

Youtube profile pic for Last Trash Taste of 2021 | Trash Taste #80

Last Trash Taste of 2021 | Trash Taste #80

A youtube thumbnail wor Last Trash Taste of 2021 | Trash Taste #80

[00:00 - 00:05] One week left to purchase Apari/Trash Taste merch

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[00:23 - 00:29]Includes embroidered designs and various items

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[00:23 - 00:29]Quality is high and will last a long time

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[00:29 - 00:34]Previous merch has sold out quickly

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[00:35 - 00:43]Personalized postcard for each purchase

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[00:43 - 00:51]If seen wearing merch, will receive a hug and handshake from hosts

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[01:00 - 01:06]Merch will no longer be available after next week

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[01:06 - 01:12]Link to purchase in description

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[03:13 - 03:20]Current episode being recorded is Christmas episode and last of the year

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[03:53 - 03:58]Hosts reflect on how fast the year has gone by

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[04:13 - 04:19]2021 has been a busy year for the hosts

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[05:07 - 05:13]Guests have commented on the full calendars of the hosts

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[05:48 - 05:55]Busy schedules have led to the need for personal assistants

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[05:48 - 05:55]Hosts have mixed feelings on needing an assistant

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[00:00 - 06:48]Hosts promote Apari/Trash Taste merch, reflect on how fast the year has gone by and how busy they have been, discuss the possibility of needing personal assistants.

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[06:48 - 06:59] Person asks for help managing schedule

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[07:22 - 07:31]Explains schedule is usually filled from 8am to midnight

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[09:31 - 09:37]Enjoys doing it, but has little free time

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[10:20 - 10:33]Uses to-do lists to stay productive

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[10:42 - 10:51]Has to pencil in time to watch anime and hang out with friends

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[11:22 - 11:30]Mood On's productivity is impressive and seemingly unexplainable

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[12:31 - 12:40]Mood On is very productive and hardworking, edits for multiple channels and streams regularly

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[12:31 - 12:40]Mood On also edits for other people and streams regularly

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[12:40 - 12:45]Has had to up live streaming schedule this year

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[12:45 - 13:01]Has three channels: Trash Taste, live stream, and personal channel

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[06:48 - 13:19]Mood On is a beast and impressive in his productivity and work ethic.

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[14:49 - 14:55] The speaker discusses the current state of Japan and the hope for the country to open back up next year.

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[15:03 - 15:09]They talk about the process for non-visitors to enter Japan and the challenges they face.

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[16:02 - 16:08]The speaker empathizes with students waiting for a visa and expresses their desire to have a concrete goal to work towards.

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[16:14 - 16:19]They discuss their experience at a Michelin star ramen restaurant and compare it to other ramen places they have tried.

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[17:51 - 17:58]The speaker reflects on their expectations for Michelin star restaurants and the overall dining experience.

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[19:33 - 19:38]They mention the busy and narrow atmosphere of the restaurant they visited and their wait time.

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[13:19 - 19:55]The speaker discusses their hope for Japan to open back up next year and empathizes with students waiting for a visa. They also reflect on their experience at a Michelin star ramen restaurant and their expectations for such establishments.

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[19:55 - 20:03] Country is close to tourists, talking to people about waiting for ramen for hours

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[20:04 - 20:12]No downtime, expected to just eat and leave

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[20:12 - 20:22]Part of food experience is taking time to enjoy it

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[20:58 - 21:11]Best ramen experience at midnight with atmosphere and beer

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[20:58 - 21:11]Midnight ramen can be bad for stomach but fun

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[20:58 - 21:11]Uber eats ramen not as good as fresh in restaurant

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[21:36 - 21:43]Restaurant experience goes beyond taste - it's about heart and meaning

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[23:21 - 23:27]Ultimate midnight snack is ramen

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[23:27 - 23:33]Sushi at least once a week, conveyor belt sushi is perfect for lunch

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[24:22 - 24:28]Best ramen experiences in sketchy areas at midnight with friends

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[24:22 - 24:28]Ramen travels terribly, not good for delivery

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[24:46 - 25:00]Sushi prices vary but $30 is about as good as it gets

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[25:00 - 25:12]Expensive sushi not much better than mid-range sushi

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[25:21 - 25:40]High end sushi places can offer unique experiences

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[25:55 - 26:08]$400 sushi place with 9 different types of sea urchin

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[26:16 - 26:27]Sushi is the one Japanese dish not yet tired of eating

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[19:55 - 26:27]The speaker discusses their experiences with ramen and sushi in Japan, including the pressure to eat quickly and leave in ramen shops and the unique atmosphere of midnight ramen. They also compare the taste and experiences of different price points for sushi and mention a high-end sushi place with a special tasting menu of various types of sea urchin. Overall, they express a love for sushi and a realization that ramen may not be as enjoyable as they originally thought.

