

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 322: Inaugural Defecation

SuperMegaCast - EP 322: Inaugural Defecation

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[00:05 - 00:13] Matt and the speaker welcome listeners to the Super Mega Cast

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[00:33 - 00:38]They joke about their product being intangible compared to baking cakes or manufacturing plastic pieces

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[01:06 - 01:13]They also joke about being white and not being afraid to say it

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[01:38 - 01:44]They talk about the evolution of humans and how they are now white

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[03:21 - 03:28]They discuss the invention of the bedpan and how it could be more convenient than using a traditional toilet

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[05:11 - 05:16]They suggest normalizing the use of bedpans and potentially creating a Super Mega brand of adult diapers

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[05:25 - 05:42]They mention celebrity endorsement and potential marketing tactics

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[07:18 - 07:29]They emphasize the importance of convenience and the intellectual growth that comes with being a gamer

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[07:46 - 07:54]The discussion ends with a joke about speedrunning a game without completing side quests

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[00:00 - 07:54]Overall, Matt and the speaker discuss various topics with humor and wit, including their product, race, evolution, and potential new business ventures.

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[08:12 - 08:24] The speaker states that gaming is not a selfish act, but rather a means for personal growth and to help others through lessons learned in video games.

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[09:24 - 09:29]The interviewer asks if the speaker's next album will be fully acapella, to which the speaker responds that it might have to be.

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[10:18 - 10:23]The speaker and the interviewer discuss a planned performance of the speaker's favorite song from his newest album, which is an acapella cover of Michael Jackson's "Gotta Be Starting Something".

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[12:27 - 12:38]The speaker and the interviewer joke about what it would be like if executions were more entertaining, such as seeing the person's skeleton during electrocution.

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[13:07 - 13:14]The conversation shifts to a discussion about different methods of execution and the speaker's preference for being shot in the back of the head for a quick and painless death.

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[14:50 - 14:55]The conversation is interrupted by a delivery of tampons, which the speaker suspects is a prank.

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[15:22 - 15:28]The interviewer suggests taking an ad break, and the speaker leaves to investigate the package.

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[15:31 - 15:39]The speaker returns and shows the interviewer a cute button he found.

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[07:55 - 15:39]Gaming is a means for personal growth and helping others through lessons learned in video games, and the speaker prefers a quick and painless execution by being shot in the back of the head.

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[15:45 - 15:51]Cute is a button

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[15:51 - 15:58]Seasonal excitement or dread is setting in for small businesses

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[15:58 - 16:05] can help with holiday mailing and shipping

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[16:06 - 16:13]Sign up and print your own postage in minutes

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[16:06 - 16:13] has been used by over 1 million businesses for 20 years

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 322: Inaugural Defecation

[16:13 - 16:19]Access USPS and UPS services from your computer

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[16:19 - 16:27]Save money with major discounts on shipping rates

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 322: Inaugural Defecation

[16:28 - 16:35]Package pickup can be scheduled through the dashboard

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 322: Inaugural Defecation

[16:35 - 16:41]Constantly changing rates - use Switch and Save to compare carriers and rates

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 322: Inaugural Defecation

[16:42 - 16:47]Use wherever you do business

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 322: Inaugural Defecation

[16:42 - 16:47]Seamless integration with major shopping carts and marketplaces

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 322: Inaugural Defecation

[16:47 - 16:58] is a blast to use

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 322: Inaugural Defecation

[16:58 - 17:06]Trade late nights for silent nights with this holiday season

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 322: Inaugural Defecation

[17:06 - 17:12]Sign up with promo code Supermega for a special offer

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 322: Inaugural Defecation

[17:12 - 17:19]No long-term commitments or contracts

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 322: Inaugural Defecation

[17:12 - 17:19]Click the microphone at the top of the page and enter code Supermega

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 322: Inaugural Defecation

[18:56 - 19:03]Justin has left the office and the remaining employees are the "real OGs"

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 322: Inaugural Defecation

[19:35 - 19:41]Justin is intimidating and picks on the narrator for his size

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[21:12 - 21:18]Kramer's "oopsie" moment happened on November 19th, 2006

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 322: Inaugural Defecation

[21:12 - 21:18]The narrator and Matt discuss the anniversary of Kramer's incident and freedom of speech

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[23:37 - 23:44]Freedom of speech means you can say whatever you want with no repercussions, as long as you mean it

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 322: Inaugural Defecation

[15:45 - 24:02] can help small businesses with holiday mailing and shipping by allowing users to print their own postage and access USPS and UPS services from their computer. They offer discounts and seamless integration with shopping carts and marketplaces. The remaining employees at the office discuss the anniversary of Kramer's "oopsie" moment and the concept of freedom of speech.

