

Youtube profile pic for We Went on Tour in America | Trash Taste Special

We Went on Tour in America | Trash Taste Special

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[00:00 - 00:07]Introduction to recorded American tour show and announcement of current European tour

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[00:14 - 00:23]Reminder to get tickets for Europe tour and links in description

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[00:14 - 00:23]Excitement about upcoming Europe tour and hope to see fans

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[02:26 - 02:31]Crowd interaction and energy testing

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[05:10 - 05:17]Discussion about regional differences in America and favorite local burger chains

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[07:00 - 07:07]Reminder to put phones away during show

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[08:53 - 08:58]Introduction of three different segments in the show

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[09:34 - 09:42]First segment hosted by Joey, involves a game about the hosts and their parasocial relationships with fans

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[09:51 - 09:56]Mention of podcast length and comparison to One Piece

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[00:00 - 10:10]Encouragement to touch grass and final summary of the text as a whole

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[10:22 - 10:32] The speaker expresses pride in their friends and mentions a game to reward the audience's knowledge of them

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[10:34 - 10:46]The first game is the parasocial game, where questions about the speaker will be answered by the audience

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[10:46 - 10:54]The speaker introduces the prop "Trash Box Could" as a substitute for the actual prop they couldn't bring due to visa issues

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[13:15 - 13:22]The audience will write down their answers and someone will answer for them

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[14:14 - 14:19]The first question is about the speaker's favorite nickname for themselves, and the audience member answers correctly with "monkey"

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[17:13 - 17:18]The next question is about the one video game the speaker can't live without, and the audience member answers correctly with "valorant"

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[18:55 - 19:01]The speaker thanks the audience for coming and buying merch

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[10:11 - 19:07]The speaker introduces a game to test the audience's knowledge of them and asks questions about their favorite nickname and video game. The audience participates by writing down their answers and someone from the audience answers for them. The correct answers are "monkey" and "valorant". The speaker expresses gratitude to the audience for attending and purchasing merchandise.

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[21:58 - 22:04] Talks about playing a game called Teamfight Tactics and being addicted to it

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[26:10 - 26:18]Reveals that the correct answer to a question is also related to a game (which is not mentioned)

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[26:34 - 26:39]Audience members guess various items, including a copy of Mother Knows Breast and a bidet

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[26:34 - 26:39]Reveals that the correct answer is a bidet

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[27:14 - 27:28]Asks the audience to guess what he would bring to a deserted island

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[27:44 - 27:52]Tells a story about flooding his hotel room while playing a game called League of Legends

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[27:44 - 27:52]Talks about playing another game called Jump King and enjoying it

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[28:04 - 28:11]Asks the audience what the first thing he does in the morning is

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[19:07 - 28:11]Talks about his addiction to various games, shares a story about flooding his hotel room while playing a game, and reveals the correct answer to a question about what he would bring to a deserted island is a bidet. He then asks the audience what the first thing he does in the morning is.

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[28:12 - 28:17]The speaker is told not to say something twice

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[28:17 - 28:29]The speaker does not want to give help to someone

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[28:17 - 28:29]The speaker wants the listener to win

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[28:30 - 28:35]The speaker does something every day, asking the listeners if they do as well

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[28:41 - 28:46]The speaker announces a correct answer

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[29:11 - 29:16]The listener is introduced

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[29:17 - 29:23]The listener guesses the speaker's daily activity

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[31:30 - 31:36]The speaker confirms that this is the correct answer

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[32:35 - 32:40]The speaker asks the audience if anyone else does this activity

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[32:35 - 32:40]One audience member stands up and shares their guess

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[32:35 - 32:40]Another audience member shares a different guess

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[32:48 - 32:54]The speaker introduces the final question

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[35:47 - 35:58]The speaker also shares another take that they believe is bad

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[36:23 - 36:42]The audience member who stood up earlier throws an orange at the speaker

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[37:27 - 37:35]The audience is asked to guess the speaker's worst take

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[37:27 - 37:35]The speaker shares their own opinion on their worst take

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[37:27 - 37:35]The speaker argues that none of their takes are bad

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[37:27 - 37:35]The speaker asks why they would think any of their takes are bad

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[28:12 - 37:41]Overall, the speaker discusses various topics and interacts with the audience at a live event.

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[44:49 - 45:00]The hosts play a game where they have to guess the most popular answers to questions about America.

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[46:52 - 47:06]The first question is "Name one thing America does better than anywhere else."

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[47:54 - 48:04]They asked the audience for the answers and the first host guesses "obesity."

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[47:54 - 48:04]The first host says he knows America well and that's why he guessed "obesity."

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[48:05 - 48:11]The audience did not put "obesity" on the board.

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[48:45 - 48:51]The game continues with the hosts guessing other answers and the audience reacting.

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[48:53 - 49:03]The second host guesses "fast food" as a related answer.

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[49:07 - 49:14]The audience cheers for "fast food."

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[49:07 - 49:14]The second host says they should have cheered for "obesity" as well because it goes hand in hand with "fast food."

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[49:07 - 49:14]The audience cheers for both "obesity" and "fast food."

