

Youtube profile pic for The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[00:06 - 00:11]Audio discusses topics about Chris Chan and his history

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[00:17 - 00:24]Audio is graphic and grotesque

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[04:33 - 04:45]Audio includes a guest, Gino Samuels, who does a YouTube series on Chris Chan

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[05:59 - 06:30]Chris Chan is an autistic individual who became the subject of online bullying

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[05:59 - 06:30]Chris Chan's bad parenting and own afflictions contributed to their situation

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[05:59 - 06:30]Chris Chan's constant addressing of trolls only made the situation worse

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[06:31 - 06:54]Chris Chan's story is a case study of what not to do on the internet

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[06:31 - 06:54]It is the perfect storm of someone susceptible to online bullying and the worst trolls

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[06:54 - 07:06]Gino's series is 40+ hours long and not even up-to-date with the full story

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[07:44 - 07:51]Recent news about Chris Chan's sexual relations with their elderly mother was covered in mainstream media

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[07:44 - 07:51]Chris Chan's mother may have dementia

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[07:58 - 08:05]It is considered despicable and possibly incestuous

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[07:58 - 08:05]Incest is illegal

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[08:05 - 08:15]The situation is considered insane and the worst timeline

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[00:00 - 08:15]The audio is a discussion about Chris Chan and his history, including his experience with online bullying and his own afflictions. The guest, Gino Samuels, is known for his 40+ hour YouTube series on Chris Chan, which is not even up-to-date with the full story. Recent news about Chris Chan's sexual relations with their elderly mother, who may have dementia, has been covered in mainstream media. The situation is considered despicable and possibly incestuous, and Chris Chan's story is discussed further in the audio.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[08:16 - 08:33]Introduction of the topic of Christine and how it is discussed with others

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[08:34 - 08:48]Description of the documentary and the process behind making it

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[08:34 - 08:48]Discovery of information about Christine on a dedicated wiki and decision to compile it into video form

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[10:35 - 10:41]Being known as a "Chrystorian" and the burden of that identity

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[11:25 - 11:31]Channel deletion and decision to continue making videos on a different platform

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[13:53 - 14:11]Research process and use of the Quickie and Kiwi Farms websites

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[14:48 - 14:59]Chris's teenage years and development of their own world

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[15:22 - 15:28]Development of the Quickville universe and creation of Sonichu

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[15:22 - 15:28]Introduction of the character Sonichu in a high school design project

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[15:38 - 15:48]Teacher's restriction on using copyrighted characters leading to the creation of Sonichu

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[15:49 - 15:54]Initial discovery of Chris through the Sonichu meme

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[15:49 - 15:54]Sonichu becoming an iconic meme online

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[08:16 - 16:10]The audio discusses the topic of Christine and how it is discussed, the creation and process behind a documentary about Christine, the discovery and use of information from a dedicated wiki and online forums, and the development of the Quickville universe and iconic character Sonichu.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[16:10 - 16:17]Protagonist discovers Sonichu and Chris Chan

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[16:17 - 16:35]Goes deeper into the rabbit hole

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[16:17 - 16:35]Watches documentary and is introduced to Chris

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[16:17 - 16:35]Documentary starts off hopeful

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[16:43 - 16:54]Personal details about Chris are concerning

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[16:55 - 17:02]Chris is autistic and obsessed with games

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[17:03 - 17:24]Detailed explanation of Chris's school life and gal pals

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[17:29 - 17:36]Medical records and psychiatric evaluation shown in documentary

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[17:50 - 17:58]Documents and records were illegally obtained from Chris's property

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[17:58 - 18:12]Trolls have gone through Chris's dumpster for information

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[18:38 - 18:43]Notoriety gained through photos posted on forums

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[18:43 - 18:57]Chris is one of the most documented people in history

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[19:41 - 19:47]Chris starts making videos to address rumors

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[20:45 - 20:56]"Information overload" is called a strategy

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[20:56 - 21:09]Chris docks themselves to fight back against Encyclopedia of Dramatica page

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[22:00 - 22:10]Trolls receive more personal information about Chris

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[22:11 - 22:20]Drawing of Chris and friend in a sexual manner gains attention

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[22:42 - 22:57]Chris justifies drawing as a way to release urges instead of acting on them

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[16:10 - 23:58]Rooting for Chris becomes difficult due to their actions

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[23:58 - 24:07] Chris often said racist and homophobic things

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[24:15 - 24:24]It is unclear if this behavior was due to their environment or personal beliefs

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[24:37 - 24:43]Chris has severe autism

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[25:30 - 25:38]Trolling saga begins in 2007 and lasts for two years

