

Youtube profile pic for WE ALMOST DIED | Trash Taste #82

WE ALMOST DIED | Trash Taste #82

A youtube thumbnail wor WE ALMOST DIED | Trash Taste #82

[00:00 - 00:08]Person questioning the use of a blowtorch during camping

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[00:22 - 00:30]Almost died while starting a fire with the blowtorch

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[02:38 - 02:44]Different styles of thumbnails and their preferences

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[02:38 - 02:44]Different methods for creating thumbnails and seeking outside help

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[03:05 - 03:12]Discussion of YouTuber thumbnail faces and how long it took to perfect them

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[03:12 - 03:18]Introduction to the podcast "Trash Taste"

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[03:18 - 03:24]Conversation about the quality of their own thumbnails

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[06:04 - 06:11]Use of hand-drawn elements in thumbnails

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[00:00 - 06:23]Discussion of the use of a blowtorch during camping and the experience of almost dying, followed by a conversation about YouTuber thumbnail faces and methods for creating them.

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[07:58 - 08:07]Discussion about thumbnails and their importance in video content

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[09:22 - 09:30]Comparing the success of different styles of content and their corresponding thumbnails

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[09:22 - 09:30]Mention of changing thumbnails for older videos and the impact it can have

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[09:22 - 09:30]Personal experiences with making and changing thumbnails

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[09:44 - 09:51]Mention of a popular video series on hiatus

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[11:16 - 11:22]Comparing the workload and dedication of manga artists to other creators

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[12:09 - 12:14]Discussion about an author wanting more seasons for their TV show

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[12:26 - 12:36]Comments from others on the author's work ethic and involvement in the TV show

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[12:42 - 12:48]Theory on why the TV show's latest seasons may have been poorly received

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[12:48 - 13:01]Personal admission of never having watched the TV show

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[06:23 - 13:01]the importance of thumbnails, the evolution of content and its corresponding thumbnails, the impact of changing thumbnails, personal experiences with thumbnails and hiatuses, and comparisons between different types of creators and their workloads.

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[15:42 - 15:54] A discussion about the responsibility and fault of a creator who takes a long time to produce their work

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[16:05 - 16:12]Comparison to the show Arcane, which took six years to produce

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[16:38 - 16:48]Dilemma of waiting a long time for a better product or a shorter time for a decent product

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[18:38 - 18:48]The discussion is a response to criticism of George R. R. Martin for not finishing his books in a timely manner

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[18:49 - 18:59]Mention of the show Kotei no Sei, which also took a long time to produce

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[19:05 - 19:13]Estimate of 2023 for Arcane season 2

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[19:42 - 19:48]Importance of having both resources and talent for a successful project

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[19:59 - 20:05]No clear answer to the dilemma of waiting for a better product or a shorter time for a decent product

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[13:01 - 20:05]Discussion about the responsibility and fault of a creator who takes a long time to produce their work, using comparisons to the shows Arcane and Kotei no Sei, and the dilemma of waiting for a better product or a shorter time for a decent product. Estimation of 2023 for Arcane season 2 and the importance of resources and talent for a successful project. No clear answer is provided to the dilemma.

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[20:05 - 26:44]Cyberpunk 2077 should have come out later, but the scope was too ambitious and it's difficult to make a game like that in a reasonable time frame. There is pressure from investors and it's not fair to ask people to dedicate their lives to one project. The Japanese work ethic is different and there is an example of a Russian film in production for 40 years which has taken over the director's life.

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[26:44 - 26:50] The speaker made a top 20 list of the coolest anime characters that took years to complete.

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[27:04 - 27:13]It was an 8-part series with each part featuring 20 characters, with each part being 15-20 minutes long.

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[27:13 - 27:18]The speaker worked on this project throughout university while not uploading anything else.

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[27:19 - 27:27]After spending months on just 2 videos, the speaker realized they had made a mistake.

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[27:36 - 27:44]It took the speaker an entire year to finish the series, which was twice the length of their dissertation.

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[28:21 - 28:32]The speaker also worked on a yaoi audio book for a month, reading the book for 8-12 hours a day.

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[29:16 - 29:24]The speaker felt both excitement and fear when starting a big project, as it can become a grind.

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[29:53 - 29:58]The other speakers also shared their experiences working on longer projects, such as a music album and YouTube videos.

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[33:04 - 33:09]The kendo special was scrapped due to lack of quality in the footage, despite spending an entire day filming.

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[26:44 - 33:46]Overall, the speakers shared their experiences working on longer projects and the challenges that come with them.