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[49:07 - 49:14]The hosts wear costumes and do punishments as part of the game.

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[49:07 - 49:14]The game is called "Trash Taste versus America."

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[49:07 - 49:14]The hosts and audience make jokes and references to memes and pop culture.

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[49:07 - 49:14]The game is lively and interactive.

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[37:41 - 49:14]The hosts play a lively and interactive game called "Trash Taste versus America" where they have to guess the most popular answers to questions about America, with the help of the audience. They make jokes and references to memes and pop culture throughout the game, while also wearing costumes and doing punishments as part of the game. The first question is "Name one thing America does better than anywhere else," and the hosts make guesses based on their knowledge of America and reactions from the audience.

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[49:16 - 49:21]The speaker asks if food is on the list and then goes through the answers

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[49:49 - 50:01]The audience cheers and the speaker asks if they have faith in themselves

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[49:49 - 50:01]The fifth item on the list is revealed to be "being stupid"

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[50:34 - 50:41]The fourth item is obesity

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[51:05 - 51:11]The third item is freedom, which the speaker points out is also present in other countries

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[53:00 - 53:10]The second item is guns, specifically gun violence

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[54:52 - 54:59]The first item is revealed to be Chick-fil-A, followed by a discussion of fast food chains

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[1.00:18 - 1.00:23]The audience is asked to name a state they would hate to be "Isakai" to

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[1.00:42 - 1.00:47]The speaker expresses frustration and asks the audience to be quiet

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[49:16 - 1.00:47]The overall theme is the speaker and audience discussing and revealing items on a list, including food, guns, and fast food chains, with some audience participation.

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[1.00:48 - 1.00:54]Oh, I'm just hearing things

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[1.00:55 - 1.01:01]Went around the entirety of the U.S.

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[1.01:01 - 1.01:07]Learned a lot about America

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[1.01:25 - 1.01:31]Hatred for Ohio

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[1.01:25 - 1.01:31]Ohio voted most hated state

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[1.01:25 - 1.01:31]Alabama also voted most hated state

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[1.03:09 - 1.03:16]Alaska voted as well

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[1.10:02 - 1.10:09]Traffic is bad in Los Angeles

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[1.10:02 - 1.10:09]Homelessness is a major issue

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[1.10:28 - 1.10:35]America hates Ohio and Alabama

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[1.11:02 - 1.11:11]Kirito is the biggest Giga Chat in anime

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[1.11:20 - 1.11:25]Traffic and homelessness are major issues

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[1.11:38 - 1.11:46]Joey has bad taste in anime

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[1.11:38 - 1.11:46]Joey has bad taste in anime

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[1.12:02 - 1.12:12]Kirito is the Giga Chad

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[1.12:02 - 1.12:12]Kirito is the biggest Giga Chat in anime

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[1.12:14 - 1.12:22]The speaker also discusses the issues of traffic and homelessness in Los Angeles.

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[1.12:23 - 1.12:29]The speaker talks about their experiences in the U.S. and how the country has a strong dislike for Ohio and Alabama.

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[1.12:29 - 1.12:39]America has bad taste in anime Overall Summary:

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[1.12:29 - 1.12:39]They mention a survey about the biggest "Giga Chat" in anime and criticize the audience for their taste in anime.

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[1.12:39 - 1.12:45]Apologize for booing

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[1.00:48 - 1.12:45]The speaker predicts that the audience will say Kirito is the biggest Giga Chat and challenges them to apologize if they are wrong.

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[1.12:53 - 1.13:00] Kirito, from Sword Art Online, is mentioned and questioned by the speaker and audience.

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[1.13:30 - 1.13:36]Guts from Berserk is brought up as a better black swordsman than Kirito.

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[1.14:52 - 1.15:04]Anos from an unknown anime is mentioned and some audience members know who he is.

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[1.15:39 - 1.15:45]Sakamoto from the anime Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto is mentioned and praised.

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[1.15:47 - 1.15:53]Kirito is revealed to be the top choice on the list, much to the speaker's dismay.

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[1.17:22 - 1.17:35]The speaker expresses disappointment with the top two choices of the list.

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[1.17:36 - 1.17:43]Goku from Dragon Ball Z is mentioned and the audience is questioned about his placement on the list.

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[1.19:35 - 1.19:45]A wild card answer is revealed to be the "to be continued" arrow from the anime Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

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[1.21:19 - 1.21:28]The audience is questioned about their internet search histories and whether or not they search for porn.

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[1.23:09 - 1.23:15]The speaker jokingly suggests that the audience may also search for Trash Taste, the name of the show.

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[1.23:49 - 1.24:01]The audience is surprised and confused when "Chris Broad" is revealed as the fifth choice on the list.

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[1.12:46 - 1.24:01]The comprehensive summary is about a list of anime characters and internet search histories mentioned and discussed by the speaker and audience.

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[1.24:16 - 1.24:24] Participants are shown a video and told not to show it to Chris.

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[1.25:12 - 1.25:19]They are asked about their dinner plans and their search history.

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[1.27:45 - 1.27:50]A wild card answer is given, asking if a cow can go upstairs backwards.

