

Youtube profile pic for The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

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[00:00 - 02:21]The speaker wants to continue creating content with the Smosh and Smosh Games channels as one big family.

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[02:10 - 03:10]The group reminisces about playing Mortal Kombat together in the past and their punishments for losing.

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[03:17 - 07:45]They mention the closure of the website clever games and the potential for spinoff sites like and

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[05:58 - 09:34]The topic shifts to the decline of websites and the rise of social media platforms.

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[08:53 - 09:57]They discuss the impact of YouTube and content creators on traditional gaming journalism.

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[09:57 - 10:53]The speaker brings up a recent controversy involving the Ubisoft-sanctioned all-women gaming group, Fragg Dolls.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[10:53 - 11:18]They wonder if there will be similar groups in the future and joke about creating a website called Kevinpedia.

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[11:18 - 11:50]They mention thinking Frag Dolls were just a group of girl gamers and possibly cosplayers

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[11:24 - 11:29]They discuss their lack of knowledge about Frag Dolls being associated with Ubisoft

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[11:50 - 12:31]They mention hoping Apex will do well as a competitor to Fortnite

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[12:31 - 14:01]They mention the difficulty of adult life and not having enough time to play competitive online shooters

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[14:01 - 14:55]They discuss the popularity of Fortnite among younger generations, including the speaker's nephews

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[15:02 - 15:24]They discuss the rise of Fortnite and its dominance in the gaming world

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[15:32 - 16:13]They mention the difficulty of adult life and not having enough time to play competitive online shooters

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[16:13 - 17:17]They mention having a dummy Instagram account to follow people without others knowing

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[16:21 - 17:24]They mention participating in a foam glow run with friends

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[16:53 - 18:07]They mention having a dummy Instagram account to follow people without others knowing

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[18:07 - 19:00]They mention the laptop and Frag Dolls

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[18:13 - 18:31]They mention having a dummy Instagram account to follow people without others knowing

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[19:00 - 19:42]They mention getting fat and being a dad

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[19:13 - 20:17]They mention visiting the Rockstar headquarters and streaming with them

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[19:48 - 20:11]They mention the difficulty of adult life and not having enough time to play competitive online shooters

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[20:24 - 21:02]They mention participating in a foam glow run with friends

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[20:57 - 21:34]The speaker participated in a 5K run, which was 5000 miles.

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[21:02 - 22:16]They mention Odom from the Warp Zone and planning to shoot a video with them after the Mortal Kombat event

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[21:35 - 22:22]They also mention a rescue from the pits of Define.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[21:41 - 21:51]They mention participating in a foam glow run with friends

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[21:51 - 22:10]They mention Warp Zone's Game of Thrones wrap-up videos and their anticipation for the next season.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[21:51 - 22:16]The speaker discusses their lack of expertise in space, but their passion for it.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[22:22 - 22:33]They discuss the strangeness of using real names vs. online personas.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[22:33 - 24:32]The speaker discusses a foam run where they ran through a car wash and a parking lot.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[22:39 - 27:25]A conversation about foam and black lights

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[23:43 - 24:45]The speaker encourages others to participate in the run and mentions it as a fun activity.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[24:33 - 27:01]The speaker talks about their own traveling experiences, including multiple trips to Japan and lobbying for Congress.

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[25:43 - 27:06]They mention lobbying on behalf of Bill Nye's organization, the Planetary Society, for space advocacy and funding for NASA.

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[27:06 - 27:38]There is a conversation about the size of space, mentioning it has more than 15 miles.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[27:06 - 28:00]Discussion about the shape of the Earth and Minecraft

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[27:12 - 27:54]The speaker discusses their lack of expertise in space, but their passion for it.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[27:49 - 29:18]A conversation about foam and black lights

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[27:55 - 28:18]The speaker discusses a foam run where they ran through a car wash and a parking lot.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[28:18 - 28:53]The speaker mentions playing Minecraft with someone named Dave, who is also known as "Smosh Games."

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[28:54 - 29:18]The speaker discusses a foam run where they ran through a car wash and a parking lot.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[29:18 - 31:03]Mention of laser corn's name and identity

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[29:18 - 31:09]They discuss the strangeness of using real names vs. online personas.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[29:47 - 31:03]The speaker mentions an existential crisis when asked for their real name.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[29:54 - 31:49]Talk about laser corn's real name and baby corn

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[31:03 - 32:36]Mention of laser corn's name and identity

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[31:09 - 32:36]The speaker jokes about not being able to scat dark.

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[32:20 - 34:08]They talk about their hairstylist leaving and the potential of going back to their natural hair color.

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[32:25 - 32:42]The conversation moves on to other topics.

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[33:49 - 35:19]The speakers both have stories about their families' reactions to their hair color changes.

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[35:19 - 36:21]The speakers discuss their current hair colors and the possibility of changing them in the future.

