

Youtube profile pic for GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

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[00:00 - 00:08]Survival has changed and it's hard for Sigma males.

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[00:08 - 00:23]Paying bills as a Sigma male is difficult.

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[00:08 - 00:23]Joey is the host of Trash Taste podcast.

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[00:08 - 00:23]Joey's intros have declined in quality.

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[00:08 - 00:23]Joey used to put effort into his intros.

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[00:08 - 00:23]Joey is no longer invested in Trash Taste.

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[02:25 - 02:59]Joey signed up for Anytime Fitness, an American chain.

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[02:59 - 03:12]Going to the gym in Japan is considered a luxury.

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[02:59 - 03:12]Japanese gyms mainly advertise to white people.

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[04:10 - 04:28]Cancelling memberships is surprisingly easy.

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[04:28 - 04:37]Joey signed up for his new gym with minimal effort.

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[04:37 - 04:43]Joey's gym membership was cancelled with just one word and one form.

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[04:43 - 04:49]Signing up for things in Japan is complicated.

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[05:36 - 05:47]Joey's Japanese has improved to the point where he can understand most interactions.

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[05:52 - 06:00]Changing bank accounts for utilities in Japan is difficult.

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[07:17 - 07:24]Joey had to wait three months to change his bank account for water.

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[07:17 - 07:24]Joey now has to pay for water by going to a convenience store every month.

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[07:35 - 07:48]Not receiving the form once almost caused Joey's water to be shut off.

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[08:13 - 08:18]Banks in Japan do not offer good interest rates.

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[08:13 - 08:18]The system in Japan is designed to avoid using banks.

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[00:00 - 08:27]Joey discusses the difficulties of being a Sigma male and paying bills in Japan, as well as his declining interest in his podcast, Trash Taste. He also talks about his experience signing up for a new gym and changing his bank account for utilities, which proves to be a complicated and frustrating process.

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[08:33 - 08:44]Discussion about interest rates and banking in Japan

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[09:17 - 09:25]Mention of domestic tourism and its contribution to the economy

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[11:24 - 11:37]Reflection on the cultural differences and privilege in Japan

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[12:07 - 12:23]Personal experiences with early check-out times and strict rules in hotels

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[14:52 - 15:08]Confusion over the one-night stays in ryokans

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[15:08 - 15:14]Observation of the short stays in ryokans and hotels

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[15:24 - 15:37]Criticism of the large and overwhelming breakfasts

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[16:00 - 16:10]Sympathy for the person who received backlash for a breakfast tweet

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[08:27 - 16:10]Discussion of cultural differences and observations on short stays, strict hotel rules, and overwhelming breakfasts in Japan.

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[16:11 - 16:22] The speaker agrees with someone about not needing a big breakfast and prefers a simple breakfast.

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[16:22 - 16:27]They mention eating breakfast before a big event like a cycling special.

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[16:33 - 16:39]The speaker is not a big breakfast eater and would rather have a nice lunch.

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[16:39 - 16:50]They discuss not feeling hungry in the morning and not understanding how people can wake up and have a big breakfast.

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[16:39 - 16:50]The speaker shares their experience of having a big breakfast and not being hungry for lunch or getting hungry for dinner at a weird time.

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[16:57 - 17:08]They mention that this messes up their eating schedule.

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[17:08 - 17:14]The worst time for the speaker is when they are hungover and wake up feeling hungry at 11 am.

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[17:21 - 17:31]They discuss not wanting to feel sluggish or have a food coma before 12 pm.

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[17:37 - 17:46]The speaker talks about how they drink a lot of water in the morning and it fills them up.

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[18:05 - 18:16]They mention that they want to start their day and get on with their day without sitting around and eating a big breakfast.

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[18:05 - 18:16]The speaker talks about how breakfast should be a special occasion and not something they have every day.

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[18:54 - 19:19]They mention how the idea of breakfast being the most important meal of the day was created by cereal companies to sell their products.

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[20:26 - 20:35]The speaker discusses their dislike for cereal and how it tastes like a sweet dessert.

