

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 224: Night of Fright

SuperMegaCast - EP 224: Night of Fright

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[00:00 - 00:07] Decided to do a second Christmas podcast as a present to the audience

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[02:37 - 02:47]Discussion of Santa Claus and his role as a demi-god

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[02:47 - 02:54]Jesus as the main character in this story

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[03:40 - 03:48]The marketing push for Jesus in the New Testament

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[05:45 - 05:55]The concept of hell and Lucifer's role in it

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[06:30 - 06:36]Adam and Eve story as a metaphor

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[06:44 - 06:55]First ring of hell for those who died before Christ came along

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[06:44 - 06:55]Dante's Inferno as a depiction of the circles of hell

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[07:26 - 07:44]Nudity in Dante's Inferno

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[07:26 - 07:44]Dante's Inferno as a good book, but also scary

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[00:00 - 07:55]A second Christmas podcast was done as a present to the audience and the discussion covers Santa Claus as a demi-god, Jesus as the main character, the marketing push for Jesus, the concept of hell and Lucifer's role, the metaphor of the Adam and Eve story, the first ring of hell for those who died before Christ, Dante's Inferno as a depiction of hell's circles, and the book's quality and scary nature.

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[08:01 - 08:07]The speaker thought a book was interesting and imaginative as a kid in high school

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[08:12 - 08:23]They bought a personal copy after graduating

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[08:23 - 08:28]They occasionally like to skim through the book

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[08:28 - 08:46]The book has a creepy fish head and a scene with climbing on Satan's back

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[08:52 - 08:57]The book also has two arch angels, Judas, and one more character

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[09:11 - 09:18]The book is a trilogy about going to hell, purgatory, and heaven

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[10:22 - 10:38]The speaker and the other person have many movie ideas

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[10:38 - 10:49]The speaker suggests the book should be made into a movie

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[10:38 - 10:49]They discuss movies with stop-motion animation and mention Poltergeist

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[13:39 - 13:46]They mention a movie about cannibalism and the heart of the sea

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[13:55 - 14:05]The speaker's mother has intense reactions to movies

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[14:13 - 14:20]They discuss trying human flesh, but the speaker is not interested

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[14:39 - 14:52]The speaker would only try it in a remote place with a tribe as a sign of respect

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[14:52 - 14:59]Human flesh supposedly tastes like pork

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[07:55 - 14:59]The speaker and another person discuss a book from high school, movie ideas, and the topic of cannibalism. They also mention a movie about cannibalism and the heart of the sea.

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[15:09 - 15:20]Discussion about potentially eating human meat during a surgery or medical procedure

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[16:10 - 16:17]Mention of a Japanese man who moved to France after eating his friend and wanting to do it again

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[18:22 - 18:32]Mention of cannibalism being a survival tactic in the past

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[18:22 - 18:32]Discussion about sexual cannibalism in spiders and other animals

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[21:45 - 22:01]Mention of fetishes, including inflation and vore

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[22:44 - 22:59]Explanation of how fetishes and attraction are wired in the brain

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[14:59 - 22:59]Overall, the conversation covers topics related to cannibalism, fetishes, and the human brain's response to certain stimuli.

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[28:04 - 28:21] Ryan and a friend hear the sound of their front door slamming shut while they are alone in the back of the house at night.

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[28:38 - 28:46]They both stop and look at each other in silence before deciding to check the door.

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[29:25 - 29:31]When they get to the front door, it is open despite the sound of it being slammed shut.

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[29:52 - 29:59]They start checking each room and closet in the house to make sure no one has broken in.

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[30:12 - 30:27]Eventually, they conclude that no one is in the house and go back to editing videos.

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[23:00 - 30:45]Ryan and a friend hear their front door slam shut while alone in the back of the house at night. They check the door and find it open, leading them to search the entire house before concluding that no one is there and returning to their work.

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[30:46 - 30:54]The speaker checks their house when they hear a noise, but finds nothing.

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[31:27 - 31:34]They joke about it possibly being a ghost.

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[32:48 - 33:00]They talk about the lights flickering in their office and the landlord needing to fix it.