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[24:02 - 24:13]Him not respecting freedom of speech

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[24:14 - 24:21]U.S. citizens being protected by American law abroad

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 322: Inaugural Defecation

[24:56 - 25:05]Americans being confident and unafraid in other countries

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[25:41 - 25:46]Luke, the editor, interrupting the podcast

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[26:46 - 26:52]Mention of a debate with Ross and a disclaimer about making fun of Kanye

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[27:00 - 27:07]Luke's nitpicky editing issue

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[27:07 - 27:17]Luke's lack of social cues and interruption during the podcast

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[27:41 - 27:48]Luke's basketball tweets

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[28:11 - 28:16]Luke's children's show reviewing podcast

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[28:17 - 28:24]Luke being a child at heart like Michael Jackson

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[28:55 - 29:01]Luke's potential for creating a "fucked up version" of someone through cloning

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[29:02 - 29:09]Mention of Justin's Puerto Rican and Syrian heritage

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[29:02 - 29:09]Mention of Justin speaking another language

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[29:45 - 29:51]Luke buying alcohol for minors

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[29:45 - 29:51]Luke's involvement with minors and drugs to prevent violence

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[30:54 - 30:59]Mention of Luke having kilos of drugs and possible danger in not testing them

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[31:17 - 31:22]Joking about Matt and Ryan from Youtube needing to test their drugs

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[31:22 - 31:33]Discussion about cocaine and its effects

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[31:54 - 32:02]Mention of the podcast being for "ladies and men"

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[24:02 - 32:11]Overall theme of the conversation being about freedom of speech, American law, and Luke's questionable behavior.

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[32:11 - 32:17] Dale needs to work on being gentle and has a black eye.

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[32:17 - 32:23]The speaker mentions a new boyfriend and apologizes for the comment.

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[34:27 - 34:37]The speaker and his friend spread lies about their friends during their podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 322: Inaugural Defecation

[34:37 - 34:44]They discuss how they used to only tell white lies but now make jokes about their friends being pedophiles and racists.

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[36:36 - 36:47]The speaker talks about shopping for the holidays and promotes Raycon and Better Help.

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[39:48 - 40:03]There is a misunderstanding and Matt decides not to be present for the rest of the podcast.

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[39:48 - 40:03]The speaker and his friend continue the podcast without Matt.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 322: Inaugural Defecation

[40:09 - 40:23]The speaker mentions that he respects Matt as an artist and a comedian.

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[40:25 - 40:31]The speaker and his friend respect Matt's decision.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 322: Inaugural Defecation

[32:11 - 40:38]The speaker discusses Dale's lack of gentleness and mentions a new boyfriend. He and his friend spread lies about their friends during their podcast and reflect on their behavior. They also promote products and mention a misunderstanding with Matt, who decides not to continue the podcast. The speaker respects Matt's decision and continues without him.

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[40:45 - 40:51]The speaker recalls the first time they saw Big Chungus while waiting for food at Subway.

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[41:04 - 41:11]They were about to eat their cold cut sub when they saw Big Chungus on their phone and couldn't stop laughing.

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[41:18 - 41:33]They ask for others to share their first interactions with Big Chungus in the comments.

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[41:42 - 41:52]The speaker's stomach hurt from laughing so hard and they couldn't even eat their sub.

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[42:01 - 42:08]They mention the change in slogans for Subway and the disappearance of Ronald McDonald.

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[42:37 - 42:43]The Burger King mascot, the King, is still present and they joke about being knighted by him.

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[45:23 - 45:30]The speaker and their friends try Burger King's Cheeto stuffed mozzarella sticks and fruit loop shake.

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[46:33 - 46:42]Later, the speaker reveals they had an accident and shot mucus out of their ass, leading them to throw away their underwear.

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[48:43 - 48:54]The speaker and their friend discuss the incident and joke about the video being featured on the Patreon edition.

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[40:38 - 49:09]The final metadata provides a chronological summary of the audio, including the speaker recalling the first time they saw Big Chungus and ending with the speaker's accident and discussion about it with their friend.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 322: Inaugural Defecation

[49:09 - 49:24] Narrator describes a gross sensation in his underwear

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[49:24 - 49:31]His co-host suggests a less grotesque description

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[51:15 - 51:22]They discuss playing co-op games and reminisce about old school RuneScape

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 322: Inaugural Defecation

[52:47 - 52:53]They plan to start a new series and discuss the potential for chaos in a game called Second Life

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[53:48 - 53:53]They joke about bullying older generations and their parents watching the podcast

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[54:43 - 54:49]They talk about using anger as motivation for working out and joke about making a workout motivation video

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 322: Inaugural Defecation

[56:05 - 56:26]The podcast ends with a plug for their Patreon and a reminder to watch the after show Final Summary:

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 322: Inaugural Defecation

[49:09 - 57:09]The podcast includes discussions about gross sensations, co-op games, old school RuneScape, Second Life, bullying older generations, using anger for motivation, and a plug for their Patreon and after show.