

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 270: Sticky Babes

SuperMegaCast - EP 270: Sticky Babes

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 270: Sticky Babes

[00:00 - 00:05]The podcast starts with a joke involving the word "penis."

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[01:02 - 01:13]They mention Tucker's new haircut and their own hair changes.

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[01:29 - 01:39]The hosts discuss their hair styles and plans for the podcast.

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[01:39 - 01:46]They joke about their knowledge on history and politics.

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[02:24 - 02:42]They mention Tucker walking by and getting distracted.

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[02:58 - 03:46]They talk about their podcast set and audio equipment.

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[04:51 - 04:59]Justin mentions an idea for a podcast-style show involving canned food.

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[05:53 - 06:00]They discuss their childhood guilty pleasure snacks.

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[07:08 - 07:20]They mention a time when Justin accidentally put cheese on his pancakes.

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[07:27 - 07:35]They talk about their favorite pancakes and syrup.

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[08:09 - 08:22]They mention a brand change for syrup.

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[00:00 - 08:22]The podcast features discussions about hair, audio equipment, and childhood guilty pleasure snacks, as well as a joke involving the word "penis." They also mention plans for a potential new podcast-style show.

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[08:55 - 09:10]Discussion about conservative channels and outrage videos about Aunt Jemima being canceled

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[11:33 - 11:44]Sexual fantasies involving Aunt Jemima and Mrs. Butterworth

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[12:39 - 12:51]Hypothetical scenario of watching TV and smoking cigarettes in bed with Aunt Jemima and Mrs. Butterworth

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[13:06 - 13:19]Comparison of Aunt Jemima and Mrs. Butterworth

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[13:33 - 13:41]Discussion about Quaker Oats and Pepsi owning Aunt Jemima and Quaker Oats

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[15:57 - 16:07]Discussion about a video of friends pouring ice water on a sleeping man and his extreme reaction to it

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 270: Sticky Babes

[08:22 - 17:02]Discussion and jokes about conservative outrage over Aunt Jemima being canceled, sexual fantasies involving Aunt Jemima and Mrs. Butterworth, discussion of Quaker Oats and Pepsi owning Aunt Jemima, and a video of friends pouring ice water on a sleeping man.

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[17:02 - 17:10]The speaker discusses the instinctual fear of predators and specifically mentions tigers and mountain lions.

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[17:30 - 17:41]They mention a video of tigers hunting people in India.

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[18:16 - 18:21]The speaker talks about encountering a mountain lion while on a hike and mentions footage of a man encountering one on a morning jog.

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[18:16 - 18:21]They discuss the danger of walking backwards when encountering a predator.

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[18:58 - 19:08]The speaker mentions the possibility of filming the encounter and going live on social media.

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[20:00 - 20:05]They discuss the idea of swinging around their house on ropes if they had no legs.

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[20:57 - 21:10]The speaker talks about the cuteness of dingo puppies and their surprising reputation as aggressive animals.

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[22:44 - 23:02]They mention the danger of stray dog attacks and discuss a video of two stray dogs getting stuck during intercourse.

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[24:05 - 24:20]The speaker takes a break for a sponsored ad for Peloton, discussing the convenience and entertainment of their fitness experience.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 270: Sticky Babes

[17:02 - 24:53]A comprehensive summary of the audio is given, mentioning the discussion of predator fear, mountain lion encounters, filming encounters, swinging around a house, dingo puppies, and stray dog attacks.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 270: Sticky Babes

[24:53 - 25:08]Audio transcription of a promotional segment for Peloton and Omaze

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[25:21 - 25:46]Discussing the opportunity to win prizes through Omaze and donate to charity

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[28:45 - 29:08]Mention of a cyst on the speaker's face and plans to bring back a character named Noob Dude

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[30:14 - 30:21]Discussion about acne and different products to treat it

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[32:01 - 32:16]Excitement for upcoming events, including the release of a new GTA trilogy and the speaker's birthday

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[32:45 - 33:12]Nervousness about the upcoming Jackass Forever film and a comparison to the Borat sequel

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[32:45 - 33:12]Jackass being similar to watching YouTube videos with friends and not having a political agenda

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 270: Sticky Babes

[24:53 - 33:12]The audio transcription covers a promotional segment for Peloton and Omaze, the opportunity to win prizes and donate to charity, mention of a cyst and plans to bring back a character, discussion about acne treatment, excitement for upcoming events, and nervousness about the upcoming Jackass Forever film.

