

Youtube profile pic for Our REAL Thoughts on America | Trash Taste #128

Our REAL Thoughts on America | Trash Taste #128

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[00:00 - 00:06]New Trash Taste Merch is available

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[00:18 - 00:26]Excitement over new designs

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[00:46 - 00:51]Reminder to check out the merch and order in time

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[01:12 - 01:18]Podcast hosts back in Japan after a time skip

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[01:41 - 01:49]Joey's frustrating experience with a taxi driver

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[01:56 - 02:02]Rushing to make it to a shoot on time

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[06:00 - 06:17]Strange behavior from the driver and lack of identification

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[06:30 - 06:39]Joey gives directions to the driver

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[06:30 - 06:39]Reminder to check the correct address

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[00:00 - 06:39]New Trash Taste Merch is available and the podcast hosts are back in Japan. Joey had a frustrating experience with a taxi driver while trying to make it to a shoot on time. The driver's lack of identification and strange behavior caused delays.

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[08:14 - 08:25]Person had a driver who was struggling to understand directions

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[09:47 - 09:54]Driver was using an iPad for navigation instead of the larger iPad he had

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[11:50 - 11:55]Driver finally starts driving but has trouble reversing and nearly hits another car

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[11:56 - 12:01]Author tried to communicate politely but driver seemed nervous and didn't listen

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[11:56 - 12:01]Driver ignores navigation and takes longer routes, causing stress for author

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[12:07 - 12:19]Author is worried about being charged for a longer trip

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[12:50 - 12:58]Driver was Chinese and didn't speak much Japanese

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[12:50 - 12:58]Author questions if driver has a license and wonders about his motives

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[13:06 - 13:15]Driver only takes easy turns and avoids turning into traffic

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[13:15 - 13:22]Driver takes a roundabout route instead of going straight to the destination

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[06:39 - 13:22]Person had a difficult experience with a driver who struggled with directions and seemed inexperienced, causing stress and taking a longer, roundabout route to the destination.

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[13:30 - 13:37] The speaker recounts a taxi ride where the driver was constantly looking at his iPad instead of the road

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[14:23 - 14:30]The ride ended up being 50 minutes instead of the expected 20 minutes due to the driver's mistakes

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[15:18 - 15:26]The speaker was stressed and late to their shoot because of the extended ride

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[16:17 - 16:27]They were worried about having to confront the driver about his poor driving

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[16:17 - 16:27]The driver seemed overwhelmed and unfamiliar with the roads

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[16:17 - 16:27]The speaker felt unsafe and thought the driver was a danger to themselves and others

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[17:41 - 17:46]They discuss the differences between Japanese taxis and public transportation

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[18:49 - 18:54]There is a certain etiquette when using taxis in Japan, such as confirming the route with the driver

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[19:07 - 19:13]The speaker prefers trains, but sometimes taxis are necessary for faster travel

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[13:22 - 19:33]The speaker recounts a stressful taxi ride where the driver was constantly looking at his iPad and making mistakes, causing the ride to take longer than expected. They discuss the differences between Japanese taxis and public transportation and the etiquette when using taxis in Japan.

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[19:33 - 19:42] Person takes a taxi home and discusses how they tell the driver where to go

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[19:50 - 19:58]Sometimes drivers ask for directions and the person just tells them to use navigation tools

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[21:58 - 22:15]They have a funny story about going to a bar in Shibuya and realizing it was a meeting for the deaf

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[22:16 - 22:24]The bar was packed but everyone was signing instead of talking

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[24:49 - 24:57]The person also talks about their experience going out after the borders opened and being recognized as a foreigner

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[25:27 - 25:37]They mention a restaurant experience where they were asked if they were visiting and given an English menu even though they said Japanese was fine

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[26:03 - 26:09]More foreigners in Japan now

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[19:33 - 26:14]The person takes a taxi home and discusses their usual routine of telling the driver where to go. They also share a funny story about going to a bar in Shibuya and realizing it was a meeting for the deaf. They then talk about their recent experiences going out in Japan after the borders opened and being recognized as a foreigner. They mention a restaurant experience where they were given an English menu even though they said Japanese was fine. Finally, they mention that there are more foreigners in Japan now and how they were immediately recognized when they landed in the airport.

