

Youtube profile pic for Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

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[00:00 - 00:48]Charlie is unable to record the podcast due to a scheduling conflict.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[00:07 - 00:12]Ted asks if they can hang out instead.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[00:13 - 00:19]Charlie is free for a short period of time.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[00:19 - 01:04]Ted asks if they can hang out instead.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[01:04 - 01:15]Charlie moves into an empty house and needs a truck to move furniture.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[01:15 - 01:23]Charlie recently moved from New York to Austin, Texas.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[01:24 - 01:45]Ted suggests using the time as a practice round for the podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[01:45 - 02:11]Ted suggests finding a different time to record.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[02:11 - 02:44]They joke about Texas not getting snow.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[02:48 - 03:09]When it snows, Texas has no infrastructure to handle it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[03:09 - 04:15]Charlie wakes up in a cold, powerless, and waterless house.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[04:15 - 04:53]They joke about Texas not getting snow.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[04:53 - 05:01]Charlie wakes up in a cold, powerless, and waterless house.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[05:01 - 05:33]They joke about Texas not getting snow.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[05:33 - 06:17]When it snows, Texas has no infrastructure to handle it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[06:17 - 07:04]People in Texas don't know how to drive in snow.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[07:05 - 07:38]Texas didn't have snow plows and had to borrow them from Ohio.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[07:38 - 08:18]Grocery stores are closed and have thrown out all their meat.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[08:18 - 09:18]Charlie survives on gas station beef jerky for a week during the snowstorm.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[09:18 - 09:24]Ted asks if they can hang out instead.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[09:25 - 09:52]Charlie survives on gas station beef jerky for a week during the snowstorm.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[09:52 - 09:59]People in Texas don't know how to drive in snow.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[10:00 - 10:43]Charlie wakes up in a cold, powerless, and waterless house.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[10:00 - 10:49]The speaker's alarm clock didn't go off and they woke up cold

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[10:49 - 13:06]When they arrived at the hotel, they found out it had no power

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[11:48 - 13:27]They ended up going to Miss Kiff's house and had to repay him by going on his stream

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[13:27 - 14:41]When they arrived at the hotel, they found out it had no power

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[14:08 - 15:03]The speaker's computer was shipped via UPS and went missing

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[14:29 - 15:11]They also shipped their car to their new location but it was delayed due to icy conditions

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[15:11 - 16:33]The speaker's computer was shipped via UPS and went missing

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[15:27 - 15:40]They considered going to their friend's house, Miss Kiff, who had power

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[16:17 - 17:32]The speaker's computer was shipped via UPS and went missing

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[16:48 - 17:09]They also shipped their car to their new location but it was delayed due to icy conditions

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[17:10 - 18:00]The speaker is frustrated and upset with the situation and has been dealing with power outages and running errands to check for power and supplies.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[18:00 - 18:59]They received a text from the person shipping their car saying it won't be arriving that day due to ice

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[19:00 - 21:18]The speaker is frustrated and upset with the situation and has been dealing with power outages and running errands to check for power and supplies.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[21:18 - 22:50]They come across a closed McDonald's with a long line of cars

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[22:50 - 23:56]One of the characters realizes the restaurant is closed and informs the others

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[23:56 - 26:46]They come across a closed McDonald's with a long line of cars

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[25:16 - 27:31]One of the characters realizes the restaurant is closed and informs the others

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[26:00 - 28:17]They come across a closed McDonald's with a long line of cars

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[27:58 - 29:43]The narrator is revealed to have been eating spinach during recordings.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[28:31 - 28:37]They come across a closed McDonald's with a long line of cars

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[28:52 - 30:39]The narrator is revealed to have been eating spinach during recordings.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[30:13 - 32:15]They come across a closed McDonald's with a long line of cars

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[30:40 - 33:26]Main characters, including the narrator, are on a trip and subsisting on beef jerky

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[33:26 - 34:37]The narrator is revealed to have been eating spinach during recordings.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[34:07 - 36:18]The speaker and Ted discuss atomic locks and the speaker's bad mood

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[35:21 - 39:54]Ted makes fun of the speaker for living in an empty room

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[39:54 - 40:51]The speaker and Ted discuss atomic locks and the speaker's bad mood

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[40:51 - 46:13]The speaker suggests a prank show called the "Atomic Pranksters"

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[45:49 - 48:45]They discuss various pranks, including turning people's hands into eggs and starting a cash ambulance

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 5

[47:20 - 49:43]Ted and the speaker argue about living conditions and the podcast