

Youtube profile pic for The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

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[00:00 - 00:58]A ghost is in the room, banging on the ceiling.

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[00:09 - 00:46]Government-made projects disguised as aliens.

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[01:02 - 02:15]Discussion about aliens and hauntings being scary.

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[01:08 - 01:23]Discussion about a cursed painting in the apartment.

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[01:23 - 01:28]A ghost is in the room, banging on the ceiling.

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[02:15 - 04:41]Rachel's first introduction on Smosh.

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[03:34 - 05:02]Rachel's experience growing up in a haunted house.

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[04:11 - 04:28]Discussion about aliens and hauntings being scary.

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[05:03 - 07:59]Rachel's experience growing up in a haunted house.

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[05:24 - 06:13]Strange occurrences in the apartment, such as a swinging garbage can lid and a figure in the corner.

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[06:21 - 08:59]Other people witnessing the figure in the apartment.

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[07:39 - 09:30]Rachel's experience growing up in a haunted house.

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[08:06 - 08:35]A personal experience with the movie Signs.

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[08:42 - 12:10]Discussion about the energy and culture of a place affecting hauntings.

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[10:01 - 11:31]Tommy and Rachel's interest in the paranormal.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[10:59 - 12:16]Other people witnessing the figure in the apartment.

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[11:20 - 12:40]A ghost is in the room, banging on the ceiling.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[11:39 - 12:45]Tommy's experience with a nutcracker in his childhood.

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[12:16 - 14:15]Discussion about a cursed painting in the apartment.

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[13:28 - 14:51]Other people witnessing the figure in the apartment.

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[14:15 - 16:40]A woman experiences a ghostly figure in her apartment.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[16:40 - 17:56]The woman's roommate has also seen the figure before but never mentioned it.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[16:46 - 17:06]A woman experiences a ghostly figure in her apartment.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[17:06 - 17:44]The woman is Jewish and does not believe in demons, but the ghost may be using her religious icons against her.

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[17:27 - 18:22]The woman's roommate has also seen the figure before but never mentioned it.

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[18:22 - 19:35]The woman and her roommate perform a cleansing ritual using sage and Palo Santo.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[19:38 - 21:24]The woman is Jewish and does not believe in demons, but the ghost may be using her religious icons against her.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[21:25 - 24:00]The woman's roommate has also seen the figure before but never mentioned it.

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[24:01 - 24:29]The host of a podcast shares a story about a recorded haunting in the US in 1799.

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[24:30 - 27:22]A ghost of a deceased wife appears to her husband and tries to orchestrate his marriage to a 15-year-old girl.

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[25:03 - 28:20]The ghost appears multiple times and passes through people to prove its identity.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[26:04 - 27:07]A ghost of a deceased wife appears to her husband and tries to orchestrate his marriage to a 15-year-old girl.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[26:24 - 28:46]A woman experiences a ghostly figure in her apartment.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[27:08 - 27:41]The woman's roommate has also seen the figure before but never mentioned it.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[28:46 - 29:30]The speaker is scared of ghosts because they are unknown and their capabilities are unpredictable.

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[28:54 - 29:17]The speaker mentions watching videos of people's paranormal experiences and becoming more skeptical.

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[29:31 - 30:26]They discuss the concept of cryptids, which are unidentified creatures that could potentially exist.

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[30:26 - 32:01]They mention the fact that we know more about space than the ocean, making the idea of creatures in the ocean even scarier.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[31:21 - 32:23]The speaker believes that aliens are scarier than ghosts because they are physical beings with advanced technology.

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[32:25 - 33:21]The speaker believes that aliens exist and are potentially working with the government.

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[33:23 - 33:43]The speaker mentions the 2019 US Navy UFO videos, which showed advanced technology that could potentially be man-made or alien.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[33:44 - 34:41]The concept of quantum entanglement is brought up, and the speaker believes it could explain paranormal phenomena.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[34:42 - 36:29]They discuss a study where a woman was able to live a full life with only half of her brain, through the use of holographic technology.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[35:23 - 37:09]The speaker is scared of ghosts because they are unknown and their capabilities are unpredictable.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[35:39 - 36:50]They discuss a study where a woman was able to live a full life with only half of her brain, through the use of holographic technology.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[36:30 - 37:54]The concept of quantum entanglement is brought up, and the speaker believes it could explain paranormal phenomena.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[37:54 - 38:13]The speaker mentions the 2019 US Navy UFO videos, which showed advanced technology that could potentially be man-made or alien.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[38:14 - 39:27]The argument of using aliens as a cover for government projects is brought up.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[39:28 - 40:38]The speaker believes that aliens are scarier than ghosts because they are physical beings with advanced technology.