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[26:35 - 26:46] Person is excited about a cool experience at a store, willing to pay high price for it

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[26:47 - 26:54]Sushi snobbery - expensive doesn't necessarily mean better tasting

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[28:19 - 28:27]Discussion about eels and how they are becoming extinct due to overconsumption in Japan

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[30:12 - 30:21]Preference for middle price point restaurants where the chefs care about the food and ask for feedback

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[32:02 - 32:12]Enjoyment of seeing people enjoy their food and a genuine smile from workers

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[32:36 - 32:47]Confusion about the option to purchase a "muck smile" on Uber Eats in Japan

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[26:27 - 32:53]Excitement over cool experiences and appreciation for genuine enjoyment and care in cooking and serving food.

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[33:00 - 33:05] The speaker talks about a bizarre option on Uber Eats in Japan where customers can order a smile from McDonald's employees

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[37:34 - 37:47]They discuss the discomfort of maid cafes and how it is a determiner for differentiating between anime and reality

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[38:22 - 38:31]The podcast is sponsored by Shadowverse, a free mobile and PC card game with an anime art style

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[39:07 - 39:13]The speaker flexes about reaching Grandmaster twice in Shadowverse

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[39:13 - 39:20]The overall tone is light and casual, with jokes and tangents throughout

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[39:35 - 39:40]They briefly mention achieving or not achieving anything in the past year

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[32:53 - 39:40]The podcast discusses a strange option on Uber Eats in Japan, the discomfort of maid cafes, and flexes about reaching Grandmaster in Shadowverse. They briefly mention their achievements and disappointments in the past year.

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[39:54 - 40:01]Connor discusses his achievements in March and how it can be difficult to pat oneself on the back without becoming complacent.

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[40:10 - 40:18]He mentions moving studios and it being the biggest achievement.

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[40:10 - 40:18]Connor also talks about moving houses and how it was a big improvement.

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[40:33 - 40:41]They reveal that they used to live in Saitama but have now moved to a more convenient location.

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[40:41 - 40:47]He discusses living in Saitama and the different train lines there.

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[43:44 - 43:50]The UberEats selection in their previous area was limited, especially for healthy options.

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[45:06 - 45:19]They discuss the upgrade in their personal lives with moving to bigger and nicer places.

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[46:02 - 46:11]Connor talks about feeling burnt out in 2020 and not being able to take a break until going back to England to see family and friends.

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[46:02 - 46:11]The trip to England acted as a reset for him and made him realize he was burnt out.

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[46:36 - 46:45]Despite having nothing on his schedule, he felt recharged and ready to hit the ground running again.

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[39:41 - 46:51]Connor discusses his achievements, moving studios and houses, living in Saitama, and feeling burnt out before going to England. The trip acted as a reset and he is now recharged and ready to continue growing and achieving.

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[46:51 - 46:57] The speaker is getting a lot of ideas and wants to go back to work.

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[46:57 - 47:03]They reflect on having a break and not doing anything.

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[47:17 - 47:26]They discuss the difficulty of 2021 and waiting for the world to get back to normal.

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[47:27 - 47:32]They are happy with their YouTube channel and have exciting plans for it.

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[49:34 - 49:39]Trash Taste has become their main priority.

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[50:22 - 50:32]They have people to help with Trash Taste and feel pressure to deliver on their main channel.

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[52:09 - 52:21]They are trying to figure out how to make content on their main channel more efficiently.

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[53:10 - 53:17]They have realized they need to make a sustainable schedule.

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[53:19 - 53:27]They feel guilty about their upload schedule being compared to others.

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[53:19 - 53:27]They have come to the realization that they should not feel guilty about their upload schedule being compared to others.

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[53:42 - 53:53]They have broken down their workflow and are working on making it more efficient.

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[53:53 - 53:58]They discuss the varying time it takes to make one video.

