

Youtube profile pic for Goodbye Trash Taste Season 1 | Trash Taste #54

Goodbye Trash Taste Season 1 | Trash Taste #54

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Trash Taste Season 1 | Trash Taste #54

[00:20 - 00:26]Episode of Trash Taste, last one in studio, not scripted

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[00:36 - 00:42]Hosted by Gigguk, with Joey and Connor

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[00:42 - 00:48]Busy time with new studio, recording before studio is torn down

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[00:58 - 01:04]Short vlog for After Dark, moving out tomorrow

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[01:12 - 01:18]Sunken in, dreading redoing and setting everything up

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[02:28 - 02:37]Window seat fan, can sleep without disturbance

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[04:45 - 04:59]Middle seat is the loser's seat, no one wants to sit there

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[05:14 - 05:27]Gamble of booking middle seat in empty row, hoping to have whole row to self

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[05:40 - 05:55]Aisle seat fan, can go to toilet without disturbing others

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[06:18 - 06:28]Window seat vs aisle seat debate

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[06:18 - 06:28]Aisle seat always chosen, but will sneak into empty aisle if possible

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[06:36 - 06:59]Rare chance of aisle being empty, like gacha odds

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[06:36 - 06:59]If 70-80% full, no one will choose middle seat

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[00:00 - 07:17]Last episode in studio, not scripted. Hosted by Gigguk with Joey and Connor, busy time with new studio. Short vlog for After Dark, moving out tomorrow. Window seat vs aisle seat debate. Aisle seat always chosen, but will sneak into empty aisle if possible. Rare chance of aisle being empty, like gacha odds.

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[07:24 - 07:47] They discuss seating preferences on planes

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[07:47 - 07:56]They mention the odd design of plane walls making it difficult to lean on

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[07:56 - 08:16]One person mentions they have difficulty sleeping on planes

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[07:56 - 08:16]They continue to discuss the discomfort of sleeping in a window seat

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[08:16 - 08:25]They discuss their own strategies for sleeping on planes, including wearing a hoodie and using pillows for padding

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[08:25 - 08:47]They mention the benefits of the aisle seat for leg room

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[10:14 - 10:26]One person discusses taking sleeping pills before flights to help them sleep

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[10:54 - 11:07]They mention the challenges of traveling frequently for conventions

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[13:26 - 13:38]They discuss the annoyance of being woken up for food on a plane

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[13:38 - 13:44]Babies crying on planes is mentioned as a trigger for frustration

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[13:38 - 13:44]The idea of punching crying babies on planes is brought up

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[14:24 - 14:30]The conversation ends with a humorous solution to the crying baby problem

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[07:17 - 14:30]The conversation revolves around seating preferences and strategies for sleeping on planes, with a mention of the annoyance of being woken up for food and frustration towards crying babies on flights.

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[14:38 - 14:45]The speaker didn't think they needed noise cancelling headphones until they got them

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[14:45 - 14:50]They now bring the headphones everywhere and use them for all forms of transport

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[15:03 - 15:09]The headphones are like living through an AMV and make walking around more enjoyable

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[15:39 - 15:46]The speaker's friend is skeptical about the benefits of noise cancelling headphones

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[16:05 - 16:13]The speaker and their friend discuss the use of headphones versus earbuds

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[16:23 - 16:35]The speaker argues that the headphones are great for drowning out background noise and zoning out

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[17:11 - 17:17]The speaker mentions becoming a "hat guy" to protect themselves from the sun

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[19:02 - 19:07]The speaker hates the sun and humidity in Japan and uses a UV umbrella for protection

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[20:49 - 20:59]The speaker's umbrella broke and they are looking for a replacement

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[20:49 - 20:59]The speaker is picky about the design of their umbrella and wants a sturdier one

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[14:30 - 21:27]The speaker discusses the benefits of noise cancelling headphones, their dislike of the sun and humidity in Japan, and their search for a new UV umbrella for protection.

