

Youtube profile pic for The Hasan Episode | The Yard

The Hasan Episode | The Yard

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[00:00 - 02:17]The speaker's girlfriend appeared on the last episode and they discussed her poop

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[00:06 - 01:54]The speaker wants to stop talking about poop

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[00:22 - 02:07]The speaker discusses how some people criticize him for being a "champagne socialist" and a "Hamasabi"

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[02:18 - 03:44]The phrase "from the river to the sea" is mentioned and the speaker would like to discuss it further

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[03:44 - 07:03]The speaker discusses how some people criticize him for being a "champagne socialist" and a "Hamasabi"

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[03:59 - 07:16]The speaker argues that being called a "crypto-fascist" is worse than being called a "terrorist who loves Hamas"

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[04:14 - 05:41]The phrase "from the river to the sea" is mentioned and the speaker would like to discuss it further

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[06:43 - 08:21]The speaker discusses how some people criticize him for being a "champagne socialist" and a "Hamasabi"

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[08:22 - 10:51]The speaker talks about his life being difficult compared to others and mentions the struggles of children

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[09:20 - 10:01]The speaker wants to stop talking about poop

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[10:51 - 12:21]The guest, Hassan, joins the podcast and they discuss how much money they make from Patreon

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[12:21 - 14:50]The guest asks the speaker if nicotine is addictive and they discuss their use of nicotine gum and cigarettes

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[14:50 - 17:16]The guest talks about how he can easily find crack in any city and the speaker compares it to finding a specific type of pornography

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[16:21 - 18:01]The topic of crack comes up and the speaker mentions wanting to cook it for Thanksgiving

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[16:53 - 18:55]He asks locals about nice parts of the city, but they mention the bad parts

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[18:56 - 22:19]They mention a Chinese TSA agent and her interactions with a Chinese woman

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[19:22 - 22:04]They talk about how the Chinese copied Paris

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[20:16 - 21:36]They mention a Vegas-like city in China that copied Paris and was a failure

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[22:25 - 26:18]They discuss the speaker's Turkish heritage and the black market for bootleg items in Turkey

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[23:32 - 24:08]He asks locals about nice parts of the city, but they mention the bad parts

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[25:54 - 27:19]They mention the speaker's experience in high school, including prom and being a "loser"

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[28:06 - 29:07]They discuss the speaker's virginity and his "beautiful" hands

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[29:22 - 32:02]They mention the speaker's friend being a "jock" and the debate over whether he is one or not

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[29:51 - 32:59]They discuss the speaker's virginity and his "beautiful" hands

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[30:36 - 31:11]They mention the speaker's friend being a "jock" and the debate over whether he is one or not

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[32:20 - 34:03]They mention the speaker's experience in high school, including prom and being a "loser"

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[34:03 - 34:47]They mention the speaker's personal chef and trainer.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[34:47 - 37:02]The son's mother is a topic of discussion and it is revealed that she is a fan of one of the hosts.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[37:02 - 38:52]A game of basketball is mentioned and the son claims to have won a 1v1 game.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[38:52 - 39:36]The mother is upset about being discussed on the podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[39:43 - 40:26]The son's mother is a topic of discussion and it is revealed that she is a fan of one of the hosts.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[40:31 - 41:11]The mother is upset about being discussed on the podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[41:11 - 43:54]A game of basketball is mentioned and the son claims to have won a 1v1 game.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[43:54 - 45:03]The son's mother is a topic of discussion and it is revealed that she is a fan of one of the hosts.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[45:03 - 45:52]The hosts discuss their podcast and its success.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[45:53 - 46:48]The mother is upset about being discussed on the podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[46:21 - 47:37]A game of basketball is mentioned and the son claims to have won a 1v1 game.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[47:37 - 49:17]The hosts argue about who is the most successful on the podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[47:59 - 50:02]The son's mother is a topic of discussion and it is revealed that she is a fan of one of the hosts.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[49:08 - 50:13]Mention of a guest who can talk about nukes and geopolitical issues

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[49:23 - 49:28]Mention of a TV show called Blue Mountain State and a movie called "Get Him to the Greek"

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[50:13 - 52:56]Question about McCarthy and the largest fruit that can be put in one's ass

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[52:56 - 53:48]Discussion about a TV show called "Greek" and its influence on the speaker's life

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[53:48 - 54:14]Mention of a previous incident related to the speaker's uncut penis.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[54:14 - 55:26]Debate about whether certain sexual acts are considered "sodomy"

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[54:20 - 54:43]Question about McCarthy and the largest fruit that can be put in one's ass

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[54:27 - 55:48]Discussion about having a prostate orgasm and a possible business idea related to it

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[55:27 - 56:35]Debate about whether certain sexual acts are considered "sodomy"

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[56:02 - 56:26]Mention of a previous incident related to the speaker's uncut penis.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[56:35 - 57:24]Discussion about a TV show called "Greek" and its influence on the speaker's life

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[57:56 - 58:41]Mention of a celebrity with a bad reputation for having a "stinky" penis

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[58:42 - 58:53]Reference to a video of the celebrity talking about his uncut penis

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[58:53 - 59:25]The speaker talks about what they would do on stream if they were banned from talking about politics.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[58:53 - 59:58]Reference to a previous podcast episode where the guest discussed politics

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[59:15 - 59:52]Discussion about the consequences of being famous and having sexual exploits exposed

