

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 200: Episode 200

SuperMegaCast - EP 200: Episode 200

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 200: Episode 200

[00:00 - 00:31]Introduction to episode 200 of the Super Megacast

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[01:14 - 01:24]Excitement and disbelief over landing a TV deal

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[01:24 - 01:30]Surprise guest appearance by Markiplier

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[01:30 - 01:38]Invitation to Markiplier to play a role in their new show

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[01:38 - 01:44]Discussion about past work with Markiplier

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[02:19 - 02:25]Discussion about COVID and April Fools' Day

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[02:56 - 03:04]Precautions taken to avoid spreading COVID

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[04:08 - 04:20]Humorous conversation about forgiveness in case of COVID-related death

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[05:03 - 05:09]Discussion about body language and lying

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[05:41 - 05:47]Trivia about pizza and cheese

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[06:11 - 06:18]Humorous conversation about producing human cheese

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[00:00 - 06:45]The podcast hosts discuss their 200th episode, a surprise appearance by Markiplier, their past work together, and an invitation for Markiplier to join their new TV show. They also discuss COVID and April Fools' Day, precautions taken to avoid spreading it, and humorous conversations about forgiveness and producing human cheese.

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[06:46 - 06:55] Call out for pregnant or lactating women to donate breast milk

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[07:02 - 07:07]Discussion about making cheese and how it was discovered

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[09:06 - 09:11]The promise to tell a story in the 200th episode and the disappointment of it already being told

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[10:11 - 10:18]The retelling of the Budweiser story and its implications for the stepfather's political career

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[12:18 - 12:26]Favorite types of cheese and a story about using Budweiser to soothe a rash

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[13:52 - 13:59]A joke about using a stepson's "nutskin" to wrap around a beer can

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[06:46 - 13:59]The overall theme of the conversation is about cheese and the 200th episode being unprepared and discussing random topics.

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[13:59 - 14:06]Jim has new koozies made from 100% the nuts acts of stepson's

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[14:07 - 14:13]Dude suggests selling them, referencing scared stepson's

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[14:07 - 14:13]Conversation about whether koozies helped with a rash

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[14:14 - 14:19]Mention of peeing on jellyfish stings

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[14:19 - 14:25]Jim asks if someone has a rash and suggests they warm their beer in their shorts

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[15:41 - 15:46]Discussion about reaching 1,000 episodes and the time it would take

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[16:47 - 16:55]Mention of Rhett and Link's YouTube channel and their early videos

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[18:01 - 18:09]Conversation about Christopher Nolan's movie "Tenet"

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[19:15 - 19:20]Mention of Ryan Felipe and his movie "Fool's Gold"

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[19:56 - 20:07]Discussion about Jason movies and their sequels

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[20:14 - 20:28]Mention of a new movie with Seth Rogen

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[20:52 - 21:00]Comparison of Neighbors 1 and 2 and mention of women in movies

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[13:59 - 21:00]Conversation about Jim's new koozies, reference to selling them, discussion about rash and peeing on jellyfish stings, mention of reaching 1,000 episodes, talk about Rhett and Link's YouTube channel, mention of Christopher Nolan's "Tenet", reference to Ryan Felipe and his movie "Fool's Gold", conversation about Jason movies and their sequels, mention of a new movie with Seth Rogen, and comparison of Neighbors movies.

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[21:01 - 21:09] Speaker expresses their dislike for comedies without male genitalia

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[21:10 - 21:15]Mentions liking a previous Seth Rogen film, "This is the End"

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[21:34 - 21:39]Recalls watching "The Interview" and being more interested in the controversy surrounding it

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[21:39 - 21:47]Talks about wanting to re-watch "Pineapple Express"

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[21:48 - 21:55]Mentions a desire for the return of a certain era of movies and music

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[22:35 - 22:40]Talks about watching "District 9" and enjoying it

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[22:41 - 22:48]Mentions wanting to re-watch "Balto"

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[24:56 - 25:03]Discusses an animated movie called "Quigley" starring Gary Busey

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[25:37 - 25:42]Mentions "Old Dogs" as a funny movie to watch

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[26:40 - 26:49]Mentions using code "Super Mega" for 30% off G Fuel

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[26:49 - 26:57]Ad read for G Fuel energy drink, with a personal experience trying it at E3

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[26:57 - 27:08]Expresses surprise at enjoying G Fuel despite initial assumptions

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[27:21 - 27:26]Mentions liking the Green Apple G Fuel flavor

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[27:33 - 27:38]Briefly discusses potential collaboration with G Fuel

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[21:01 - 27:38]Speaker discusses their preferences for male-focused comedies, shares past movie experiences and mentions wanting to re-watch certain films, discusses an animated movie starring Gary Busey and a funny movie to watch, and gives a personal experience trying G Fuel and a discount code for it.

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[27:44 - 27:54]The speaker talks about trying G Fuel during a Let's Play session and jokingly mentions promoting it for money.

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[28:31 - 28:37]They discuss using incognito mode to search for things online, but realize that it doesn't actually hide activity from internet service providers.

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[29:14 - 29:21]The speaker promotes ExpressVPN as a solution for protecting online activity.

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[30:36 - 30:43]They then move on to discussing childhood memories of playing with camcorders and other technology.

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[33:47 - 34:02]The speaker talks about feeling overwhelmed by social media and opting to spend time reading Wikipedia instead.