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[26:28 - 26:36]Trolls pretend to be interested in Chris, leading to multiple catfish incidents

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[27:58 - 28:11]Chris talks about sex in a very primitive and detached manner

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[29:23 - 29:28]Trolls often ask for videos and pictures of Chris doing certain things

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[29:39 - 29:48]Chris sits on a cake in one video, leading to shock and disgust

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[30:25 - 30:32]Mid-2000s internet was a lawless place

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[31:00 - 31:07]Chris provided entertaining content for trolls to laugh at

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[31:08 - 31:17]Private group called the "private villa of corrupted citizens" targeted Chris for entertainment

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[23:58 - 31:24]A comprehensive summary of the events surrounding Chris Chan and the trolling saga, including their behavior, the trolling incidents, and the role of the private group in targeting Chris for entertainment.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[31:26 - 31:34]Trolls and Chris's behavior are often seen as equally pathetic.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[32:09 - 32:16]Chris is sponsored by Honey and promotes their promo codes.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[32:59 - 33:08]The PBCC was named after a group in Chris's comic series Sonichu.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[33:36 - 33:44]Chris was banned from the mall for posting signs looking for a girlfriend.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[35:38 - 35:45]Chris has severe autism and questionable upbringing.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[36:46 - 36:57]Trolls may have had a hunch about Chris's parents' involvement in their friendships.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[37:58 - 38:08]Chris's parents asked their friends' daughters to be friends with Chris.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[37:58 - 38:08]Some of Chris's gal pals may have only been friends with Chris for money or good grades.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[38:09 - 38:21]Chris's high school reunion was organized by trolls pretending to be gal pals.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[38:21 - 38:38]Trolls were able to accurately guess that Chris's parents asked for the friendship.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[31:26 - 39:51]Chris, a person with severe autism, has had a questionable upbringing and has been the target of trolls. They were banned from the mall for posting signs looking for a girlfriend and their parents asked their friends' daughters to be friends with them. Trolls later pretended to be these gal pals and revealed that their parents had asked for the friendships in exchange for money or good grades. This revelation may have been a hunch for the trolls, as some of Chris's gal pals may have only been friends with them for these reasons.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[39:52 - 40:03]Chris has a clear nostalgia for high school and never grows out of it.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[40:11 - 40:16]Chris's videos date back to when they were young and show a consistent desire to relive their high school days.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[41:36 - 41:48]Chris met female friends at a local game store and became too touchy with one of them, causing the relationship to fall out.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[42:08 - 42:29]Chris was banned from the game store after causing trouble and making racist comments towards African-American children.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[42:08 - 42:29]Chris's girlfriend at the time convinced them to go back to the game store and threaten the manager, but they were kicked out again.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[44:04 - 44:10]Chris made a video on YouTube addressing the manager of the game store in hopes of being unbanned, but was unsuccessful.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[45:28 - 45:39]Chris and their mother drove over the manager of the game store twice, causing minor harm.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[46:41 - 46:47]Chris was charged with hit and run and the manager wanted the charges to be dropped.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[39:52 - 48:05]Chris has a long history of nostalgia for high school and a tendency to act out, including being banned from a game store and running over the manager twice with a car. They have also had videos published in Nintendo Power magazine, where they described themselves as a high-functioning autistic virgin.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[48:06 - 48:12]Chris mentions being a high-functioning autistic virgin frequently

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[48:27 - 48:33]The game store arc spans over 10 years

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[48:47 - 48:52]Chris is constantly trolled, with the trolling arc feeling never-ending

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[52:07 - 52:18]Chris is trolled by a 13-year-old boy who asks them to do disgusting things, such as shoving objects up their butthole

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[54:50 - 54:58]Chris's house catches fire due to a damaged extension cord and hoarding tendencies, resulting in the death of one of their cats

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[55:29 - 55:42]Innocent bystanders, such as Chris's parents and pets, are caught up in the chaos of Chris's life