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[1.28:31 - 1.28:41]The audience admits to liking anime and having a horny search history.

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[1.28:31 - 1.28:41]The audience is asked to name a hentai category they secretly like.

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[1.30:45 - 1.30:54]The audience admits to liking milfs and incest as well.

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[1.32:57 - 1.33:02]The top five answers are revealed, with incest being the most popular.

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[1.34:22 - 1.34:31]The wild card answer is revealed to be "LTR".

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[1.34:59 - 1.35:07]The audience admits to liking milfs and incest as well.

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[1.35:16 - 1.35:22]The audience is also asked about their taste in hentai.

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[1.35:16 - 1.35:22]The top hentai category is revealed to be "LTR".

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[1.35:16 - 1.35:22]The audience is also asked about their taste in hentai.

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[1.35:16 - 1.35:22]The top hentai category is revealed to be "LTR".

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[1.35:49 - 1.35:55]A final wild card answer is given, which is a seafood.

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[1.35:49 - 1.35:55]A final wild card answer is given, which is a seafood.

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[1.24:10 - 1.36:23]In summary, the participants admit to having a horny search history, with incest being the most popular hentai category.

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[1.45:18 - 1.45:24] The game show host introduces the final round called the "Trash Taste Court"

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[1.47:15 - 1.47:23]The host has a gavel and the audience acts as the jury.

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[1.48:08 - 1.48:13]The game show host and the players are sweating and uncomfortable.

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[1.48:14 - 1.48:19]The court involves pulling out random opinions from a trash can and arguing for them.

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[1.48:14 - 1.48:19]The first player to pull out an opinion is gone and he must argue for it.

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[1.48:14 - 1.48:19]The second player is Joey, who must argue for whatever opinion the first player pulls out.

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[1.48:14 - 1.48:19]The opinions are from past episodes of the show.

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[1.48:14 - 1.48:19]The first opinion pulled out is "food poisoning is not an illness".

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[1.48:14 - 1.48:19]The second opinion pulled out is "boneless chicken is better than bone-in chicken".

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[1.48:14 - 1.48:19]The jury is asked to cheer for their preferred option to help decide who wins the argument.

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[1.48:14 - 1.48:19]The final round is the host's personal favorite and embodies the spirit of the show.

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[1.48:14 - 1.48:19]The host and players often make controversial opinions on the show.

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[1.48:14 - 1.48:19]The players must argue for the opinions regardless of whether they agree with them.

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[1.48:14 - 1.48:19]The players are judged by the host and the jury.

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[1.48:14 - 1.48:19]The game show involves a punishment wheel.

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[1.48:14 - 1.48:19]Joey loses and must do a punishment of singing the national anthem.

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[1.48:14 - 1.48:19]Joey is relieved that he doesn't have to do a different punishment.

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[1.36:23 - 1.48:19]The final round of the game show involves the players pulling out random opinions and arguing for them while being judged by the host and the audience acting as the jury. The players must argue for the opinions regardless of whether they agree with them, and there is a punishment wheel involved. Joey loses and has to do a punishment of singing the national anthem, and the show ends with the host thanking the audience.

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[1.50:24 - 1.50:30]A group is debating about opinions on video games and anime.

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[1.51:11 - 1.51:17]God argues that it's okay to skip cutscenes in a specific video game.

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[1.51:11 - 1.51:17]Connor argues that stories in video games are important and should not be skipped.

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[1.51:44 - 1.51:50]They each have one minute to argue their opinion.

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[1.51:44 - 1.51:50]The jury, consisting of the audience, will decide who wins.

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[1.54:44 - 1.54:51]God argues that modern anime sucks because he watches it.

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[1.56:47 - 1.56:54]The jury will decide who won the debate.

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[1.57:28 - 1.57:34]Connor argues that there are good modern anime.

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[1.57:34 - 1.57:47]Joey, the anime man, is chosen to argue the opinion that modern anime sucks.

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[1.58:22 - 1.58:37]The debate ends with a joke about the new anime "Chainsaw Man."

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[1.48:19 - 1.58:37]The debate is about opinions on video games and anime.

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[1.58:37 - 1.58:52]Too soon, protagonist story

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[1.59:17 - 1.59:23]Joey apologizes

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[2.00:24 - 2.00:31]Chainsaw man is amazing

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[2.00:46 - 2.00:51]Public execution

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[2.00:46 - 2.00:51]Tiebreaker round

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[2.00:51 - 2.00:58]Gaunt wins the round

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[2.02:14 - 2.02:20]Gaunt argues that all bread tastes the same

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[2.02:21 - 2.02:26]Connor argues against Gaunt's opinion

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[2.08:27 - 2.08:35]Audience takes a selfie

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[2.08:51 - 2.09:04]Show ends with a thank you from the hosts

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[2.09:05 - 2.09:13]Punishment for Connor

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[2.09:13 - 2.09:16]End of Trash Taste Court

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[1.58:37 - 2.09:16]The Trash Taste show included discussions about protagonist stories, an apology, arguments about bread, and a selfie with the audience.