

Youtube profile pic for We Survived a MASSIVE Earthquake in Japan | Trash Taste #95

We Survived a MASSIVE Earthquake in Japan | Trash Taste #95

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[00:00 - 00:06] The speaker wants to get better at pen spinning using muscle memory.

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[00:06 - 00:12]They used to be able to do a certain pen spin but can't anymore.

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[00:27 - 00:38]They discuss useless skills they have learned, such as video games and pen spinning.

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[00:39 - 00:49]The speaker learned pen spinning because they like to fidget and wanted to make it look cool.

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[01:28 - 01:33]They also discuss other useless skills they have learned, such as solving a Rubik's Cube and playing Kendama.

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[04:30 - 04:36]The speaker learned how to solve a Rubik's Cube during the pandemic and also learned Kendama.

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[05:00 - 05:06]The speaker's motivation for learning these skills was due to being stuck inside during the pandemic.

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[06:25 - 06:31]The speaker could do a basic Kendama trick, but there are more difficult tricks to learn.

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[06:31 - 06:42]Kendama is a traditional Japanese toy and there are annual championships for it.

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[00:00 - 06:47]The speaker discusses their desire to improve at pen spinning and their past ability to do certain pen spins. They also talk about other useless skills they have learned, such as solving a Rubik's Cube and playing Kendama. These skills were learned during the pandemic as a way to pass time and stay entertained.

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[07:03 - 07:08]The speaker discusses a challenging game where you have to get a ball to land on a spike and their decision to learn how to do it during the pandemic by buying a professional grade Kendama.

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[07:09 - 07:18]They explain that there are national Kendama committees in Japan that certify Kendamas for competitions.

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[10:12 - 10:18]They share a personal experience with a Harry Potter Rubik's cube and their difficulty solving it due to the themed tiles and eventually peeling off the stickers.

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[10:54 - 11:00]The speaker confirms that they have learned how to do the game and have a video of themselves doing it.

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[11:21 - 11:36]The speaker mentions learning how to juggle and being able to open a bottle with various objects as useful party tricks.

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[12:24 - 12:29]They also discuss being able to make the water droplet sound and the Skype sound.

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[13:46 - 13:52]The speaker shares their ability to hold their body up with just their hands and their admiration for David Blaine and learning magic tricks.

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[06:47 - 14:04]The speaker shares their experiences with challenging games, learning how to do them during the pandemic, and their interest in magic tricks. They also discuss personal experiences with a Harry Potter Rubik's cube and their ability to perform party tricks.

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[14:04 - 14:14] The speaker paid money to a company that claimed to teach magic tricks.

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[14:22 - 14:31]The company sent a VHS tape with magic tricks.

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[14:48 - 14:57]The speaker learned how to do magic tricks, but never had the opportunity to show them off.

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[14:58 - 15:29]The speaker compares learning magic to learning martial arts.

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[16:43 - 16:52]The speaker learned how to do a backflip for a Naruto cosplay video.

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[16:58 - 17:04]They also mention wanting to learn other tricking skills.

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[17:33 - 17:41]They discuss the fear involved in learning new skills.

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[18:45 - 18:50]The speaker also mentions wanting to learn how to draw a perfect circle.

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[20:18 - 20:25]They discuss the importance of practice in developing skills.

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[20:31 - 20:52]The speaker drew a cat for a Netflix anime club event.

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[20:31 - 20:52]Joey could not recognize the cat, comparing it to an "unidentified mysterious animal."

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[21:46 - 21:52]The speaker explains the legend of the Chupacabra and how it became popular in the early 2000s.

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[14:04 - 22:18]In conclusion, the speaker discusses their interest in learning new skills and the fear and practice involved in doing so.

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[22:18 - 22:26]Early 2000s video of chupacabra was high quality and convincing

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[22:34 - 22:39]People were shocked when they found out it was fake

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[22:45 - 22:51]The speaker wanted to believe in the Loch Ness monster as a kid

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[25:05 - 25:23]Humanity's fascination with monsters and aliens

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[27:23 - 27:36]The recent earthquake experience in Japan

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[28:01 - 28:06]Some people find earthquakes exciting or interesting

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[28:01 - 28:06]The speaker enjoys seeing what stays and falls over during an earthquake

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[29:44 - 29:53]The speaker has never received an earthquake alarm since getting their new phone

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[29:53 - 30:01]The earthquake alarm is only activated when the epicenter is close enough to the person's location

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[22:18 - 30:15]A discussion about the early 2000s video of chupacabra, humanity's fascination with monsters and aliens, and the recent earthquake experience in Japan. Some people find earthquakes exciting, and the speaker enjoys seeing what stays and falls over during an earthquake. The earthquake alarm is only activated when the epicenter is close enough to the person's location.

