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If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[00:00 - 01:28]The speaker compares the person's physique to their own, mentioning their own white shirt.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[00:32 - 00:40]The speaker's self-esteem is low because they thought the other person was talking about someone else.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[00:41 - 01:14]The speaker brings up a time when the other person looked good and was noticed by someone else.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[01:14 - 01:21]The speaker mentions that they dressed up because they have a job interview.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[01:22 - 02:42]The speaker brings up a time when the other person looked good and was noticed by someone else.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[01:28 - 01:47]The other person starts attacking the speaker.

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[01:28 - 03:21]They mention a friend named Doug who also has a muscular chest.

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[01:53 - 02:10]The speaker clarifies that they played the game for a day.

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[02:11 - 02:16]The speaker asks the other person if they agree with them on something.

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[02:16 - 02:53]The speaker asks the other person if they say "extensively" or "ostensibly."

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[02:16 - 03:27]The speaker compares the person's physique to their own, mentioning their own white shirt.

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[02:30 - 02:36]The speaker mentions "opposite day."

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[02:42 - 02:58]The speaker brings up a time when the other person looked good and was noticed by someone else.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[02:58 - 03:09]The other person is being nice to the speaker.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[03:09 - 03:21]The speaker says that they beat the game in a day.

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[03:21 - 03:35]The speaker says that it wasn't on purpose.

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[03:27 - 03:57]The speaker jokes about having a "skeleton" in place of a chest, and discusses ways to fix this condition, such as using a vacuum pump or getting surgery.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[03:35 - 03:46]The speaker realizes that they try to appear normal to everyone else.

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[03:46 - 03:57]The speaker and the other person discuss the game further.

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[03:58 - 04:18]The other person says that the speaker's product (the show) was good.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[03:58 - 04:24]They mention a friend named Doug who also has a muscular chest.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[04:06 - 04:11]The speaker brings up a time when the other person looked good and was noticed by someone else.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[04:06 - 06:26]The speaker jokes about having a "skeleton" in place of a chest, and discusses ways to fix this condition, such as using a vacuum pump or getting surgery.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[04:18 - 05:31]The speaker mentions that they have done something similar to what the other person has done.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[04:31 - 04:37]The other person says that the speaker's product (the show) was good.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[04:37 - 05:10]The speaker mentions that they dressed up because they have a job interview.

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[04:53 - 05:03]The speaker and the other person discuss which word is better.

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[05:10 - 06:10]The speaker brings up a time when the other person looked good and was noticed by someone else.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[05:31 - 06:01]The speaker realizes that they try to appear normal to everyone else.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[05:38 - 06:33]The speaker brings up a time when the other person looked good and was noticed by someone else.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[05:44 - 05:55]The speaker says that it wasn't on purpose.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[06:19 - 06:26]The speaker realizes that they try to appear normal to everyone else.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[06:33 - 07:25]They mention seeing others with Pectus excavatum in the past.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[06:33 - 07:25]The speaker brings up a time when the other person looked good and was noticed by someone else.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[06:40 - 06:46]The speaker realizes that they try to appear normal to everyone else.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[06:47 - 06:52]The speaker asks the other person if they agree with them on something.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[06:52 - 06:58]The speaker says that they beat the game in a day.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[07:07 - 07:12]The speaker brings up a time when the other person looked good and was noticed by someone else.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[07:12 - 08:34]The speaker mentions that they beat the game and the other person didn't.

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[07:12 - 09:48]The speaker mentions being a sperm cell and jokingly says they don't have glasses like the other sperm cells.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[07:26 - 07:32]The speaker realizes that they try to appear normal to everyone else.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[07:32 - 08:02]The speaker says that it wasn't on purpose.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[07:38 - 07:51]The speaker mentions that they have done something similar to what the other person has done.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[07:51 - 08:51]The speaker mentions that they beat the game and the other person didn't.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[08:40 - 08:46]The speaker mentions that they always want to be honest.

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[08:40 - 09:42]The speaker talks about a past experience playing poker in sixth grade.

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[08:51 - 09:25]The speaker and the other person discuss a game called "Celeste."