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[46:51 - 54:05]In summary, the speaker is reflecting on their 2021 and discussing their plans for their YouTube channels and the pressure they feel to deliver on their main channel. They have realized the need for a sustainable schedule and are working on making their workflow more efficient. They also discuss the varying time it takes to make one video.

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[59:40 - 59:53]The speaker is discussing their video-making process and the challenges they face.

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[59:59 - 1.00:04]They mention a particular video that they have been wanting to make for a long time.

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[59:59 - 1.00:04]The video has a lot of moving pieces and requires a lot of editing and footage.

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[59:59 - 1.00:04]They talk about juggling different types of videos while maintaining a consistent quality.

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[59:59 - 1.00:04]The speaker discusses their process for making videos, from watching the anime to scripting and recording.

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[59:59 - 1.00:04]They mention that they have been trying to do too much and need to prioritize their time.

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[1.00:04 - 1.00:12]The speaker mentions that even if they put in a month of work, it doesn't matter because they have to upload another video the following week.

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[1.00:04 - 1.00:12]The speaker talks about their upload schedule and the pressure to constantly produce content.

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[1.00:04 - 1.00:12]They mention that they are working at full capacity and can only handle a maximum of two uploads a month.

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[1.00:26 - 1.00:31]The speaker discusses how they have improved the quality of their content and the toll it has taken on their schedule and mental well-being.

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[1.00:57 - 1.01:02]They mention the possibility of taking a break from uploading in January.

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[54:05 - 1.01:02]In summary, the speaker discusses the challenges of maintaining a consistent upload schedule and the toll it takes on their mental and physical well-being. They also mention their efforts to improve the quality of their content and the need to prioritize their time and avoid burnout.

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[1.01:02 - 1.01:14] Person wants to do streaming all month, chooses January since it's a low revenue month for YouTubers

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[1.01:14 - 1.01:21]Wants to have a consistent schedule for streaming

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[1.01:22 - 1.01:29]Feels behind compared to full-time streamers

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[1.01:30 - 1.01:36]People complain about not knowing when he will stream

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[1.01:36 - 1.01:41]Likes the spontaneous nature of streaming

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[1.02:30 - 1.02:40]Wants to make a second channel for fun and less pressure

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[1.03:00 - 1.03:15]Has a lot of ideas for big projects but doesn't have time to do them and maintain consistent uploads

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[1.04:23 - 1.04:35]Wants to do more on the second channel and have it be separate from the main channel

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[1.04:55 - 1.05:05]Second channel allows for more random and timely content

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[1.07:09 - 1.07:16]Trash Taste has made them reevaluate their main channel content

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[1.07:09 - 1.07:16]Feels more fulfilled with the progress and growth of Trash Taste compared to own channel

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[1.07:16 - 1.07:31]Excited about the potential of a second channel

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[1.07:31 - 1.07:39]Main channel has plateaued in terms of growth

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[1.07:39 - 1.07:49]Second channel is like watering a tiny plant compared to a giant tree (main channel)

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[1.01:02 - 1.07:49]Person is satisfied with the size of their main channel but wants to continue growing and experimenting with the second channel.

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[1.07:49 - 1.08:01]Watching something small grow into something bigger is fulfilling

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[1.08:01 - 1.08:07]The second channel has been fun because it allows for new content

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[1.08:07 - 1.08:14]Both channels hit 3 million subscribers this year

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[1.08:51 - 1.09:01]There is a shift in mindset regarding channel growth

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[1.10:09 - 1.10:18]New Year's resolutions include hitting 1 million subs on the second channel and doing more collabs

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[1.10:18 - 1.10:23]Traveling and taking time to relax may result in less frequent uploads

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[1.12:31 - 1.12:36]A week-long livestream is planned

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[1.13:32 - 1.13:38]The workload for Trash Taste has increased due to weekly streams

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[1.14:24 - 1.14:35]Trash Taste has only released one special this year

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[1.07:49 - 1.14:47]The speaker discusses their channel growth and plans for the future, including potentially releasing less frequent but higher quality content, doing more collabs, and continuing their weekly streams for Trash Taste. They also mention wanting to hit 1 million subs on the second channel and doing a week-long livestream.

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[1.15:22 - 1.15:29] The speakers discuss their previous and current content, including specials and their main and second channels.

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[1.16:08 - 1.16:15]They mention wanting to hire an assistant due to their busy schedules.

