

Youtube profile pic for We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[00:00 - 01:38]They mention a bar in Massachusetts

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[00:07 - 01:03]They talk about a shirt being too tight

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[01:03 - 01:25]They discuss a potential sponsor for an event

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[01:38 - 01:53]They discuss Ludwig's interactions with other friends

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[01:53 - 02:33]The speaker jokes about being evil and producing events

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[01:59 - 02:41]The speaker mentions not being a good friend to Tarek

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[02:15 - 04:27]They discuss a friend named Ludwig and his relationship status

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[02:46 - 03:24]They discuss a long day and waking up early to work out

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[03:25 - 04:55]They talk about climbing down from somewhere

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[03:48 - 04:32]They discuss Ludwig staying at the speaker's place

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[04:33 - 05:39]The speaker mentions not being a good friend to Tarek

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[05:09 - 06:29]They discuss a long day and waking up early to work out

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[05:17 - 07:09]The speaker mentions not being a good friend to Tarek

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[05:28 - 07:21]The speaker jokes about being evil and producing events

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[05:59 - 06:23]They talk about a shirt being too tight

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[06:52 - 09:30]They mention a dinner reservation and not being able to attend

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[09:30 - 10:09]They discuss a long day and waking up early to work out

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[09:43 - 10:37]The speaker and his friend are discussing their day, which started with only six hours of sleep and waking up to a live stream.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[10:10 - 10:26]The speaker jokes about being evil and producing events

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[10:37 - 11:30]They discuss a potential sponsor for an event

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[10:37 - 11:30]They discuss what they would do if they were no longer able to play their current games (Valorant and CS), and the speaker mentions possibly streaming other games or doing live reactions to videos.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[10:43 - 11:03]The conversation shifts to their recent Smash event, where they were one map away from winning and took a two hour break, which they believe is normal for streamers.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[10:43 - 11:08]They discuss Ludwig's interactions with other friends

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[11:19 - 12:05]They discuss what they would do if they were no longer able to play their current games (Valorant and CS), and the speaker mentions possibly streaming other games or doing live reactions to videos.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[11:19 - 12:58]They discuss someone's scary demeanor

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[11:53 - 12:11]They discuss a long day and waking up early to work out

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[12:06 - 12:58]They reflect on the experience of playing with people who don't normally play and how it's cute to watch.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[12:58 - 13:09]They talk about climbing down from somewhere

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[12:58 - 14:09]The speaker and his friend are discussing their day, which started with only six hours of sleep and waking up to a live stream.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[13:10 - 13:16]They discuss rumors about someone voting for someone else in Turkey

