

Youtube profile pic for THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[00:00 - 01:34]The podcast begins with the host, "Toast", introducing himself and talking about his love for Hearthstone

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[01:34 - 04:40]The other hosts, Josh, Scarra, and Lily, arrive and they discuss their past week and recent events

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[04:41 - 06:50]The hosts discuss if they could beat Edison's record and propose on stream, with Toast suggesting a sleep cycle method to stream for 30 days straight

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[06:50 - 07:43]Edison Park La, a Twitch streamer, recently completed a 30-day streaming challenge and proposed to his girlfriend at the end

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[07:44 - 10:33]They also talk about the upcoming release of Game of Thrones season 8 and their excitement for it

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[09:15 - 09:47]George RR Martin has groupies, mostly hot young female fans.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[09:48 - 11:28]The speakers discuss the concept of "tiers" in terms of celebrity status.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[09:48 - 11:58]Toast has researched and knows about the world of sleeping with celebrities.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[10:03 - 11:39]Famous people often require NDAs to be signed after one night stands.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[10:03 - 12:45]They also briefly mention the hypothetical scenario of Scarlett Johansson being interested in one of the speakers.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[11:22 - 12:12]James Franco and Justin Bieber have both been caught trying to pick up and sleep with young girls.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[12:15 - 12:59]Famous people often require NDAs to be signed after one night stands.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[12:32 - 14:55]The conversation then shifts to debating the status of Vin Diesel, with one speaker arguing that he is an S-tier celebrity due to his popularity in China.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[12:39 - 13:39]Some people have a "sacred list" of celebrities they would want to sleep with if given the opportunity.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[13:24 - 13:51]Toast has researched and knows about the world of sleeping with celebrities.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[13:52 - 15:03]Some people have a "sacred list" of celebrities they would want to sleep with if given the opportunity.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[14:56 - 16:37]Other celebrities mentioned include Robert Downey Jr., Ninja, and PewDiePie.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[15:04 - 16:43]Toast has researched and knows about the world of sleeping with celebrities.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[15:04 - 16:56]The speakers discuss the concept of "tiers" in terms of celebrity status.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[15:16 - 17:39]They also mention C-tier and B-tier celebrities, with the latter possibly including people like Zoey Saldana and Dave Bautista.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[16:43 - 18:59]The conversation shifts to who each person would choose as a celebrity to sleep with.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[16:57 - 19:05]They also briefly mention the hypothetical scenario of Scarlett Johansson being interested in one of the speakers.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[17:03 - 18:09]The conversation ends with one speaker saying they are hungry and asking for support in feeding the hungry.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[17:03 - 19:11]The group discusses whether they would sleep with a celebrity if given the chance.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[17:09 - 20:34]The conversation then takes a humorous turn, with one speaker jokingly asking if the other watches porn.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[17:29 - 17:39]Some people have a "sacred list" of celebrities they would want to sleep with if given the opportunity.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[18:19 - 18:41]George RR Martin has groupies, mostly hot young female fans.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[18:48 - 20:21]The conversation shifts to who each person would choose as a celebrity to sleep with.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[20:04 - 22:03]They also briefly mention the hypothetical scenario of Scarlett Johansson being interested in one of the speakers.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[20:53 - 22:16]Two of the guests on the show were rooting for Team Liquid before they won.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[20:53 - 23:17]The speakers discuss the concept of "tiers" in terms of celebrity status.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[22:03 - 23:34]TSM had a bet with Team Liquid's owner, Reginald, which was inspired by Tyler1 and Mo's $10,000 bets.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[22:26 - 23:24]The conversation ends with one speaker saying they are hungry and asking for support in feeding the hungry.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[22:45 - 23:56]The trash talk and hype leading up to the game was entertaining and created a story for viewers.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[24:17 - 24:58]Jacob "Xmithie" was praised for his skills and wins in the esports scene.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[24:23 - 25:24]The trash talk and hype leading up to the game was entertaining and created a story for viewers.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[25:24 - 27:00]CutiePie's schedule change and lack of caring after a patch affected his gameplay and success.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[26:27 - 28:12]Many big streamers received comments about losing viewers and being happy for others' success

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[26:27 - 28:30]Some players, like CutiePie, have faced backlash and hate from fans for their success.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[26:53 - 28:36]Comments about physical appearance are hurtful and a low blow