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[48:06 - 55:48]The entire story is a train wreck and a representation of the worst parts of the internet and trolling culture.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.02:20 - 1.02:25] Chris exhibited interest in being female in a troll-created forum.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.02:51 - 1.03:03]Started leaking nude photos to e-girlfriends.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.03:03 - 1.03:10]Tried on mother's underwear and liked the feeling.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.03:31 - 1.03:39]Started wearing sports bra and never took it off.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.03:31 - 1.03:39]The house was a fire hazard and filled with junk.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.03:39 - 1.03:52]Trolls suggested Chris transitioned to explore feminine side.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.03:39 - 1.03:52]Chris transitioned in 2014 and became known as Christine.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.03:39 - 1.03:52]Chris's hoarding mother resulted in infamous house tour video.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.03:39 - 1.03:52]Chris's father demanded the video to be taken down.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.03:39 - 1.03:52]Chris's pets were also sick due to the conditions.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.03:39 - 1.03:52]Chris's videos document the story without adding personal opinions.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.03:39 - 1.03:52]Nearly all information is included in the videos.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.03:39 - 1.03:52]Chris's transitioning phase was disturbing.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.03:39 - 1.03:52]Chris had a lot of warring incidents.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.03:39 - 1.03:52]Chris's transitioning started with trying on female clothing and wearing a sports bra.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.03:39 - 1.03:52]Trolls may have influenced Chris's decision to transition.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[55:48 - 1.03:52]Chris's interest in being female, leaking nude photos, trying on mother's underwear, wearing sports bra, transitioning, hoarding house, sick pets, documenting story without personal opinions, possible influence from trolls.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.03:53 - 1.04:04] Chris started identifying as a lesbian soul in a male body

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.04:10 - 1.04:21]Chris fully embraced the identity of Christine and changed their gender officially

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.04:21 - 1.04:27]Chris started using gender transitioning medication

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.04:41 - 1.04:51]Chris listened to binaural beats on YouTube in an attempt to expedite their transition

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.04:51 - 1.05:03]Binaural beats are a type of humming noise that is supposed to influence the mind

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.05:35 - 1.05:53]Chris believed the beats could change them from male to female

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.07:21 - 1.07:28]Chris cut the skin between their balls and bottom, believing it was where their labia would be if they were born a woman

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.08:22 - 1.08:28]Trolls convinced Chris to go to the hospital for the cut

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.08:59 - 1.09:08]Trolls eventually started supporting and protecting Chris

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.08:59 - 1.09:08]Other factions and groups were created to protect or troll Chris

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.09:31 - 1.09:44]Kiwi Farms became an observation and support group for Chris

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.09:56 - 1.10:10]The Watchmen were a group created to protect Chris, but some members were involved in trolling

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.11:16 - 1.11:32]Documenting Chris became popular, leading to increased trolling and harm towards Chris

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.03:53 - 1.11:39]Chris went through a gender transition and believed binaural beats could expedite the process. Trolling groups formed to either support or harm Chris, with some causing harm and others trying to protect Chris. Documenting Chris's life became popular, leading to increased trolling.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.11:40 - 1.12:00] Chris was convinced by "idea guys" that alternate dimensions and anime/cartoon worlds existed.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.12:00 - 1.12:08]These idea guys were detrimental to Chris's psyche and made them believe they could travel to these alternate dimensions.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.12:00 - 1.12:08]Chris still believes in these alternate dimensions and at times believed they were possessed by characters from these worlds.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.12:51 - 1.12:56]The comic gained attention due to its craziness and people realized Chris's use of self-insertion.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.12:56 - 1.13:03]Chris created a comic about Sonichu and used it as a way to live out their fantasies.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.14:18 - 1.14:28]Chris relied on a monthly income of $800 from disability payments to pay off credit card debt and buy toys.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.14:39 - 1.14:45]Chris's mother was also not working and they relied on this income.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.15:07 - 1.15:14]Chris sold merchandise such as Sonichu medallions and signed photos to make money.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.16:26 - 1.16:33]The documentary is a case study of everything not to do, including parenting and internet behavior.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.17:31 - 1.17:38]The creators of the documentary do not see anything wrong with documenting the situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.17:31 - 1.17:38]By watching the documentary, viewers may feel sad and less likely to participate in trolling.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.18:51 - 1.18:57]The podcast creator reached out to the documentary creators because of recent news.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.11:40 - 1.18:57]Chris was convinced by "idea guys" that alternate dimensions existed, believed they were possessed by characters from these dimensions, created a comic to live out their fantasies, relied on disability payments for income, and sold merchandise. The documentary is a case study of what not to do and the podcast creator reached out due to recent news.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.19:36 - 1.19:47]Audio discusses recent events involving Chris Chan and a female party

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.20:08 - 1.20:20]A phone call was leaked where Chris revealed a sexual relationship with their mother

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.20:34 - 1.20:40]Many people were in disbelief and thought it was a joke

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.20:57 - 1.21:08]A longer version of the call was leaked confirming the relationship

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.24:04 - 1.24:09]Chris was arrested and charged with incest

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.24:04 - 1.24:09]Many people tried to profit off of the situation by making videos and streaming the arrest

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.24:41 - 1.24:48]Despite the disturbing events, Chris seemed happy and delusional during the arrest