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[33:46 - 34:08] We hired the kendo people and scrapped it.

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[34:08 - 34:18]We wanted to make something at the level of quality or above our cycling special.

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[34:25 - 34:37]There was potential for the kendo special to be salvaged, but it wouldn't have met our standards.

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[34:25 - 34:37]We learned a lot from the failed kendo special.

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[34:25 - 34:37]We ultimately decided to scrap it because we saw potential to make it right.

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[34:49 - 34:56]We debated for months on what to do with the special.

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[34:56 - 35:14]The cooking special was a success because we took lessons from the failed kendo special.

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[36:41 - 36:52]We hope to release two specials in 2022, with a goal of three.

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[36:41 - 36:52]The year 2022 will bring an increase in quality and production time for our main channels.

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[38:10 - 38:31]Our streams and after dark content also require time and effort.

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[41:23 - 41:29]We took a break to pee and returned to discuss an ad for ExpressVPN.

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[41:35 - 41:41]We almost died as YouTubers, but it wasn't a serious situation.

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[33:46 - 41:48]We are back from our break and continue the podcast.

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[41:48 - 41:58]The group discussed their recent camping trip on Twitter and Trash Taste.

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[41:58 - 42:05]Photos were posted that sparked rumors of a camping special.

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[42:05 - 42:17]The group clarified that it was just a fun hangout with friends, not a planned special.

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[44:57 - 45:07]One member was unprepared and had to buy camping gear last minute.

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[47:07 - 47:18]They had a great time camping near Mount Fuji, with clear views of the mountain.

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[47:58 - 48:11]They brought way too many beers, but it all worked out in the end.

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[48:37 - 48:45]The member who was unprepared still managed to have a good time and get some sleep.

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[48:45 - 48:54]They went to a nearby supermarket and stocked up on supplies, including sausages.

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[48:54 - 49:01]The sausages were a highlight of the trip.

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[41:48 - 49:12]Overall, the camping trip was a fun and memorable experience with friends.

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[49:12 - 49:24] Picked up chili cheese flavor and received disgusted looks from others

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[49:24 - 49:29]Everyone loved the sausage, but the speaker preferred the other flavor

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[52:32 - 52:37]Started barbecuing and enjoying the food and drinks

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[52:52 - 52:58]Bought lots of condiments and firewood for a campfire

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[54:30 - 54:37]Joey laughed at the speaker's way of eating a hot dog

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[55:26 - 55:43]The speaker prefers hot dogs over burgers at barbecues

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[55:58 - 56:03]Skewers were also enjoyed and demolished quickly

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[56:03 - 56:11]Burgers are more filling compared to other foods

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[49:12 - 56:11]The group picked up chili cheese sausage and received disgusted looks from others, but everyone enjoyed it. They bought condiments and firewood for a campfire and started barbecuing. The speaker's unconventional way of eating a hot dog was laughed at by Joey. The group preferred hot dogs over burgers and also enjoyed skewers. Burgers are more filling compared to other foods.

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[57:38 - 57:44]People discussing the effort and process of cooking a burger on a camping trip

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[58:11 - 58:22]Attempting to butter the burger bun with cold butter, leading to chunks falling into the fire

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[58:11 - 58:22]Trying to cook an egg on the burger bun, but the egg spills into the fire and only the yolk is salvageable

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[1.00:01 - 1.00:13]Despite mishaps, the dinner went well and they enjoyed the starlight

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[1.00:43 - 1.01:00]They overstocked on food and resources, but ran out of firewood which was essential for heat

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[1.02:04 - 1.02:15]They had to ration the firewood and it got colder as the night went on

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[1.02:57 - 1.03:25]People had to sit closer to the fire to stay warm and someone kept farting, using up the remaining firewood

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[56:11 - 1.03:25]A group of people discuss the challenges of cooking a burger on a camping trip and attempt to butter the bun and cook an egg on it. Despite mishaps, they enjoy dinner under the stars but run out of firewood, forcing them to ration it and sit closer to the fire for warmth. The night ends with a realization that fires are a poor source of heat and a discussion about buffing their range in the future.

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[1.04:08 - 1.04:15] Group tries to light fire starters with a gas canister

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[1.06:56 - 1.07:01]Fire spreads to the entire canister

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[1.06:56 - 1.07:01]Panic ensues as they try to put out the fire

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[1.10:34 - 1.10:43]They eventually run out of resources to keep the fire going

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[1.10:43 - 1.10:58]They pack up and go to bed

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[1.10:58 - 1.11:09]Temperatures drop to around -1 to -2 degrees Celsius

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[1.03:25 - 1.11:09]A group tries to light a fire using a gas canister, causing a small fire that they struggle to put out. They eventually run out of resources to keep the fire going and decide to go to bed, facing temperatures of -1 to -2 degrees Celsius.