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[23:33 - 23:44] Manga artist cantara mura, author of berserk, has passed away at the age of 54

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[23:44 - 23:53]Cause of death was a heart attack, caused by an exploded artery

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[25:16 - 25:22]News was heartbreaking for fans and industry members alike

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[26:32 - 26:38]Cantara mura's influence on the industry, including inspiring dark fantasy series like dark sauce, is recognized

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[26:32 - 26:38]A fan favorite and considered one of the greatest manga of all time

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[27:57 - 28:10]Its art is highly praised and known for its horrific creature designs

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[28:11 - 28:35]Berserk is known for its dark and gory imagery, but also for its themes of finding purpose and intimate moments

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[28:48 - 29:07]The series is often remembered for its intimate and serene moments, which stand out against the brutal action

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[21:27 - 29:07]Cantara mura, author of berserk, passed away at 54 from a heart attack. Known for its dark and gory imagery, berserk also explores themes of finding purpose and intimate moments. Its art and influence on the industry is highly praised.

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[35:38 - 35:45] Remembering the impact of the manga Berserk and its creator's death

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[35:45 - 36:08]Comparing the story to Doom and the emotional depth of the characters

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[35:45 - 36:08]The continuous re-reading of the manga and appreciation for the artwork

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[35:45 - 36:08]The artist's perfectionism and dedication to detail causing frequent hiatuses

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[36:08 - 36:15]The potential for an unfinished masterpiece and satisfaction with the current story

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[36:08 - 36:15]Hope for a discussion about overworking and its potential impact on the artist's death

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[36:25 - 36:30]Encouragement to read Berserk and respect the creator's legacy

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[29:07 - 36:30]The text discusses the impact of the manga Berserk and its creator's death, the comparison to Doom and the emotional depth of the characters, the appreciation for the artwork and the artist's perfectionism, the potential for an unfinished masterpiece, encouragement to read Berserk and respect the creator's legacy, and hope for a discussion about overworking and its potential impact on the artist's death.

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[38:04 - 38:13] A discussion about the stress and pressure on manga artists and the lack of understanding and empathy from fans

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[39:51 - 39:59]Empathizing with creators and their personal struggles and the need for fans to give them space and respect

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[40:13 - 40:19]Transition to talking about lighter topics and the anime "Castlevania"

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[41:21 - 41:27]Praise for the voice acting in the English dub and the attention to detail in selecting appropriate British accents for the characters

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[43:04 - 43:18]Appreciation for the Japanese voice acting and the experience of watching without subtitles to improve language skills

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[43:36 - 43:42]The ability to turn on subtitles when necessary to understand certain parts of the dialogue

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[43:42 - 43:52]Watching anime actively as a study tool rather than passively as entertainment

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[36:30 - 43:52]Discussion about the pressures on manga artists and the need for fans to respect and give space to creators, followed by a transition to lighter topics and a discussion about the anime "Castlevania" and the quality of its voice acting. Also mentions the experience of watching anime without subtitles to improve language skills.

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[44:07 - 44:17] The speaker discusses watching "study material" without subtitles and experiencing an emotional response.

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[44:22 - 44:29]They mention feeling connected to Japanese people by understanding the dialogue without subtitles.

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[45:18 - 45:24]The speaker recalls learning Japanese words from hentai and the meme potential of this.

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[45:25 - 45:31]They joke about feeling "big brain" while watching hentai without subtitles.

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[45:40 - 45:45]They discuss the high quality of voice acting in the dubbed version of the anime "Castlevania."

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[45:46 - 45:56]The speaker wonders if the anime would have been as popular if it had been dubbed from Japanese to English instead of English to Japanese.

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[47:02 - 47:09]They mention the rarity of anime dubs using explicit language and how it adds to the authenticity.

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[48:33 - 48:39]The speaker compares the anime "Castlevania" to the American animated show "Avatar."