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.25:31 - 1.25:37]A lot of backlash and disgust towards those trying to profit off of the situation

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.26:10 - 1.26:16]The audio creator went on hiatus to avoid taking advantage of the situation

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.18:58 - 1.26:41]The audio discusses recent events involving Chris Chan and a sexual relationship with their mother, which was revealed in a leaked phone call. Chris was later arrested and charged with incest, and many people tried to profit off of the situation. The audio creator went on hiatus to avoid taking advantage of the situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.26:47 - 1.26:53] Chris Chen's situation was a tough call for many people and they were understanding

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.26:53 - 1.27:01]There was a barrage of messages and emails when the situation first happened, but it has slowed down now

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.28:14 - 1.28:25]Some people have been trying to take advantage of the situation for their own gain

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.29:53 - 1.30:01]Chris Chen's online presence was tame before the recent drama

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.31:14 - 1.31:22]Chris has been consuming and participating in discussions about themselves online

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.31:35 - 1.31:40]Chris was compared to Andy Warhol in a book and seemed to enjoy it

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.31:41 - 1.31:48]Chris's earlier life could have been salvaged if their parents had taken away their internet access

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.32:09 - 1.32:17]Parents failed Chris by not monitoring their online activity and not understanding the impact of their actions

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.33:29 - 1.33:37]Chris was raised with the mindset of always being a victim and being excused for their actions

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.33:51 - 1.34:03]Chris learned about the outside world from television, games, and pornography

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.33:51 - 1.34:03]Chris would often say cliché lines from TV shows and make cartoon-like gestures

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.26:41 - 1.34:31]Chris Chen's situation has been a result of a combination of factors, including lack of parental oversight, exposure to inappropriate content, and a mindset of always being a victim. This has led to a disturbing and well-documented series of events that have garnered attention and sparked discussions.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.34:38 - 1.34:45]Chris's actions were often motivated by a desire for sex, influenced by media consumption.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.34:59 - 1.35:04]Chris had a list of life goals, including losing their virginity, which they saw as a "monkey's paw" wish.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.35:12 - 1.35:17]Chris eventually lost their virginity to a prostitute, a decision influenced by trolls.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.36:10 - 1.36:16]Trolls also gave Chris reasonable advice, but were also the ones encouraging them to make poor decisions.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.39:44 - 1.39:51]Chris was often more focused on themselves and beating up trolls in their comic, rather than the Sonichu character.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.39:52 - 1.40:06]Chris's actions and decisions were often influenced by trolls, leading to a cycle of bad choices.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.39:52 - 1.40:06]Chris's life and actions were scrutinized and mocked by internet trolls.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.40:28 - 1.40:42]Trolls accused Chris of being gay, and to prove otherwise, Chris drew a comic of Sonichu and Rosechu having explicit sex.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.41:13 - 1.41:18]Later on, Chris married Mewtwo in their "Quikville dimension."

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.41:55 - 1.42:02]Mewtwo was a character from the real IPs, and Chris's obsession with them may have been influenced by their hips.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.34:32 - 1.42:20]Overall, Chris's life was heavily influenced by internet trolls and their unhealthy obsessions, leading to a series of poor decisions and actions.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.42:26 - 1.42:33]Chris used to be anti-asexual and had a problem with people who didn't want to have sex.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.42:46 - 1.42:58]The trolls convinced Chris that they were in a relationship with Mewtwo, Magichand Sonichu, and Chrysel Rosechu.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.43:52 - 1.44:10]The idea guys also convinced Chris that they were holding his love interest, Chrysel Rosechu, hostage and made him do humiliating things.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.44:54 - 1.45:04]Another trolling group leaked these videos on Twitter.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.45:04 - 1.45:10]The idea guys extorted over $6,000 from Chris, leading to a group of elite trolls getting involved.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.47:04 - 1.47:17]The man in the pickle suit and the owner of the Kiwi Farms website joined forces to seize Chris's Discord account and report the idea guys to the FBI.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.47:52 - 1.48:06]In the end, the trolls raised over $5,000 for Chris to attend a My Little Pony convention.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.48:14 - 1.48:20]The trolls were obsessed with My Little Pony and the Sonic series.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.48:26 - 1.48:32]The main trolling incident took place in 2014.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.49:07 - 1.49:14]The liquid Chris troll, who did a spot-on impression of Chris, was the most tasteful of all the trolls.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.49:14 - 1.49:19]The most talented troll was the one who did a spot-on impression of Chris's speech and challenged him to a singing competition.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.49:50 - 1.49:56]The trolls were obsessed with the idea of stealing Chris's identity and proving who the real Chris was.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.49:56 - 1.50:06]The trolls would prove they were the real Chris by revealing personal information.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.42:20 - 1.50:44]Trolls convinced Chris they were in a relationship with multiple characters, extorted money, and made him do humiliating things. A group of elite trolls got involved and the most talented one did a spot-on impression of Chris, leading to a singing competition. The trolls were obsessed with My Little Pony and the Sonic series and raised money for Chris to attend a convention. The main incident took place in 2014.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.57:47 - 1.57:52]

