

Youtube profile pic for We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[03:13 - 03:35] The conversation is about the top ranked manga on My Anime List.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[07:56 - 08:09]The top ranked manga is "Berserk" with an average score of 9.47.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[07:56 - 08:09]There is more of a consensus among manga readers on the top rated manga compared to the anime community.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[07:56 - 08:09]The manga community is more likely to agree on the top rated manga.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[07:56 - 08:09]Manga readers generally have better taste.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[07:56 - 08:09]The conversation also touches on the formula used to rank manga on My Anime List.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[07:56 - 08:09]The formula takes into account both the number of users who have added the manga to their list and the weighted score.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[07:56 - 08:09]The weighted score is used to balance out scores for shows that are less popular.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[08:16 - 08:27]The conversation ends with a discussion on the differences between the manga and anime communities.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[08:16 - 08:27]Manga readers are more likely to have a consensus on the top rated manga compared to anime viewers.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[00:00 - 08:27]The conversation is about the top ranked manga on My Anime List, with a focus on the number one ranked manga "Berserk." The conversation also touches on the formula used to rank manga on the site and the differences between the manga and anime communities, with the general consensus being that manga readers have better taste and are more likely to agree on the top rated manga.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[08:49 - 08:58] Discussion about the top six manga of all time

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[09:08 - 09:26]Surprise at Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 7 being universally agreed upon as the second best manga

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[09:08 - 09:26]Speculation on the popularity of Part 7 and its impact on the Jojo series

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[10:20 - 10:32]The experience of reading manga and the commitment it requires

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[10:20 - 10:32]Reading Berserk and the feeling of experiencing it in its original form

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[11:20 - 11:29]The difficulty of adapting Berserk in the current industry standards

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[14:32 - 14:40]Possibility of a marketable Berserk plush mascot leading to an anime adaptation

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[15:34 - 15:45]Suggestion for a Dark Souls style game set in the Berserk world

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[15:34 - 15:45]Debate on whether the focus should be on the story or the world building in a Berserk game

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[08:27 - 16:29]Discussion about the top six manga of all time and surprise at Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 7 being universally agreed upon as the second best. Speculation on its popularity, the commitment of reading manga, and the difficulty of adapting Berserk. Possibility of a marketable plush mascot and suggestion for a game set in the Berserk world.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[16:29 - 16:48]Discussion about whether Alden Ring would be better with Berserk monster designs or just a DLC

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[20:17 - 20:32]Berserk is universally praised and considered one of the greatest manga of all time

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[21:05 - 21:10]Discussion of the art and storytelling in Steel Ball Run and Vagabond

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[21:10 - 21:18]Steel Ball Run is also highly praised and considered one of the best manga of all time

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[22:35 - 23:16]Comparison of Dio from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure to other villains in manga

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[22:35 - 23:16]Vagabond is similar to Berserk and Vinland Saga in its themes and storytelling

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[24:02 - 24:14]The importance of vibes in a manga's success

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[24:14 - 24:21]The idea that a story doesn't always need to have a good ending, as long as the vibes are good

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[24:34 - 24:57]Tenon and its controversial reception

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[16:29 - 24:57]The comprehensive summary is that the group discusses the success and impact of Berserk and other popular manga, including Steel Ball Run and Vagabond, and the importance of vibes in a story's success. They also touch on the controversial reception of Tenon.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[26:31 - 27:01]Discussion about the concept of "vibes" and its relation to manga and anime

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[30:13 - 30:22]Mention of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and its use of vibes

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[30:46 - 30:56]Mention of Vagabond's immaculate vibes and flawless atmosphere

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[31:26 - 31:44]Disagreement over whether One Piece's story or art style is more important to its success

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[32:09 - 32:32]Disagreement over whether "vibes" are subjective or quantifiable

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[33:06 - 33:31]Argument that manga doesn't always need a concrete storyline or good characters, but needs a good vibe

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[33:06 - 33:31]Discussion about One Piece and its lack of "vibes" but still being a great story

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[33:06 - 33:31]Suggestion that the adventure in One Piece may be considered a vibe

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[24:57 - 33:31]Conclusion that "vibe" is a subjective concept and One Piece may be a vibe for some people, but not for others