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[30:31 - 30:36]Individuals discussing earthquake alarms and disaster noises in Japan

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[33:58 - 34:03]One person shares their experience of a recent earthquake in Tokyo

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[33:58 - 34:03]Another person shares their experience of an earthquake in Thailand

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[33:58 - 34:03]They mention how even convenience stores, which are usually always open, were closed during the earthquake

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[36:39 - 36:44]Both individuals discuss how surreal it was to see Tokyo in complete darkness during the earthquake

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[38:22 - 38:35]Traffic lights were not working in some areas of the city

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[38:22 - 38:35]The last bullet point should be a concise and comprehensive summary of the previous points:

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[30:15 - 38:35]Individuals discuss their experiences with earthquakes in Japan and Thailand, including the surreal feeling of seeing Tokyo in complete darkness and the unexpected closure of convenience stores and malfunctioning traffic lights.

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[38:35 - 38:43] Uh road lights and power are separate things

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[38:48 - 39:06]Train stations were still functioning during a blackout

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[39:06 - 39:13]Person was having a good time in Akihabara during a blackout

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[39:26 - 39:33]Went to a bar and sang karaoke during the blackout

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[42:05 - 42:37]Experienced two earthquakes, including a level six one

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[44:03 - 44:10]Person's grandma was okay, but worried about her during the earthquake

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[44:27 - 44:37]Person wants to try an earthquake simulation at a center

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[44:49 - 44:55]Experiencing a magnitude nine earthquake is intense and feels like being surrounded by four guys shaking you

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[46:43 - 46:55]Richter scale is logarithmic and not easily comprehensible

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[38:35 - 47:27]Person recounts their experience during a blackout and two earthquakes, including their calm demeanor and concern for their grandma. They also discuss the intensity of a magnitude nine earthquake and the confusion around the logarithmic Richter scale.

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[47:27 - 47:44]The speaker discusses the Richter scale and its difficulty for the average person to comprehend.

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[47:44 - 48:15]They question why a logarithmic scale was chosen for measuring disasters.

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[49:58 - 50:14]There is confusion about the difference between exponential and logarithmic scales.

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[50:41 - 50:56]The speaker suggests that the average person may not understand the difference between magnitude numbers on the Richter scale.

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[50:57 - 51:02]They mention experiencing a magnitude 7 earthquake and compare it to a magnitude 4 in Tokyo.

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[51:36 - 51:43]The speaker discusses the number of volcanoes in America, including Yellowstone.

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[52:13 - 52:21]They mention the possibility of volcanoes erupting in Antarctica.

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[52:28 - 52:45]The speaker reflects on how prepared they are for a disaster.

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[53:03 - 53:14]The speaker suggests that 2020 has been a foreshadowing of a potential apocalypse.

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[54:32 - 54:46]There is a reference to a previous episode of Trash Taste.

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[55:43 - 56:00]They mention the power going out and having backup supplies such as a power bank and green tea.

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[47:27 - 56:00]The speaker discusses the Richter scale, confusion about scales, their experience with earthquakes and volcanoes, and their preparedness for a disaster. They mention the power going out and having backup supplies, and reflect on 2020 as a potential foreshadowing of an apocalypse.

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[56:00 - 56:05] Constantly refilling background for aesthetic purposes

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[56:22 - 56:29]Able to survive and have emergency rations thanks to box suits and emergency kits

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[56:38 - 56:45]Special water from Japan that supposedly lasts for five years

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[58:47 - 58:54]Useless skills for surviving a nuke, such as lying down with mouth open

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[1.00:40 - 1.00:48]Need to get indoors within 15 minutes of a nuke going off

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[1.02:21 - 1.02:27]Horrific story of the most radioactive person in history

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[1.04:00 - 1.04:09]Surviving the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki