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[35:24 - 36:14]The speakers both have stories about their families' reactions to their hair color changes.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[35:42 - 38:03]They imagine what their generation's old folks home will be like and discuss their retirement plans.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[37:20 - 37:54]One speaker wants to live in a cabin in the woods, while the other wants to be a robot.

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[37:43 - 40:38]The speaker is discussing the idea of having mostly robot parts and wanting strong legs for heroic jumps.

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[37:55 - 39:21]The speaker's grandmother is turning 100 and they are going to visit her in Japan.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[38:03 - 38:53]They debate whether getting eaten by a bear is a cool way to die.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[38:53 - 41:09]They joke about the concept of aging and fighting a bear at 80 years old.

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[39:35 - 40:27]They mention a mech that they drove and wanting to buy one in the future.

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[40:40 - 42:05]The speaker's grandmother is turning 100 and they are going to visit her in Japan.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[42:05 - 43:37]The speaker becomes an evangelist for Okonomiyaki and wishes it was more well-known.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[43:07 - 43:51]The speaker talks about visiting Hiroshima and trying Okonomiyaki, a savory pancake dish.

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[43:52 - 45:10]They talk about Osaka being a hipster town and wanting to go there.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[45:10 - 46:01]They describe the ingredients and layers of Hiroshima style Okonomiyaki.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[46:02 - 51:34]The speaker talks about visiting Hiroshima and trying Okonomiyaki, a savory pancake dish.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[49:47 - 50:38]The speaker is discussing the variety of food available in Los Angeles.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[49:53 - 51:34]The speaker and someone else, possibly the interviewer, discuss the idea of attempting to make the dish themselves.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[50:08 - 50:20]They mention a person who is not welcome in the city, and joke about turning a flat into a tapas grill.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[50:50 - 51:20]The speaker and someone else, possibly the interviewer, discuss the idea of attempting to make the dish themselves.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[51:41 - 52:13]The speaker shares their love for ginger and ginger beer, and discusses the privilege of knowing English.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[52:14 - 52:40]The speaker and interviewer discuss traveling and the importance of experiencing different cultures.

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[52:41 - 54:13]The text ends with the speaker reflecting on how they navigate through life by mimicking others.

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[52:47 - 53:45]They recommend Hawaii as a vacation spot for Americans without a passport.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[54:44 - 56:01]The interviewer brings up the idea of different cultures and languages, and the privilege of knowing English.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[56:01 - 57:46]The speaker and interviewer discuss traveling and the importance of experiencing different cultures.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[56:56 - 57:33]They discuss the audition process for Smosh Pit Weekly and the speaker's experience with guinea pig as a food.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[57:47 - 58:16]They mention a popular YouTuber who has also attempted the dish.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[57:57 - 1.00:31]The speaker and interviewer discuss traveling and the importance of experiencing different cultures.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[59:14 - 1.00:37]The speaker shares their love for Zelda and the possibility of a "fire city" revolution.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[59:51 - 1.00:57]The interviewer brings up the idea of different cultures and languages, and the privilege of knowing English.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[1.00:00 - 1.00:43]They discuss the money barrier for travel and ways to cut costs, such as staying in hostels.

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[1.00:57 - 1.01:42]They joke about the consequences of spending all your money on travel.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[1.01:17 - 1.02:10]The speaker and interviewer discuss traveling and the importance of experiencing different cultures.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[1.01:30 - 1.02:20]They discuss the audition process for Smosh Pit Weekly and the speaker's experience with guinea pig as a food.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[1.01:42 - 1.05:02]They share a story about a surprise silent disco party for one of their wives, where everyone wears headphones and dances to the same music.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[1.01:52 - 1.01:57]The speaker encourages people to travel and be interesting before pursuing a career in YouTube.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[1.02:20 - 1.03:31]The speaker mentions recent experiences at a party and their inability to dance.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[1.02:55 - 1.03:48]The text ends with the speaker reflecting on how they navigate through life by mimicking others.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[1.05:02 - 1.08:29]One member accidentally injured themselves while in a giant hamster ball with a GoPro attached.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[1.08:30 - 1.09:43]They share their excitement for the new beginning of Smosh Games and their upcoming projects, including a Mortal Kombat video.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[1.09:21 - 1.13:03]The group discusses the success of their YouTube channel and potential brand deals.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[1.09:44 - 1.11:53]They discuss the reorganization of Smosh Games and Smosh under DeFi, which led to the separation of the two groups.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[1.11:53 - 1.15:32]They share their excitement for the new beginning of Smosh Games and their upcoming projects, including a Mortal Kombat video.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[1.13:35 - 1.15:11]They end with a playful moment and the group expressing their excitement for the future.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[1.14:39 - 1.18:14]The group talks about the importance of being true to themselves and their relationships within the company.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[1.14:45 - 1.18:38]They end with a playful moment and the group expressing their excitement for the future.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Return of Smosh Games - SmoshCast #7

[1.17:55 - 1.19:18]They share their excitement for the new beginning of Smosh Games and their upcoming projects, including a Mortal Kombat video.