

Youtube profile pic for We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

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[00:00 - 00:09]Welcome back to episode 2 of the race to get the most states

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[00:09 - 00:17]8 hours into day 1, Ben and Adam have claimed 4 states, Brian and I have 3

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[00:18 - 00:27]Rules: team that visits and claims the most US states in 4 days wins

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[00:18 - 00:27]Teams can battle for states bordering their opponent's claimed states

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[00:36 - 00:46]First battle: find a license plate from the furthest state in 15 minutes

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[03:06 - 03:14]They continue to search for plates and find California, Washington, and more

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[03:55 - 04:00]Brian and I find a California plate but Ben and Adam are closer to it

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[04:35 - 04:43]Ben and Adam win the battle in Maryland

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[04:35 - 04:43]Maryland is claimed by Ben and Adam

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[04:43 - 04:50]They have 9 minutes to make their train to New York

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[04:50 - 04:59]They decide to fly to New York to claim more states in the west

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[06:45 - 06:51]Delayed flights lead them to take a train back to New York

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[06:45 - 06:51]They take a shuttle and bus back to New York

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[06:58 - 07:06]They plan to claim New England states tomorrow

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[07:55 - 08:04]They research and plan to get to New Haven, Connecticut

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[09:36 - 09:42]They have 15 minutes to transfer to a train at Grand Central

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[00:00 - 09:42]Two teams race to claim the most US states in 4 days. After 8 hours, Ben and Adam have claimed 4 states, while Brian and I have 3. They battle for Maryland and find plates from California, Washington, and more. Ben and Adam ultimately claim Maryland. They plan to claim New England states tomorrow after facing delayed flights. They take a shuttle and bus back to New York and have 15 minutes to transfer to a train at Grand Central.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[10:25 - 10:33]Group arrives at Grand Central Terminal and discusses plans for the next day

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[12:39 - 12:45]They take a train to New Haven, CT and plan to sleep there

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[12:57 - 13:22]They stop at the HES Visitor Center in Connecticut as part of a challenge

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[17:33 - 17:38]They rush to catch a train to Boston but end up missing it

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[18:09 - 18:15]The group expresses frustration with their delays and potential setbacks

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[18:30 - 18:38]They realize they left their game card in New Haven and it may affect their gameplay

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[18:55 - 19:08]They make a new plan to potentially catch up with their opponents

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[19:09 - 19:16]The group discusses their strategy for the game and how they may be falling behind

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[19:09 - 19:16]The group has a fun conversation with conductors on the train

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[19:25 - 19:30]They arrive in Springfield, MA and consider possible challenges in Vermont and Massachusetts

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[09:42 - 19:47]A group of people participate in a game where they have to travel and complete challenges. They discuss their plans, take a train to Connecticut, visit a visitor center, miss a train, and consider their strategy for the game. They also have a fun conversation with train conductors and make a new plan to catch up with their opponents. They eventually arrive in Massachusetts and express frustration with their delays and potential setbacks.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[19:47 - 19:53]Frank and the speaker are in Massachusetts for the first time

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[26:10 - 26:15]They claim Rhode Island and continue their journey

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[26:50 - 26:56]They meet someone from WNNZAM640 at the train station

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[26:56 - 27:01]They draw a new game card and make a plan to complete it

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[27:39 - 27:49]They get help from an Amtrak conductor to split their ticket to Boston

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[28:50 - 28:55]They discuss their strategy for the game they are playing

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[28:56 - 29:02]They plan to go to MIT but it's too late

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[29:08 - 29:14]They declare a battle in Massachusetts and continue their journey

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[19:47 - 29:57]Frank and the speaker travel through Massachusetts and claim Rhode Island while discussing their game strategy and completing a new game card challenge. They arrive in Boston and declare a battle before continuing their journey.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[31:35 - 31:41]The group is in a city and has been given a challenge to photograph the most birds in 15 minutes.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[32:08 - 32:15]They struggle to find birds and only have one after a few minutes.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[32:08 - 32:15]They eventually find more birds and their luck changes.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[32:38 - 32:44]They hear birds but have trouble finding them.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[35:29 - 35:35]They successfully complete the challenge with approximately 35 bird photos.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[36:59 - 37:07]They promote Nebula and receive positive feedback.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[37:07 - 37:18]They encourage viewers to sign up for CuriosityStream and Nebula.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[37:31 - 37:36]The cost for both subscriptions is less than $1 a month.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[37:55 - 37:59]The group thanks their supporters for staying quiet.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Raced To Visit The Most US States In 100 Hrs - Day 2

[29:58 - 37:59]The group completes a challenge to photograph the most birds in a city, struggles at first but eventually finds more birds and promotes Nebula and CuriosityStream subscriptions.