

Youtube profile pic for Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[00:00 - 00:11]The speakers have not been together for a while and are waiting for something to come out

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[00:11 - 01:00]The speaker imagines that when he gets angry, he turns into a smooth, beige version of the Hulk

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[00:18 - 00:30]One of the speakers has an annoying laugh that makes the other speaker angry

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[00:47 - 01:10]The speaker imagines that when he gets angry, he turns into a smooth, beige version of the Hulk

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[01:10 - 02:15]The conversation ends with the speaker imagining himself as a blur, punching the ground and sliding faster and faster.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[01:23 - 02:02]The speaker imagines that when he gets angry, he turns into a smooth, beige version of the Hulk

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[02:15 - 04:09]They discuss potentially having a chuckle sandwich open invitational in the future

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[02:45 - 03:53]The speaker imagines that when he gets angry, he turns into a smooth, beige version of the Hulk

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[04:09 - 04:45]The conversation ends with the speaker imagining himself as a blur, punching the ground and sliding faster and faster.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[04:45 - 06:06]The speaker reveals that his username, "schlatt," lends itself to many words beginning with "schl"

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[06:06 - 06:48]They discuss their break and one speaker mentions being in a legal battle with Texas

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[06:48 - 07:30]The conversation ends with the speaker imagining himself as a blur, punching the ground and sliding faster and faster.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[06:48 - 07:30]The speaker is discussing the importance of working hard and getting faster.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[06:57 - 07:21]They discuss potentially having a chuckle sandwich open invitational in the future

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[07:30 - 07:44]The conversation ends with the speaker imagining himself as a blur, punching the ground and sliding faster and faster.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[07:30 - 07:44]The speaker ends by jokingly saying that being chased by someone would only make them faster.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[07:45 - 08:22]They recall a previous experience of participating in a race with a British child named Tubbo.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[08:22 - 10:41]They ran through the busy area, dodging and weaving through people.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[09:46 - 11:02]The speaker and their partner initially relaxed and ate pretzels before deciding to chase after Tubbo.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[11:02 - 11:56]They ran through the busy area, dodging and weaving through people.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[12:02 - 13:40]The speaker and their partner were eventually kicked out of the area by security.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[12:26 - 12:38]They ran through the busy area, dodging and weaving through people.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[12:56 - 14:44]The speaker and their partner initially relaxed and ate pretzels before deciding to chase after Tubbo.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[13:02 - 13:19]They ran through the busy area, dodging and weaving through people.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[13:41 - 15:40]They mention running into a film set for James Corden's show where a flash mob was taking place.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[14:26 - 15:32]The speaker ends by jokingly saying that being chased by someone would only make them faster.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[15:40 - 17:34]They mention running into a film set for James Corden's show where a flash mob was taking place.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[16:05 - 16:53]They recall a stressful moment where they had to use a walkie talkie to communicate with their team.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[17:35 - 18:31]The speaker and their partner initially relaxed and ate pretzels before deciding to chase after Tubbo.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[17:57 - 18:38]The speaker expresses a desire to have been able to tag members of BTS during the race.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[18:39 - 20:18]Page content is a conversation between Charlie, Ted, and another person (possibly Schlatt).

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[18:44 - 20:48]The conversation takes place during the Christmas season.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[18:50 - 19:37]Charlie is asked about his Christmas and reveals that he spent it alone with his sick guinea pig.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[19:15 - 20:56]The conversation takes place during the Christmas season.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[19:37 - 19:56]He eventually makes it to his family's celebration and receives a gift of a PCB board that displays real-time subway data.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[20:02 - 20:08]He was advised not to have expectations for his return stream.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[20:57 - 22:38]The conversation takes place during the Christmas season.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[22:38 - 23:35]Ted shows off a replica of a Black Ops zombie monkey grenade.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[23:35 - 24:00]The conversation takes place during the Christmas season.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[24:02 - 26:54]Ted shows off a replica of a Black Ops zombie monkey grenade.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[26:16 - 28:22]He peaked at 150,000 viewers and averaged around 10,000 viewers during his last streaming period.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[26:33 - 27:15]Schlatt reveals that he has returned to streaming on Twitch after a two-year hiatus.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[27:15 - 30:20]He peaked at 150,000 viewers and averaged around 10,000 viewers during his last streaming period.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[29:08 - 29:14]Schlatt reveals that he has returned to streaming on Twitch after a two-year hiatus.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[29:20 - 31:38]Schlatt and Ted filmed an OTK reacts video together.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[29:46 - 30:45]He visited the OTK office, which is cozy and small compared to the rest of the office building.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[30:47 - 31:45]Schlatt spent most of his time in Austin editing his latest YouTube video.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[31:15 - 33:11]They immediately encounter strange driving behaviors, such as people driving with their turn signal on and not turning or changing lanes with it

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[31:38 - 32:18]The speaker arrives in Austin, Texas late and is picked up by Schlatt

