

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 30: The Great Outdoors

SuperMegaCast - EP 30: The Great Outdoors

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[00:09 - 00:15] Introduction to the Super Mega Cast in the wilderness with special guest Tucker Prescott.

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[00:52 - 01:03]Hiking on a desert-y trail and encountering wildlife.

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[01:03 - 01:11]Discussion about their lack of preparation for the trip.

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[03:06 - 03:16]Struggles with limited supplies, including running out of gas and a failed attempt at making mac and cheese.

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[05:22 - 05:33]Plans to visit a hot spring and description of their current location.

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[06:21 - 06:33]Conversation about being camera shy and a funny incident involving Matt and Ryan's pants.

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[07:14 - 07:22]Concluding with the realization that the audio won't be released for a week.

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[00:09 - 07:22]Ryan, Matt, and special guest Tucker are in the wilderness for the Super Mega Cast.

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[07:22 - 07:27] Recording on Sunday, December 4th

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[07:28 - 07:34]Beautiful warm and sunny day

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[07:34 - 07:39]Concerns about channels possibly going awry due to lack of signal

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[07:52 - 07:57]Temperature drastically changed from cold to hot within an hour

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[09:54 - 10:00]Discussing experience with bears and moose while working at a backpacking camp

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[12:51 - 12:56]Seeing a red fox near the tent and talking about cute animals like arctic seals

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[14:07 - 14:14]Mention of seal hunting for meat and fur and questioning why humans can't hunt them

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 30: The Great Outdoors

[07:22 - 14:14]Recording on a sunny Sunday in December, discussing experiences with bears and moose while working at a backpacking camp, seeing a red fox, and mentioning seal hunting for meat and fur.

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[14:14 - 14:20] The speaker discusses how humans are the only creatures with morals, but sometimes participate in cruel activities for fun.

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[15:03 - 15:12]They joke about humans clubbing baby seals and the potential consequences of giving people ideas.

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[16:19 - 16:27]They also talk about encountering animals in the wild, such as being false-charged by a bear.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 30: The Great Outdoors

[19:44 - 19:57]The speaker has been travelling since August 2016, exploring different areas of the United States and seeing people he hasn't seen in a while.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 30: The Great Outdoors

[20:18 - 20:41]The main purpose of the trip is for the speaker to do a painting road trip, where he finds beautiful locations and creates paintings from life.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 30: The Great Outdoors

[20:55 - 21:01]He has done about 30 paintings since being on the road and has been experimenting with different techniques.

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[14:14 - 21:27]The speaker used to work in video production, but is now focused on his painting.

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[21:27 - 21:42]Tucker is excited to be doing what he loves and learning more about it

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[25:03 - 25:10]Tucker's talent can be seen on his website,

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 30: The Great Outdoors

[25:03 - 25:10]Matt and Ryan enjoy Tucker's cinematography and photography

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 30: The Great Outdoors

[25:03 - 25:10]Tucker wants to make a montage with the song "Keyboard Cat"

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 30: The Great Outdoors

[25:03 - 25:10]They discuss the origins of the song and its connection to Catalonia

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 30: The Great Outdoors

[25:03 - 25:10]Tucker talks about his journey from South Carolina to Salt Lake City

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 30: The Great Outdoors

[26:10 - 26:41]He then traveled to Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and California

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[26:10 - 26:41]He visited national parks, Seattle, and San Francisco

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[27:00 - 27:06]Tucker recommends visiting the coastal Redwoods over the Sequoias

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[28:42 - 28:50]The group plans to hike and then return home

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 30: The Great Outdoors

[21:27 - 28:50]Tucker has been on a Western trip for 2-3 months, visiting national parks and cities before arriving in LA. He enjoys cinematography and photography, and wants to make a montage with the "Keyboard Cat" song. He recommends visiting the coastal Redwoods over the Sequoias.

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[28:50 - 28:55]Two people are on a hike and see a blue bird

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[29:02 - 29:07]They discuss their physical condition and take a picture of the bird

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 30: The Great Outdoors

[30:54 - 30:59]They talk about a movie and one person hasn't seen it

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[33:47 - 33:54]They discuss another movie and one person didn't like it

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[33:54 - 34:00]They talk about a third movie and one person didn't like it because of the women in it

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[34:10 - 34:16]A summary of the conversation is given Final Summary:

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[34:47 - 34:55]The person who didn't like the movie talks about how remakes are never good

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 30: The Great Outdoors

[28:50 - 35:02]Two people are on a hike and discuss seeing a blue bird, their physical condition, and movies. One person didn't like a movie because of the women in it and doesn't believe remakes are ever good.

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[35:02 - 35:08]This version is focused on making money, not love

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 30: The Great Outdoors

[35:14 - 35:19]The speaker did not enjoy watching the Jungle Book

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 30: The Great Outdoors

[35:14 - 35:19]The speaker was in a play of the Jungle Book as a child

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[35:36 - 35:43]The speaker's friend played Baloo in the play

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[35:52 - 35:58]The speaker will try to find footage of the play to share

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[35:59 - 36:06]They discuss the nostalgia critic giving the play a good review

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[37:33 - 37:41]The speaker and his friends talk about their body odor and not wearing deodorant

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[38:13 - 38:18]They mention wanting to wear full body Santa Claus suits

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[39:14 - 39:19]The speaker and his friends share a tent while camping

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[39:48 - 39:54]They discuss the three fifths rule and racism in the United States

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[40:24 - 40:31]Tucker joins the conversation and they discuss their hiking plans for the day

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 30: The Great Outdoors

[40:50 - 40:55]Tucker suggests pouring water in their mouths and adding oatmeal for breakfast

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[41:03 - 41:09]They see a tree with chop marks and say goodbye to Tucker

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 30: The Great Outdoors

[35:02 - 41:20]The speakers discuss watching the Jungle Book and their experiences with the play as a child. They also talk about their body odor and camping plans for the day. Tucker joins the conversation and they say goodbye to him as he will not be present for the next podcast episode.