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[20:35 - 20:47]They mention that they like brand flakes but had a bad experience when they ate a whole box in one day.

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[22:11 - 22:18]They discuss how they were blessed to not discover Nutella until they were older.

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[22:19 - 22:30]The speaker talks about their horrible diet as a kid and how their parents would give them sugary cereals and Nutella sandwiches.

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[22:39 - 22:47]The speaker talks about how their mom kept up with what was healthy and they never got to eat anything fun.

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[22:47 - 22:55]They mention a kid who was overweight and always had chocolate spread sandwiches for lunch, which the speaker thought was cool.

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[23:18 - 23:25]The speaker talks about how they didn't like chocolate spread or chocolate mousse.

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[23:38 - 23:52]They discuss how cheese strings were satisfying to eat and how they enjoy trying to get them as thin as possible.

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[23:59 - 24:06]The speaker mentions that cheese strings are not available in Southeast Asia and are not made with real cheese.

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[16:11 - 24:14]In summary, the speaker discusses their preference for a simple breakfast and their dislike for cereal and sugary breakfast foods. They mention a past experience with brand flakes and their envy for a classmate who had chocolate spread sandwiches for lunch. They also talk about their dislike for chocolate spread and cheese strings. Overall, they believe that breakfast should be a special occasion and not the most important meal of the day as promoted by cereal companies.

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[24:50 - 24:59]Main speaker discusses their experience with string cheese and how they used to play with it as a child.

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[25:06 - 25:17]They also mention trying various Japanese snacks, including fish cakes and dried fish, and how some may not be enjoyed if not grown up with them.

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[27:15 - 27:37]They briefly mention their love for Vegemite and how they enjoy it on toast and even on rice.

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[29:18 - 29:25]The conversation shifts to watching anime while at the gym, specifically the new season of Baki and how it is even more ridiculous and funny than previous seasons.

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[29:18 - 29:25]Main speaker attempts to explain the plot of Baki, mentioning it involves men with muscles fighting and trying to be the strongest.

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[29:18 - 29:25]The group also discusses how Baki is very up to date with current events and how Americans are portrayed in the show.

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[31:09 - 31:20]They describe a scene where the main character fights an imaginary Mike Tyson and then summons a praying mantis to fight the imaginary boxer.

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[31:27 - 31:34]Baki then kidnaps George Bush and goes to prison to fight the prisoners.

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[24:14 - 32:27]The main speaker discusses their love for string cheese and trying Japanese snacks, before shifting to talking about watching anime while at the gym and specifically the new season of Baki. They mention ridiculous plot points involving fighting an imaginary Mike Tyson and kidnapping George Bush to fight prisoners in prison. They also comment on how Baki is very up to date with current events and how Americans are portrayed in the show.

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[32:40 - 32:50]American compassion is questioned in the context of the main antagonist's power.

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[33:00 - 33:09]Barack Obama is featured in the manga, with a scene where he tests the main antagonist's strength.

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[34:49 - 34:55]They are so powerful that the GPS in the world has to stop working when they run.

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[35:37 - 35:52]The main antagonist's son is weaker but respected for his work in civil rights.

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[36:22 - 36:29]A visit from one of the main antagonist's companions leads to a fight in the middle of a crowd.

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[36:35 - 36:45]The fight is interrupted by a fan asking for a signature, but instead, the main antagonist's companion crushes a shishii into four quarters with his finger.

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[37:50 - 38:25]The story revolves around a world where muscles are the ultimate power and can solve any issue.

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[38:25 - 38:31]The main antagonist and his companions are known for their incredible muscles and abilities.

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[38:25 - 38:31]The main antagonist is constantly challenged by even stronger opponents.

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[39:51 - 39:56]The main antagonist and his companions face off against prehistoric creatures in later arcs.

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[40:19 - 40:26]The story is filled with ridiculous and insane moments, making it a must-watch for fans of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

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[40:42 - 40:48]The main antagonist's father gives him advice on losing his virginity.