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[13:23 - 13:52]The friend brings up politics, and the speaker admits he knows nothing about it.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[13:53 - 15:20]The conversation ends with the speaker mentioning that the friend and another player passed by a popular streamer in terms of ratings.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[15:08 - 18:14]The speaker ends with a humorous moment where his friend makes a clutch play in a game they are playing.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[15:21 - 16:27]The conversation turns to their recent LAN event, where the speaker's team beat the friend's team and they took a team shot together between games.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[15:49 - 16:53]They reflect on the experience of playing with people who don't normally play and how it's cute to watch.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[16:53 - 18:01]The speaker brings up the top four players of the LAN event and their performances.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[17:01 - 17:53]They then discuss their ratings and the friend's high rating compared to the speaker's low rating.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[17:23 - 17:30]The conversation turns to their recent LAN event, where the speaker's team beat the friend's team and they took a team shot together between games.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[18:14 - 19:26]Aiden was bummed out after map one, but it was because he didn't get to play and preferred to play Viper.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[18:42 - 19:35]The speaker is reflecting on a past event involving a friend named Aiden and a show match.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[19:35 - 23:23]The speaker talks about his recent losing streak in various games and sports tournaments.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[22:16 - 22:27]The sports psychologist gave some advice, including a five-minute exercise and discussing the speaker's goal-focused lifestyle.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[22:21 - 23:51]The speaker talks about the pressure to constantly set new and challenging goals, especially in terms of career, relationships, and health.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[23:23 - 25:43]The speaker talks about their own experience with setting and achieving goals, admitting that they quit if they fail and see it as a personal failure.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[23:23 - 25:54]The speaker believes he can achieve any goal he sets and does not believe in quitting goals.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[25:21 - 26:43]They mention the trend of fitness and health among gamers and content creators, particularly in Los Angeles.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[25:43 - 28:03]The speaker talks about the pressure to constantly set new and challenging goals, especially in terms of career, relationships, and health.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[25:55 - 28:03]The speaker talks about his recent losing streak in various games and sports tournaments.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[26:24 - 27:21]They mention the trend of fitness and health among gamers and content creators, particularly in Los Angeles.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[27:21 - 28:14]The speaker ends with a humorous moment where his friend makes a clutch play in a game they are playing.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[27:21 - 28:55]The speaker mentions the danger of constantly striving for more, and the need to not give up on eating right.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[27:40 - 29:53]The speaker talks about their own experience with setting and achieving goals, admitting that they quit if they fail and see it as a personal failure.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[28:58 - 30:45]The speaker encourages listeners to not give up on their goals and mentions the pressure to keep up with designer trends.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[29:04 - 29:40]The speaker mentions the danger of constantly striving for more, and the need to not give up on eating right.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[30:17 - 32:09]The speaker encourages listeners to not give up on their goals and mentions the pressure to keep up with designer trends.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[30:46 - 31:13]The speaker discusses the cycle of making money and spending it, and the pressure to constantly make more.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[30:53 - 32:32]The speaker talks about the pressure to constantly set new and challenging goals, especially in terms of career, relationships, and health.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[31:17 - 32:19]They mention their own line for when they have enough money, which is to retire their mother.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[32:33 - 33:48]They mention Hello Fresh and their new "school bus package" promotion.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[32:49 - 34:32]The speaker mentions the danger of constantly striving for more, and the need to not give up on eating right.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[34:18 - 36:11]A question is asked about the first time the speaker and Eric met, and it is revealed that they met at a CS summit six years ago.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[34:33 - 36:56]The speaker encourages listeners to not give up on their goals and mentions the pressure to keep up with designer trends.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[34:40 - 35:23]They discuss a video of their encounter and reminisce about the event.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[34:40 - 36:11]The speaker talks about their own experience with setting and achieving goals, admitting that they quit if they fail and see it as a personal failure.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[35:02 - 36:30]The conversation shifts to how the speaker's friends sometimes feel like he has gone "Hollywood" or changed since becoming successful.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[35:39 - 36:03]The conversation ends with a mention of a dinner that was planned for the speaker, but they were not able to attend.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[36:30 - 37:02]The conversation shifts to how the speaker's friends sometimes feel like he has gone "Hollywood" or changed since becoming successful.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[37:02 - 37:47]The speaker talks about how they received a nice message from Pokimane after the event.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[37:52 - 39:46]The conversation shifts to how the speaker's friends sometimes feel like he has gone "Hollywood" or changed since becoming successful.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[39:46 - 40:45]The speaker admits to "donut walling" their friend Carl Jacobs for two weeks, but clarifies that they still like him.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[40:46 - 41:16]They briefly mention a poll on Twitter about who has changed the most since the start of the Yard, and the speaker admits to being the "loser" of the poll.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[41:34 - 42:57]The conversation takes a random turn to discussing a movie they recently watched.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[41:58 - 43:11]The speaker talks about how they just randomly decided to watch the movie and did not necessarily enjoy it.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[43:12 - 43:43]The speaker jokes about getting special treatment from Will Neff because they are "special" like him.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[43:43 - 44:08]The conversation ends with a mention of a dinner that was planned for the speaker, but they were not able to attend.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[43:43 - 44:40]The speaker and friends went to a restaurant where a friend notoriously purchased a $500 shot of whiskey.

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[44:01 - 44:08]The speaker's friend, Hassan, chats up the waiter and tries to figure out what he can buy to "juice" the speaker.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[44:10 - 44:20]Hassan ends up buying something for the speaker and says the only other person he'd be happy to buy for is Ludwig.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[44:10 - 44:34]The conversation shifts to how the speaker's friends sometimes feel like he has gone "Hollywood" or changed since becoming successful.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[44:22 - 44:34]The speaker's friend, Hassan, chats up the waiter and tries to figure out what he can buy to "juice" the speaker.

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[44:40 - 45:18]The restaurant's signature dish was the Golden Steak, which was essentially just a regular steak with edible gold flakes on top.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[45:18 - 45:28]They ordered an old-fashioned which was made in a 30-step process at the table.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[45:28 - 46:50]The restaurant's signature dish was the Golden Steak, which was essentially just a regular steak with edible gold flakes on top.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[46:50 - 48:47]The speaker and friends were at the restaurant during the GameStop stock frenzy and were discussing it during their production shift for a Counter Strike event.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[47:58 - 49:26]They talk about the high skill level required for pro players and the excitement of watching matches.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[48:47 - 49:20]The chat was full of GameStop memes and the production crew was going crazy.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[49:26 - 49:31]The speaker and friends were at the restaurant during the GameStop stock frenzy and were discussing it during their production shift for a Counter Strike event.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[49:26 - 50:13]The speaker mentions their favorite commentary moment in CS:GO and praises commentator Machine.

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[49:31 - 50:13]A Brazilian viewer started a copy pasta about only caring about chicken during map 3 of the event.

