

Youtube profile pic for The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[00:00 - 01:35]Discussion about Freddie W's last name and its commonality

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[00:21 - 03:32]Mention of his YouTube channel and people confusing it with his last name

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[00:41 - 03:25]Comparison of YouTube and Twitch platforms and the pressure to constantly create content

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[03:32 - 05:49]Mention of Freddie W's podcast and conversation style of Twitch streamers

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[03:37 - 05:09]Mention of his YouTube channel and people confusing it with his last name

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[05:49 - 08:24]Discussion about nostalgia for early days of YouTube and collaboration

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[08:24 - 09:52]Comparison of YouTube and Twitch platforms and the pressure to constantly create content

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[09:53 - 10:58]Discussion about nostalgia for early days of YouTube and collaboration

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[10:58 - 12:38]Comparison of YouTube and Twitch platforms and the pressure to constantly create content

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[11:24 - 13:43]Discussion about the struggle to sleep and relax after streaming on Twitch

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[12:57 - 16:16]Observation about the conversational tone of Twitch streamers shifting to asking about other creators.

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[14:55 - 15:16]The conversation starts with a discussion about identifying athletes based on their physique

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[15:16 - 17:53]The conversation quickly turns into a back and forth discussion about content creation and audience attention spans

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[17:53 - 21:55]The hosts mention their sponsors, Ship Station and Babble, and promote their products

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[21:56 - 22:55]They discuss the evolution of YouTube thumbnails and how they often use exaggeration to catch attention

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[22:55 - 25:13]They mention how many creators try different content until they find a successful format, like the Fine Brothers and Epic Rap Battles

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[23:29 - 24:56]The conversation quickly turns into a back and forth discussion about content creation and audience attention spans

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[25:13 - 26:55]The speaker goes to YouTube to get something specific, and is discussing the solution to this issue.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[25:13 - 27:59]They talk about the pressure to stick to one format and how their audience expects a certain type of content from their channel

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[25:19 - 25:37]The speaker believes that content on platforms is bound by the rules and incentives set by the platform.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[25:37 - 26:23]They discuss the evolution of YouTube thumbnails and how they often use exaggeration to catch attention

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[25:37 - 26:23]In 2011, Minecraft videos dominated the YouTube front page, but eventually fell out of favor.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[26:23 - 27:26]The speaker has multiple YouTube channels and feels overwhelmed by the various platforms they are involved in.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[26:23 - 27:54]The conversation ends with a humorous discussion about collecting YouTube plaques and the desire to reach 10 million subscribers.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[27:59 - 28:37]The speaker finds TikTok to be the most interesting platform because everyone is there for clout and there is no pretense.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[28:37 - 30:15]The speaker believes that clout is a big incentive on platforms like Twitter, where people may not care about the accuracy of their posts as long as they get attention.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[30:17 - 31:52]The speaker finds TikTok to be the most interesting platform because everyone is there for clout and there is no pretense.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[31:30 - 33:40]The speaker sees talent developing and finding an audience on TikTok in a way that they don't see on other platforms.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[32:47 - 33:04]Discussing American Baron and Last Man Stanley

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[33:04 - 33:40]Mentioning the gaming of the system on other platforms like TikTok and Twitter

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[33:40 - 34:44]The speaker is generally disappointed with the way YouTube has evolved and feels like a dinosaur.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[33:40 - 34:44]Growing up with movies and TV shows

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[34:44 - 36:44]Commenting on the difficulties of uploading videos on YouTube during the "video game high school era"

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[35:49 - 36:51]Relating a story of having to upload one episode at Riot for faster internet

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[36:51 - 37:11]Commenting on the difficulties of uploading videos on YouTube during the "video game high school era"

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[37:11 - 38:16]Caring about numbers and rankings on YouTube

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[39:12 - 40:09]Commenting on the difficulties of uploading videos on YouTube during the "video game high school era"

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[40:09 - 40:41]Being fortunate to be included on platforms early on for more visibility

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[40:41 - 42:55]Cheating the system and understanding the rules

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[41:25 - 41:58]Caring about numbers and rankings on YouTube

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[41:58 - 42:43]Commenting on the difficulties of uploading videos on YouTube during the "video game high school era"

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[42:43 - 44:16]Mentioning the gaming of the system on other platforms like TikTok and Twitter

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[43:25 - 44:00]Caring about numbers and rankings on YouTube

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[44:00 - 44:23]Cheating the system and understanding the rules

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[44:24 - 45:46]Discussing current projects including a movie and a Dungeons and Dragons podcast

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[45:46 - 46:11]Expressing interest in listening to Dungeons and Daddies podcast