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[34:08 - 34:17]The speaker expresses interest in creating more Wikipedia pages in the future.

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[34:33 - 34:39]They mention contributing to Wikipedia by editing a page about a train crash in Ethiopia.

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[27:38 - 35:10]In summary, the speaker discusses their experience with G Fuel, online privacy, and their newfound interest in contributing to Wikipedia.

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[35:10 - 35:18]Person discussing adding Wikipedia content objectively, with a focus on facts.

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[35:45 - 35:56]Mentions having added a subtext to an article about the Ethiopian rail disaster.

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[36:04 - 36:10]Talks about the enjoyment of adding subtexts to articles and finding simple pleasures in life.

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[36:10 - 36:20]Discussion about Animal Crossing and the new summer update.

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[36:51 - 37:02]Mention of time traveling in the game and potential judgement from others.

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[38:43 - 38:58]Talks about the pandemic and social distancing, but also mentions having projects and Patreon perks.

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[39:40 - 39:50]Mentions hiatus of drunk drawing due to producer being in South Carolina.

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[40:31 - 40:36]Discussion about the safety of checking mail during the pandemic.

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[41:15 - 41:20]Narrator's experience with a woman at the post office who was not following guidelines.

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[35:10 - 41:54]Person discusses adding objective content to Wikipedia, enjoys adding subtexts to articles and playing Animal Crossing during the pandemic, and mentions hiatus of drunk drawing and safety concerns at the post office.

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[43:28 - 43:35]Person at post office is very controlling and confrontational with others about social distancing

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[43:41 - 43:46]She gets in arguments with people who are trying to drop off packages or go inside

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[44:59 - 45:05]She lives near the speaker and is seen multiple times in the same area

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[46:07 - 46:19]The speaker and his mom have disagreements about how to handle situations in public

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[46:25 - 46:30]Person's mom also has confrontational tendencies in public

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[46:25 - 46:30]The speaker and his mom will physically fight in public

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[47:41 - 47:47]Person's mom also gets into arguments with customer service staff

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[48:09 - 48:18]We had to put SuperMega on hiatus due to speaker's broken hip caused by a fight with his mom in public

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[41:54 - 48:18]The speaker and his mom are both confrontational and have gotten into fights in public, including one that resulted in the speaker's broken hip and a hiatus for their work on SuperMega.

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[48:19 - 48:24]Person had a coupon that wasn't registering, but didn't want to make a big deal out of it

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[49:14 - 49:27]Person worked at a store and dealt with frustrating customers and their coupons

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[49:14 - 49:27]Customers would try to use expired or incorrect coupons to get discounts

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[49:28 - 49:34]Mother insisted on using the coupon and ended up causing a physical altercation

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[51:05 - 51:15]Some customers would try to manipulate the system to get discounts

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[52:18 - 52:25]The drive-through system was based on timed orders and the person would get in trouble for falling behind

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[52:33 - 52:39]Person would sometimes give away free food at Chick-fil-A due to mistakes or customer complaints

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[52:39 - 52:51]Customers would try to deceive the person at the drive-through window for discounts

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[53:48 - 53:57]Person got in trouble for accidentally taking a counterfeit $10 bill due to the busy rush hour at work

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[48:19 - 54:26]Person had a coupon incident with their mother that led to a physical altercation, and later worked at a store where they dealt with frustrating customers and their attempts to manipulate the system for discounts. They also shared stories of giving away free food at Chick-fil-A and getting in trouble for accidentally taking a counterfeit bill at work.

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[54:26 - 54:36] The speaker took a $10 bill from a corporation and got in trouble for it.

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[55:26 - 55:36]They discuss their current success with 200 podcast episodes and compare themselves to other famous figures.

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[58:09 - 58:21]They talk about Kanye West running for president and the possibility of a reality show with the Kardashians in the White House.

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[58:35 - 58:41]They mention their Armenian neighbors having a loud party and briefly discuss the TV shows Avatar and Legend of Korra.

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[1.01:16 - 1.01:22]They mention a guest lined up for the podcast and potential future guests.

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[1.01:22 - 1.01:28]The speaker expresses interest in having guests Gus and Eddie, Jakey, and George Clinton on the podcast.

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[1.01:28 - 1.01:36]The speaker mentions wanting to be on the podcast of another group, but clarifies that they were not on their podcast previously.

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[54:26 - 1.01:41]Overall, the speakers discuss their current success and future plans for the podcast, including potential guests and collaborations.

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[1.01:48 - 1.01:55] The speaker discusses taking a new sleeping pill and mentions previous anxiety medication prescriptions

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[1.01:56 - 1.02:02]The speaker talks about their experience with different sleeping pills and their effects

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[1.03:18 - 1.03:25]The speaker mentions feeling dizzy and lightheaded during the COVID scare

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[1.04:23 - 1.04:32]The speaker and their co-host joke about making a YouTube video about people's quarantine hair

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[1.05:11 - 1.05:18]They also mention dedicating an episode to talking about pee and poo

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[1.07:03 - 1.07:14]The speaker thanks listeners for continuing to listen to the podcast and mentions the total hours of content they have produced

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[1.07:03 - 1.07:14]The speaker closes the podcast by thanking listeners again and joking about hearing footsteps

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[1.07:35 - 1.07:40]A loud noise interrupts the conversation, causing the speaker to joke about being robbed

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[1.01:41 - 1.08:00]The speaker expresses their gratitude for listeners and their dedication to the podcast.