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.58:00 - 1.58:05]Chris and Solid Chris decide to do a sync star challenge where they pick three songs for the other to sing

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.58:22 - 1.58:28]Liquid Chris wins the challenge but Chris is angry and starts the Chris and Sonic saga

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.58:37 - 1.58:48]Chris demands GameStop to stop selling Sonic Boom and even tries to change game covers

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.58:37 - 1.58:48]Chris is banned from GameStop and is caught on video arguing with an employee

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.58:37 - 1.58:48]Chris has never had a real friend and is deeply involved in the idea of a dimensional merge

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.58:37 - 1.58:48]Chris's involvement with My Little Pony voice actors leads to constant demands on Twitter

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.58:56 - 1.59:08]The blurred line between online and real life has led to disturbing and scary events

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.59:09 - 1.59:16]The recent court case involving Chris has caused the narrator to take a break from documenting the story

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.59:09 - 1.59:16]The story of Chris needs to end.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.59:09 - 1.59:16]Chris demands GameStop to stop selling Sonic Boom and tries to change game covers

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.59:23 - 1.59:40]Chris and Solid Chris do a sync star challenge

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.59:23 - 1.59:40]Liquid Chris wins and Chris starts the Chris and Sonic saga

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.59:23 - 1.59:40]Chris is banned from GameStop and caught on video arguing with an employee

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.59:23 - 1.59:40]Chris has never had a real friend and is deeply involved in the idea of a dimensional merge

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.59:23 - 1.59:40]Chris's involvement with My Little Pony voice actors leads to constant demands on Twitter

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.59:23 - 1.59:40]Recent court case involving Chris has caused a break from documenting the story

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.59:23 - 1.59:40]The blurred line between online and real life has led to disturbing and scary events

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.50:46 - 1.59:40]The story of Chris needs to end

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.59:47 - 1.59:53] The speaker discusses starting out on YouTube and being known for a certain type of content

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[2.00:17 - 2.00:23]They mention branching out to other topics and having multiple channels

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[2.01:24 - 2.01:35]The speaker talks about their interest in Japanese culture and their experience teaching English in Japan

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[2.03:12 - 2.03:19]They share a story about almost losing their feet in a blizzard while living in Hokkaido

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[2.06:29 - 2.06:36]The speaker talks about the challenges of learning Japanese as an adult with limited time

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[1.59:41 - 2.07:15]The speaker discusses their YouTube career and being known for a specific type of content before branching out to other topics and having multiple channels. They also talk about their interest in Japanese culture and experience teaching English in Japan. They share a story about almost losing their feet in a blizzard while living in Hokkaido and mention the challenges of learning Japanese as an adult. Finally, they mention being a compulsive creator and the potential of working with producers in the future.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[2.07:15 - 2.07:26]The speakers discuss the recent debacle surrounding Christian and the potential for creating a show or documentary about it.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[2.07:28 - 2.07:37]They mention streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon as possibilities for the show.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[2.07:46 - 2.07:52]They mention the potential for a true crime story or even a five-season Netflix series.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[2.08:05 - 2.08:11]They discuss the potential impact and reach of the story, comparing it to Avengers and Black Mirror.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[2.09:49 - 2.09:57]The speakers discuss the ethical implications of consuming and creating content about this story.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[2.10:22 - 2.10:29]They mention Gino's dedication and work on the subject.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[2.12:26 - 2.12:38]They discuss the difficulty in reacting and discussing such a complex and disturbing story.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[2.12:26 - 2.12:38]Gino gives a final message about the moral lessons that can be learned from Christian's story.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[2.13:04 - 2.13:10]The speakers thank the patrons and promote their Patreon and social media platforms.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Dark World of Chris Chan (ft. Geno Samuel) | Trash Taste #68

[2.07:15 - 2.13:30]The speakers discuss the potential for creating a show or documentary about the recent debacle surrounding Christian and mention streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon. They discuss the potential impact of the story and mention Gino's dedication to the subject. They also discuss the ethical implications of consuming and creating content about the story. They thank the patrons and promote their Patreon and social media platforms. Gino gives a final message about the moral lessons that can be learned from Christian's story.