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[27:59 - 29:34]CutiePie's schedule change and lack of caring after a patch affected his gameplay and success.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[27:59 - 30:30]There is pressure to be at the top in the streaming world, perpetuating the idea that anything below Challenger rank is not good enough

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[28:37 - 29:34]Some streamers have shifted to different games to avoid the pressure and negative comments

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[29:35 - 32:54]Some players, like CutiePie, have faced backlash and hate from fans for their success.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[29:46 - 32:04]There is pressure to be at the top in the streaming world, perpetuating the idea that anything below Challenger rank is not good enough

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[30:07 - 34:30]Many big streamers received comments about losing viewers and being happy for others' success

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[30:38 - 31:00]The trash talk and hype leading up to the game was entertaining and created a story for viewers.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[32:55 - 33:29]CutiePie typically stops streaming after six hours of playing.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[32:55 - 34:46]Some streamers have shifted to different games to avoid the pressure and negative comments

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[33:39 - 35:54]The volatility of fame on Twitch is scary and can shift quickly

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[35:41 - 36:16]Some streamers have shifted to different games to avoid the pressure and negative comments

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[37:05 - 37:37]Fortnite and Apex are currently more mainstream and have a higher number of viewers compared to other games on Twitch

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[37:38 - 38:09]Voice acting and acting in general may have more opportunities for success compared to streaming

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[38:12 - 38:59]There is a lot of competition on Twitch, with thousands of streamers on popular games

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[39:21 - 39:58]Voice acting and acting in general may have more opportunities for success compared to streaming

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[40:48 - 41:39]Some drama in the streaming world involves young streamers and flaming other players

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[41:09 - 42:43]Person admits to photoshopping face on pictures

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[41:18 - 43:10]Fortnite and Apex are currently more mainstream and have a higher number of viewers compared to other games on Twitch

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[41:50 - 42:31]They discuss the potential of crossover between top streamers and top vloggers

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[41:58 - 46:03]Group discusses how many viewers are needed to make a living off streaming

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[42:19 - 43:45]The list of streamers with low viewership is never-ending, making it difficult for smaller streamers to stand out.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[42:38 - 42:56]There is a lot of competition on Twitch, with thousands of streamers on popular games

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[44:03 - 46:21]They mention popular vlogger Casey Neistat and his daily vlogs

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[44:09 - 44:42]Person compares situation to high school drama

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[45:28 - 47:02]They mention popular vlogger Casey Neistat and his daily vlogs

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[46:44 - 48:59]They discuss the different skill sets required for YouTube vlogging and streaming

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[47:27 - 48:42]Person reflects on their own privileged status as a streamer

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[48:22 - 49:17]They discuss the potential of crossover between top streamers and top vloggers

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[49:17 - 51:20]They mention PewDiePie's partnership with a new crypto-powered streaming website

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[49:23 - 49:56]They mention popular vlogger Casey Neistat and his daily vlogs

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[49:56 - 51:40]They mention a potential million dollar deal for a rotated tweet

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[51:40 - 53:10]Person reflects on their own privileged status as a streamer

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[51:49 - 54:11]They discuss the controversy surrounding G2A and Temmie's worth being a billion dollars.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[52:16 - 54:18]They mention a potential million dollar deal for a rotated tweet

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[53:46 - 54:40]Person compares situation to high school drama

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[54:54 - 55:42]They discuss the controversy surrounding G2A and Temmie's worth being a billion dollars.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[56:01 - 56:06]The conversation ends with the speaker imagining the actress as an animal.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[56:01 - 57:30]Person compares situation to high school drama