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[08:58 - 09:12]The speaker says that they beat the game in a day.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[09:25 - 09:42]The speaker mentions that they beat the game and the other person didn't.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[09:42 - 10:04]The speaker mentions that they dressed up because they have a job interview.

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[09:48 - 09:59]The speaker mentions that they beat the game and the other person didn't.

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[10:05 - 10:13]The other person says that everyone has "aim and fever" (a term for being addicted to a game called "Valorant").

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[10:13 - 10:21]The speaker mentions that they have a five-minute meeting later.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[10:21 - 10:27]The other person says that the speaker's product (the show) was good.

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[10:27 - 10:38]The speaker mentions that they cried during the show.

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[10:39 - 11:10]The other person jokes that the speaker cried on purpose to manipulate the audience.

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[10:54 - 11:33]The other person suggests that the speaker should do an hour-long show of just crying.

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[11:33 - 11:48]The other person says that the speaker's product (the show) was good.

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[11:49 - 12:28]The other person says that they didn't think the question was for a podcast episode.

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[11:58 - 12:03]The speaker and the other person discuss the game further.

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[12:10 - 12:16]The speaker clarifies that the question is for the podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[12:28 - 12:35]The speaker says that it wasn't on purpose.

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[12:35 - 13:23]The speaker clarifies that they are looking for moments where they have created a good or bad moment between them.

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[12:45 - 12:58]The other person picked a memory where the speaker instigated a problem.

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[13:09 - 13:16]The speaker mentions that they don't harp on mistakes made by others.

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[13:23 - 13:57]The speaker is discussing a memory related to finding something in an archive, but has forgotten where it is located.

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[13:29 - 13:44]The speaker talks about their mind palace, which is disorganized and full of homework.

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[13:57 - 15:18]They discuss playing poker with friends during lunch in middle school, and getting beaten by a friend named Jake.

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[14:33 - 14:46]The speaker talks about a time when they put a sandwich in their backpack and forgot about it until the end of the school year.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[14:46 - 15:36]They discuss playing poker with friends during lunch in middle school, and getting beaten by a friend named Jake.

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[15:36 - 16:32]The speaker talks about another friend named Ludwig, who apparently cheated them in a "coin hole" game.

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[15:48 - 16:11]The speaker's friend saves their food in their locker, and the speaker discovers it at the end of the school year.

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[16:00 - 18:13]The speaker talks about a time when they put a sandwich in their backpack and forgot about it until the end of the school year.

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[17:07 - 18:19]The speaker admits to getting written up in high school for gambling with dice games.

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[17:32 - 19:24]They describe a dice game they learned and played with friends, which eventually got shut down by the school.

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[18:40 - 19:15]The speaker admits to getting written up in high school for gambling with dice games.

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[19:24 - 20:46]The speaker mentions being invited to an underground poker game with famous people, but turns it down due to being "off the gambling tip."

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[20:28 - 21:55]The speaker mentions someone named Miles who is trying to buy a car.

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[20:40 - 21:32]There is a discussion about performing a sexual act, which is ultimately declined.

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[20:53 - 21:38]The speaker mentions Miles, who apparently won a lot of money from a wealthy player at the poker game.

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[20:53 - 23:06]The speaker recalls a conversation about selling something and suggests a different approach.

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[21:26 - 21:32]The speaker mentions being invited to an underground poker game with famous people, but turns it down due to being "off the gambling tip."

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[21:39 - 22:32]The speaker mentions Miles, who apparently won a lot of money from a wealthy player at the poker game.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[22:11 - 23:06]The speaker talks about another friend named Ludwig, who apparently cheated them in a "coin hole" game.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[22:33 - 23:00]They discuss a recent poker game that they played until 9am, where they won big.

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[23:06 - 23:22]The speaker's friend saves their food in their locker, and the speaker discovers it at the end of the school year.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[23:06 - 24:00]There is a discussion about a podcast and how they save up their "podcast juice" each week.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[24:00 - 25:16]They discuss a hypothetical scenario where Mr. Beast gives someone a massage with oil.

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[24:38 - 25:28]The speaker mentions Mr. Beast's success on YouTube and speculates about his future.

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[25:16 - 27:55]The speaker recalls a conversation about selling something and suggests a different approach.