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[1.16:34 - 1.16:41]The audio is sponsored by Manscaped, and they discuss their regrets and difficulties with going to the gym.

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[1.20:31 - 1.20:37]They talk about potential content ideas if they were to move back to the UK, including exploring old and quirky places.

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[1.21:47 - 1.21:56]They mention the importance of consistency in their Trash Taste channel and how it's like comfort food for their viewers.

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[1.22:04 - 1.22:09]The discussion shifts to Christmas traditions and how it's a time for family and watching videos.

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[1.14:48 - 1.22:18]The speakers discuss their current and previous content, their desire to hire an assistant, their regrets and difficulties with going to the gym, potential content ideas if they moved back to the UK, and the importance of consistency in their Trash Taste channel. They also mention Christmas traditions and how it's a time for family and watching videos.

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[1.22:24 - 1.22:30] 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM: Food and alcohol consumed

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[1.23:10 - 1.23:17]4:00 PM: Food comes out, followed by Christmas dinner

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[1.23:27 - 1.23:34]Christmas lunch and dinner are combined into one big meal for some

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[1.24:54 - 1.25:03]In Australia, Christmas day is a hot summer day, so meals are often eaten outside

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[1.25:39 - 1.25:46]Christmas dinner is usually spent with family or friends

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[1.26:04 - 1.26:09]Christmas spirit in Australia is associated with warm weather and outdoor activities

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[1.27:12 - 1.27:20]Christmas decorations are seen, but the warm weather makes it feel less festive

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[1.28:12 - 1.28:18]Some houses go all out with Christmas decorations

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[1.28:25 - 1.28:33]Santa Claus is often depicted in summer attire

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[1.22:19 - 1.29:10]In Australia, Christmas is celebrated with food, alcohol, and warm weather. Christmas lunch and dinner are often combined into one big meal, and Santa Claus is depicted in summer attire. Christmas decorations are seen, but the warm weather makes it feel less festive.

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[1.29:10 - 1.29:17] Group of women discussing one's Christmas experience

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[1.29:17 - 1.29:22]One woman does not spend Christmas with her family

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[1.29:17 - 1.29:22]Other woman asks about the significance of Christmas

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[1.29:22 - 1.29:31]First woman is indifferent to Christmas and does not feel anything special on the day

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[1.32:23 - 1.32:33]She bought flights for her parents to come to Japan for Christmas last year, but they have not been able to due to travel restrictions

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[1.32:33 - 1.32:38]The first woman loves Christmas movies, particularly "Jingle All the Way"

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[1.32:53 - 1.32:59]They discuss the plot of the movie and the difficulty of getting the whole family together for Christmas

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[1.32:53 - 1.32:59]They discuss cooking for Christmas and who does the cooking

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[1.33:07 - 1.33:14]The first woman's family lives in different areas and it is hard to get everyone together

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[1.33:22 - 1.33:40]They mention the time and effort it takes to cook certain dishes

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[1.33:41 - 1.33:48]She enjoys spending time with family and cooking

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[1.34:30 - 1.34:36]They discuss a meme related to Mark Zuckerberg

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[1.34:30 - 1.34:36]The last bullet point should be a concise and comprehensive summary, including the main points of the conversation:

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[1.34:52 - 1.35:05]The first woman's father is known for his Moroccan chicken dish

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[1.35:36 - 1.35:43]The idea of investing in kitchenware for one event a year is brought up

A youtube thumbnail wor Last Trash Taste of 2021 | Trash Taste #80

[1.29:10 - 1.35:43]Group of women discuss their Christmas experiences, including one woman who does not spend the day with her family, and another who loves spending time with family and cooking. They also mention a meme related to Mark Zuckerberg and favorite Christmas movies. The first woman's family lives in different areas and it is hard to get everyone together. They also discuss cooking for Christmas and the time and effort it takes, including the first woman's father's specialty dish. They mention the idea of investing in kitchenware for one event a year.