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[49:29 - 49:43]They mention a conversation with a self-proclaimed otaku who considers "Despicable Me" to be a good anime, leading to a discussion about the definition of anime.

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[49:29 - 49:43]The speaker concludes that the argument over whether something is anime or not is pointless and that "Despicable Me" being considered an anime by some is proof of this.

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[51:01 - 51:11]The speaker recalls a funny interaction with their friend Joey involving a minions mini fridge.

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[43:52 - 51:38]The overall point of the audio is that the speaker is enjoying watching anime without subtitles and is appreciating the quality of the voice acting in the dubbed version of "Castlevania."

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[52:46 - 53:04]The speaker expresses excitement for the release of the anime "Eden" and mentions the involvement of voice actors Kevin Penkin and David Tennant.

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[56:08 - 56:16]They discuss the possibility of the anime being dubbed first in English due to the involvement of big names in the voice acting industry.

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[56:42 - 56:48]The speaker shares their personal experience with translation work and how it has given them a greater understanding of the difficulties involved.

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[56:48 - 56:59]The speaker concludes by emphasizing the importance of localization in dubbing and how it can enhance the viewing experience for English-speaking audiences.

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[56:59 - 57:04]Despite initial beliefs, the speaker now understands that direct translation is not always possible or effective.

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[57:21 - 57:30]The speaker reflects on their appreciation for the localization of dubs and how it can improve the viewing experience for an English-speaking audience.

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[58:14 - 58:26]They mention the challenges of translating Japanese dialogue and how it can be difficult to make it sound natural in English.

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[51:38 - 58:55]The speaker expresses excitement for the release of the anime "Eden" and discusses the involvement of big names in the voice acting industry. They also reflect on their appreciation for the localization of dubs and the challenges of translating Japanese dialogue. They conclude by emphasizing the importance of localization in enhancing the viewing experience for English-speaking audiences.

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[1.00:12 - 1.00:37] The speaker talks about their experience of learning multiple languages and how it has affected their perception and personality.

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[1.01:37 - 1.01:45]The speaker talks about the difference between Welsh and English, and how it is a completely different language despite being in the same country.

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[1.02:03 - 1.02:22]They discuss the concept of language dissonance and how certain words or concepts cannot be easily translated.

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[1.02:03 - 1.02:22]They mention how culture plays a big role in language and how certain concepts may not translate well.

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[1.02:23 - 1.02:32]They mention their experience of watching a Thai film with a friend who speaks both Thai and English and how it was distracting for them.

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[1.02:32 - 1.02:39]The speaker brings up the difficulty of explaining certain words or concepts to someone who doesn't speak the same language.

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[1.02:54 - 1.03:03]They give the example of the word "fuck" and how it takes a 70-page textbook to explain its various uses.

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[1.04:19 - 1.04:26]The speaker also mentions the difficulty of explaining certain Japanese concepts, such as "yabai" or "ureshii", to English speakers.

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[1.04:35 - 1.04:52]They briefly touch on the anime "Yasuke" and how it is based on a real person from the Edo period.

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[1.05:27 - 1.05:43]The speaker talks about the mix of magic and historical accuracy in the anime and how it may not be the best for learning about Japanese culture.

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[1.05:59 - 1.06:15]They mention the best parts of the anime being the pre-timeskip scenes with sword-to-sword combat and the exploration of race and friendship in feudal Japan.

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[58:56 - 1.06:34]The speaker discusses their experience with learning multiple languages and the impact it has on their perception and personality. They also touch on the concept of language dissonance and the difficulty of translating certain words or concepts. The conversation then shifts to the anime "Yasuke" and its mix of magic and historical accuracy, with a focus on the best parts being the pre-timeskip scenes and exploration of race and friendship in feudal Japan.

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[1.06:34 - 1.06:42]The speaker is discussing a story that they find interesting and have researched.

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[1.08:00 - 1.08:08]They mention that there are YouTube videos about it and that they have watched and enjoyed it.