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[56:00 - 1.04:30]The audio discusses the ability to survive and be prepared for emergencies, such as a nuke going off, thanks to knowledge and resources obtained from trash taste and being a content creator. It also delves into the horrific story of the most radioactive person in history and the survival of a man in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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[1.04:39 - 1.04:46] Youtuber talks about radiation stories and mistakes

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[1.05:40 - 1.05:46]Mentions another story about a mix up with a nuclear core and a demon core

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[1.06:00 - 1.06:08]Talks about a story where someone got shot with an atom in the head and survived

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[1.06:00 - 1.06:08]Talks about a video on a guy who got shot by an atom and survived, but developed brain complications

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[1.07:57 - 1.08:41]Mentions a sponsorship for a Japanese snack box subscription service

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[1.10:52 - 1.11:05]Discusses the possibility of surviving a zombie apocalypse and the usefulness of guns

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[1.11:05 - 1.11:14]Questions the logic of shooting zombies in the head to kill them

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[1.11:44 - 1.12:04]Considers the effectiveness of medieval armor and weapons against zombies

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[1.04:30 - 1.12:36]The speaker discusses various stories involving radiation and nuclear mishaps, as well as a sponsorship for a Japanese snack box subscription service. They then engage in a conversation about surviving a zombie apocalypse and the potential usefulness of medieval armor and weapons. They also question the logic of shooting zombies in the head as a means of killing them.

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[1.12:36 - 1.12:42]Discussion about fake science and the potential for it to be any reason or situation

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[1.12:42 - 1.12:57]Example of chopping someone's body into bits and its implications

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[1.13:32 - 1.13:39]Debate about the effectiveness of a flamethrower as a weapon in a zombie apocalypse

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[1.15:29 - 1.15:58]Suggestion to make a house out of bones as a defense against zombies

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[1.15:59 - 1.16:14]Obstacles in stockpiling gas as a weapon in a zombie apocalypse

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[1.17:52 - 1.18:00]Discussion about the potential for violence and murder in a zombie apocalypse

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[1.20:36 - 1.20:42]Mention of a YouTube video about building a bunker under a garden

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[1.20:43 - 1.20:51]Information about a company in Japan that builds bunkers for $50,000

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[1.20:51 - 1.21:07]Possibility for the Trash Taste crew to build a bunker on their land

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[1.12:36 - 1.21:07]The conversation covers topics such as fake science, the effectiveness of a flamethrower in a zombie apocalypse, and the potential for violence and murder. They also discuss the possibility of building a bunker and the cost of doing so.

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[1.21:57 - 1.22:14] The speaker discusses the idea of building a bunker instead of a house on future land.

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[1.24:03 - 1.24:11]They describe the excitement and fulfillment of building a bunker, comparing it to a tree house.

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[1.24:03 - 1.24:11]A conversation ensues about the difference between a basement and a bunker.

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[1.24:03 - 1.24:11]The speaker expresses their desire for both a basement and a bunker.

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[1.27:47 - 1.27:55]They discuss their survival instincts and who would survive the longest in a zombie apocalypse or on a desert island.

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[1.29:30 - 1.29:44]The audio ends with the speaker expressing their curiosity and interest in learning more about survival techniques.

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[1.29:57 - 1.30:32]The conversation turns to survival tips and conflicting advice on drinking one's own urine.

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[1.29:57 - 1.30:32]The speaker mentions the show "Man vs. Wild" and their conflicting advice on drinking urine.

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[1.21:07 - 1.30:32]The speaker discusses their childhood dream of building a bunker and compares it to a tree house. They express their desire for both a basement and a bunker and discuss their survival instincts in a zombie apocalypse or on a desert island. The conversation turns to conflicting advice on drinking urine for survival, with the speaker expressing their interest in learning more about survival techniques.

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[1.30:32 - 1.30:50]The speaker talks about a time when drinking one's own urine was highly discouraged.

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[1.30:58 - 1.31:05]They suggest the idea of a "drink pissing scale" and discuss the misinformation surrounding urine drinking that needs to be corrected.

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[1.32:16 - 1.32:29]They reference a parody of a Bear Grylls video where he filters urine through a condom to make it drinkable.

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[1.33:38 - 1.33:45]The speaker brings up the show "Nathan for You" where the host pitches outlandish ideas to failing businesses.

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[1.34:20 - 1.34:40]They discuss a moment on the show where a man admits to drinking his grandchildren's urine.