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[32:28 - 40:48]The story of Baki follows the main antagonist and his companions, known for their incredible muscles and abilities, as they face off against even stronger opponents in a world where muscles are the ultimate power and can solve any issue. Along the way, they meet and interact with real-life figures such as Barack Obama, and face off against prehistoric creatures. The story is filled with ridiculous and insane moments, making it a must-watch for fans of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

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[40:54 - 41:04] The speaker talks about a show that is insane and mind-blowing, where a character encourages someone to eat another person and have sex every day.

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[41:05 - 41:24]The show also has a scene where the characters have sex, but it is portrayed as a battle similar to Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

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[42:39 - 42:46]The speaker claims that the new season of the show is even better and that they watched it all in one day.

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[43:36 - 43:47]They also discuss watching shows or videos while working out at the gym, but struggle to focus on both at the same time.

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[47:50 - 48:00]The speaker mentions watching League of Legends esports and compares it to other sports events, but notes that it is difficult to get into if you don't know the rules.

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[40:48 - 48:37]Overall, the speaker highly recommends the show and encourages others to watch it.

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[48:38 - 48:44] The speaker discusses a team from London called Spitfire in a gaming competition.

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[48:44 - 48:56]The team was supposed to represent the UK and London, but they were all Korean.

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[48:56 - 49:06]The speaker talks about the franchise model in gaming and how it can lead to lack of representation from certain regions.

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[49:18 - 49:26]They also mention the limitations on foreign imports in certain games.

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[50:23 - 50:35]The speaker discusses the appeal of VTubers and gacha elements in Japanese gaming.

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[52:43 - 52:56]The speaker then talks about the popularity of mobile gaming and how it affects PC gaming in Japan.

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[52:56 - 53:15]They mention how they joined the Japanese League of Legends server and realized it was mostly Chinese and English speakers.

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[54:13 - 54:22]They mention playing Minecraft with friends and moving houses.

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[56:01 - 56:14]The speaker's girlfriend accidentally leaves out sex toys and a large boob figurine while packing for the move.

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[48:38 - 56:33]The speaker discusses a gaming competition, franchise models, limitations on foreign imports, the popularity of mobile gaming in Japan, VTubers and gacha elements, and a humorous anecdote about packing for a move.

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[56:33 - 56:54]Four men were loading stuff into trucks while Sydney stayed behind to clean up.

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[56:54 - 56:59]The narrator sat with two employees in one of the vans and there was silence for 15-20 minutes.

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[57:00 - 57:06]One of the employees asked about the interesting stuff the narrator had.

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[58:04 - 58:10]The narrator tried to explain the situation, including being a YouTuber and having a room full of cosplay and sex toys.

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[58:49 - 59:17]The gas guy arrived as they were unloading and was presented with a 10kg box of anime girl boobs.

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[1.00:35 - 1.00:47]The narrator was frustrated with the movers and forgetting where items were packed.

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[1.01:53 - 1.02:02]Moving is a nightmare, especially with all the accumulated stuff, including 15 boxes of kitchen items.

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[1.02:54 - 1.03:08]The narrator's service was sponsored and took care of all the packing and unpacking.

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[1.03:40 - 1.03:45]A moving company in the narrator's building charged $2,000 for a full day of work.

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[56:33 - 1.04:13]Four men were loading trucks while Sydney stayed behind. During the move, the narrator sat with two employees and tried to explain their unusual job as a YouTuber with a room full of cosplay and sex toys. The gas guy arrived and was presented with a 10kg box of anime girl boobs. The narrator was frustrated with the movers and forgetting where items were packed, but luckily their service was sponsored. A moving company in the narrator's building charged $2,000 for a full day of work.