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[1.08:00 - 1.08:08]The speaker expresses their love for the story and describes it as "badass" and "cool."

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[1.09:12 - 1.09:19]They discuss the addition of mech and magic elements to the story and how it may or may not have enhanced it.

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[1.09:12 - 1.09:19]They bring up a breakdancing samurai character and the music in the first two episodes.

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[1.09:56 - 1.10:03]They express their enjoyment of the show and the fact that it reminds them of older mecha shows.

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[1.11:00 - 1.11:08]The speaker mentions other mecha shows that have been released recently, including Darling in the Franxx and Gridman.

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[1.11:00 - 1.11:08]They state that 86 is their current favorite anime of the season.

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[1.11:58 - 1.12:07]The speaker asks if the other person knows the story and advises them to watch it without knowing anything beforehand.

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[1.11:58 - 1.12:07]They briefly mention watching another show, Way of the House Husband, which they found very funny.

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[1.12:51 - 1.13:13]The speaker praises the voice acting, specifically noting that the Japanese voice actor for a character is a black Japanese man.

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[1.13:24 - 1.13:36]They mention that the show is still early on and they are not sure if it will have a complete story.

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[1.13:24 - 1.13:36]They mention that the show is on Netflix and that it may have had preconceived expectations due to this.

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[1.13:24 - 1.13:36]They express their enjoyment of the show and how it made them laugh out loud constantly.

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[1.13:24 - 1.13:36]The speaker summarizes the plot of the show and mentions the character's transition from a Yakuza member to a househusband.

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[1.13:36 - 1.13:54]The speaker mentions their preference for the story to be more like a samurai Champlo style.

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[1.13:36 - 1.13:54]The speaker talks about the original mecha genre and how it feels good to have a new show in this genre.

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[1.13:36 - 1.13:54]The speaker acknowledges the controversy surrounding the animation of the show and talks about their own opinion on it.

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[1.13:36 - 1.13:54]The speaker describes the show as a "motion comic adaptation" and discusses how it may have impacted the animation.

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[1.13:36 - 1.13:54]They briefly discuss the animation style and how it suited the comedy style of the show.

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[1.13:36 - 1.13:54]The speaker expresses their preference for unique or limited animation that helps sell the jokes in a comedy anime.

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[1.13:36 - 1.13:54]They mention the importance of animation enhancing the source material and voice acting in a comedy anime.

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[1.13:36 - 1.13:54]The speaker concludes by stating that they would always choose a comedy anime with niche animation over mediocre animation.

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[1.06:34 - 1.13:54]The speaker discusses a story they find interesting and have researched, praising its "badass" and "cool" elements. They discuss the addition of mech and magic elements and express their preference for a samurai Champlo style. They mention other mecha shows and state that 86 is their current favorite. They also briefly discuss another show they found funny, Way of the House Husband, and the controversy surrounding its animation. The speaker expresses their preference for unique or limited animation in comedy anime and concludes by stating they would always choose a comedy anime with niche animation over mediocre animation.

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[1.13:54 - 1.14:00] The speaker discusses how the animation style in a show helped accentuate the ridiculous moments.

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[1.14:01 - 1.14:07]They mention that some jokes worked well with the animation, while others needed more help to sell.

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[1.14:26 - 1.14:33]They describe the main actor's appearance as a cosplay and not like an actual actor.

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[1.15:09 - 1.15:24]The speaker brings up a Japanese live action adaptation that they found to be bad and funny.

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[1.15:09 - 1.15:24]The speaker also mentions that the acting in Japanese TV shows is generally bad, except for Ken Watanabe.

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[1.16:24 - 1.16:39]The speaker discusses how Korean movies and dramas have surpassed Japanese productions in recent years.

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[1.16:24 - 1.16:39]They mention specific examples such as "Sweet Home" and "Train to Busan" as being better than Japanese productions.