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[1.11:09 - 1.11:16] Narrator discusses not knowing the freezing point of water in Fahrenheit

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[1.14:52 - 1.15:03]The group sets up their tents and realizes how cold it is

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[1.15:03 - 1.15:13]Narrator and friend realize their sleeping bags are not warm enough and decide to cuddle for warmth

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[1.15:03 - 1.15:13]They all drink beer before bed to help them sleep

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[1.15:38 - 1.15:44]They realize the temperature is below freezing

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[1.15:38 - 1.15:44]They discuss the conversion of Fahrenheit to Celsius

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[1.15:50 - 1.15:58]The narrator wakes up multiple times throughout the night but forces himself to go back to sleep

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[1.16:06 - 1.16:13]One member goes for a walk at 4am to try and warm up

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[1.16:13 - 1.16:21]The group wakes up and realizes how cold it really is

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[1.16:27 - 1.16:36]The narrator uses a vending machine to warm his hands

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[1.17:05 - 1.17:36]Some members sleep in a separate tent while others share

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[1.17:05 - 1.17:36]Going to the bathroom is a struggle due to cold and fear of monsters

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[1.18:11 - 1.18:23]They leave the campsite early in the morning

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[1.11:09 - 1.18:55]The group struggles to stay warm while camping in below freezing temperatures.

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[1.18:55 - 1.19:28]The speaker is peeing in a bush and has an irrational fear of being attacked.

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[1.21:42 - 1.21:49]They have to constantly check for any movement while peeing.

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[1.22:35 - 1.22:43]The speaker tries to go back to sleep, but is disturbed by snoring from their friends.

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[1.23:02 - 1.23:07]They try to breathe through their nose, but it's too cold.

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[1.23:30 - 1.23:46]They mistake their own breath as a monster's and get scared.

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[1.23:46 - 1.23:59]They try to cover their face with their jacket for insulation, but it doesn't work.

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[1.24:52 - 1.25:14]The speaker eventually gives up on sleeping and goes outside.

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[1.26:31 - 1.26:45]They find their friends sleeping in the car with the engine running for warmth.

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[1.26:31 - 1.26:45]Everyone eventually ends up in the car to warm up.

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[1.27:05 - 1.27:14]The speaker joins their friends in the car.

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[1.27:14 - 1.27:26]The speaker didn't want to waste electricity, but was too cold to care.

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[1.27:14 - 1.27:26]The others were taking photos of Mount Fuji.

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[1.27:26 - 1.27:37]The group was freezing and decided to go to the car for warmth.

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[1.18:55 - 1.27:37]The speaker and their friends go camping, but it's freezing cold. They try to sleep in a tent but end up sleeping in the car with the engine running for warmth.

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[1.34:24 - 1.34:35] The speaker and others went camping in the winter and it was very cold.

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[1.34:35 - 1.34:54]They had to constantly warm themselves up in the car.

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[1.34:35 - 1.34:54]The speaker came up with a solution to use a vending machine that sold warm drinks to stay warm.

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[1.34:35 - 1.34:54]They slept in the car and had the best sleep of their life.

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[1.34:54 - 1.35:10]They woke up feeling rough but slept for 10 hours.

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[1.34:54 - 1.35:10]The speaker also mentioned the extreme cold in Siberia, where kids still go to school as long as it's not -50 degrees.

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[1.34:54 - 1.35:10]Some people in America also experienced extreme cold weather and threw boiling water outside to see it freeze.

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[1.34:54 - 1.35:10]Some people didn't realize that the boiling water could still burn them.

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[1.34:54 - 1.35:10]Camping in negative temperatures is difficult and some people may find it impressive.

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[1.34:54 - 1.35:10]The speaker joked about how Europeans probably don't experience the same difficulties in camping.

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[1.34:54 - 1.35:10]The episode was sponsored by Harries, a razor brand that believes in a fair price for a great shave.

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[1.27:37 - 1.35:10]In summary, the speaker went camping in the winter, had to constantly warm up, and found a solution using a vending machine. They also mentioned extreme cold in Siberia and America, and joked about Europeans not experiencing the same difficulties.

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[1.35:10 - 1.35:23] The speaker shaves with Harry's razors and thinks they are clean and long-lasting.

