

Youtube profile pic for Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[00:00 - 01:36]They discuss filming for Smosh and the difficulties of setting up shooting spaces and recording voiceovers.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[00:45 - 00:53]They joke about wearing sweatpants and the discomfort of other types of pants.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[01:36 - 02:24]They joke about getting a free massage from the vibrations.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[02:24 - 05:15]They joke about Shane's quarantine beard and Courtney going blonde again.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[04:41 - 07:11]They discuss using a neti pot and the risks associated with it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[05:15 - 05:37]They joke about Shane's quarantine beard and Courtney going blonde again.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[05:44 - 08:02]They discuss using a neti pot and the risks associated with it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[08:41 - 09:42]They discuss filming for Smosh and the difficulties of setting up shooting spaces and recording voiceovers.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[09:29 - 10:31]They mention Ian and Damien being on the show with no name a few times.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[09:55 - 11:07]They mention downloading Just Dance for exercise.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[10:31 - 12:50]They discuss filming for Smosh and the difficulties of setting up shooting spaces and recording voiceovers.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[12:50 - 14:43]They talk about Kevin watching the show and jokingly comment on his internet connection.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[13:06 - 14:31]They discuss the weirdness of being in quarantine and show solidarity for medical workers by banging pots and pans at 8pm.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[15:27 - 15:55]The speaker has a small apartment and has to move furniture to create a workout space.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[15:56 - 16:35]They recently had to shoot a video in a park, including a scene where they had to run from bees.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[16:05 - 16:12]The speaker usually gets fully dressed even when they're alone at home.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[16:36 - 17:32]They recently had to shoot a video in a park, including a scene where they had to run from bees.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[17:32 - 19:10]The speaker has a lot of respect for people who can do pranks and confrontational content, but it's not something they can do.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[19:16 - 20:01]They don't like loose-fitting or soft clothing, preferring to feel protected.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[20:01 - 21:01]They mention wearing a YouTube robe given to them by someone.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[21:19 - 22:11]During the quarantine, they may reuse clothes more than usual.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[21:42 - 23:49]They have a routine of showering, keeping things organized and clean, and doing laundry.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[22:11 - 22:16]During the quarantine, they may reuse clothes more than usual.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[22:16 - 22:53]The speaker usually gets fully dressed even when they're alone at home.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[22:53 - 24:11]During the quarantine, they may reuse clothes more than usual.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[23:49 - 23:55]The speaker has a small apartment and has to move furniture to create a workout space.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[23:49 - 24:02]Smosh is now shooting videos from their separate homes

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[23:55 - 24:02]They mention wearing a YouTube robe given to them by someone.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[24:02 - 25:16]Small details like the 180 degree line and how long to roll for are challenging to keep in mind

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[24:11 - 24:54]The speaker usually gets fully dressed even when they're alone at home.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[24:11 - 25:25]They miss being able to just focus on one aspect of production

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[24:54 - 26:45]They don't like loose-fitting or soft clothing, preferring to feel protected.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[25:25 - 28:05]They have to get creative with filming certain scenes, such as looking at a text bubble

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[25:59 - 26:06]The park was surprisingly empty, but the speaker still had to be careful not to bother people nearby.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[26:14 - 26:29]They recently wore it to the airport and got compliments, but also some strange looks.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[28:17 - 28:29]The content still suffers a bit, but they are learning and improving with each video

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[28:29 - 30:11]They are learning new skills and adapting to filming on their own

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[30:11 - 30:33]It is harder to make videos from home, but they can be more timely and topical with their content

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[30:33 - 31:35]They miss being able to just focus on one aspect of production

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[30:49 - 32:01]They are learning new skills and adapting to filming on their own

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[31:23 - 32:38]Small details like the 180 degree line and how long to roll for are challenging to keep in mind

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[32:38 - 34:02]They have to get creative with filming certain scenes, such as looking at a text bubble

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[33:22 - 34:18]The speaker talks about Love Island, a British reality TV show