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[26:14 - 26:20] The speaker mentions a guy who approached them and was a big fan.

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[26:35 - 26:53]They discuss the increase in stream snipers and the difference between fans of "The Anime Man" and "Trash Taste."

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[28:24 - 28:31]They talk about the return to normalcy and welcoming of foreigners in Japan.

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[29:46 - 29:56]The group just returned from the Trash Taste Tour in America, where they did 23 shows in 21 days.

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[30:34 - 30:39]They mention meeting fans from different states and even countries.

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[47:47 - 48:17]They compare the vibes of the East Coast and West Coast in the US.

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[49:00 - 49:08]They briefly discuss the similarities and differences between the UK and Australia.

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[49:00 - 49:08]In the end, they ask for a summary of the conversation and the speaker gives their opinion on the differences between the two countries.

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[49:55 - 50:02]They discuss the difficulty of comparing cities versus comparing the culture of entire countries.

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[50:10 - 50:16]The speaker and another person get into a discussion about the culture of Australia and England.

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[26:14 - 50:29]The group discusses their recent trip to America for the Trash Taste Tour, the differences between fans of "The Anime Man" and "Trash Taste," and the culture and vibes of the East Coast and West Coast in the US. They also briefly compare the cultures of the UK and Australia.

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[50:30 - 50:37]Discussion about what makes up a culture

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[50:38 - 50:46]Differences between Australian and American culture

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[52:35 - 52:44]Comparison between American and British/Australian culture

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[53:10 - 53:17]Mention of sports, climate, and landscapes

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[53:17 - 53:24]Differences within American states

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[55:20 - 55:31]Appreciation for American hospitality

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[56:12 - 56:20]Noting the impact of media portrayal on perception of American culture

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[57:11 - 57:17]Finding things to like about America

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[57:17 - 57:27]Appreciation for American directness compared to British sarcasm

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[50:30 - 57:27]Discussion of the components of culture and a comparison between American and British/Australian culture. Appreciation for American hospitality and directness, as well as noting the impact of media portrayal on perception of American culture.

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[57:27 - 57:32]Someone is being passive aggressive and it takes layers to figure out

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[57:32 - 57:38]A business email was received with "regards" instead of "kind regards"

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[57:38 - 57:46]The person is worried they did something wrong to make the sender angry

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[58:00 - 58:06]Americans are known for being direct and telling people how they feel

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[58:06 - 58:13]Conversations are always nice and pleasant

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[58:06 - 58:13]Tipping was a joke but somewhat convenient for getting rid of change

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[58:19 - 58:25]The person doesn't like tipping and wants it to stay in America

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[58:31 - 58:46]People in America are generally pleasant and welcoming

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[58:52 - 58:59]The person is unsure if this is the average American or just the average fan of their show

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[58:59 - 59:08]They spoke to people outside of their fanbase and had a great time

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[59:14 - 59:24]The person is white and not very patient

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[59:30 - 59:39]They had a bad experience in Detroit where someone told them to leave and they felt scared

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[1.01:31 - 1.01:50]They learned how to talk to homeless people on their tour

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[1.01:31 - 1.01:50]Every night after the show, they were approached by homeless people

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[1.03:07 - 1.03:14]Every American has an "inbred skill" to de-escalate with homeless people

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[1.03:59 - 1.04:09]They believe homeless people are often demonized and showing compassion is appreciated

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[1.03:59 - 1.04:09]Ignoring a homeless person can make them angry, but dealing with them calmly can diffuse the situation

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[1.04:09 - 1.04:19]They used the tactic of saying "sorry, man" to de-escalate the situation

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[57:27 - 1.04:19]The person had a bad experience in Detroit where someone told them to leave and felt scared. They learned how to talk to homeless people on their tour and believe they are often demonized. They also discuss the directness of Americans and the convenience of tipping, but also express their dislike for it. They believe Americans are generally pleasant and welcoming, but are unsure if this is the average American or just the fans of their show. They also mention having great conversations and enjoying their time in America, but also had some bad experiences. They end by discussing their "inbred skill" to de-escalate with homeless people and the importance of showing compassion towards them.

