

Youtube profile pic for The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

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[00:00 - 00:28]The speaker greets the audience and thanks them for watching the show.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[00:28 - 01:43]A discussion ensues about whether or not they would want to see a dead child's cock.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[01:43 - 02:00]They discuss the appearance of a character named Holly and compare her to a horse.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[02:02 - 02:44]The speaker expresses their dislike for a character named Barry.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[02:14 - 02:33]The conversation turns to gaslighting and the speaker's friend tries to convince them they were watching the news.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[02:14 - 04:08]Two people are in a yard discussing a previous conversation about one of their mothers and a sick bed

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[02:44 - 03:00]The conversation turns to actor Val Kilmer and his appearance.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[03:00 - 03:24]The speaker jokes about wanting to see their friend's penis.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[03:08 - 04:37]A story is told about the speaker being caught masturbating on a plane.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[03:19 - 05:38]The message asks if they are the worst of the three friends and mentions a French phone company

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[04:10 - 05:51]One of the people received a message from the other person at 6am and thought it was a "drug text"

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[04:17 - 05:58]The conversation turns to gaslighting and the speaker's friend tries to convince them they were watching the news.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[05:05 - 05:51]The speaker jokes about wanting to see their friend's penis.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[05:38 - 06:32]They discuss playing Warzone and a friend named Breslin who passed away

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[05:59 - 06:32]The conversation turns to actor Val Kilmer and his appearance.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[06:05 - 06:47]The topic switches to a streamer named SodaPoppin and their mute character.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[06:34 - 08:05]One of the people congratulates the other on a good show, but realizes they thought they were someone else due to being high

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[06:48 - 08:05]The group talks about waxing and joke about it being similar to giving birth.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[06:48 - 09:39]Two people are in a yard discussing a previous conversation about one of their mothers and a sick bed

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[08:05 - 08:42]The topic of semen and the balls is discussed, with a scientific explanation given.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[09:40 - 11:16]One of the people congratulates the other on a good show, but realizes they thought they were someone else due to being high

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[10:26 - 13:02]They also mention going to ASU and being in a club called "Go Club"

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[12:10 - 13:32]One of the people congratulates the other on a good show, but realizes they thought they were someone else due to being high

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[13:36 - 15:15]They plug a website,, and mention a race with 200 people for an annual premium

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[14:30 - 15:06]One of the people congratulates the other on a good show, but realizes they thought they were someone else due to being high

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[14:30 - 16:06]The speaker mentions a religious leader named the "Dolly Llama" and how they are chosen by the "punch and llama."

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[15:06 - 18:00]The speaker talks about a man who was chosen as the next Dolly Llama but was abducted by the Chinese Communist Party 25 years ago.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[16:25 - 18:06]The speaker discusses the possibility of becoming the next Dolly Llama.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[17:01 - 20:47]The speaker and the other person talk about a childhood prank involving pretending to have missing arms.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[20:02 - 21:22]The speaker describes a recent incident where they accidentally offended someone with a prank involving pretending to have missing arms.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[20:23 - 22:09]The speaker mentions a Twitter drama involving a person from Cabec.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[20:47 - 21:39]The speaker describes a recent incident where they accidentally offended someone with a prank involving pretending to have missing arms.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[21:22 - 23:57]The speaker and the other person talk about a childhood prank involving pretending to have missing arms.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[21:40 - 22:22]The speaker mentions a Twitter drama involving a person from Cabec.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[22:56 - 23:14]The speaker discusses the possibility of becoming the next Dolly Llama.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[23:14 - 25:01]The speaker describes another incident where they accidentally banned someone from their Twitch chat.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[25:01 - 26:57]The speaker and the other person talk about a childhood prank involving pretending to have missing arms.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[26:15 - 27:09]The other person absolves the speaker of any wrongdoing in the situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[26:57 - 28:30]The speaker talks about visiting other streamer's houses and seeing an excessive amount of Amazon boxes there as well.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[28:09 - 29:59]They also discuss a prank that the speaker played involving a horse sound that sounded like his friend's mom.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[28:21 - 28:44]The conversation ends with the speaker discussing a Christmas play he did as a child.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[30:00 - 33:52]The speaker and his friends are discussing a prank that was played on him involving a fake birthday song on the radio.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[32:46 - 34:00]The conversation ends with the speaker discussing a Christmas play he did as a child.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[34:01 - 35:47]They also discuss a prank that the speaker played involving a horse sound that sounded like his friend's mom.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[35:14 - 37:28]The speaker's mom and dad are both deceased and he jokes about it.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[37:28 - 40:10]They discuss a family vlogging channel called "The Shaytards" that the speaker used to watch.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[39:11 - 41:41]The speaker reminisces about wanting a big family and being embarrassed about things he did as a child.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[39:21 - 41:33]The channel featured a large family, with each family member having a "tard" nickname.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[41:27 - 43:56]He reveals that he had smuggled salmon into his pocket during dinner

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[41:33 - 43:14]The friend is also forced to participate in a school play, despite not wanting to

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[41:41 - 44:59]He is given a smaller costume than the other kids, causing embarrassment

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[44:01 - 44:46]A group of friends are discussing their childhood experiences

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[44:21 - 44:27]He reveals that he had smuggled salmon into his pocket during dinner

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[44:59 - 45:17]The friend admits that he was embarrassed and didn't pursue acting because of this experience

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[45:17 - 46:35]The conversation turns to celebrities and their outlandish statements

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[45:52 - 46:01]They make the ad read humorous and sexual

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[46:01 - 47:41]The group then transitions into an ad read for a personal finance app