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[33:12 - 33:18]No politics, just people hurting themselves for entertainment.

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[33:40 - 33:45]I dubs describes Super Mega as "PG Jackass."

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[33:58 - 34:05]Matt is offended and defends their reputation in front of Epic Meal Time.

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[34:26 - 34:36]Everyone wants to be seen in a good light by Epic Meal Time and Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

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[35:58 - 36:05]Matt is hosting several guests, including Kelly Layton, Justin Gatin, Ryan Lego, and Don.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 270: Sticky Babes

[36:16 - 36:22]Don is coming to stay with Matt for 10 days.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 270: Sticky Babes

[36:28 - 36:34]Don forgot his pants on the plane and is currently flying from Germany to LA.

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[37:17 - 37:22]Joe used to go by "Brain Foam" on Twitter, but changed his handle to "Joe_aqq."

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[37:31 - 37:36]Joe, a game developer and friend of Matt's, is also coming to stay with him.

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[37:36 - 37:46]Joe made fanart of Matt and Ryan kissing.

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[38:15 - 38:23]Matt and Ryan plan to dress Don up as Peter Griffin for an upcoming video.

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[39:14 - 39:34]Don is asking Matt for recommendations on where to buy bigger pants.

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[40:05 - 40:14]Matt plans to go shopping and clean his place before Don's arrival.

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[40:21 - 40:46]Don is arriving at LAX at 4:30pm on Wednesday.

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[40:46 - 40:52]Matt will have to Uber to pick up Don due to traffic.

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[40:52 - 41:12]Matt previously had to pick up Kelly and a friend from LAX and it was very crowded.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 270: Sticky Babes

[33:12 - 41:26]Matt and Ryan discuss their content and how I dubs described Super Mega. They also talk about hosting several guests, including Don who is flying from Germany to stay with them for 10 days. They discuss plans for an upcoming video and Matt's experience picking up people from LAX.

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[41:27 - 41:43]The speaker is discussing their love for red eye flights and their recent experiences with heavy traffic.

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[41:43 - 41:52]They prefer taking a longer route to their destination if it means avoiding stop-and-go traffic.

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[41:43 - 41:52]The speaker becomes mentally drained after a long trip with a friend.

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[42:53 - 43:04]They express their exhaustion and desire to return to Vegas.

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[43:17 - 43:24]The speaker suggests playing video poker and blackjack with a shirtless man as the dealer.

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[46:29 - 46:36]They take a break for an ad read during the podcast.

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[48:13 - 48:44]The speaker discusses their love for Farrity flannels and MeUndies underwear.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 270: Sticky Babes

[49:15 - 49:26]They also mention their frustration with high interest loans and credit card debt.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 270: Sticky Babes

[49:15 - 49:26]The speaker suggests trying a different financial approach.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 270: Sticky Babes

[41:27 - 49:26]The speaker discusses their recent experiences with traffic, their love for red eye flights, and their desire to return to Vegas. They also suggest playing video poker and blackjack with a shirtless man as the dealer and discuss their love for Farrity flannels and MeUndies underwear. They also mention their frustration with high interest loans and credit card debt and suggest trying a different financial approach.

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[49:26 - 49:37]Upstart is a service that helps pay off existing debt and improve credit score.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 270: Sticky Babes

[49:44 - 50:22]It considers factors like income, employment, and credit history to find a smarter rate for loans.

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[49:44 - 50:22]Users can check their rate without impacting their credit score.

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[50:22 - 50:29]Loans range from $1,000 to $50,000 and the funds can be received in as fast as one business day.

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[51:41 - 52:04]The hosts discuss their Patreon and the benefits of supporting it.

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[51:41 - 52:04]They mention their mini casts and exclusive content.

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[52:50 - 53:15]Christian's tendency to play devil's advocate and take controversial stances is discussed.

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[55:04 - 55:10]Latin's habit of taking a long time to order food on someone else's phone is mentioned.