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[33:06 - 33:14]They discuss the scary atmosphere of the office at night.

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[34:49 - 34:56]They talk about how they rarely have sex dreams and when they do, something always interrupts it.

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[36:14 - 36:22]They share their experiences with lucid dreams and controlling their actions in them.

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[37:10 - 37:21]The speaker mentions having recurring dreams about their high school.

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[37:31 - 37:43]The dreams always take place on the first day of school.

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[37:31 - 37:43]The speaker also mentions rarely dreaming about their childhood home.

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[30:46 - 37:43]The speaker discusses their experiences with checking their house for a noise, joking about it being a ghost, the lights flickering in their office, the scary atmosphere at night, rarely having sex dreams, and their recurring dreams about high school and childhood home.

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[37:43 - 37:49]Person is trying to find their classes and is stressed about their schedule.

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[38:14 - 38:23]They always make it on the plane but have trouble packing their bags.

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[38:23 - 38:31]They have a recurring dream where they are in a big airport trying to catch a flight.

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[38:47 - 38:56]They wonder if their dreams are linked to trauma.

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[39:02 - 39:21]They don't believe all dreams have a deeper meaning.

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[39:22 - 39:51]They also have a recurring dream about a location and people from their past.

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[40:01 - 40:07]They have one recurring dream about a tsunami and a floating house.

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[40:26 - 40:36]They realize that other family members have the same dream.

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[40:49 - 40:55]They also have dreams about being on the beach and seeing huge waves.

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[41:52 - 41:59]They miss being able to play in the waves like they did as a child.

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[42:51 - 43:04]They have a fear of drowning in the ocean.

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[43:30 - 43:40]They have had scary experiences with crabs in the ocean.

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[44:31 - 44:55]They used to go crab hunting but now fear stepping on them.

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[44:56 - 45:02]They also fear stepping on stingrays.

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[37:43 - 45:02]Overall, the person has recurring dreams about airports, a tsunami, and being on the beach with big waves. They also have fears related to their past experiences with the ocean.

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[45:15 - 45:20] The speaker discusses their fear of sharks and how they drag their feet in the ocean to scare them off

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[45:38 - 45:43]They also mention an experience of swimming in deep water with a friend

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[47:28 - 47:36]The speaker talks about statistics and how they took AP statistics in high school and failed the exam

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[47:51 - 47:59]They mention a teacher who got fired for stabbing a student's hand with a pencil

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[49:14 - 49:20]The speaker and their friend both took AP classes and talk about how being in AP does not necessarily mean you are smart

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[49:51 - 49:58]They discuss their experience in AP art class and how they had to make a portfolio of 20 pieces

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[50:18 - 50:39]The speaker talks about their last minute submission of digital art pieces which received a good score

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[51:29 - 51:35]They mention their experience in college and how the easiest projects were in a film class

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[51:57 - 52:17]The speaker and their friend made a cow video for a college project and how their friend didn't even go to USC

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[45:03 - 52:31]Overall, the speaker discusses their experiences with sharks, AP classes, and college projects, highlighting the idea that being in AP does not necessarily mean you are smart.

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[52:32 - 52:45]The speaker talks about giving credit in a project and how he had to credit certain people specifically.

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[52:45 - 53:05]He mentions using someone's place for a project and how it was cringe-worthy.

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[53:22 - 53:33]The speaker talks about his experience with college courses, specifically a media arts class that he had to attend.

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[54:05 - 54:23]He recalls waking up early for class and dealing with cold weather.

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[54:34 - 54:44]The speaker mentions the coldest temperature ever recorded on earth and talks about how it would affect a person's body.

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[56:28 - 56:40]He mentions receiving a generous donation from a viewer and promises to give it to his co-host, but it takes a while to process.

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[56:28 - 56:40]The speaker finally receives the donation and gives it to his co-host on the podcast.

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[59:35 - 59:46]He thanks the viewers for their support and mentions that they are already recording content for 2021.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 224: Night of Fright

[52:32 - 59:52]The speaker discusses giving credit in a project, his experience with college courses, and receiving a generous donation from a viewer. He also talks about the coldest temperature ever recorded on earth and thanks his viewers for their support.