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[34:18 - 34:31]They mention that the show is both funny and has heart

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[34:31 - 36:09]The speaker and their friends also mention another show, Love is Blind, which they recommend

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[34:49 - 35:49]The show is frustrating due to the "crazy" and "psychopathic" behavior of some of the contestants

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[35:32 - 36:38]They discuss the premise of the show, where people get engaged without seeing each other and then decide to stay together or not after meeting

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[37:00 - 38:29]They mention that the show is both funny and has heart

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[37:07 - 37:25]They describe the show as a "flippin gold mine" for anyone interested in accents and voiceovers

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[37:57 - 39:44]The show is self-aware and compared to "Bachelor times 10"

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[38:17 - 40:10]One of the speakers has been addicted to playing Animal Crossing and struggles to watch TV while playing video games

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[39:44 - 41:36]They mention a YouTuber named Primink, who covers internet controversies and did a video on Tiger King

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[40:10 - 40:28]One of the speakers has been addicted to playing Animal Crossing and struggles to watch TV while playing video games

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[40:34 - 41:44]The speaker and their friends discuss their go-to quarantine binge shows

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[40:40 - 41:15]They mention a YouTuber named Primink, who covers internet controversies and did a video on Tiger King

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[41:45 - 42:55]One of the speakers has been addicted to playing Animal Crossing and struggles to watch TV while playing video games

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[42:34 - 42:43]They also mention another YouTuber, Drew Gooden, whose videos they let play in the background for noise

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[42:55 - 43:17]The speaker recommends watching Detroiters, a scripted show about two friends running an advertising agency in Detroit

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[43:17 - 43:32]The speaker talks about Love Island, a British reality TV show

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[43:32 - 44:15]The speaker recommends watching Detroiters, a scripted show about two friends running an advertising agency in Detroit

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[44:15 - 44:41]They mention that the show is both funny and has heart

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[44:41 - 45:12]The final question is about how to say "Detroit" and the speaker adjusts their plant before moving on to the next question.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[45:12 - 46:12]The speaker talks about the books she read when she was younger and how they shaped her as a person.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[46:13 - 47:19]She started high school feeling lonely and isolated, but eventually found confidence through reading the "Pretty Little Liars" series.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[47:19 - 48:32]She talks about the frustration of being forced to read certain books in school that she couldn't relate to, but finding books on her own that resonated with her.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[48:18 - 50:59]The speaker talks about the books she read when she was younger and how they shaped her as a person.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[50:41 - 53:07]She talks about the frustration of being forced to read certain books in school that she couldn't relate to, but finding books on her own that resonated with her.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[53:07 - 53:52]She initially hated reading because it felt like a chore, but later on, she started reading more and discovered her love for fantastical stories.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[53:27 - 54:59]In college, she had more freedom in her reading assignments and could form her own opinions on books.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[55:00 - 57:35]She talks about the frustration of being forced to read certain books in school that she couldn't relate to, but finding books on her own that resonated with her.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[56:59 - 57:07]She mentions specific books that have affected her, such as "Speak" and "Thirteen Reasons Why."

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[57:36 - 58:28]They discuss their preferences for smooth vs crunchy peanut butter.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[58:08 - 1.00:51]They also talk about which animals they could beat in hand-to-hand combat.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[1.00:51 - 1.01:55]They mention that manatees are in danger and should not be harmed.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[1.01:21 - 1.02:41]They then shift to the "Shoot Dude" segment where they read a story about a couple fighting in a restaurant.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[1.01:55 - 1.02:12]The speaker then answers a question about what a Monday is, stating that it is all of time.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[1.02:41 - 1.05:16]They then shift to the "Shoot Dude" segment where they read a story about a couple fighting in a restaurant.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[1.04:38 - 1.07:00]The speaker reflects on people-watching and mentions their cat.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Q&A! - SmoshCast #58

[1.06:01 - 1.07:42]The speaker is with two other people and they are about to answer some "silly" questions.