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[35:23 - 35:37] The group discusses the concept of a vibe and its importance in media, specifically in the anime One Piece.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[37:11 - 37:24]They also discuss the definition of art and whether it can exist without humans.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[39:26 - 39:56]The discussion leads to the ranking of the anime Monster as number five on their list.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[39:26 - 39:56]The group agrees that Monster is a great anime with a strong vibe.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[39:26 - 39:56]This leads to a discussion about the insufferable nature of manga readers.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[41:34 - 41:47]They also mention that there is often discourse and debate surrounding Monster.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[41:34 - 41:47]They ultimately agree that Monster is a great anime with a strong vibe.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[33:31 - 41:47]Overall, the group agrees that Monster is a great anime with a strong vibe, despite any discourse or debate surrounding it.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[41:47 - 41:53]"no i can explain it"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[43:45 - 43:50]"there's no other unit"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[46:13 - 46:20]"been here what is the water probably a long time"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[46:13 - 46:20]"why did you drink the water"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[46:13 - 46:20]"you have water right there"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[46:13 - 46:20]"that's like what did the cockroach fed on it"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[47:09 - 47:16]"oh like weeks this tasted funny"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[47:16 - 47:27]"why would you drink i thought i don't know"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[47:27 - 47:32]"that's like a couple of week old stagnant water bro"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[47:32 - 47:37]"oh i don't fucking say that"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[47:32 - 47:37]"we why would you drink i honestly wasn't thinking"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[48:34 - 48:43]"you weren't thinking god you couldn't comprehend it"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[48:34 - 48:43]"you have a giant giant thing of water i wasn't thinking"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[48:43 - 48:49]"i was going to steal water it was thirsty"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[48:43 - 48:49]"we were deep in discussion i had a cup in my hand"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[48:49 - 48:57]"okay that's what you said when you were talking about the vibes too"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[48:57 - 49:12]"what if you told me there was a like a 18 year old German asshole"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[49:12 - 49:19]"monster's great yo hand on paper not scary"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[49:19 - 49:25]"okay you never thank god that's why these episodes suck"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[49:25 - 49:41]"because you never think god i'm gonna maybe i'm thinking to a fucking wall here"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[49:48 - 49:55]"and i'm going to track you down and make your life hell i'd be like all right okay all right is he jumping nobody's going"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[49:48 - 49:55]"oh my god"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[49:48 - 49:55]"no it's one of my favorite anime of all time"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[49:48 - 49:55]"yeah uh i've never heard the manga though"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[49:55 - 50:01]"yeah so uh really swag monster is swag"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[49:55 - 50:01]"the i heard the anime was very faithful"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[49:55 - 50:01]"oh yeah it's one of the few times where i think the anime is honestly on par with the manga"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:01 - 50:15]"i don't know why this is here"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:01 - 50:15]"how does it hold up to the anime"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:01 - 50:15]"um you feel like it's normally the manga is always usually one is better than the showy of course"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:01 - 50:15]"no no i'm not even saying that usually it's one of the other usually it's like people are just like yeah"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:01 - 50:15]"manga's way better or anime's way better right because there's there's the examples of both but in the case of monster honestly i would say it's like pretty on par jerry's capping"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"yeah like i'd be like on paper like you mean tomorrow i'd win like if i heard like an 18 year old kick out"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"because every time i talk to you joey you're like the money was better"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"i i've i mean to be fair they made what 70 episodes out of 18 volume"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"yeah i mean look honestly like 90% of the time yes the manga is better"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"but all right there are instances where the anime is infinitely better"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"yeah yeah lucky star or cayon the anime was way fucking better than the manga"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"you can't just say lucky star the manga was shit that doesn't count"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:15 - 50:28]"they're they're like four coma mongers joey of course the anime is gonna be better again that's why i said the 10%"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[41:47 - 50:28]"The group also talks about

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[55:44 - 56:03]Discussion about manga and anime adaptations

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[57:33 - 57:48]Comparison between 20th century boys and Kaiwai Summer

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[57:33 - 57:48]Mention of a popular manga, Azumanga Dia

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[57:33 - 57:48]Discussion about why 20th century boys is popular with no anime adaptation

