

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

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[00:13 - 00:36]The speaker apologizes for discussing politics and announces there will not be a podcast episode next Thursday

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[00:48 - 01:11]The podcast episode number is 46, nearing 50

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[01:23 - 01:30]The speaker saw and disliked Pirates of the Caribbean Five

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[04:31 - 04:43]The movie had a scene where horses pull a building through town

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[05:28 - 05:53]The speaker watched a compilation of hyper-realistic physics simulations

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[07:03 - 07:13]They joke about the Mythbusters testing the horse building-pulling myth

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[07:35 - 07:40]The speaker imagines the possibility of moving houses like a red wagon

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[00:00 - 07:53]The speaker discusses various topics including politics, a movie they saw and disliked, and a compilation of physics simulations they watched. They also joke about the possibility of moving houses like a red wagon.

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[07:54 - 08:02] Person talks about being able to control things with God's help

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[08:02 - 08:11]Person talks about the idea of being able to simulate and clean their room in a video game-like manner

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[10:03 - 10:18]Person discusses their love for music and how it helps them study

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[12:15 - 12:22]They mention their dislike for studying uninteresting topics and the importance of education and degrees in society

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[13:35 - 13:40]They express their support for free community college

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[14:03 - 14:09]Person talks about the difference between technical colleges and community colleges

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[14:37 - 14:42]They mention the stigma surrounding community college and its impact on job opportunities

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[15:14 - 15:24]Person expresses their condolences for those struggling with student loans and their own luck in dropping out and becoming YouTubers

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[07:54 - 15:38]Person discusses various topics including controlling things with God's help, simulating and cleaning their room, their love for music, the importance of education and degrees, and their support for free community college. They also mention the stigma surrounding community college and express condolences for those struggling with student loans. Finally, they mention their own luck in dropping out and becoming a YouTuber.

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[15:38 - 15:47]The speaker discusses being asked about dropping out of school to become a YouTuber or filmmaker.

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[15:54 - 16:00]They mention not originally wanting to be a YouTuber and how YouTube has worked well for them.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[16:13 - 16:18]The speaker talks about their own experience with taking a risk and getting lucky, but also acknowledging that it may not work for everyone.

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[16:48 - 16:54]They advise people to take a year off to test the waters and see if YouTube is a viable career option for them.

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[18:30 - 18:42]The speaker mentions their own enjoyment of YouTube and creating content, but also expresses envy towards those who took school seriously.

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[19:12 - 19:31]They discuss how they personally didn't pay much attention in school and how it could have negatively impacted their life if they hadn't gotten lucky with YouTube.

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[19:12 - 19:31]The speaker talks about becoming more interested in subjects like history after leaving school.

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[21:48 - 21:57]They mention that school doesn't always teach practical skills like taxes and buying a car.

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[22:45 - 22:51]The speaker highlights the need for a public system that teaches life skills.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[15:38 - 23:40]The speaker discusses being asked about dropping out of school to become a YouTuber or filmmaker and shares their own experience with taking a risk and getting lucky, but also acknowledging that it may not work for everyone. They advise people to take a year off to test the waters and see if YouTube is a viable career option, but also express envy towards those who took school seriously. The speaker also discusses the lack of practical skills taught in school and the need for a public system that teaches life skills.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[23:40 - 23:48] The speaker reflects on their lack of memory of school lessons and how it feels like a waste of time.

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[25:02 - 25:10]The system is focused on learning to learn and passing exams, rather than practical knowledge.

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[25:28 - 25:38]They believe the education system does not teach useful or interesting information.

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[25:28 - 25:38]The speaker questions why mandatory classes are not more relevant to future success and opportunities.

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[28:34 - 28:48]The speaker also discusses how the system filters out those without discipline or ambition.

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[28:57 - 29:02]They share a story about a genius classmate who excelled in learning languages and created his own language.

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[30:04 - 30:10]Despite his intelligence, the student struggled in school and may face challenges in finding employment without a traditional education.

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[30:22 - 30:32]They recall a conversation with their father about school teaching them how to learn.

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[30:32 - 30:41]The speaker admires the ability to speak and understand multiple languages and considers it a valuable skill.

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[31:20 - 31:26]The speaker concludes that this skill, though potentially hunted by the government, could lead to high-paying positions.

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[23:40 - 31:26]Overall, the speaker believes that the education system focuses too much on passing exams and not enough on practical skills and knowledge.

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[31:26 - 31:32]Person expresses interest in being able to watch foreign movies without subtitles

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[31:49 - 31:54]Explains that dubs lose emotional depth and feel fake

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[32:23 - 32:29]Realizes they often miss details by reading subtitles instead of focusing on visuals

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[33:07 - 33:16]Believes learning other languages would allow for a better understanding of other cultures and their movies, songs, etc.

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[34:03 - 34:11]Discusses cultural appropriation and its impact on sharing and enjoying different cultures

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[39:12 - 39:17]Mentions a band that integrates Japanese language and culture into their music, not considering it cultural appropriation

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[39:17 - 39:29]Believes that creativity should not be limited by cultural appropriation and that it can lead to negative consequences

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[39:49 - 39:55]Predicts that YouTube may become more filtered and mainstream like cable television

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[31:26 - 40:06]This conversation discusses the importance of being able to watch foreign movies without subtitles and the potential benefits of learning other languages. It also delves into the topic of cultural appropriation and its impact on sharing and enjoying different cultures. The speaker believes that creativity should not be limited by cultural appropriation and that it could lead to negative consequences, using YouTube as an example.