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[32:18 - 35:13]The speaker and Schlatt make their way to the airport, where they encounter a long line

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[35:13 - 36:07]The speaker arrives in Austin, Texas late and is picked up by Schlatt

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[36:07 - 37:41]A friendly airport worker helps the speaker skip the line and make his flight on time

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[36:16 - 39:56]The speaker and Schlatt make their way to the airport, where they encounter a long line

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[38:39 - 42:34]A friendly airport worker helps the speaker skip the line and make his flight on time

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[42:46 - 44:07]The speaker recalls a previous experience of sleeping at a gate during a layover

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[43:16 - 46:25]The speaker and Schlatt make their way to the airport, where they encounter a long line

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[44:15 - 44:23]A friendly airport worker helps the speaker skip the line and make his flight on time

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[45:09 - 47:47]The speaker recalls a previous experience of sleeping at a gate during a layover

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[47:13 - 48:52]The speaker talks about a hypothetical scenario involving a gay person.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[47:20 - 48:52]The speaker warns against trying to bribe wheelchair pushers at the airport to skip the line.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[48:04 - 50:33]They mention someone who is upset and they allude to a possible argument.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[50:39 - 52:32]The speaker discusses a toll system in Texas and how they were billed $10,000 for unpaid tolls.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[52:32 - 53:47]The speaker is discussing money and how it can talk.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[52:54 - 56:08]The speaker discusses a toll system in Texas and how they were billed $10,000 for unpaid tolls.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[56:08 - 56:35]They talk about a specific incident where there was a car accident on the highway in California.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[56:35 - 57:45]They mention moving to Texas and how they prefer the view of the Los Angeles skyline.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[57:17 - 58:11]They mention that if they weren't living in Austin, they would be in LA.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[58:11 - 58:35]They talk about a specific incident where there was a car accident on the highway in California.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[58:35 - 1.00:04]The speaker talks about their experience driving in LA and how they have never seen a highway shut down due to an accident.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.00:04 - 1.01:10]They mention a specific term related to driving, "berm", and how they know what it means.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.00:23 - 1.01:10]No one has ever said that the phrase "dude for her" only generates once it is said.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.00:32 - 1.01:02]The speaker wants to show their guest the valley.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.01:10 - 1.01:37]They mention that if they weren't living in Austin, they would be in LA.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.01:10 - 1.01:37]They would probably not be in the middle of the city.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.01:38 - 1.01:45]Collaboration is important in the job.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.01:45 - 1.02:30]The speaker wants to show their guest the valley.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.01:52 - 1.02:06]They did something over the top, then tried to get as close to the emote as possible.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.02:07 - 1.03:25]They would probably not be in the middle of the city.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.02:30 - 1.02:36]They discuss change and potential resolutions for the new year.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.02:36 - 1.02:42]The speaker wants to focus on speed in the new year.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.02:43 - 1.03:05]The speaker reiterates their new year's resolution to avoid bills and not get prosecuted for it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.03:05 - 1.03:16]The speaker wants to show their guest the valley.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.03:26 - 1.03:47]They discuss the consequences of violating tolls.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.03:47 - 1.04:52]The speaker wants to focus on speed in the new year.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.04:03 - 1.04:28]They discuss the consequences of violating tolls.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.04:28 - 1.04:37]The speaker wants to evade more bills and not pay them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.04:53 - 1.05:00]The speaker doesn't think it's gross, but it's strange.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.05:01 - 1.05:10]The partner tweeted about it and the speaker is concerned about their relationship.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.05:11 - 1.07:10]The guest's partner has a unique and problematic resolution to stop looking directly at the sun.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.06:10 - 1.06:20]No one has ever said that the phrase "dude for her" only generates once it is said.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.07:10 - 1.07:57]The speaker is worried about their partner's eyes and safety.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.07:57 - 1.08:04]They would probably not be in the middle of the city.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.08:04 - 1.08:15]The guest's partner has a unique and problematic resolution to stop looking directly at the sun.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.08:15 - 1.09:46]The partner wants to stop looking at the sun, but not completely.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.08:28 - 1.08:51]The partner tweeted about it and the speaker is concerned about their relationship.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.09:06 - 1.09:39]The speaker reiterates their new year's resolution to avoid bills and not get prosecuted for it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.09:46 - 1.10:09]The speaker hopes their partner is able to follow through with their resolution.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.09:53 - 1.09:59]The partner tweeted about it and the speaker is concerned about their relationship.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.10:09 - 1.10:25]The speaker and guest discuss the availability of five-star ratings on Spotify.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.10:25 - 1.10:54]The speaker reiterates their new year's resolution to avoid bills and not get prosecuted for it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.10:54 - 1.11:04]The speaker's new year's resolution is to avoid bills and not get prosecuted for it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's $10,000 fine from Texas - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 41

[1.11:04 - 1.11:06]The episode ends with a thank you to the audience for joining them.