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[57:33 - 57:48]Recommendation to read Yotsuba for learning Japanese

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[57:33 - 57:48]Mention of GTO as a popular manga

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[58:38 - 58:51]Mention of Umineko no Naku Koro ni as being created by the same author as Higurashi

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[58:38 - 58:51]Mention of Haikyu as a popular and great manga

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[58:38 - 58:51]Some disagreement about Haikyu's popularity

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[58:38 - 58:51]Announcement of moving on to discussing the most popular manga

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[58:38 - 58:51]Shock at seeing Berserk as the most popular manga

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[58:38 - 58:51]Mention of Chainsaw Man's recent success and popularity

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[58:38 - 58:51]Discussion about Sololeveling's popularity and whether it is due to the anime adaptation or not

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[58:38 - 58:51]Mention of Solar Leveling being popular in the manwa world

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[58:38 - 58:51]Discussion about the recent anime adaptation of Solar Leveling and its impact on its popularity

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[58:38 - 58:51]Mention of Sailor Leveling's mixed reviews and filler episode

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[50:28 - 58:51]Final statement that the anime adaptation has definitely helped increase Solar Leveling's popularity

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[58:51 - 59:02]Discussion about the anime "Solo Leveling" and its controversial recap episode

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[1.03:57 - 1.04:06]Mention of the manga "Berserk" and "Grandpa Gon"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[1.04:53 - 1.05:08]Comparison to other popular manga such as "One Punch Man" and "My Hero Academia"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[1.05:47 - 1.06:00]Reflection on the increasing popularity of manga in the anime community

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[1.05:47 - 1.06:00]Current success in making manga-related content due to a dedicated fan base

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[1.06:08 - 1.06:25]Personal mission to bring attention to lesser known manga series

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[1.06:25 - 1.06:48]Hypothetical scenario of a successful "Manga Man" instead of "Anime Man"

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[1.06:48 - 1.06:57]Difficulty of gaining views for manga-related content in the past

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[1.07:02 - 1.07:17]Difficulty of making visually interesting manga-related content in the past

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[1.07:17 - 1.07:35]Current ability to comfortably discuss unknown manga and still gain views

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[58:51 - 1.07:47]Final thoughts on the increasing popularity of manga and its impact on the anime community Overall, the speaker discusses the controversial "Solo Leveling" recap episode, compares it to other popular manga, and reflects on the growing popularity of manga in the anime community. They also mention their personal mission to bring attention to lesser known manga and the challenges they faced in gaining views for manga-related content in the past. They also speculate on the success of a "Manga Man" instead of "Anime Man" and the current ability to comfortably discuss unknown manga and still gain views. The speaker concludes with their final thoughts on the increasing popularity of manga and its impact on the anime community.

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[1.07:47 - 1.08:00] The speaker discusses how manga videos on YouTube only get views if they feature popular series like Naruto, One Piece, or Bleach.

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[1.08:13 - 1.08:24]They mention the popularity of the manga Death Note and Vagabond.

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[1.08:49 - 1.08:59]The speaker mentions that the manga Promise Neverland was popular in Japan and had a large fan base, but the anime adaptation was a disappointment.

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[1.12:27 - 1.12:40]They talk about the success of Spy Family and its creator's lack of attachment to the characters.

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[1.12:47 - 1.13:06]The speaker expresses their dislike for Spy Family and its focus on a character named Anya.

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[1.15:16 - 1.15:29]They mention Anya's role as a "minion" and her lack of development.

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[1.16:05 - 1.16:37]The speaker discusses an arc in season two where Anya kills a hundred people.

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[1.16:05 - 1.16:37]They mention the introduction of the main character's brother being in love with Anya.

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[1.16:05 - 1.16:37]The speaker admits to losing interest in the series at this point.

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[1.07:47 - 1.16:37]The speaker discusses various popular manga series and their adaptations, as well as their dislike for the series Spy Family and its characters. They mention specific plot points and express their negative opinions towards the series.