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[49:31 - 51:53]The speaker jokingly brings up how much money they could save to buy a top for their bones.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[50:29 - 50:53]The speaker mentions a popular Brazilian meme involving a soccer player with his penis exposed.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[50:42 - 52:13]The speaker is discussing different esports games, including CS:GO, Valorant, and Rocket League.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[51:54 - 52:13]The speaker and friends were at the restaurant during the GameStop stock frenzy and were discussing it during their production shift for a Counter Strike event.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[52:00 - 52:05]The speaker mentions a popular Brazilian meme involving a soccer player with his penis exposed.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[52:13 - 53:02]The speaker and friends were at the restaurant during the GameStop stock frenzy and were discussing it during their production shift for a Counter Strike event.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[52:13 - 53:59]They talk about the high skill level required for pro players and the excitement of watching matches.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[52:46 - 54:31]They then compare Valorant and CS:GO, discussing the different levels of polish and difficulty in picking up the game.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[53:02 - 53:07]The speaker and friends went to dinner with a friend who works at Riot.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[53:02 - 53:35]The speaker mentions their favorite commentary moment in CS:GO and praises commentator Machine.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[54:31 - 56:42]They then compare Valorant and CS:GO, discussing the different levels of polish and difficulty in picking up the game.

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[56:42 - 58:05]The speaker reveals they have been having a tough time playing Valorant recently due to toxic teammates.

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[58:20 - 59:38]They discuss how being a female player can lead to even more toxicity in online games.

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[59:26 - 1.01:00]The speaker then makes a confession about using Mint Mobile to save money on their phone plan.

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[59:38 - 1.01:48]The speaker is in possession of Ryan Reynolds' bones, which are nailed to their wall in the shape of him.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[59:50 - 1.01:07]The speaker promotes Mint Mobile and their new offer of 3 free months with an 8-month plan.

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[1.00:29 - 1.00:40]The speaker jokingly brings up how much money they could save to buy a top for their bones.

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[1.01:21 - 1.03:23]The speaker talks about playing video games with teenagers and pretending to be a teenager themselves.

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[1.03:24 - 1.10:29]The speaker mentions getting drunk and going to karaoke with friends, offering to pay for everyone's rides.

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[1.10:29 - 1.13:19]The speaker discusses the prize money received for winning the major and mentions being a staple in e-sports.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[1.10:38 - 1.11:26]The speaker recalls meeting the interviewer before and mentions a famous clip of them eating cereal during a game.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[1.11:10 - 1.14:46]The speaker mentions winning a major in Counter-Strike and being the only person from NA to do so.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[1.13:19 - 1.14:39]The speaker discusses the prize money received for winning the major and mentions being a staple in e-sports.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[1.14:46 - 1.17:13]The speaker recalls meeting the interviewer before and mentions a famous clip of them eating cereal during a game.

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[1.15:25 - 1.16:58]The speaker talks about getting offers and gaining a following due to their brand.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[1.15:48 - 1.17:13]The speaker talks about their experience as a pro gamer, traveling often and having no life outside of gaming.

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[1.16:46 - 1.18:57]The speaker is being interviewed on a podcast about their career as a former professional gamer and current streamer.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[1.18:45 - 1.20:08]They mention a viral clip from a Major gaming event and discuss their experience at the event.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[1.20:08 - 1.21:53]The speaker is being interviewed on a podcast about their career as a former professional gamer and current streamer.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[1.20:41 - 1.22:10]The speaker talks about their current success as a streamer, including their peak viewership during a subathon.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[1.22:10 - 1.26:56]The speaker talks about their experience as a pro gamer, traveling often and having no life outside of gaming.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[1.25:34 - 1.26:48]The speaker is being interviewed on a podcast about their career as a former professional gamer and current streamer.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[1.26:56 - 1.31:34]The speaker offers a shoutout to viewers and expresses their enjoyment of being on the podcast, despite it being outside their comfort zone.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[1.28:45 - 1.31:57]The topic of GTA RP and its popularity on Twitch is brought up, with the speaker sharing their opinion on it.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[1.31:02 - 1.31:52]The speaker is being interviewed on a podcast about their career as a former professional gamer and current streamer.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[1.31:39 - 1.34:02]The speaker offers a shoutout to viewers and expresses their enjoyment of being on the podcast, despite it being outside their comfort zone.

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[1.32:06 - 1.32:54]The host brings up the topic of the speaker's smile, stating that they do not smile well and teasing them about it.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Asked a Pro Gamer the Hardest Questions... | The Yard

[1.32:54 - 1.34:11]The speaker offers a shoutout to viewers and expresses their enjoyment of being on the podcast, despite it being outside their comfort zone.