

Youtube profile pic for Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

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[00:00 - 00:22]The speaker discusses their experience running a successful business and how morale increases when employees are beaten.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[00:08 - 02:04]They criticize the comedy industry in Los Angeles and express feeling unsafe there.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[00:43 - 01:05]They mention living with Seth Rogen and his controversial comments about living in Los Angeles.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[01:12 - 01:57]They mention the two year anniversary of Chuckle Sandwich and the speaker's chaotic move to Texas during a snowstorm.

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[02:37 - 03:00]The conversation briefly shifts to a mobster caught masturbating in prison.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[03:01 - 03:54]They mention the two year anniversary of Chuckle Sandwich and the speaker's chaotic move to Texas during a snowstorm.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[03:20 - 06:35]The conversation briefly shifts to a mobster caught masturbating in prison.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[06:35 - 07:12]The speakers discuss past plans for the podcast to focus on science topics.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[07:12 - 08:41]They mention the two year anniversary of Chuckle Sandwich and the speaker's chaotic move to Texas during a snowstorm.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[07:50 - 09:58]The current chaotic weather in Texas is discussed, with confusion about how snowstorms can happen in the state.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[09:59 - 10:51]The speaker references a Bible verse about causing others to stumble and suggests that the current weather in Texas is a message from God.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[09:59 - 11:05]The conversation briefly touches on taking the school bus in the winter and the discomfort of waiting outside in the cold.

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[10:18 - 12:43]They theorize that locusts only come out in large numbers when they feel overpopulated, and go into a fourth stage of metamorphosis to eat all the crops.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[10:27 - 12:01]The speaker discusses their surprise at the lack of locusts in their life, despite being raised Catholic and learning about them in church.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[12:43 - 15:03]Quicksand is mentioned as another childhood fear that turned out to not be a real threat.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[14:40 - 15:54]They recall a time when they pressured their friend Tucker to try weed, but ultimately didn't care if he refused.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[14:46 - 17:35]The speaker also mentions being surprised by the lack of peer pressure to engage in "heinous acts" such as drug use.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[16:56 - 18:05]They recall a time when they pressured their friend Tucker to try weed, but ultimately didn't care if he refused.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[17:35 - 20:09]The speaker mentions renting a pickup truck in the past to get around during icy weather.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[17:43 - 18:53]The conversation shifts to discussing the current freezing weather in Texas and the speaker's concerns for their safety.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[17:49 - 17:56]The speaker also mentions being surprised by the lack of peer pressure to engage in "heinous acts" such as drug use.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[19:31 - 20:31]The speaker suggests that they should start going door-to-door promoting a political candidate, similar to how the gun store was promoting their products.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[19:52 - 21:29]The conversation briefly touches on taking the school bus in the winter and the discomfort of waiting outside in the cold.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[21:30 - 21:58]The speaker also mentions their desire to start taking a shower at night instead of in the morning.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[21:59 - 22:59]The discussion turns to the speaker's recent trip to the gun store to buy ammunition due to their front door lock running out of batteries.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[22:29 - 23:25]Door is always unlocked and gun is kept for protection

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[22:51 - 24:06]Challenge is left open for people to try and break into the house

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[24:06 - 24:43]Diamond block houses are the result of using duplication glitch

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[24:12 - 24:59]The idea is to trap people who try to break in

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[24:26 - 27:08]Battle Block Theater is a favorite game

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[25:00 - 25:12]Nostalgia of looking at old builds and realizing how simple they were

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[25:13 - 29:26]Childhood memories of playing Minecraft and discovering cheats

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[28:48 - 29:19]Nostalgia of looking at old builds and realizing how simple they were

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[29:26 - 29:48]First Minecraft world is still accessible

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[29:32 - 30:51]Childhood memories of playing Minecraft and discovering cheats

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[29:48 - 29:57]Memories of playing with friends who are no longer in touch

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[30:51 - 31:30]Microsoft points used to purchase games

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[31:31 - 32:03]Battle Block Theater is a favorite game

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[32:03 - 32:41]Nostalgia of looking at old builds and realizing how simple they were

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[32:41 - 32:47]Idea to keep a cow made of butter as a backup food supply.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[32:47 - 33:51]Diamond block houses are the result of using duplication glitch

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[32:53 - 35:04]Childhood memories of playing Minecraft and discovering cheats

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[33:00 - 34:13]Nostalgia of looking at old builds and realizing how simple they were

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[34:13 - 34:55]Nursery rhymes about drinking and driving

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[34:36 - 35:34]Concerns about the Texas power grid failing again

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[35:04 - 36:04]Jokingly planning a trip to Cancun like a certain Senator

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[36:04 - 36:25]Idea to keep a cow made of butter as a backup food supply.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[36:26 - 37:36]The speaker talks about a TikTok user who makes videos of himself eating strange foods, such as butter and bull testicles.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[37:17 - 37:52]They discuss the difference between bulls and steers, and how steers are used for meat because they are not aggressive.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[37:52 - 38:44]The speaker wonders what non-castrated steak would taste like and mentions a professor who taught them about steers.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[38:44 - 41:22]They also mention the dilapidated buildings and general charm of upstate New York.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[39:54 - 40:43]They also mention the "classic middle of New York thing" of having a perfectly painted Trump logo on a dilapidated barn.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[41:22 - 42:31]They describe the charm and quaintness of upstate New York, while also mentioning its decline due to people moving away.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[42:31 - 42:56]The speaker and his friend go to Universal Studios often and have a friend named Nicholas who works at the park.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[42:56 - 44:25]The speaker recalls a previous trip to Universal where they got the strongest drink possible from Nicholas.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[44:02 - 44:39]They have a drink called the "L.A. Water" which is a strong drink that turns green when a certain liquor is added.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[44:25 - 44:30]The speaker recalls a previous trip to Universal where they got the strongest drink possible from Nicholas.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[44:39 - 46:46]The speaker and Nicholas have a strong bond and always seek him out when they go to Universal.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[44:47 - 48:11]The speaker and his friend go to Universal Studios often and have a friend named Nicholas who works at the park.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[46:59 - 47:59]The speaker compares Nicholas to an NPC in a video game and mentions his child.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[48:11 - 49:41]The speaker recalls a previous trip to Universal where they got the strongest drink possible from Nicholas.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[48:47 - 51:00]During a previous trip, the speaker and his friend climbed a large amount of stairs at Universal.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[50:46 - 51:13]The speaker tried to do something without the advantages of a VIP tour

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[51:00 - 51:13]The speaker recalls a previous trip to Universal where they got the strongest drink possible from Nicholas.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[51:13 - 55:10]The speaker gets upset at something the other person said

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[55:10 - 58:15]They discuss potential car modifications

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[58:15 - 58:39]The speaker gets upset at something the other person said

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[59:05 - 59:31]They discuss potential car modifications

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[59:39 - 1.01:36]They consider the idea of voice acting

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[1.00:41 - 1.00:52]They give a sample of their voice acting skills

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[1.01:15 - 1.03:29]The speaker gets upset at something the other person said

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[1.01:49 - 1.03:42]They end the podcast with an outro from Tucker.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Texas Nightmare II - Chuckle Sandwich EP 74

[1.02:02 - 1.03:44]The speaker gets upset at something the other person said