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[46:35 - 47:14]He reveals that he had smuggled salmon into his pocket during dinner

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[47:41 - 48:26]The friend admits that he was embarrassed and didn't pursue acting because of this experience

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[48:11 - 50:03]The conversation then turns to topics such as movies, dogs, and family dynamics

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[50:03 - 53:20]One friend expresses frustration with the behavior of his friend's children

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[50:44 - 51:06]He reveals that he had smuggled salmon into his pocket during dinner

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[51:17 - 52:17]The group also discusses their experiences with Brazilian steakhouses and children

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[52:17 - 52:47]One friend expresses frustration with the behavior of his friend's children

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[52:34 - 53:12]One friend shares a story about getting grounded by his parents for not eating fish

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[53:20 - 54:09]One friend expresses frustration with the behavior of his friend's children

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[53:42 - 55:02]He reveals that he had smuggled salmon into his pocket during dinner

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[54:27 - 54:40]He is given a smaller costume than the other kids, causing embarrassment

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[54:27 - 56:51]The speaker and a friend make a bet about whether or not he can land the kickflip

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[55:07 - 57:32]The speaker talks about wanting to try a kickflip on a skateboard without wheels

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[57:52 - 1.00:57]A group of people are discussing their merch and the difficulty of finding the right blanks for their clothing

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[58:00 - 1.00:43]The speaker compares the scene to a gathering of the juggalos.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[59:32 - 1.02:30]The speaker apologizes for being inappropriate in front of a new assistant and tries to explain his behavior

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.02:14 - 1.04:51]The group reminisces about their college experiences and a friend's large penis

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.04:51 - 1.06:07]The conversation turns to police unions and the Punisher logo

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.06:07 - 1.08:54]The group is then interrupted by an offer of breast milk from a woman at the bar

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.07:33 - 1.07:49]The speaker is on the way to an event with a girl they brought to the Streamer Awards.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.07:50 - 1.08:45]The girl tells a story about her and her friends going out to a bar and one of them squirting breast milk across the bar.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.08:45 - 1.09:45]They joke about how the speaker knows two things: Garfield and breast milk.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.08:54 - 1.09:19]The speaker is jealous that the girl has such a wild story and will always have the best story in the group.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.09:26 - 1.09:59]The girl tells a story about her and her friends going out to a bar and one of them squirting breast milk across the bar.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.09:59 - 1.10:33]The speaker and their friends attempt to be more classy in their podcast to avoid demonetization.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.10:33 - 1.11:29]They discuss how Jimmy always answers their texts and calls.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.11:29 - 1.11:50]The speaker and their friends discuss whether they are circumcised or not.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.11:50 - 1.12:57]The speaker concludes their story about the spam text campaign and the sunglasses sponsorship.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.11:57 - 1.13:08]They joke about how only the speaker's mom knows.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.12:22 - 1.12:28]The speaker concludes their story about the spam text campaign and the sunglasses sponsorship.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.13:08 - 1.13:50]The girl tells a story about her and her friends going out to a bar and one of them squirting breast milk across the bar.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.13:21 - 1.14:00]The speaker concludes their story about the spam text campaign and the sunglasses sponsorship.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.14:00 - 1.14:20]The girl tells a story about her and her friends going out to a bar and one of them squirting breast milk across the bar.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.14:44 - 1.14:52]They discuss the audacity of doing such a thing during COVID.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.15:11 - 1.15:25]The girl tells a story about her and her friends going out to a bar and one of them squirting breast milk across the bar.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.15:25 - 1.17:50]They talk about a girl from Australia who had a different accent and how they faded away from her.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.15:30 - 1.15:48]They joke about how only the speaker's mom knows.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.16:16 - 1.16:21]They talk about a girl from Australia who had a different accent and how they faded away from her.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.16:43 - 1.17:37]The sender responded by telling the speaker to seek help.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.17:01 - 1.18:08]The speaker shares how they got annoyed with the sender and threatened to kill themselves if they received another text.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.17:50 - 1.18:14]The speaker and their friends discuss whether they are circumcised or not.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.18:14 - 1.19:51]The speaker shares three specific details they like about the sunglasses.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.18:42 - 1.19:08]The speaker shares a code for a discount on Shady Ray's sunglasses.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.19:51 - 1.20:37]They talk about a polarized sunglasses brand, Shady Ray's, and how they are sponsored by them.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.19:58 - 1.20:23]The speaker shares a code for a discount on Shady Ray's sunglasses.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.20:37 - 1.21:28]They are upset that Ludwig likes a group of people who they don't like, and they talk negatively about them.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.21:28 - 1.22:58]They continue playing the game and make jokes about wanting to be Ludwig's personal assistant.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.21:43 - 1.24:31]They are playing a game with someone named Nick England and someone in the game asks if they like Ludwig.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.24:33 - 1.25:10]Two people are discussing someone named Ludwig and how he's popular.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.25:10 - 1.25:58]They talk about living together and being friends forever.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.25:31 - 1.26:50]The conversation then jumps to the present day, where one person is wearing the other person's clothes and pretending to be them.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.26:50 - 1.30:31]They mention a time when they were younger and a dad caught them talking about a heist and kissing.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.28:38 - 1.31:46]They also mention another time when the same dad offered to give one of them a hand job.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.29:45 - 1.29:51]They mention a time when they were younger and a dad caught them talking about a heist and kissing.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.31:14 - 1.34:03]The conversation then jumps to the present day, where one person is wearing the other person's clothes and pretending to be them.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Funniest Podcast Compilation Ever | The Yard 2022

[1.34:03 - 1.35:20]They mention needing to use the bathroom and end the podcast.