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[1.35:23 - 1.36:25]A new year is approaching and the speaker recommends Harry's for a fresh start and savings.

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[1.35:23 - 1.36:25]New customers can redeem a starter set for $3, including a razor, handle, shave gel, and travel cover.

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[1.35:23 - 1.36:25]The speaker and his guests discuss irrational fears and their beards.

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[1.37:23 - 1.37:32]The group talks about the length of their beards and how they maintain them.

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[1.37:52 - 1.37:59]The speaker shares his experience with his beard getting itchy and uncomfortable.

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[1.39:39 - 1.39:48]The speaker mentions trying a goatee in the future and how it may not suit his face.

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[1.41:13 - 1.41:24]Some people can pull off different facial hair styles while others cannot.

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[1.42:14 - 1.42:33]The speaker jokes about looking like a 90s porn star with a mustache.

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[1.35:10 - 1.42:33]Overall, the group discusses their facial hair grooming and preferences.

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[1.42:49 - 1.42:58]The speaker discusses how long it takes to grow a beard and mentions their own personal experience with facial hair growth.

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[1.43:46 - 1.44:00]They talk about how growing a beard can be a sign of a midlife crisis and compare it to women cutting their hair for a big change.

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[1.45:39 - 1.45:47]The speaker then shares their own irrational fear of checking the back seat and underneath their car due to a horror movie they watched as a child.

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[1.45:53 - 1.46:03]The speaker explains how this fear has stuck with them and they always check for anyone hiding in their car before getting in.

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[1.47:16 - 1.47:21]They recall the scenes from the movie that traumatized them, specifically one involving a man dressed as death with a scythe in the back seat of a car.

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[1.50:02 - 1.50:08]They also mention the potential plot holes in the movie and how picking them apart can make it less scary.

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[1.42:34 - 1.50:13]The speaker discusses their own experience with facial hair growth, compares growing a beard to women cutting their hair for a big change, and shares their irrational fear of checking for anyone hiding in their car due to a horror movie they watched as a child. They recall scenes from the movie and explain how this fear has stuck with them. They also mention the potential plot holes in the movie and how analyzing them can make it less scary.

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[1.50:35 - 1.50:40] The person is discussing their fear of horror films and how they often involve cliches, such as a monster appearing behind you after closing a medicine cabinet.

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[1.50:40 - 1.50:45]They have a ritual of checking behind them before closing the cabinet.

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[1.51:09 - 1.51:16]They still have irrational fears of the dark and being alone in their house, especially after consuming horror content.

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[1.55:10 - 1.55:19]They appreciate lights and fire more after camping.

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[1.56:09 - 1.56:34]They almost died three times on a recent trip.

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[1.56:39 - 1.57:03]They discuss a memory of their cousin showing them horror movies as a child.

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[1.57:03 - 1.57:09]The cousin also gave them a tip of using socks to clean up spills.

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[1.57:31 - 1.57:54]The speaker still does this to this day.

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[1.50:13 - 1.58:00]The speaker discusses their fear of horror films and irrational fears of the dark, as well as sharing a memory of their cousin showing them horror movies and a life hack involving using socks to clean up spills. They also mention their recent near-death experiences on a camping trip and their appreciation for lights and fire after the trip.

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[2.02:58 - 2.03:43]Speakers discuss a childhood fear of checking for monsters while peeing in the bushes

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[2.03:43 - 2.03:53]They discuss the fear of getting caught by a Japanese policeman while peeing in the bushes in Japan

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[2.03:43 - 2.03:53]One speaker mentions having a weird ritual because of a movie they saw as a kid

A youtube thumbnail wor WE ALMOST DIED | Trash Taste #82

[2.03:53 - 2.04:03]They encourage viewers to share their near-death experiences and irrational fears in the comments

A youtube thumbnail wor WE ALMOST DIED | Trash Taste #82

[2.03:53 - 2.04:03]They also promote their Patreon, Twitter, subreddit, and Spotify podcast

A youtube thumbnail wor WE ALMOST DIED | Trash Taste #82

[2.04:03 - 2.04:11]They mention the availability of Trash Taste merchandise for pre-order

A youtube thumbnail wor WE ALMOST DIED | Trash Taste #82

[2.04:16 - 2.04:19]One speaker wonders how to distinguish between an animal and the wind while peeing in the bushes

A youtube thumbnail wor WE ALMOST DIED | Trash Taste #82

[1.58:00 - 2.04:19]Overall, the speakers discuss irrational fears and childhood fears while peeing in the bushes.