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[1.17:53 - 1.17:58]They compare Japanese acting to pantomime and anime acting, saying it doesn't work for live action.

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[1.18:40 - 1.18:50]The speaker wonders why Japanese acting is generally not as good and suggests it may be due to lack of competition or awareness.

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[1.18:40 - 1.18:50]The speaker also comments on the lack of good cinematography in Japanese dramas.

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[1.19:48 - 1.19:55]They acknowledge that there are good Japanese films, but they are rare.

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[1.13:54 - 1.21:12]Overall, the speaker finds Japanese acting and TV production to be lackluster compared to other countries.

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[1.21:14 - 1.21:22] The speaker discusses their dislike for a certain type of content but admits they don't fully understand it.

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[1.21:22 - 1.21:27]They mention that the audience for this type of content is not there.

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[1.21:27 - 1.21:36]The majority of the population in the area is older.

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[1.21:36 - 1.21:45]The speaker has seen a Japanese drama with poor cinematography but still enjoyed it because of the good story.

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[1.21:52 - 1.21:58]They mention a specific Japanese actor who they found attractive.

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[1.22:15 - 1.22:21]The speaker brings up a movie with great cinematography but a confusing story.

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[1.23:51 - 1.24:00]They mention a debate between animation and story in media.

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[1.24:01 - 1.24:17]The speaker prefers a good story with good acting.

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[1.24:27 - 1.24:36]They compare Japanese dramas to Thai and Indian soap operas.

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[1.26:26 - 1.26:39]The speaker has attempted to get into Bollywood movies but has been overwhelmed by the number of films.

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[1.27:36 - 1.27:52]They mention one Bollywood film they have seen and enjoyed.

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[1.28:13 - 1.28:21]The speaker expresses their dislike for musicals.

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[1.28:52 - 1.29:15]They mention a specific musical theater experience they had in England.

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[1.21:14 - 1.29:15]The speaker discusses their dislike for a certain type of content and compares it to other forms of media. They mention a specific actor and a movie with great cinematography but a confusing story. The speaker also mentions a debate between animation and story and expresses their dislike for musicals. They recall a positive musical theater experience but did not enjoy the movie version.

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[1.30:06 - 1.30:15]The speaker watched a musical recently because a friend recommended it.

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[1.32:15 - 1.32:23]They remember watching a strange kids' musical called "Bugs Me Alone" set in the prohibition era.

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[1.32:23 - 1.32:37]The speaker asks for confirmation from the audience if anyone else remembers it.

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[1.32:51 - 1.32:57]They did not like the Cats movie, but were intrigued by the bizarre trailer.

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[1.33:18 - 1.33:28]They have mixed feelings about musicals, but enjoyed Rocky Horror and Little Shop of Horrors.

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[1.33:18 - 1.33:28]They dislike Les Miserables because it is mostly singing.

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[1.34:38 - 1.34:43]They enjoy watching interviews of actors who dislike their own work, such as Daniel Craig and Robert Pattinson.

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[1.36:22 - 1.36:28]Daniel Craig wore gloves in a Bond movie and they had to be CGI'd off.

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[1.36:35 - 1.36:48]The speaker questions how the CGI artists must have felt about this.

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[1.29:15 - 1.36:48]The speaker discusses their mixed feelings about musicals and recalls a strange kids' musical they watched. They also mention their dislike of the Cats movie and their enjoyment of actors who dislike their own work.