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[56:07 - 57:07]They mention trying to replace a dog and getting a trainer to teach the replacement the same tricks.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[57:31 - 1.00:38]The conversation then shifts to Star Wars and the upcoming movie.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[57:39 - 59:23]The speaker discusses the idea of replacing a loved one with a lookalike and how they would notice.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[57:44 - 1.00:19]The conversation turns to the topic of government control and surveillance, particularly in Russia and China.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[59:58 - 1.00:59]The conversation then shifts to Star Wars and the upcoming movie.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.00:59 - 1.02:54]The speaker discusses the idea of replacing a loved one with a lookalike and how they would notice.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.01:12 - 1.02:42]The speaker mentions being replaced and how it could explain their kinder behavior.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.02:28 - 1.06:08]They discuss the recent comeback of the K-pop group Black Pink and their mixed opinions on the new song.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.03:44 - 1.08:53]The speaker discusses the idea of replacing a loved one with a lookalike and how they would notice.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.07:36 - 1.11:50]They briefly mention Detective Pikachu and how it would reproduce.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.11:22 - 1.14:38]The conversation then shifts to Star Wars and the upcoming movie.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.13:35 - 1.15:21]The conversation ends with the speaker imagining the actress as an animal.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.14:38 - 1.15:21]The speaker asks if the listener knows about the sci-fi show Andromeda to test their nerd knowledge.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.15:30 - 1.16:42]The speaker remembers a show called Goosebumps and talks about how they got goosebumps from reading the books.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.16:05 - 1.17:33]The conversation shifts to other books, including Magic School Bus, Boxcar Children, and Red Wall.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.16:56 - 1.20:11]The speaker remembers a show called Goosebumps and talks about how they got goosebumps from reading the books.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.17:33 - 1.18:47]They discuss how people don't read much anymore and mention Garfield and Snoopy as examples.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.18:18 - 1.19:03]The conversation shifts to other books, including Magic School Bus, Boxcar Children, and Red Wall.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.19:03 - 1.20:01]The conversation turns to cartoons and they mention Dexter's Lab, Sonic the Hedgehog, Jackie Chan Adventures, and Kim Possible.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.19:27 - 1.21:41]The speaker remembers other cartoons like Totally Spies, I Carly, and Hannah Montana.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.20:14 - 1.21:28]The speaker remembers a show called Goosebumps and talks about how they got goosebumps from reading the books.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.21:06 - 1.22:29]They mention that the original Power Rangers theme song was played by Buckethead and discuss the show's diversity.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.22:30 - 1.23:14]The conversation turns to Club Penguin and other cartoons like Dragon Tales, Gargoyles, and Mummy Alive.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.22:38 - 1.23:48]The speaker remembers other cartoons like Totally Spies, I Carly, and Hannah Montana.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.24:04 - 1.26:00]They mention Neopets and Tomogachi and how they were ahead of their time.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.25:12 - 1.25:18]The speaker mentions that they are no longer allowed to play video games and thanks someone named Lily.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.25:18 - 1.27:05]The conversation turns to Club Penguin and other cartoons like Dragon Tales, Gargoyles, and Mummy Alive.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.26:01 - 1.26:55]They then discuss a promo image for a show that one of them was disappointed in.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.26:08 - 1.29:02]The speaker discusses the newer versions of some of the shows and mentions shows like Beyblade and Gumball.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.26:37 - 1.26:55]The conversation turns to Club Penguin and other cartoons like Dragon Tales, Gargoyles, and Mummy Alive.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.26:55 - 1.29:02]They bring up old TV shows from the 90s and discuss their memories and experiences with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.27:24 - 1.27:34]The speaker discusses the newer versions of some of the shows and mentions shows like Beyblade and Gumball.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.28:16 - 1.29:44]The speaker remembers other cartoons like Totally Spies, I Carly, and Hannah Montana.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.28:16 - 1.29:44]They then discuss a promo image for a show that one of them was disappointed in.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.29:02 - 1.30:13]The conversation ends with a mention of Pinky and the Brain and All That, a kid-friendly version of SNL.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.29:44 - 1.29:51]They mention the darker themes in shows like Teen Titans and Courage the Cowardly Dog.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.29:44 - 1.30:13]They bring up old TV shows from the 90s and discuss their memories and experiences with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.29:52 - 1.31:54]One person shares a story about accidentally drinking someone else's soda as a child.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.30:48 - 1.32:42]They discuss different lunch options and the pressures of fitting in in school.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.32:43 - 1.36:08]They briefly touch on the topic of teaching children about racism.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.35:05 - 1.35:49]They bring up old TV shows from the 90s and discuss their memories and experiences with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.36:08 - 1.38:42]They mention upcoming events and plans, including a concert and daily vlogs.

A youtube thumbnail wor THE DECLINE OF IMAQTPIE | OfflineTV Podcast EP 10 ft DisguisedToast, Scarra, Lily & Xell

[1.37:05 - 1.38:52]They joke about the common last name "Kim" in Korea and its origins.