45:53]Discussion on how certain people only listen to 90s rap and consider new rap to be "whack"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.45:04 - 1.46:06]Person is discussing different types of people and their behaviors

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.45:15 - 1.45:29]Discussion on how some people complain publicly, such as on an airplane

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.45:54 - 1.46:00]Talks about a person who is good at everything and how they may have had advantages in life

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.46:06 - 1.46:45]Mention of a person who puts ads on their Twitter videos and is considered "shady"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.46:46 - 1.48:20]Talks about a person who is good at everything and how they may have had advantages in life

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.48:20 - 1.50:33]Discussion on a type of person who constantly asks others how much money they would suck a dick for, but claims they would never do it themselves

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.48:26 - 1.50:52]Discussion on a certain type of person who constantly asks others how much money they would suck a dick for

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.49:17 - 1.51:23]Mention of a person who is considered a "self-titled intellectual" but is not actually intelligent.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.49:53 - 1.52:50]Someone mentions being in a car with three guys and a conversation about being "cute" ensues

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.49:59 - 1.51:23]They talk about the most interesting question to ask during a conversation

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.50:21 - 1.50:52]The conversation turns to a hypothetical question about how much someone would "fuck a fat chick for"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.50:53 - 1.51:15]Mentions a "Coke guy" and how he always has cocaine

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.50:58 - 1.51:28]The speaker mentions someone being in jail and the death penalty for die-hard fans of Elon Musk

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.51:42 - 1.52:44]They discuss sucking a dick for something and mention a person who wants to be a DJ but makes no progress

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.51:48 - 1.52:37]The speaker mentions someone being in jail and the death penalty for die-hard fans of Elon Musk

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.52:50 - 1.54:48]Someone mentions being in a car with three guys and a conversation about being "cute" ensues

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.53:04 - 1.54:10]They discuss sucking a dick for something and mention a person who wants to be a DJ but makes no progress

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.53:10 - 1.53:48]The speaker compares this person to another one they met who worked hard but constantly talks about their success

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.53:59 - 1.54:04]They discuss doing a tier list video and speculate on what Ludwig may think of this content

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.54:10 - 1.56:32]Someone mentions being in a car with three guys and a conversation about being "cute" ensues

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.56:32 - 1.58:17]They mention a person who works at a famous establishment and has a "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" mentality

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.58:05 - 1.59:31]The speaker mentions someone being in jail and the death penalty for die-hard fans of Elon Musk

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.58:29 - 1.59:15]They mention someone named Roy and the concept of "cancelling" someone for their actions

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[1.59:31 - 2.00:18]Someone mentions being in a car with three guys and a conversation about being "cute" ensues

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[2.00:18 - 2.02:09]The concept of "Ringler" is brought up and the speaker mentions a video sent by someone showing them shooting themselves in the groin

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[2.00:24 - 2.01:24]The topic shifts to fantasy football and "sneaker heads" being cringe

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[2.00:30 - 2.00:56]The speaker mentions someone being in jail and the death penalty for die-hard fans of Elon Musk

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[2.01:31 - 2.02:35]Someone mentions being in a car with three guys and a conversation about being "cute" ensues

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[2.02:10 - 2.02:20]The concept of "Ringler" is brought up and the speaker mentions a video sent by someone showing them shooting themselves in the groin

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[2.02:36 - 2.04:04]They discuss doing a tier list video and speculate on what Ludwig may think of this content

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked Every Guy in the World | The Yard

[2.02:57 - 2.03:59]The episode ends with a mention of a Patreon and a reminder to watch more episodes if this is the first one seen.