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[1.36:49 - 1.36:56] Oh, you got to respect the level of "I don't give a fuck"

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[1.36:56 - 1.37:02]A passive aggressive way of saying "don't call me back"

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[1.37:02 - 1.37:17]It's just a new level of not caring

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[1.37:27 - 1.37:35]Refusal to take gloves off during filming of a multi-million dollar movie

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[1.37:58 - 1.38:06]Actor playing James Bond may be replaced soon

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[1.38:38 - 1.38:59]James Bond is an outdated archetype

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[1.40:02 - 1.40:16]Musical preferences: South Park, Book of Mormon, and Anime musicals

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[1.42:57 - 1.43:03]Death Note live action movie and Ryuk's costume

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[1.43:26 - 1.43:33]Last episode of season one recorded in the studio

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[1.43:33 - 1.43:41]One year anniversary of the podcast

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[1.44:23 - 1.44:30]First episode featured a different camera angle

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[1.44:36 - 1.44:48]Impressed with number of guests despite limited circumstances

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[1.36:49 - 1.44:48]The last episode of season one was recorded in the studio, which had a different camera angle than the first episode. The podcast celebrated its one year anniversary and discussed various topics such as James Bond, musical preferences, and the Death Note live action movie. The hosts were impressed with the number of guests they were able to have despite the limitations of the past year.

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[1.44:48 - 1.44:56]Chris is expected to be a guest in the future

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[1.44:56 - 1.45:04]Chris wants to be the first guest in season 2 to assert dominance

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[1.45:04 - 1.45:11]Plans to have Chris on multiple episodes

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[1.45:11 - 1.45:21]Chris is known for making funny moments and bullying

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[1.46:09 - 1.46:18]Excitement for a new setup in season 2

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[1.46:42 - 1.47:00]Will have a proper Trash Taste office instead of an apartment

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[1.49:04 - 1.49:12]Plans to have more guests and after dark content

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[1.49:20 - 1.49:25]Grateful for Patreon support that allows for upgrades

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[1.49:26 - 1.49:34]Started the podcast with low expectations, but has exceeded them

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[1.50:41 - 1.50:58]Surprised by the audience size and potential for more people to hear their conversations

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[1.50:41 - 1.50:58]Realization that everything they say is being heard by a large audience

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[1.50:59 - 1.51:06]Received fan mail about loving baked beans, but forgot they even talked about it

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[1.51:40 - 1.51:47]New set will not be drastically different from previous one

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[1.51:40 - 1.51:47]Potential for negative comments about changes, but not much will actually change

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[1.44:48 - 1.51:58]Overall, there will be an upgraded and improved setup for season 2.

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[1.51:59 - 1.52:11] The group wants to change offices because the current one is not convenient and they want to work more comfortably.

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[1.52:24 - 1.52:42]Trash Taste is currently running off of someone's laptop with poor cable management.

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[1.52:43 - 1.52:52]They can't afford more space right now, so their setup is janky.

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[1.53:20 - 1.53:31]They have a regular Denny's guy who always knows what they want.

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[1.53:53 - 1.54:00]They found a great bar nearby.

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[1.54:36 - 1.54:43]They've come to appreciate the small things in their current area.

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[1.55:01 - 1.55:06]The studio is an hour away from Tokyo and it's cheap.

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Trash Taste Season 1 | Trash Taste #54

[1.55:48 - 1.55:54]They hope viewers will stick with them for season two in the new studio.

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Trash Taste Season 1 | Trash Taste #54

[1.57:16 - 1.57:24]They compare themselves to the show Arthur, which has 22 seasons.

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[1.57:24 - 1.57:35]Viewers should support them on Patreon and follow them on Twitter and Reddit.

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[1.57:24 - 1.57:35]They are starting a new podcast called After Dark.

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Trash Taste Season 1 | Trash Taste #54

[1.57:35 - 1.57:42]They say goodbye to the old studio.

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Trash Taste Season 1 | Trash Taste #54

[1.57:42 - 1.57:48]They are taking most of their current setup to the new studio.

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Trash Taste Season 1 | Trash Taste #54

[1.51:59 - 1.58:17]The group wants to change offices for a more convenient and comfortable working environment. They have a janky setup and appreciate their regular Denny's and nearby bar. The studio is an hour away from Tokyo and they hope viewers will stick with them for season two. They compare themselves to the show Arthur and have a Patreon and new podcast, After Dark. They are taking most of their current setup to the new studio and say goodbye to the old one.