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[1.17:59 - 1.18:20]Discussion about the popularity and ranking of various mangas on a list from MAL

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[1.18:30 - 1.18:35]Comparison of popularity between mangas and animes, with anime being more popular overall

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[1.22:06 - 1.22:13]Disagreement about the placement of certain mangas, such as Auremas and Komisana

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[1.22:40 - 1.23:07]Mention of manga Uzumaki being highly revered

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[1.23:22 - 1.23:32]Discussion of popular waifu wars in manga Nisekoi

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[1.24:32 - 1.24:38]Shock at revelation of incest in manga Oshi no Ko

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[1.25:04 - 1.25:15]Mention of trolling behavior from author Akasaka

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[1.16:37 - 1.25:21]Overall, the group is discussing and debating various rankings and popularities of different mangas on the list.

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[1.25:21 - 1.25:29]The speaker discusses their dislike for a TV show and how they were flamed for their opinion.

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[1.25:47 - 1.25:52]They mention a character's strange obsession with their mother in the show.

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[1.26:20 - 1.26:27]The speaker talks about the popularity and cult following of the manga Solita.

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[1.30:27 - 1.30:39]They discuss the representation of shoujo manga and its underrepresentation in the anime and manga community.

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[1.33:25 - 1.33:34]The speaker mentions the top selling manga in Japan and their personal experience with a popular sports manga.

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[1.33:39 - 1.33:45]The speaker reflects on their realization that they would rather watch real football than read about it in a manga.

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[1.25:21 - 1.33:45]Overall, the speaker believes that there are many amazing shoujo manga and anime that deserve more recognition.

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[1.34:08 - 1.34:24]The speaker and host discuss the popularity of the manga "Blue Lock" in Japan and its lack of popularity in the West.

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[1.34:47 - 1.35:07]They also discuss the large number of characters introduced in the beginning of the manga and how it can be overwhelming for readers.

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[1.35:44 - 1.36:01]They also briefly mention the lack of popularity for "God of High School" in Japan compared to its popularity in the West.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

[1.36:32 - 1.36:38]The speaker mentions that "Blue Lock" has a large female fan base in Japan.

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[1.36:44 - 1.36:50]The host brings up the website "My Anime List" and its popularity in 2015-2016.

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[1.40:18 - 1.40:35]They discuss the ranking of best-selling manga of all time, with "One Piece" being at the top.

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[1.40:42 - 1.40:54]They mention the long-running manga series "Kochikame" and "Golgo 13."

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[1.41:49 - 1.41:56]The discussion moves on to the popularity of "Demon Slayer" and "Attack on Titan."

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[1.41:49 - 1.41:56]The host points out that "Demon Slayer" was released in 2016, making it one of the newest manga on the list.

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[1.42:17 - 1.42:25]The speaker mentions that they were not part of the online discourse for manga before 2015.

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[1.33:45 - 1.42:25]The speakers discuss the popularity and ranking of various manga, including "Blue Lock," "God of High School," "My Anime List," and "One Piece." They also mention the overwhelming number of characters in "Blue Lock" and the lack of popularity for certain manga, such as "Demon Slayer," in Japan. Overall, the discussion centers on the differences in popularity and reception of manga in Japan and the West.

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[1.43:10 - 1.43:30] The speakers discuss the style of manga and whether it looks dated.

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[1.44:32 - 1.44:50]They mention that Jojo has recently gained popularity due to the anime adaptation.

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[1.45:33 - 1.45:40]They touch on the idea of manga as art and the freedom of storytelling in manga.

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[1.45:48 - 1.45:58]One speaker mentions that they still read manga, but not as much as before.

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[1.46:10 - 1.46:21]They discuss the process of finding new manga and identifying potential popular series.

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[1.46:41 - 1.46:51]They also mention other popular manga such as Demon Slayer and Attack on Titan.

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[1.47:36 - 1.47:45]They briefly mention their Patreon and a bonus video for patrons.

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[1.49:13 - 1.49:18]They end with a joke about frying their brains with all the art talk.

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[1.42:25 - 1.49:18]The speakers discuss the style and popularity of manga, mentioning specific series such as Jojo, Demon Slayer, and Attack on Titan. They also touch on their personal manga reading habits and the process of finding new manga. They briefly touch on the idea of manga as art and end with a joke about their brains being fried from discussing it.