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[27:33 - 28:54]The speaker mentions Mr. Beast's success on YouTube and speculates about his future.

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[28:16 - 31:39]They discuss a video where Mr. Beast speaks in Hindi and the possibility of dubbing their own content into different languages.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[29:06 - 30:57]They discuss a hypothetical scenario where Mr. Beast gives someone a massage with oil.

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[29:40 - 31:47]They discuss a video where Mr. Beast speaks in Hindi and the possibility of dubbing their own content into different languages.

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[31:47 - 33:38]The speaker confesses to having a prostate orgasm after eating a Factor meal.

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[32:50 - 34:04]The speaker talks about various food options and expresses a desire to have their prostate "cracked in half like a glow stick."

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[33:46 - 34:18]There is a mention of someone named Kim and being neighbors with them and another person.

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[34:04 - 38:27]The conversation turns to video games, specifically the game Super, which features characters with gender pronouns and the possibility of a non-binary shooter game.

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[34:19 - 35:03]The speaker mentions a person who goes by the name "Mr. X" and how they are the only one who can get away with using that name.

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[35:04 - 35:20]The speaker mentions Mr. Beast's success on YouTube and speculates about his future.

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[35:21 - 35:33]There is a mention of someone named Kim and being neighbors with them and another person.

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[38:27 - 42:22]The speaker also mentions a poker streamer and the chat in their stream, as well as their own event, Faz50, which has faced some controversy.

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[40:40 - 43:25]Person named Dubbin is having a conversation with someone in their office.

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[40:45 - 42:06]Someone asks if they are crazy to say something, but it is unclear what they are referring to.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[41:39 - 41:51]The speaker talks about various food options and expresses a desire to have their prostate "cracked in half like a glow stick."

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[41:46 - 42:46]The person being spoken to is also an editor.

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[41:51 - 42:53]They mention a second ball picture being shared on Twitter and joke about the ill mind of Hopsin being Ludwig all along.

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[41:51 - 42:53]They mention a tweet and a typo.

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[42:23 - 42:29]The person being spoken to is also an editor.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[42:23 - 43:34]The speaker talks about various food options and expresses a desire to have their prostate "cracked in half like a glow stick."

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[43:26 - 43:34]They mention a video called Hopecore and watching it in a bathtub.

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[43:35 - 46:30]Dubbin sends multiple messages asking if they can call that day.

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[44:38 - 45:02]They mention someone named Aiden and a wedding.

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[45:22 - 46:50]They discuss a shoot and a clarifying question.

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[45:58 - 46:10]Someone asks if they are crazy to say something, but it is unclear what they are referring to.

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[46:37 - 48:47]They talk about beating off to written prose and scrolling on their phone.

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[48:16 - 48:41]Dubbin mentions a teacher named Mr. Hutchins and making a joke about beating off in the classroom.

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[48:48 - 49:05]They mention someone named Aiden and a wedding.

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[49:13 - 52:11]Someone asks if they are crazy to say something, but it is unclear what they are referring to.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[50:00 - 50:43]They mention someone named Aiden and a wedding.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[50:43 - 51:57]They talk about beating off to written prose and scrolling on their phone.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[51:44 - 52:38]They mention a video called Hopecore and watching it in a bathtub.

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[53:18 - 55:23]Dubbin mentions a teacher named Mr. Hutchins and making a joke about beating off in the classroom.

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[53:59 - 57:05]One of the men mentions a top-level Smash Brothers player who was instructed by his organization to not jerk off before competitions.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[54:54 - 55:43]Someone asks if they are crazy to say something, but it is unclear what they are referring to.

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[57:06 - 58:51]A group of men, aged around 28, are discussing their experiences in high school and how it differs from their current lives.

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[58:51 - 1.00:23]The men discuss the pressure put on teachers to focus on standardized testing and how it affects the curriculum.

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[59:57 - 1.02:28]One of the men mentions a top-level Smash Brothers player who was instructed by his organization to not jerk off before competitions.

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[1.01:51 - 1.04:51]The men discuss the game and how it was a best of one, as well as the use of original hardware for the competition.

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[1.02:36 - 1.03:44]They also talk about their experiences taking the SAT and ACT exams, with one person admitting to not taking either.

