

Youtube profile pic for ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[00:00 - 01:54]They mention a Pokemon called Drifloon that kidnaps and kills children, causing sadness and concern.

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[01:54 - 07:13]They talk about hypothetical scenarios involving their significant others turning into different creatures, such as a worm or a mosquito.

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[07:41 - 11:50]The speaker mentions a previous experience with a D.A.R.E. program at church and the fear tactics used to discourage drug use.

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[10:49 - 14:20]The speaker talks about their religious upbringing and current beliefs, leaning towards agnosticism.

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[14:20 - 15:56]The conversation then shifts to a debate about which gaming console is superior, with the speakers agreeing that God is on the side of Xbox

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[15:04 - 17:24]They also mention parental controls and time limits placed on gaming consoles

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[17:25 - 19:09]The conversation turns to the morality of violent video games and whether they have an impact on players

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[19:09 - 19:52]They joke about taking over other countries, particularly Canada, and discuss America's technological advancements

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[19:37 - 21:29]The conversation turns to the morality of violent video games and whether they have an impact on players

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[19:52 - 23:26]They joke about taking over other countries, particularly Canada, and discuss America's technological advancements

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[22:26 - 25:17]The topic of conversation shifts to the hypothetical situation of choosing to kill off a Pokemon species, with the speaker choosing to eradicate lions if they had to make a choice

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[24:55 - 26:28]The conversation ends with a mention of consistent rules and PP (power points) in Pokemon battles.

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[26:10 - 29:02]Argument over whether flying Pokemon could just fly away from the lions

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[29:21 - 30:10]Discussion about rules of Pokemon battles

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[29:38 - 33:13]Argument over whether flying Pokemon could just fly away from the lions

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[33:13 - 35:52]Comparison of a battle between a human and a hawk to a battle between a Pokemon and a lion

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[35:07 - 36:09]Debate over whether it would be possible to love a squirrel or other small animal as a partner.

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[37:18 - 38:42]Hypothetical situation of waking up next to a partner who has turned into a squirrel or mega charizard

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[38:42 - 39:05]Debate over whether it would be possible to love a squirrel or other small animal as a partner.

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[38:42 - 43:00]The conversation turns to the potential consequences of being able to see everyone's levels, and how it could potentially lead to awkward or uncomfortable situations.

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[43:00 - 45:35]The speakers discuss the idea of having a visual meter that can track different statistics, such as blood alcohol levels or adrenaline levels.

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[45:11 - 46:40]They joke about the possibility of having a "cum meter" or a meter that shows how close someone is to reaching orgasm.

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[46:12 - 48:39]The conversation turns to the potential consequences of being able to see everyone's levels, and how it could potentially lead to awkward or uncomfortable situations.

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[47:25 - 49:17]They also discuss the idea of being able to see other people's levels in various skills or hobbies, such as hang gliding.

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[48:39 - 51:05]They joke about the possibility of having a "cum meter" or a meter that shows how close someone is to reaching orgasm.

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[50:36 - 51:35]The speakers conclude that the wizard Google Glass would be the one creating these visual meters.

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[51:36 - 55:08]The conversation begins with discussing a hypothetical meter that can measure abstract concepts such as tracking likes or ranking people based on goodness.

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[54:22 - 58:26]The topic of favorite books is brought up and the conversation shifts towards dystopian novels.

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[58:26 - 1.02:26]The conversation begins with discussing a hypothetical meter that can measure abstract concepts such as tracking likes or ranking people based on goodness.

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[1.01:58 - 1.03:49]The conversation ends with a joke about going on a date and discussing a meter for humidity.

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[1.02:38 - 1.03:08]Question about Connor's favorite chocolate sandwich episode

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[1.03:09 - 1.06:28]Jokes and banter about the thick water

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[1.03:24 - 1.06:20]Connor's interpretation of the question and his answer

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[1.03:56 - 1.04:56]Jokes and banter about the thick water

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[1.04:05 - 1.07:44]Conversation about the "thick water" challenge

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[1.07:17 - 1.08:18]Connor's interpretation of the question and his answer

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[1.08:19 - 1.08:42]Question about Connor's favorite chocolate sandwich episode

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[1.08:42 - 1.09:19]Mention of the movie Click and its emotional impact

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[1.08:56 - 1.11:02]Jokes and banter about the thick water

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[1.09:37 - 1.11:43]Question about whether Connor would rather have unlimited bacon or unlimited games

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[1.09:45 - 1.11:23]Connor's interpretation of the question and his answer

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[1.11:44 - 1.12:49]Mention of the movie Click and its emotional impact

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[1.12:05 - 1.14:08]Connor's interpretation of the question and his answer

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[1.13:13 - 1.14:54]Conclusion of the podcast with guest's social media and farewell.

A youtube thumbnail wor ConnorEatsPants - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 51

[1.14:54 - 1.15:36]Question about Connor's favorite chocolate sandwich episode