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[46:11 - 46:30]Ending with a comment about having 12 hours of content to listen to while in an airport.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[46:11 - 50:06]The speaker starts by mentioning a trip and missing a connection.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[46:18 - 49:45]The group talks about a previous experience at an airport and a funny story involving a child and his mom.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[49:45 - 49:51]The speaker concludes by stating his opinions on these elements in gaming.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[50:06 - 52:28]They talk about their podcast and the difficulty of getting to the location.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[50:51 - 52:18]The group talks about a previous experience at an airport and a funny story involving a child and his mom.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[52:28 - 54:35]They discuss Twitch and parasocial relationships.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[52:52 - 53:13]They talk about their podcast and the difficulty of getting to the location.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[54:08 - 55:23]The speaker starts by mentioning a trip and missing a connection.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[54:35 - 57:16]The speaker concludes by stating his opinions on these elements in gaming.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[56:13 - 58:16]The speaker brings up his dislike for Halo and its pandering to teenage fantasies.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[57:21 - 58:06]They mention the books and lore of Halo.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[58:16 - 1.01:24]The speaker concludes by stating his opinions on these elements in gaming.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[59:05 - 1.01:16]Some games are successful commercially by stoking the ego of the player

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[59:34 - 1.00:55]The creator of Dark Souls has described the game as a masochistic experience, which can still be pleasurable

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.00:55 - 1.02:30]The discussion starts with the idea of video games pandering to the player

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.01:16 - 1.01:24]The conversation ends with a mention of wanting to get a blunderbuss for the studio.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.01:25 - 1.01:53]The genre of video games is about pandering to the player

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.02:30 - 1.04:28]The conversation shifts to the game 'Daisy' which has been kept alive by modded content

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.02:36 - 1.04:12]The discussion starts with the idea of video games pandering to the player

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.04:28 - 1.07:10]The group also discusses other popular games such as PUBG and Fortnite

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.05:26 - 1.09:35]The conversation shifts to the game 'Daisy' which has been kept alive by modded content

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.08:01 - 1.10:05]The game is set on an arctic archipelago and requires players to navigate through various challenges

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.10:05 - 1.11:20]The discussion starts with the idea of video games pandering to the player

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.10:22 - 1.11:55]This can be seen as a form of virtual masturbation

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.11:20 - 1.13:27]The conversation turns to survival skills and Eagle Scouts

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.12:57 - 1.14:43]They also discuss how to handle encounters with different types of bears

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.12:57 - 1.16:01]They talk about a phase with zombies and waiting for them in a line

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.13:03 - 1.14:43]They talk about a bear and a blunderbuss

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.14:03 - 1.15:14]The conversation ends with a mention of wanting to get a blunderbuss for the studio.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.15:39 - 1.17:15]The speaker talks about playing through Dying Light 2 and having difficulty with cutscenes

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.15:47 - 1.17:58]The speaker recalls the feeling of not understanding Minecraft and watching a video where someone loses all their diamonds

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.16:18 - 1.17:10]They discuss the choice between unlimited games but no more video games or unlimited video games but no more games

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.17:15 - 1.17:36]They talk about a bear and a blunderbuss

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.17:36 - 1.19:25]The speaker recalls the feeling of not understanding Minecraft and watching a video where someone loses all their diamonds

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.18:18 - 1.20:29]The speaker brings up feeling out of place with a new Call of Duty game

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.19:25 - 1.20:24]They mention a yearly urge to play Minecraft with friends

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.20:10 - 1.22:53]The speaker recalls the feeling of not understanding Minecraft and watching a video where someone loses all their diamonds

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.20:30 - 1.21:08]They mention the aesthetic and building aspects of Valheim

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.22:22 - 1.26:00]They talk about a bear and a blunderbuss

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.22:22 - 1.26:06]They talk about getting mad about something and asking a question that was forgotten.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.23:21 - 1.25:38]Thick water is prepared and the speaker reveals they are the "meat" of the sandwich.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.23:48 - 1.24:09]The speaker mentions allergies and the question they usually ask.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.24:00 - 1.27:25]They mention being able to last a day without something

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.25:04 - 1.27:25]Thick water is prepared and the speaker reveals they are the "meat" of the sandwich.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.26:06 - 1.27:13]The speaker takes a sip of thick water and discusses its consistency.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.27:25 - 1.28:22]They discuss the choice between unlimited games but no more video games or unlimited video games but no more games

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.27:25 - 1.29:51]They ask the guest if they prefer unlimited bacon or video games.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.28:07 - 1.28:41]The speaker takes a sip of thick water and discusses its consistency.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.28:22 - 1.28:28]The speaker recalls the feeling of not understanding Minecraft and watching a video where someone loses all their diamonds

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.28:28 - 1.28:41]They mention being able to last a day without something

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.29:51 - 1.30:13]They ask the guest if they prefer unlimited bacon or video games.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.30:13 - 1.30:44]Thick water is prepared and the speaker reveals they are the "meat" of the sandwich.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Freddie Wong Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 48

[1.30:44 - 1.32:01]The guest discusses their podcast Dungeons and Daddies and their upcoming movie.