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[56:10 - 56:16]Jackson doesn't listen to the podcast or watch Let's Plays, but is still paid in "Super Mega Bucks."

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[56:49 - 56:54]The hosts conclude by thanking their Patreon supporters and promoting their exclusive content.

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[56:55 - 57:03]They mention the option for employees to choose between crypto or gift cards.

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[57:03 - 57:09]These are actually crypto currency and the hosts pay themselves in it as well.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 270: Sticky Babes

[57:15 - 57:25]They joke about the customer service for gift cards being a scam.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 270: Sticky Babes

[49:26 - 57:25]Upstart is a fast and convenient way to pay off debt and improve credit score by offering smarter rates for loans. Users can check their rate without impacting their credit score and receive funds in as fast as one business day. The hosts also discuss their Patreon and the benefits of supporting it, as well as mentioning Christian and Latin's tendencies and their unique method of paying employees.

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[57:25 - 57:33] Justin gets paid in gift cards because he doesn't know how crypto works.

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[57:33 - 57:39]They are transitioning from acorn and still giving Justin a few.

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[57:33 - 57:39]Justin has a big acorn collection but has burned through a lot of them.

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[57:49 - 57:55]They find out Justin's least favorite restaurant and give him gift cards to that.

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[57:55 - 58:02]There is no money on the gift cards, but Justin thinks he is getting paid.

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[59:02 - 59:12]People from 200 years ago would experience a shock if they appeared in the present time.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 270: Sticky Babes

[59:53 - 1.00:16]Life has become more convenient with heaters, cars, and other inventions.

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[59:53 - 1.00:16]They would eventually adapt and be happy with the convenience of modern life.

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[59:53 - 1.00:16]Life has come a long way with advancements in technology and convenience.

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[1.00:58 - 1.01:19]It would be difficult to live in places like Siberia in the 1800s.

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[1.01:28 - 1.01:52]People in colder climates adjust to the cold by putting their baby carriages outside.

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[1.04:01 - 1.04:10]The person who made the video, Ryan McGee, was a youth pastor.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 270: Sticky Babes

[1.05:17 - 1.05:34]Ryan's youth pastor made a rap song about the periodic table.

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[1.05:17 - 1.05:34]His science teacher played the rap song every year until Ryan reached out to his old youth pastor.

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[57:25 - 1.05:34]The summarized text is about Justin getting paid in gift cards, the convenience of modern life, and Ryan's youth pastor making a rap song about the periodic table.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 270: Sticky Babes

[1.05:39 - 1.05:47] The speaker mentions reaching out to someone for lunch and not discussing religion.

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[1.07:35 - 1.07:46]They wonder if the person unfriended them on Facebook after finding their online persona.

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[1.07:35 - 1.07:46]The speaker's mother confirms that she is no longer friends with the person on Facebook.

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[1.09:15 - 1.09:21]The speaker's mother also checks on someone else who is now deceased.

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[1.09:52 - 1.10:02]The speaker's youth pastor is discussed and the possibility of questioning his faith is brought up.

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[1.09:52 - 1.10:02]The speaker's mother sends a picture of the youth pastor and his wife to the speaker.

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[1.10:09 - 1.10:14]The speaker's mother checks the youth pastor's Facebook and confirms he has a new one.

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[1.12:23 - 1.12:33]The speaker discusses their relationship with the youth pastor and how his leaving may have affected them.

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[1.12:23 - 1.12:33]The speaker's mother and the youth pastor's Facebook are mentioned.

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[1.12:33 - 1.12:40]The speaker mentions a meeting in Beverly Hills and they take off in a plane.

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[1.12:40 - 1.12:45]The speaker and others on the plane notice something is wrong and the plane crashes.

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[1.13:21 - 1.13:27]The speaker expresses concern for the safety of the plane and those on it.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 270: Sticky Babes

[1.05:34 - 1.13:30]The speaker discusses reaching out to someone for lunch and their relationship with their youth pastor. They mention the person possibly unfriending them on Facebook and their mother confirms this. The speaker's mother also checks on someone else who is now deceased. The speaker and others are on a plane, which crashes during the flight. The speaker expresses concern for the safety of the plane and the text ends abruptly during the crash.