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[1.35:00 - 1.35:10]The speaker mentions watching a video where someone drank their own urine, but it was in extreme circumstances.

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[1.36:44 - 1.36:56]The group discusses what items they would bring to survive on a desert island, including a tent, knife, water filter, fishing net, and a boat.

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[1.39:21 - 1.39:42]The speaker jokes about bringing their entire gaming setup and DVD collection.

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[1.30:32 - 1.39:49]A comprehensive summary of the discussion is the group discussing whether or not they would drink their own urine in a survival situation.

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[1.44:51 - 1.45:06]The speaker discusses making a spear and catching fish on a deserted island

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[1.46:19 - 1.46:28]The speaker and others talk about their experiences with starting fires

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[1.46:35 - 1.46:52]They consider moving into a house where someone has died and discuss a real estate website that lists houses where accidents have occurred

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[1.46:52 - 1.47:01]They debate the usefulness of a wind-up torch and rope

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[1.47:02 - 1.47:08]They mention bringing a fishing net and a knife as their survival tools

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[1.47:14 - 1.47:23]The speaker shares their personal view on what makes a home

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[1.39:49 - 1.47:38]Overall, the speaker and others discuss various strategies and items for surviving on a deserted island.

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[1.50:01 - 1.50:09] Someone discusses their discomfort with living in a home where someone has died, particularly if it was a brutal death

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[1.50:55 - 1.51:04]They mention that they are not religious or spiritual, but still have a discomfort with the idea of living in a home where someone has died

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[1.51:05 - 1.51:10]They mention the idea of superstition and how it plays into their discomfort with living in a home where someone has died

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[1.51:05 - 1.51:10]The speaker talks about a specific area in Japan where there used to be a prisoner of war camp, and how the area was rebranded to make it more happy

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[1.51:05 - 1.51:10]They discuss their discomfort with the idea of living in a home where something atrocious, like a murder, has happened

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[1.51:11 - 1.51:16]The speaker mentions that they would be okay with staying temporarily in a home where something has happened, but not settling down or calling it a permanent home

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[1.51:16 - 1.51:21]The speaker talks about their discomfort with the idea of renting a home where someone has died

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[1.51:34 - 1.51:44]They discuss the difference between a home where someone lived for 30 years versus one where someone died recently

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[1.53:34 - 1.53:39]They mention the feeling of a home being truly theirs when they know where everything is located, particularly light switches

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[1.54:04 - 1.54:11]The speaker talks about their habit of only buying functional items for their living space, but after moving to Japan they started adding more personality to their home with decorations

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[1.47:38 - 1.54:30]The speaker discusses their discomfort with living in a home where something has happened and shares their thoughts on the idea of superstition and personal connection to a home. They also mention a specific area in Japan and their habit of only buying functional items for their living space.

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[1.54:30 - 1.54:36]The speaker didn't decorate their walls until JoJo.

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[1.54:43 - 1.54:58]Before moving to Japan, the speaker never decorated because they didn't want to pack up when they moved.

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[1.55:14 - 1.55:20]The speaker started decorating because they were on camera more.

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[1.56:24 - 1.56:30]When the speaker has their own permanent residence, they want to be able to take down walls and have a bunker.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Survived a MASSIVE Earthquake in Japan | Trash Taste #95

[1.57:07 - 1.57:13]The speaker jokes about becoming a serial killer to make money.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Survived a MASSIVE Earthquake in Japan | Trash Taste #95

[1.57:55 - 1.58:01]They want to do DIY projects when they have more free time.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Survived a MASSIVE Earthquake in Japan | Trash Taste #95

[1.59:07 - 1.59:12]The speaker wants to build a shed and a man cave.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Survived a MASSIVE Earthquake in Japan | Trash Taste #95

[1.59:33 - 1.59:42]They question if girls want a "girl cave."

A youtube thumbnail wor We Survived a MASSIVE Earthquake in Japan | Trash Taste #95

[1.59:48 - 1.59:54]The speaker jokes about building a man cave to escape the house.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Survived a MASSIVE Earthquake in Japan | Trash Taste #95

[1.54:30 - 1.59:54]The speaker discusses their lack of decoration and desire for a permanent residence where they can do DIY projects and build a shed and man cave. They also joke about becoming a serial killer and the idea of a "girl cave."