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[1.05:57 - 1.06:08]Discussion about homelessness in America and how it differs from other countries like Japan

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[1.06:14 - 1.06:27]Homelessness is harder to get out of in Japan due to expensive living costs and barriers to finding housing

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[1.06:33 - 1.06:40]The systems in place in Japan contribute to the behavior and needs of the homeless population

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[1.06:33 - 1.06:40]Homeless people in Japan often live in manga cafes or cheap hotels

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[1.07:09 - 1.07:21]Personal experiences and interactions with homeless people in America and how reactions differ

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[1.07:09 - 1.07:21]Frustration with the system and demonization of homeless people

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[1.08:04 - 1.08:15]Discussion on the government's role and responsibility in addressing homelessness

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[1.10:39 - 1.10:46]Comparison of homelessness in America to other countries like the UK, Europe, and Australia

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[1.11:48 - 1.11:58]Discussion about traveling through 25-30 states in America and the top three places visited

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[1.11:58 - 1.12:04]Top three places visited: Nashville, Tennessee, New Orleans, Louisiana, and Colorado

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[1.04:19 - 1.12:04]The text discusses the issue of homelessness in America and how it differs from other countries, particularly Japan. It also touches on personal experiences and reactions to homelessness, frustration with the current system, and the responsibility of the government in addressing the issue. The text also mentions the top three places visited on the tour, including Nashville, Tennessee, New Orleans, Louisiana, and Colorado.

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[1.14:05 - 1.14:21]Nashville was a top city on the tour, despite not being well-known outside of the US

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[1.16:04 - 1.16:10]The strip in Nashville, called Broadway, was a highlight due to its constant live music

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[1.16:17 - 1.16:25]Other top cities on the tour included Denver, Seattle, and Chicago

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[1.16:17 - 1.16:25]Chicago was compared to New York, but better, and had great food

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[1.16:25 - 1.16:31]Seattle stood out for its European vibe and walkability

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[1.17:19 - 1.17:25]The chicken in Nashville was voted superior and the southern hospitality was appreciated

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[1.17:19 - 1.17:25]Toronto, Canada was a favorite city and is already being planned to visit again

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[1.17:19 - 1.17:25]Minneapolis was a fun city with a cool diner, but the winter was not enjoyable

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[1.19:06 - 1.19:32]Cleveland, Ohio was voted the worst state in America by most of the tour attendees

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[1.20:22 - 1.20:32]Spare time on the tour was often spent playing TFT (team fight tactics)

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[1.20:39 - 1.20:52]On the last stop in Colorado, the speaker was too busy playing TFT to enjoy the hotel's bathtub

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[1.12:04 - 1.20:58]Overall, the tour was a memorable and enjoyable experience, with Nashville, Toronto, and Seattle standing out as top cities.

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[1.20:59 - 1.21:06]The speaker goes to take a bath while waiting for a game to load.

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[1.21:06 - 1.21:13]They are playing a game and trying to reach a certain level.

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[1.21:26 - 1.21:36]They are in a competitive game and need to place in the top four to reach their goal.

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[1.21:41 - 1.21:48]They reach their goal and are ecstatic.

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[1.23:53 - 1.24:02]They hear a noise and realize their room is flooded due to a faulty bathtub.

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[1.23:53 - 1.24:02]The speaker explains the situation and the manager is relieved that they are okay.

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[1.24:10 - 1.24:15]They try to fix the problem and eventually get a new room.

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[1.25:59 - 1.26:05]The story gets exaggerated and the speaker's tour manager hears about it.

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[1.27:08 - 1.27:16]They are relieved that the damage was minimal and they won't have to pay for it.

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[1.20:59 - 1.28:54]The speaker accidentally floods their hotel room while playing League of Legends and has to get a new room. The damage is minimal and the incident is exaggerated, but the speaker's tour manager is relieved that they are okay.

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[1.28:55 - 1.29:06]Narrator is playing League of Legends and lies about it

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[1.29:17 - 1.29:27]Goes to a hotel and wonders about the weird things that happen there

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[1.30:15 - 1.30:22]Goes to the gym with Aaron and pushes himself too hard, leading to vomiting

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[1.34:30 - 1.34:37]Finishes the workout with ab exercises

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[1.35:25 - 1.35:44]Tries to continue the workout but eventually has to stop and throw up again

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[1.35:44 - 1.35:51]Only works out twice during the tour but still loses weight

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[1.28:55 - 1.36:10]Overall, the narrator has a funny and intense experience at the gym with Aaron, but ultimately regrets pushing himself too hard.