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[1.04:13 - 1.04:22]Group discussing a military operation or job

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[1.04:32 - 1.04:40]One person mentions not wanting to move with kids

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[1.05:11 - 1.05:22]Mention of wanting to become a billionaire

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[1.05:39 - 1.05:45]Discussion about settling down and age

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[1.06:10 - 1.06:24]Discussion about not wanting to settle down in Japan due to schooling system and language barrier

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[1.06:33 - 1.06:46]Japanese kids being cute and happy until they reach high school

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[1.09:37 - 1.09:45]Fishing trip planned with friends

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[1.10:36 - 1.10:47]Feeling queasy on the boat due to seasickness

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[1.11:08 - 1.11:13]Catching fish and being able to keep them

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[1.11:27 - 1.11:32]First time sea fishing for OP

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[1.11:32 - 1.11:39]Mailin catching two fish in the first hour and becoming smug

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[1.11:46 - 1.12:03]Sydney struggling to catch fish

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[1.04:13 - 1.12:03]The group discusses a military operation, settling down, and the challenges of living in Japan. They also plan a fishing trip and share their experiences, including OP feeling queasy on the boat and Mailin catching two fish.

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[1.15:29 - 1.15:59]A group of people went fishing together for about four hours.

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[1.18:59 - 1.19:14]Maki and the speaker's party were mostly unable to catch fish due to seasickness.

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[1.18:59 - 1.19:14]They had the option to eat the fish at an Isakaya or go to an onsen.

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[1.19:14 - 1.19:19]One person, the fisherman, spent an hour teaching someone else how to fish.

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[1.19:14 - 1.19:19]The group paid $100 per person for the fishing trip.

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[1.19:37 - 1.19:43]Another person, Maki, caught about one fish.

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[1.19:37 - 1.19:43]The speaker and Sydney caught about three or four fish each.

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[1.19:37 - 1.19:43]The speaker caught the biggest and tastiest fish of the day.

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[1.19:37 - 1.19:43]They were not sure what type of fish it was, but it was not monkfish.

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[1.19:43 - 1.19:51]The best fish can be caught at 7 a.m.

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[1.19:51 - 1.20:05]The person eventually catches four or five fish and learns how to control the rod.

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[1.19:51 - 1.20:05]The onsen was a great way to relax after a tiring fishing trip.

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[1.19:51 - 1.20:05]Fishing on the sea is more active and tiring compared to lake or river fishing.

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[1.20:05 - 1.20:10]The fishing experience included using a "chum bucket" to attract fish.

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[1.20:05 - 1.20:10]The speaker does not have their own fishing equipment.

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[1.20:11 - 1.20:16]Fishing is a big investment and requires a lot of maintenance.

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[1.12:03 - 1.20:23]In summary, a group of people went on a four-hour fishing trip, with one person teaching another how to fish. The speaker caught the biggest and tastiest fish, and they all went to an onsen afterwards to relax. Fishing on the sea is more active and tiring compared to other types of fishing.

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[1.23:05 - 1.23:17] Page content consists of a conversation between two people about moving to a new house.

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[1.24:20 - 1.24:30]The person who is excited explains that they were lucky to find a bigger house at a good price due to the previous owner's job abroad.

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[1.24:20 - 1.24:30]The previous owner has a contract that only allows them to stay for a maximum of two years.

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[1.24:20 - 1.24:30]The other person explains that they had previously considered moving into a different house but the owner was returning in two years.

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[1.24:30 - 1.24:49]The new house is twice the size of their previous apartment and is in a great location.

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[1.24:30 - 1.24:49]They eventually found a better house with more space and a good location.

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[1.24:30 - 1.24:49]The initial plan was to stay in their previous apartment, but the opportunity to upgrade was too good to pass up.

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[1.25:15 - 1.25:30]One person is excited about the move and considers it an upgrade, while the other is dreading it.

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[1.27:13 - 1.27:19]The previous commute was about an hour and required precise planning, but now they can leave whenever they want.

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[1.27:19 - 1.27:31]The person who is excited explains that they lived far from the station in their previous apartment and now their commute is much easier.

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[1.20:23 - 1.27:38]Overall, the conversation is about the excitement and challenges of moving to a new house and the benefits of an upgraded living situation.

