

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[02:46 - 02:52] Nintendo announces new console, the Nintendo Switch

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[02:53 - 03:11]Console can be played on TV or taken on-the-go

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[05:50 - 05:57]Compatible with Wii U games

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[06:33 - 06:40]Scheduled for release in March 2017

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[06:40 - 06:46]Breath of the Wild and Pikmin 4 expected to be released on Switch

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[07:32 - 07:37]Pricing details not yet announced, but may have two models

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[07:38 - 07:43]Nintendo known for unique and innovative technology in their consoles

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[00:09 - 07:43]Nintendo announces the Nintendo Switch, a new console that can be played on TV or taken on-the-go and is compatible with Wii U games. It is set for release in March 2017, with Breath of the Wild and Pikmin 4 expected to be released on the Switch. Pricing details are not yet announced, but there may be two models. Nintendo is known for their unique and innovative technology in their consoles.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[07:43 - 07:49]Nintendo has always been known for having the cheapest console

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[07:49 - 07:54]They do not engage in price battles with Sony and other competitors

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[08:07 - 08:13]Nintendo focuses on making fun and unique games, even if they sometimes flop

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[08:14 - 08:23]Recently, Nintendo has been listening to fans and giving them what they want

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[09:37 - 09:44]The new Red Dead Redemption 2 game looks beautiful and the hosts may consider playing it on their channel

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[10:03 - 10:11]One of the hosts went to a concert with Vernon Shaw of Game Grumps and met some fans

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[11:07 - 11:16]The hosts discuss anger management and reveal that their doctor recommended playing quieter games, including Minecraft

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[12:17 - 12:23]They plan to do an annual Halloween week on their channel, playing creepy games suggested by viewers

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[13:16 - 13:23]The hosts are tired due to their erratic sleep schedules and one of them slept through their alarm

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[07:43 - 14:58]Nintendo has always been known for having the cheapest consoles and does not engage in price battles with competitors. They focus on making fun and unique games and have recently been listening to fan feedback. The hosts discuss the new Red Dead Redemption 2 game and their plans for a Halloween week on their channel. They also reveal that their doctor recommended playing quieter games, including Minecraft, for anger management. The hosts are currently tired due to their erratic sleep schedules.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[14:59 - 15:04]Excuses for sleeping in and avoiding work are discussed

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[16:44 - 16:49]The narrator's mother used to wake him up in various ways when he was younger

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[17:37 - 17:43]The narrator's dislike for waking up early and being disturbed in bed

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[18:44 - 18:49]The narrator's mother gives feedback on the podcast

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[20:25 - 20:31]The narrator and his co-host discuss their YouTube channel and finances

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[21:20 - 21:26]The presidential debate is briefly mentioned

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[21:20 - 21:26]The narrator and his co-host recap the three presidential debates

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[21:54 - 22:01]The final debate is described as a good spectacle

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[22:07 - 22:12]The debates are compared to a trilogy, with the third one acting as a resolution

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[14:59 - 22:12]The narrator discusses excuses for sleeping in, his dislike for waking up early, his mother's wake-up methods, feedback on the podcast, their YouTube channel and finances, and the three presidential debates, with the final one being a climactic spectacle.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[22:19 - 22:25] Discussion about the presidential election and Chris Wallace's moderating

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[23:05 - 23:14]Mention of potential updates in American politics before podcast release

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[23:29 - 23:39]Humorous interaction on Facebook quoting the debate

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[25:41 - 25:48]Fear of cockroaches and past childhood experiences with them

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[27:21 - 27:27]Description of a childhood habit of copying dictionary definitions

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[28:46 - 28:51]Mention of potential visit from the speaker's father in April

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[28:46 - 28:51]Joke about the speaker's father fighting the other speaker

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[29:18 - 29:25]Idea to livestream the fight and make it a paid event

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[29:52 - 30:00]Description of a chimpanzee image on the computer desktop

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[22:12 - 30:00]Discussion of the presidential election, moderator Chris Wallace, Facebook interaction, potential updates in American politics, fear of cockroaches, childhood habit, potential visit from speaker's father, joke about fighting, and a chimpanzee image on the computer desktop.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[30:00 - 30:05] The person speaking is making faces and talking about how much they love chimps.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[30:22 - 30:28]They mention that they haven't been on steam in 15 days and they're running out of things to talk about.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[31:22 - 31:28]They start talking about trick-or-treating and how they used to love it as a kid and how they stopped in high school.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[33:32 - 33:45]They discuss the possibility of giving kids feces in a Halloween candy bowl as a prank and the potential legal consequences.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[35:35 - 35:40]They mention that they want to make longer podcasts in the future and have upcoming guests, including someone that has been requested by listeners.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[36:29 - 36:35]The guest is described as "huge" and the speaker is excited to have them on the podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[36:41 - 36:48]The speaker promises that the upcoming podcast with the guest will be the best one yet.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[30:00 - 36:55]Overall, the speaker discusses their love for chimps, their past experiences with trick-or-treating, and their plans for the future of the podcast, including upcoming guests.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[36:55 - 37:02] Podcast is described as wonderful and unique

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[37:03 - 37:09]Speaker is a big fan and supporter of podcasts

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[37:03 - 37:09]Someone named Ryan has entered the conversation

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[37:03 - 37:09]Conversation ends on an unsure note

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 24: Trick or Treat

[36:55 - 37:09]The speaker is excited about the podcast and has a strong love and respect for it. There is also a mention of someone named Ryan and the conversation ends on a more serious note.