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[1.03:15 - 1.05:08]The conversation shifts to a recent Call of Duty 1v1 showdown between two prominent gaming organizations, where one player dominated the other.

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[1.04:40 - 1.07:09]The conversation ends with a mention of professional skateboarder Ryan Sheckler.

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[1.05:08 - 1.05:37]Nick and the speaker are discussing the possibility of getting sponsors for their podcast.

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[1.05:20 - 1.07:15]The speaker suggests Red Bull as a potential sponsor and mentions that they pay a lot of money for sponsorships.

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[1.07:15 - 1.09:06]The speaker then talks about meeting professional skateboarder Ryan Sheckler, who is a Red Bull athlete.

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[1.08:31 - 1.08:37]The speaker jokes about wanting to be more muscular and mentions that they drink a lot of chocolate milk.

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[1.09:06 - 1.12:06]The speaker and Nick play a game where they make plural words out of their names.

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[1.10:11 - 1.11:00]The speaker mentions that they were born with a chest hole and jokes about the sperm that fought for ninth place.

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[1.11:00 - 1.11:41]The speaker then mentions the recent charges against Donald Trump and predicts that he will be sentenced on July 15th.

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[1.11:20 - 1.12:42]The speaker and Nick play a game where they make plural words out of their names.

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[1.13:31 - 1.14:38]The speaker jokes about wanting to be more muscular and mentions that they drink a lot of chocolate milk.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[1.13:48 - 1.14:07]The speaker mentions that they were born with a chest hole and jokes about the sperm that fought for ninth place.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[1.14:13 - 1.15:32]The speaker suggests a challenge involving lifting a 45-pound tungsten cube with just their fingers.

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[1.14:38 - 1.17:22]The speaker mentions that they were born with a chest hole and jokes about the sperm that fought for ninth place.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[1.14:44 - 1.16:03]The speaker suggests a challenge involving lifting a 45-pound tungsten cube with just their fingers.

A youtube thumbnail wor If You Have A Chest Hole...Watch This | The Yard

[1.16:28 - 1.17:15]The speaker mentions that they were born with a chest hole and jokes about the sperm that fought for ninth place.

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[1.17:15 - 1.18:47]A discussion about a politician facing criminal charges.

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[1.17:22 - 1.18:23]Humorous imagining of the politician playing with a toy at the doctor's office.

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[1.17:31 - 1.18:23]The group comments on their similar choice of black shoes and the speaker's use of hair product.

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[1.18:23 - 1.18:40]The speaker jokes about wanting to be more muscular and mentions that they drink a lot of chocolate milk.

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[1.18:23 - 1.21:18]A discussion about a politician facing criminal charges.

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[1.21:18 - 1.22:55]A tweet by a well-known political commentator expressing outrage.

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[1.22:56 - 1.27:22]Humorous imagining of the politician playing with a toy at the doctor's office.

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[1.25:24 - 1.25:51]The speaker is discussing how to give an erotic massage to a partner

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[1.25:51 - 1.26:33]The speaker and their partner debate over whether to start from the top or bottom of the body

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[1.25:58 - 1.27:00]They also discuss giving foot massages and being ticklish

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[1.26:07 - 1.26:47]The speaker and their partner debate over whether to start from the top or bottom of the body

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[1.27:00 - 1.27:22]They mention using lotion or massage oil, candles, and incense

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[1.27:22 - 1.27:48]Suggestion of using a popular influencer to sway elections in the politician's favor.

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[1.27:22 - 1.30:37]The conversation shifts to talking about mr. Beast and how he could influence elections and potentially own a country

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[1.27:32 - 1.27:40]Speculation about the impact on his potential presidential campaign.

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[1.30:37 - 1.33:00]The speaker suggests a scenario where they become president for a day and enact certain rules, such as requiring a mixtape submission for all citizens

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[1.32:40 - 1.33:49]The speaker mentions taking the military to Canada and making it a part of the United States

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[1.33:49 - 1.34:16]They also talk about claiming Nardwuar as an American and giving him a new room massage

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[1.34:23 - 1.35:29]The conversation comes back to discussing firefighters and their behavior towards cats stuck in trees.