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[40:06 - 40:13] The mass is saying to be super PC

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[40:32 - 40:38]The speaker disagrees with this and feels that restricting language and behavior hinders genuine discussions and learning

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[41:03 - 41:08]They mention the concept of cultural appropriation and how it is often used as a means to call out and feel self-righteous

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[43:39 - 43:49]The speaker believes that censorship of comedy is a problem and that comedy often involves making light of sensitive topics

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[44:23 - 44:31]The speaker and their co-host make let's plays to entertain their audience, not to create a grand masterpiece

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[45:02 - 45:15]People tend to hold let's plays to the same standards as professional comedians, but the speaker believes this is unfair as let's plays are more spontaneous and not meant to be perfect

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[47:09 - 47:21]They address the fact that people may be tired of them discussing this topic, but they believe it is important to clarify their intentions and not be classified as comedians when they are not

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[47:45 - 48:00]They clarify that their jokes in let's plays are not meant to be taken as serious stand-up comedy material

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[40:06 - 48:00]Overall, the speaker believes that PC culture and the censoring of comedy is hindering genuine discussions, learning, and the ability to make light of sensitive topics for comedic purposes.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[48:01 - 48:07] The speaker enjoys creating content and playing games.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[48:07 - 48:15]They believe that Let's Play videos are often held to high standards.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[48:17 - 48:24]They describe their podcast as being side-tracked by video games.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[48:48 - 48:54]Every 15-20 episodes, they have a serious political discussion.

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[49:49 - 49:55]They mention a spin-off movie with Jack Sparrow and mermaids.

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[50:26 - 50:34]The speaker and their friend went to see the movie Priest but ended up seeing Pirates of the Caribbean instead.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[50:44 - 50:50]They list the titles of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.

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[52:12 - 52:19]They discuss the upcoming movie It and the original version.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[52:26 - 52:32]The speaker's mom told them about a giant spider scene in It.

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[54:16 - 54:21]They remember installing games with floppy discs and having to use multiple discs.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[54:28 - 54:33]They talk about VHS tapes and floppy discs.

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[54:28 - 54:33]The speaker had problems with floppy discs but enjoyed the feeling of popping one in.

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[54:39 - 54:47]The speaker expresses their love for floppy discs and their desire to find one.

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[55:15 - 55:23]The average size of a floppy disc was less than 256 megabytes.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[48:01 - 55:30]The speaker enjoys creating content and playing games, but also enjoys discussing serious topics on their podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[55:31 - 55:39]In 1986, the 1.44 megabyte disk drive was released.

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[55:40 - 55:47]Floppy discs at the time were only a few megabytes.

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[55:54 - 56:00]The speaker used floppy discs to store power points and other materials for school projects.

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[56:12 - 56:18]The speaker struggles to remember the word "rubric" while discussing school projects.

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[58:47 - 58:53]The speaker and co-host discuss the possibility of GameCube games being released on the Nintendo Switch.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[1.00:53 - 1.01:04]The speaker recalls their love for the Wii and the Wii's menu music.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[1.01:59 - 1.02:06]The speaker predicts that the next version of the Nintendo Switch will have the charging port moved to the side or top.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[1.02:27 - 1.02:34]The speaker expresses frustration with Nintendo's lack of a cloud save system.

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[1.02:44 - 1.02:51]The speaker and co-host express their love for Nintendo as a game company.

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[1.03:02 - 1.03:08]Nintendo's games are described as fun and nostalgic.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[55:31 - 1.03:08]In summary, the speaker discusses various topics related to Nintendo and their personal experiences with Nintendo products.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[1.03:08 - 1.03:19]They have consistently produced games that the speaker has fallen in love with throughout their life.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[1.03:19 - 1.03:27]They made it through the first person shooter era of gaming without having to make one.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[1.03:27 - 1.03:35]Nintendo has not produced a specific IP for first person shooters, but they have made a few things for the Wii.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[1.03:57 - 1.04:06]The speaker is excited for Stardew Valley to be released on the Switch and plans to play it for the first time.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[1.04:23 - 1.04:31]E3 is coming up and the speaker is most excited for Nintendo's conference and the release of Far Cry 5.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[1.05:11 - 1.05:17]The speaker believes that if Nintendo does not make big game announcements at E3, they will have missed a grand opportunity.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[1.05:46 - 1.05:56]Consoles are becoming more like computers and the speaker believes that consoles are dying.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[1.08:17 - 1.08:25]The speaker missed out on playing a lot of games as a child and wishes they had experienced them.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[1.09:20 - 1.09:31]The speaker also feels like they missed out on classic movies and needs to catch up on watching them.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[1.09:49 - 1.09:55]The last movie the speaker saw with the person they are speaking to was Alien Covenant.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 46: School Sucks

[1.03:08 - 1.10:07]The speaker discusses their love for Nintendo games, their excitement for Stardew Valley on the Switch, and their anticipation for E3 and the release of Far Cry 5. They also reflect on their childhood without video games and their desire to catch up on classic movies. They mention their most recent movie outing and plans to see Baywatch together before ending the podcast.