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[1.36:11 - 1.36:18]Person talks about their dislike for Keto and American food

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[1.39:02 - 1.39:18]They complain about the lack of diversity in American food, mainly burgers, meat, and fried foods

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[1.39:02 - 1.39:18]They mention hot dogs as being the most unhealthy food in America

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[1.39:26 - 1.39:40]They have tried to eat at local chains and try local foods, but still find them to be unhealthy

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[1.39:40 - 1.39:46]They express their frustration with constantly being recommended burgers and chicken tenders

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[1.39:46 - 1.39:53]They mention their love for Doritos and eating them every night

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[1.42:10 - 1.42:31]They talk about the overrated dish of chicken and waffles and how they felt sick after eating it

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[1.43:05 - 1.43:13]They mention that Americans only seem to eat chicken tenders and not other parts of the chicken

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[1.43:22 - 1.43:28]They express their love for chicken tenders and how they could eat them every day

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[1.43:22 - 1.43:28]They talk about the importance of chicken skin in their opinion

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[1.44:14 - 1.44:19]They talk about Korean fried wings and their preference for them over American wings

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[1.44:19 - 1.44:30]They mention that America does the best chicken wings

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[1.44:30 - 1.44:37]They mention trying different styles of hot dogs, specifically liking the Chicago and DC style

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[1.44:30 - 1.44:37]They mention that America does the best barbecue in the world

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[1.44:30 - 1.44:37]They express interest in trying Caribbean barbecue in the future

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[1.36:11 - 1.44:54]The person summarizes their dislike for Keto and American food, their love for Doritos and chicken tenders, and their frustration with the lack of diversity in American food, particularly chicken tenders. They also mention their preference for Korean fried wings over American wings and acknowledge that America does the best barbecue in the world.

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[1.52:29 - 1.52:45] The speaker and others went on a tour in different places around the world.

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[1.52:29 - 1.52:45] The speaker and others went on a tour in different places around the world.

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[1.52:29 - 1.52:45] The speaker and others went on a tour in different places around the world.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our REAL Thoughts on America | Trash Taste #128

[1.52:29 - 1.52:45] The speaker and others went on a tour in different places around the world.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our REAL Thoughts on America | Trash Taste #128

[1.52:29 - 1.52:45] The speaker and others went on a tour in different places around the world.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our REAL Thoughts on America | Trash Taste #128

[1.52:29 - 1.52:45] The speaker and others went on a tour in different places around the world.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our REAL Thoughts on America | Trash Taste #128

[1.52:29 - 1.52:45] The speaker and others went on a tour in different places around the world.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our REAL Thoughts on America | Trash Taste #128

[1.52:29 - 1.52:45]The speaker enjoyed learning about the different cultures and places they visited.

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[1.52:29 - 1.52:45]The speaker wants to do more shows and learn about more places.

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[1.44:54 - 1.52:45]In summary, the speaker and others went on a successful tour, trying different types of chicken wings and learning about various cultures, and there is interest in doing more tours in other regions.

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[1.52:45 - 1.52:51] They discuss the possibility of doing another tour in the future and potentially expanding to more places worldwide

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[1.53:12 - 1.53:25]They reflect on the valuable skills they learned from performing on stage and how it can benefit their content

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[1.53:40 - 1.53:49]They mention the challenges and difficulties of doing 23 shows in a row and how it affected them physically and mentally

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[1.54:17 - 1.54:31]Joey talks about getting sick during the tour and how he had to perform with a fever

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[1.56:09 - 1.56:34]They express their gratitude to those who took a chance on their first tour and supported them

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[1.57:54 - 1.58:01]They discuss their appreciation for the dedication and excitement of their fans at the shows

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[1.58:19 - 1.58:25]They thank their Patreon supporters and promote their other platforms for fans to engage with them

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[1.52:45 - 1.58:54]The group reflects on their recent tour, discussing the possibility of future tours, the skills they learned, and the challenges they faced. They express their gratitude to their fans for their support and dedication.