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[59:25 - 59:32]The speaker is discussing their streaming career and their use of hate speech.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[59:33 - 1.01:14]The speaker talks about people using their content without permission and not being able to tell the difference between channels.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[59:58 - 1.01:26]Reference to a video of the celebrity talking about his uncut penis

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.00:13 - 1.00:20]They have multiple YouTube channels, one of which has not been active for 8 years.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.00:35 - 1.01:45]The speaker talks about people using their content without permission and not being able to tell the difference between channels.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.00:35 - 1.03:32]The speaker is confident and accepts the challenge.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.01:27 - 1.01:45]Mention of a previous incident related to the speaker's uncut penis.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.02:37 - 1.03:07]They mention a glitch in the YouTube copyright system where revenue is split if multiple sources claim the same video.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.02:48 - 1.03:07]The conversation shifts to the speaker's work ethic and use of technology.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.03:32 - 1.04:58]The speaker's friends point out his flaws and he admits to being hot-headed and stubborn.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.03:32 - 1.07:03]The speaker talks about people using their content without permission and not being able to tell the difference between channels.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.03:43 - 1.04:44]The speaker's haters are mentioned and he defends himself.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.04:51 - 1.06:15]The speaker talks about a joke from 2018 where they were called a "centrist."

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.04:58 - 1.05:30]The conversation shifts to the speaker's work ethic and use of technology.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.05:10 - 1.05:45]The speaker's haters are mentioned and he defends himself.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.05:18 - 1.05:45]They mention a comment on one of their videos calling them an "alt-right streamer."

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.05:47 - 1.06:57]The speaker is discussing their streaming career and their use of hate speech.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.05:47 - 1.06:57]The speaker's friends point out his flaws and he admits to being hot-headed and stubborn.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.06:04 - 1.08:25]The conversation shifts to the speaker's work ethic and use of technology.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.07:03 - 1.09:22]They mention reacting to silly videos and playing games.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.07:09 - 1.08:47]The speaker imitates the way another streamer, "Hungry Box," streams.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.07:09 - 1.09:59]The speaker's mother and others criticize his phone usage while streaming.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.08:01 - 1.10:04]The speaker's friends point out his flaws and he admits to being hot-headed and stubborn.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.08:48 - 1.11:12]The speaker talks about people using their content without permission and not being able to tell the difference between channels.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.09:42 - 1.11:58]The speaker's mother and others criticize his phone usage while streaming.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.09:48 - 1.12:35]The speaker imitates the way another streamer, "Hungry Box," streams.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.11:18 - 1.12:30]The speaker explains that they keep their noise gate low because people often don't close out of streams and rely on audio cues to know if the stream is still live.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.11:33 - 1.12:49]The speaker imitates the way another streamer, "Hungry Box," streams.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.11:58 - 1.14:31]The speaker's friends point out his flaws and he admits to being hot-headed and stubborn.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.13:00 - 1.13:58]The speaker is confident and accepts the challenge.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.13:58 - 1.15:56]The speaker's friends point out his flaws and he admits to being hot-headed and stubborn.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.14:20 - 1.15:36]They discuss a gift idea involving an acrylic encased block of poop.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.14:43 - 1.15:56]They debate whether or not the speaker would put the gift in their house.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.15:56 - 1.16:26]The speaker is often in a bad mood, but seems to be in a better mood today.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.15:56 - 1.16:34]The speaker talks about their personal experience with haters and how it affects them.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.16:34 - 1.17:18]The conversation shifts to discussing hate and haters, with the speaker getting angry at being called a terrorist.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.17:18 - 1.17:49]The speaker talks about their personal experience with haters and how it affects them.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.17:25 - 1.18:36]They debate whether or not haters should be given a time limit on their hate.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.18:05 - 1.19:44]The speaker talks about their personal experience with haters and how it affects them.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.19:23 - 1.20:07]They debate whether or not the speaker would put the gift in their house.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.19:44 - 1.20:48]The conversation shifts to discussing hate and haters, with the speaker getting angry at being called a terrorist.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.20:14 - 1.20:20]They discuss a gift idea involving an acrylic encased block of poop.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.20:48 - 1.21:43]The speaker admits to not watching their girlfriend's podcast and only listening to her parts.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.21:43 - 1.22:15]The conversation shifts to discussing hate and haters, with the speaker getting angry at being called a terrorist.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.22:15 - 1.22:54]The speaker admits to not watching their girlfriend's podcast and only listening to her parts.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.23:34 - 1.24:34]They joke about the theory that asking a guy to name a woman will result in them mentioning Hillary Clinton first.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.24:34 - 1.26:59]They mention making someone cry and joking about their age and family.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.25:16 - 1.25:42]The podcast ends with the speaker promoting their podcast and discussing upcoming episodes, including one where they try duck liver.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.26:21 - 1.27:50]They talk about different fast food chains and their menu items.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.27:50 - 1.29:13]The group discusses how the government in "Ronald McDonald land" is run, with Ronald McDonald as a symbolic figure and Mayor McCheese holding the real power.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.28:32 - 1.30:20]The podcast ends with the speaker promoting their podcast and discussing upcoming episodes, including one where they try duck liver.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.28:38 - 1.28:44]They talk about different fast food chains and their menu items.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.30:20 - 1.31:23]The conversation shifts to video games and the speaker is confident they could beat aliens in a game, possibly one from FromSoftware.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.31:23 - 1.33:23]The podcast ends with the speaker promoting their podcast and discussing upcoming episodes, including one where they try duck liver.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Hasan Episode | The Yard

[1.32:50 - 1.33:57]They mention making someone cry and joking about their age and family.