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[1.27:47 - 1.28:07] The speaker likes their commute and finds it relaxing

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[1.28:07 - 1.28:36]They complain about commuting back from work in Tokyo

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[1.28:45 - 1.28:52]They dread the commute back every time

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[1.28:52 - 1.29:00]They can't wait out the rush hour in Japan

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[1.29:08 - 1.29:18]The speaker prefers to spend their time streaming instead of commuting

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[1.30:43 - 1.30:54]They hate living on the ground floor of their house

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[1.33:16 - 1.33:30]They are scared to be alone in the house at night

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.34:34 - 1.34:49]They feel safer in an apartment than a detached house

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.35:06 - 1.35:11]The speaker received backlash for talking about ghosts in a previous video

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.35:11 - 1.35:21]The speaker wishes they could make a video explaining why they don't believe in ghosts

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.27:38 - 1.35:21]Overall, the speaker enjoys their commute but dislikes living on the ground floor and being alone in their house at night. They also received backlash for talking about ghosts and wish they could make a video explaining their beliefs.

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[1.35:21 - 1.35:31]A follow-up video was made about the speaker's beliefs on ghosts.

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[1.35:47 - 1.35:54]The video was made by a speedrunner named "Dark Viper" who gave an eloquent explanation on why people believe in ghosts.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.35:54 - 1.36:03]The speaker agrees with the points in the video but acknowledges that beliefs cannot be changed.

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[1.36:03 - 1.36:08]Some people may get offended when the speaker says they don't believe in ghosts.

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[1.36:08 - 1.36:15]The speaker has never experienced anything supernatural but still believes in it.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.36:27 - 1.36:39]The speaker believes that there is always a logical explanation for things, even if it is not immediately obvious.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.36:39 - 1.36:46]Every mystery in history has been solved without involving magic.

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[1.37:04 - 1.37:11]The speaker believes in the supernatural, but not in most media surrounding it.

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[1.37:22 - 1.37:30]The speaker despises the industry built around ghosts and considers it predatory.

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[1.37:45 - 1.38:04]This industry takes advantage of vulnerable and gullible people who are looking for answers.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.38:24 - 1.38:29]The speaker's friends go to fortune tellers, but the speaker does not believe in them.

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[1.38:53 - 1.39:00]There are many questionable actions in the fortune telling industry, especially since they charge money.

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[1.39:24 - 1.39:44]The speaker believes in the supernatural because there is so much about the universe that science cannot explain.

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[1.39:44 - 1.40:01]The speaker also believes that there are probably alien species out there that we have not encountered.

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[1.40:33 - 1.40:48]The speaker is generally favorable towards science.

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[1.40:33 - 1.40:48]The speaker does not believe in things like reading star signs and other forms of "boogie."

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.41:03 - 1.41:08]The speaker believes in UFOs but not in most photos and videos that claim to show them.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.41:03 - 1.41:08]Similarly, the speaker believes in ghosts but not in most videos and photos that claim to show them.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.41:35 - 1.41:42]The speaker has seen things they cannot explain, but they do not like to talk about it.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.41:43 - 1.41:48]The speaker does not want others to believe in or experience what they have experienced.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.42:01 - 1.42:11]The speaker personally thinks the idea of ghosts is dumb, but they do not judge others for believing in them.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.42:11 - 1.42:42]The culture surrounding ghosts is messy and sensationalized, and many people have debunked those who monetize it.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.42:11 - 1.42:42]However, the speaker believes that there are still many things that cannot be explained with current science.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.35:21 - 1.42:42]In summary, the speaker believes in the supernatural and has seen things they cannot explain, but they do not like the culture surrounding ghosts and do not judge others for their beliefs.

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[1.45:46 - 1.45:56] Discussing the belief in the supernatural and paranormal

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.46:46 - 1.46:52]Acknowledging that there are still many things science cannot explain

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.47:10 - 1.47:18]Mentioning the idea of psychic abilities and acknowledging the entertainment aspect

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.48:09 - 1.48:18]Sharing personal experiences and understanding the flawed nature of the human brain

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.48:18 - 1.48:50]Debating the burden of proof in regards to the existence of the supernatural

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.48:18 - 1.48:50]Exploring the unreliability of memory and the inconsistencies in human experiences

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.48:51 - 1.49:02]Mentioning the case-by-case nature of paranormal experiences

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[1.49:52 - 1.49:58]Believing that some experiences may be attributed to the individual's mindset and susceptibility

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[1.50:09 - 1.50:33]Considering the possibility of experiences being dismissed due to a closed-mindedness towards the supernatural

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.42:42 - 1.50:33]Overall, the discussion revolves around the belief in the supernatural and the varied perspectives and experiences surrounding it.

