

Youtube profile pic for Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[00:00 - 01:00]They also talk about the risks involved in comedy and the difficulty of finding a good job.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[01:00 - 02:23]The hosts joke about having Gilbert Gottfried as a guest and his catchphrase.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[01:28 - 02:55]They discuss the Backstreet Boys Reunion Tour and a messy incident involving applesauce and bees.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[02:23 - 02:35]The hosts joke about having Gilbert Gottfried as a guest and his catchphrase.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[02:55 - 03:32]The hosts mention a news segment and a sponsorship by Raid Shadow Legends.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[03:17 - 03:44]They joke about not getting paid for sponsorships and trying to get sponsored by Dole and Michelin.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[03:44 - 05:10]The conversation turns to influencer sponsorships and the strategy behind them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[03:53 - 05:30]They joke about not getting paid for sponsorships and trying to get sponsored by Dole and Michelin.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[04:11 - 05:24]The conversation turns to influencer sponsorships and the strategy behind them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[05:31 - 06:44]They read a question from a fan about the Michelin man's appearance and answer it jokingly.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[06:44 - 07:07]The hosts joke about having Gilbert Gottfried as a guest and his catchphrase.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[07:08 - 07:37]They read a question from a fan about the Michelin man's appearance and answer it jokingly.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[07:20 - 08:11]The hosts joke about having Gilbert Gottfried as a guest and his catchphrase.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[07:38 - 08:22]They read a question from a fan about the Michelin man's appearance and answer it jokingly.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[08:22 - 09:12]The speaker is discussing how to make a funny video about the COVID situation without offending people.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[08:29 - 08:49]They acknowledge that there is a risk of offending someone when making jokes about a serious situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[08:49 - 10:23]The speaker advises avoiding making jokes about victims and instead focusing on common experiences during the pandemic.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[08:58 - 09:05]The speaker is discussing how to make a funny video about the COVID situation without offending people.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[09:18 - 09:32]They acknowledge that there is a risk of offending someone when making jokes about a serious situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[09:32 - 09:59]The speaker emphasizes the importance of being understanding and kind when making jokes, and avoiding punching down at victims.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[09:59 - 11:13]The speaker advises avoiding making jokes about victims and instead focusing on common experiences during the pandemic.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[11:01 - 11:08]They acknowledge that there is a risk of offending someone when making jokes about a serious situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[11:13 - 12:22]They mention that there is a gray area when making jokes about offensive characters, as some people may not understand the satire.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[12:22 - 13:44]The speaker then shifts to addressing a different topic, giving advice to a recent graduate facing a tough job market.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[13:45 - 15:03]They suggest keeping an open mind and being patient, as luck and timing play a large role in finding a job.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[15:04 - 15:30]The speaker then shifts to addressing a different topic, giving advice to a recent graduate facing a tough job market.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[16:15 - 17:09]They share their own experiences of working in different fields before finding success.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[16:30 - 16:53]The speaker concludes by emphasizing the importance of being born hot (jokingly) and reminding listeners to keep an open mind and be patient in their job search.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[17:10 - 18:25]Emphasizes the importance of building relationships and putting effort into various opportunities

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[18:25 - 19:32]Promotes Sun Basket as a convenient meal delivery service

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[19:33 - 20:45]Offers tips for creating a comfortable workspace at home, including designating specific areas for work and relaxation and setting clear work and break times

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[20:46 - 22:00]Suggests breaking tasks into smaller, manageable chunks

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[22:08 - 23:05]Mentions the importance of having a routine during quarantine and using it to stay productive and motivated.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[22:30 - 23:23]Offers tips for creating a comfortable workspace at home, including designating specific areas for work and relaxation and setting clear work and break times

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[23:11 - 23:44]Emphasizes the importance of building relationships and putting effort into various opportunities

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[23:45 - 23:52]Shares a funny anecdote about the Game Grumps referring to COVID-19 as the "Backstreet Boys Reunion Tour"

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[23:52 - 24:58]Advises finding alternative forms of communication other than texting, such as Zoom or FaceTime

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[24:45 - 25:46]Reaching out to friends and maintaining connections is important, even outside of quarantine.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[24:52 - 25:04]Text conversations lack nuance and can often lead to misunderstandings.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[25:25 - 26:02]Shares a funny anecdote about the Game Grumps referring to COVID-19 as the "Backstreet Boys Reunion Tour"

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[25:31 - 26:48]Reaching out to friends and maintaining connections is important, even outside of quarantine.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[26:03 - 27:10]Mentions the importance of having a routine during quarantine and using it to stay productive and motivated.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[26:25 - 27:16]Started in customer service, then got into online gaming and made connections