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[1.35:44 - 1.35:51]Speaker discusses the realization of needing household items as a teenager

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[1.35:57 - 1.36:05]Recalls a recent experience in Connor's house where they admired his cutlery

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[1.37:54 - 1.38:01]Reflects on the usefulness of hammers and power drills in Japan

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[1.38:24 - 1.38:29]Talks about slowly accumulating tools for DIY projects

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[1.39:01 - 1.39:10]Mentions feeling gratified by using household items in their new house

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[1.39:10 - 1.39:17]Mentions the convenience of buying pre-built furniture online

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[1.40:32 - 1.40:38]Describes the satisfaction of using power tools for furniture assembly

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[1.40:38 - 1.40:49]Discusses the frustration of unclear instructions and mismatched parts in furniture assembly

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[1.41:32 - 1.41:38]Mentions receiving gloves with furniture purchases in Japan

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[1.41:51 - 1.41:57]Reflects on the waste of receiving low-quality screwdrivers and Allen keys with furniture

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[1.35:44 - 1.42:34]Summarizes the overall discussion of the speaker's experiences with household items and furniture assembly in Japan.

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[1.42:34 - 1.42:45]Discussion about different types of nails and their effectiveness

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[1.42:51 - 1.42:57]Difficulty in building furniture due to slippery screws and shearing

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[1.44:07 - 1.44:18]Taking woodworking classes in university but not enjoying it

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[1.44:55 - 1.45:10]Enjoyment in building furniture and considering making own furniture

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[1.44:55 - 1.45:10]Enjoying the feeling of buying new furniture and the meditative state of building it

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[1.46:24 - 1.46:31]Buying grass tiles from Ikea for balcony, but struggling with fitting them and cutting them to size

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[1.49:19 - 1.49:26]Considering a garden, but not wanting to take care of it regularly

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[1.50:19 - 1.50:24]Father's love for gardening and seeing it as a new child

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[1.42:34 - 1.50:24]The speaker discusses their experience with various types of nails and the difficulty of building furniture. They also express their enjoyment in building furniture and considering making their own. They share their struggles with fitting and cutting grass tiles for their balcony and their thoughts on having a garden. The speaker also mentions their father's love for gardening.

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[1.56:24 - 1.56:43] NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are a new form of digital artwork ownership.

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[1.56:43 - 1.56:57]They are a proof of ownership for a digital piece of artwork, stored in a blockchain.

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[1.57:10 - 1.57:22]Some people have made a lot of money from NFTs, but there are also many scams and scandals.

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[1.57:22 - 1.57:31]NFTs have become a craze, with many companies and individuals promoting them.

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[1.57:22 - 1.57:31]NFTs are often seen as a way to make quick money, but also carry a high risk.

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[1.57:31 - 1.57:47]The hype around NFTs has made Twitter a more toxic place for some people.

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[1.57:47 - 1.57:56]NFTs have been compared to a form of insider trading, as there are no laws against it.

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[1.57:56 - 1.58:04]There is little regulation in the NFT market, making it a "wild west" environment.

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[1.50:24 - 1.58:15]Overall, the NFT market is a controversial and polarizing topic.

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[1.58:15 - 1.58:24]Youtubers promoting scams and NFTs

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[1.58:31 - 1.58:40]Criticism of NFTs for being bad for the environment

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[1.59:46 - 2.00:04]Potential for NFTs to be used for good in the future

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[2.00:35 - 2.00:43]Lack of understanding and regulation in the NFT world

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[2.02:48 - 2.03:38]NFTs could have potential for other applications, such as certification and ownership verification

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[2.03:53 - 2.04:09]Current use of NFTs for overpriced artwork and scams

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[2.03:53 - 2.04:09]Original Nyan cat GIF sold as an NFT

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[2.04:09 - 2.04:16]Issues with proving ownership and authenticity in NFT transactions

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[2.04:51 - 2.05:15]High energy consumption and carbon footprint of NFT transactions

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[2.05:19 - 2.05:27]Ending the year with a depressing realization about society

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[2.06:11 - 2.06:19]Wishing viewers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

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[2.06:27 - 2.06:42]Promoting Patreon and other platforms to support the show

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[2.06:42 - 2.06:56]Thanking viewers for a great year on Trash Taste

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[1.58:15 - 2.07:01]A summary of the year and NFT discussions.

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[2.07:01 - 2.07:09]Trash days are not worth talking about

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[2.07:10 - 2.07:11]Everyone knows how trash days are in Ruey

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[2.07:10 - 2.07:11]We will see each other again in 2022

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[2.07:10 - 2.07:11]Bye

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[2.07:01 - 2.07:11]In short, there was a brief conversation about trash days before saying goodbye and planning to meet again in 2022.