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[40:20 - 43:15]The speaker is talking about their fear of aliens and how it stems from their childhood experiences.

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[40:38 - 43:21]The speaker's father, who is the oldest of five children, enjoys scaring them and jumps out at them in their room pretending to be an alien.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[43:22 - 45:18]The speaker has a vivid memory of seeing a strange alien-like figure driving a car on a dark road with their friends in college.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[44:23 - 45:25]The speaker is talking about their fear of aliens and how it stems from their childhood experiences.

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[44:59 - 47:25]The speaker and their friend both draw the figure and realize they saw the same thing.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[45:06 - 47:08]The speaker has a vivid memory of seeing a strange alien-like figure driving a car on a dark road with their friends in college.

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[47:08 - 48:00]The concept of "Men in Black" is discussed as a possible explanation for strange occurrences involving aliens.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[48:10 - 48:56]The speaker is talking about their fear of aliens and how it stems from their childhood experiences.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[48:31 - 50:18]The concept of "Men in Black" is discussed as a possible explanation for strange occurrences involving aliens.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[49:43 - 50:44]The speaker concludes by saying they don't know everything and are open to the possibility of aliens.

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[50:19 - 51:38]The speaker's father, who is the oldest of five children, enjoys scaring them and jumps out at them in their room pretending to be an alien.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[50:44 - 51:44]Guest reveals that she has used a Ouija board before.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[51:32 - 52:47]Host shares his experience with a Ouija board during a sketch and their uncertainty about what to do with the board afterwards.

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[52:10 - 54:02]Guest explains the potential dangers of using a Ouija board and the importance of properly closing the board.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[53:49 - 55:13]Guest reveals that she has used a Ouija board before.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[54:31 - 56:06]Host shares his experience with a Ouija board during a sketch and their uncertainty about what to do with the board afterwards.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[56:06 - 56:30]Guest explains the potential dangers of using a Ouija board and the importance of properly closing the board.

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[56:30 - 57:11]Host shares his admiration for Abby from Dance Moms.

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[57:12 - 58:42]Guest and host discuss the belief in cryptids and reveal the results of a survey on whether people believe in them.

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[57:45 - 58:07]The speaker discusses cryptids and how they are seen as silly creatures like the Loch Ness monster and Bigfoot.

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[58:08 - 58:57]They mention a show called "Paranormal Caught on Camera" and describe a video where four people in a car encounter something grotesque.

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[58:30 - 59:39]Host expresses disbelief and concern.

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[58:57 - 59:51]Host and guest discuss a ghost story that happened to the guest.

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[58:57 - 59:58]The speaker brings up a video of a goat attacking a bicyclist and mentions a meme referencing the movie "The Witch."

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[59:11 - 59:51]They talk about Animorphs and giving animal-like qualities to humans.

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[59:27 - 59:58]Host expresses disbelief and concern.

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[59:58 - 1.01:18]The speaker shares a personal experience in Iceland where they stumbled upon an abandoned earth house built into a rock.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[1.00:24 - 1.02:06]They mention finding scattered bones at the entrance and inside the house, and then stumbling upon a dead sheep outside.

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[1.01:48 - 1.03:54]The speaker theorizes that the bones could have been part of a ritual for protection against death.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[1.03:16 - 1.04:18]The speaker shares a personal experience in Iceland where they stumbled upon an abandoned earth house built into a rock.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[1.03:30 - 1.03:48]The speaker theorizes that the bones could have been part of a ritual for protection against death.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[1.03:43 - 1.04:47]Ian shows Tommy and Rachel a picture of some teeth.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[1.03:55 - 1.04:05]The speaker brings up a video of a goat attacking a bicyclist and mentions a meme referencing the movie "The Witch."

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[1.04:19 - 1.04:35]They talk about a spooky investigation at the Queen Mary.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[1.04:19 - 1.04:47]The speaker also talks about how old dwellings often have a history of rituals and beliefs in the supernatural.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[1.04:49 - 1.05:18]They talk about a "shoot dude" moment.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[1.05:18 - 1.07:01]Joseph shares a story about a time he caused a scene in a store to try and get a toy, resulting in store security and police getting involved.

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[1.06:48 - 1.07:54]They discuss childhood punishments and Tommy shares a story about being taken home from a restaurant for causing a scene.

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[1.07:55 - 1.08:43]They talk about a "shoot dude" moment.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[1.08:43 - 1.09:10]They mention a potential new "shoot dude" merchandise.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[1.09:10 - 1.09:50]Ian shows Tommy and Rachel a picture of some teeth.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Haunting of Smosh Manor - SmoshCast #86

[1.09:21 - 1.10:59]They talk about a spooky investigation at the Queen Mary.