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[26:37 - 27:41]It is important to have a routine and discipline when living alone.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[27:16 - 27:41]Mentions the importance of having a routine during quarantine and using it to stay productive and motivated.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[27:26 - 27:33]Offers tips for creating a comfortable workspace at home, including designating specific areas for work and relaxation and setting clear work and break times

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[27:55 - 29:48]Living alone can have its silver linings, such as having full control of one's living space and being able to focus on fitness.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[29:08 - 29:24]Reaching out to friends and maintaining connections is important, even outside of quarantine.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[29:48 - 31:29]As a friend, it is important to recognize when someone may need help and to be open to talking and unloading whatever is on their mind.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[31:05 - 32:10]Jogging in a safe location can be a good way to maintain physical and mental well-being while living alone.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[31:29 - 31:53]Debole 1014 is a question about home workout routines without weights

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[31:38 - 32:51]Shane suggests jogging, jump ropes, body weight exercises, and yoga

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[34:28 - 36:50]The host shares a story about doing push-ups as a kid in karate

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[36:51 - 37:49]The host also mentions ordering ice cream from Salt & Straw and Jeni's

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[37:50 - 38:03]They move on to a question about dating from Local Lesb

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[38:04 - 41:15]They briefly discuss toilet paper roll orientation, with the host being neutral but Shane and the host agreeing it should be over, unless there is a cat who could roll it out

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[41:15 - 41:59]They move on to a question about dating from Local Lesb

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[41:23 - 42:40]They mention feeling lonely and wanting to talk to someone.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[42:05 - 44:07]They discuss the challenges of dating during quarantine and the use of dating apps.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[43:07 - 43:17]The speaker shares their experience with video dating and the issue of misrepresentation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[43:18 - 45:49]The importance of representing yourself truthfully in online dating is highlighted.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[45:29 - 47:36]The speaker shares their personal struggle with relying on a relationship for happiness.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[45:56 - 47:24]The question of whether they would date someone taller than them is addressed.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[46:19 - 47:03]The importance of representing yourself truthfully in online dating is highlighted.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[47:24 - 48:08]The speaker shares their personal struggle with relying on a relationship for happiness.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[47:36 - 47:55]The question of whether they would date someone taller than them is addressed.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[48:09 - 52:01]They address a question about whether to break up with someone during quarantine.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[48:15 - 51:17]The concept of actively putting effort into a relationship is discussed.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[48:25 - 49:40]They mention feeling lonely and wanting to talk to someone.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[49:03 - 52:07]They address a question about whether to break up with someone during quarantine.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[50:36 - 50:45]The concept of actively putting effort into a relationship is discussed.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[52:07 - 52:39]They share their own personal relaxation techniques, such as exercising and taking time to relax.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[52:39 - 54:31]They address a question about whether to break up with someone during quarantine.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[52:47 - 54:08]The speakers talk about their childhood dreams and how they have changed over time.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[54:08 - 54:19]The speaker shares their experience with video dating and the issue of misrepresentation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[55:37 - 56:45]The topic of dipping Oreos into peanut butter is brought up.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[56:29 - 57:26]The speaker shares their preference for Granny Smith apples.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[56:52 - 58:04]The speaker shares their personal struggle with relying on a relationship for happiness.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[57:27 - 59:24]The question of whether they would date someone taller than them is addressed.

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[59:07 - 1.00:38]Two individuals discuss their height and how they don't have to bend over or be on their tippy toes like taller people

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[1.00:08 - 1.02:39]The other individual talks about playing a video game called "Death Stranding"

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[1.01:15 - 1.03:26]Two individuals discuss their height and how they don't have to bend over or be on their tippy toes like taller people

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[1.02:58 - 1.03:54]They move on to the "Shoot Dude" segment and one individual shares a story about accidentally killing his friend's pet tarantula

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[1.04:03 - 1.07:04]The other individual is skeptical of the story and shares his thoughts on what may have actually happened

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[1.05:14 - 1.10:03]They move on to the "Shoot Dude" segment and one individual shares a story about accidentally killing his friend's pet tarantula

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[1.07:36 - 1.09:41]The other individual is skeptical of the story and shares his thoughts on what may have actually happened

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[1.10:03 - 1.11:32]They move on to the "Shoot Dude" segment and one individual shares a story about accidentally killing his friend's pet tarantula

A youtube thumbnail wor Quarantine Advice from Bros Like We - SmoshCast #62

[1.11:39 - 1.12:14]They end the podcast by reminding listeners to rate them five stars and to reach out to their friends and tell them they love them.