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[1.50:33 - 1.50:45]Speaker describes a strange event and brushes it off

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[1.50:46 - 1.50:52]They can usually explain strange occurrences logically

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.50:53 - 1.51:05]They find the conversation between believers and non-believers interesting

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.51:05 - 1.51:13]Some people argue that believers are dumb, causing image problems

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.51:20 - 1.51:48]The media sensationalizes supernatural topics, especially around Halloween

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.52:41 - 1.52:49]Speaker believes in the possibility of the supernatural, but doesn't claim to know for sure

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.52:41 - 1.52:49]They enjoy thinking about the possibility of the supernatural

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[1.54:09 - 1.54:17]Speaker grew up with religious influences but doesn't enjoy organized religion

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.55:39 - 1.55:47]The conversation shifts to the purpose of life and being a sigma male

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[1.57:56 - 1.58:02]They have respect for spirituality and the idea of being a good person

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.57:56 - 1.58:02]Speaker wants to do good without needing a belief system

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.57:56 - 1.58:02]They believe in being a good person and respecting their surroundings

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.50:33 - 1.58:16]Speaker discusses a strange event and the conversation between believers and non-believers. They also talk about image problems caused by extreme beliefs and the media's sensationalization of supernatural topics. The conversation shifts to the purpose of life and being a sigma male, and the speaker shares their thoughts on organized religion and spirituality. They believe in being a good person and respecting their surroundings, without needing a belief system to do so.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.58:16 - 1.58:27] The speaker discusses his experience of being raised as a Buddhist and how it shaped his beliefs.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[2.00:29 - 2.00:39]The speaker emphasizes the importance of forming one's own beliefs rather than just following what they were raised to believe.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[2.01:18 - 2.01:40]He talks about a spiritual experience he had that made him question his beliefs and ultimately led him to become a monk.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[2.01:18 - 2.01:40]The speaker reflects on his decision to become a monk and how it allowed him to have time to think and solidify his beliefs.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[2.02:39 - 2.03:17]He believes that one's beliefs cannot be changed unless they have new experiences that challenge them.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[2.03:36 - 2.03:45]The speaker believes that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and should not force them on others.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[2.04:24 - 2.04:36]He mentions the difficulty of having an unbiased view of religion or spirituality due to one's upbringing.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[2.06:03 - 2.06:12]He also mentions the importance of not getting offended when others have different beliefs.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[1.58:16 - 2.06:21]The speaker discusses his experience of being raised as a Buddhist and how it ultimately led him to question his beliefs and become a monk, allowing him to form his own beliefs. He emphasizes the importance of not forcing beliefs on others and being open to different perspectives.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[2.06:21 - 2.06:28] Finny feels uncomfortable with dietary restrictions.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[2.07:16 - 2.07:22]They discuss the trend of watching videos of cow hoof cleaning for instant relief.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[2.07:29 - 2.07:38]They also discuss other oddly satisfying videos.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[2.11:03 - 2.11:11]They mention the Patreon and potential collabs with Toto.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[2.11:11 - 2.11:16]They joke about doing a bidet rating challenge.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[2.12:11 - 2.12:16]They discuss the possibility of fortune telling for patrons and a meridian line tier list.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[2.12:16 - 2.12:30]They remind listeners to subscribe to their Patreon and follow them on social media.

A youtube thumbnail wor GHOSTS DON'T SCARE US | Trash Taste #72

[2.06:21 - 2.12:33]Finny and the hosts discuss their discomfort with dietary restrictions and the trend of watching oddly satisfying videos, including cow hoof cleaning for instant relief. They also mention potential collabs with Toto and joke about doing a bidet rating challenge. They discuss their Patreon and potential fortune telling and meridian line tier lists for patrons. They remind listeners to subscribe to their Patreon and follow them on social media.