

Youtube profile pic for BEST OF SuperMegaCast: 110 - 114

BEST OF SuperMegaCast: 110 - 114

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[00:06 - 00:14]The speaker discusses the popularity of a documentary on YouTube called "The Mind of Jake Paul"

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[00:14 - 00:32]The speaker expresses their disinterest in the documentary and makes a joke about not caring about it

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[01:18 - 01:23]They then discuss the hospitalization of rapper Lil Xan due to an overdose on Hot Cheetos

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[01:36 - 01:57]The speaker is unfamiliar with Lil Xan and his music, but knows he quit using Xanax after fellow rapper Lil Peep's death

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[01:57 - 02:08]They warn about the dangers of Xanax and discuss the difficulty of overdosing on marijuana

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[03:22 - 03:33]The speaker then transitions to discussing Bill Cosby's imprisonment and their conflicted feelings about seeing an old man go to jail for rape

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[04:08 - 04:21]They mention a fictional animated film idea about a man trying to quit smoking by vaping, but facing ridicule from his friends

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[04:27 - 04:33]The speaker then jokes about the term "vapists" and discusses their own recent purchase of a vape to help quit smoking

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[05:18 - 05:30]They briefly mention the possibility of losing subscribers for discussing vaping

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[05:55 - 06:04]The speaker and their co-host then joke about carrying each other, with the speaker eventually carrying their co-host on their back

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[00:06 - 06:41]The speaker discusses various topics including a popular YouTube documentary, the hospitalization of rapper Lil Xan, the imprisonment of Bill Cosby, and their own experiences with smoking and vaping.

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[06:47 - 06:54]Ryan carries someone on his back like a horse

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[07:56 - 08:01]They were driving and hit a curb, damaging the car

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[09:19 - 09:27]Ryan apologizes for a previous incorrect statement

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[11:14 - 11:19]They play a game comparing cultures, with Hawaii eventually winning

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[11:26 - 11:33]Matt prefers Hawaii over Japan

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[06:41 - 14:02]Ryan carries someone on his back, they hit a curb while driving, Ryan apologizes for a previous statement, and they play a game comparing cultures with Hawaii being the winner.

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[14:02 - 14:08]A person talks about not being able to go back to Japan after a grease fire

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[17:50 - 17:56]They mention going to Hawaii instead

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[17:50 - 17:56]They mention a past incident where they accidentally threw the knife into their dad's neck

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[17:50 - 17:56]The other person asks if their dad is still around and they say no

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[17:50 - 17:56]The first person mentions getting in trouble with the police for the incident

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[17:50 - 17:56]They talk about another embarrassing incident involving their dad and a hippo at the zoo

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[18:55 - 19:01]They discuss being good at throwing a pocket knife into a tree

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[18:55 - 19:01]The person's dad taught them how to do it and they were good at it

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[19:01 - 19:08]They mention taking a stroll to a gas station and encountering a woman with tribal facial tattoos

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[19:08 - 19:18]The second person mentions the first person farting and having to leave the recording room

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[19:40 - 19:47]They mention an ad read and the possibility of spitting water on each other as self-defense

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[19:40 - 19:47]The woman asks for help with a microwave and the person mentions a past incident with her blowing a snot rocket

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[19:40 - 19:47]They discuss the difficulty of blowing a snot rocket and a hypothetical situation of doing it on stage

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[20:07 - 20:13]The first person apologizes for bringing it up and asks for it to be cut from the podcast

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[20:07 - 20:13]They apologize for the immature humor and continue with the podcast

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[20:07 - 20:13]The first person says the story is not that great and the second person agrees

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[20:14 - 20:21]The second person mentions a story involving chugging half a bottle of Jack Daniels and eating cheese while upset

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[14:02 - 20:53]Two people discuss various topics including a grease fire in Japan, throwing a pocket knife into a tree, a past incident involving the first person accidentally throwing the knife into their dad's neck, and another embarrassing incident involving their dad and a hippo at the zoo. They also mention a woman with tribal facial tattoos at a gas station and a story about chugging Jack Daniels and eating cheese while upset.

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[20:53 - 21:02] The narrator talks about his love for cheese and a roommate who also loves cheese

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[22:02 - 22:08]He tells a story about eating a block of cheese like a candy bar while drunk, then throwing up and falling asleep in his own vomit

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[25:45 - 25:50]The narrator and his friends joke about giving bad dating advice, with one saying to be persistent and mean while the other advises being respectful of rejection

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[25:50 - 25:59]The group discusses the dangers of toxic masculinity and the importance of respecting boundaries

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[26:53 - 27:00]They receive a letter from someone who has killed three women they were attracted to and is worried about their current crush rejecting them

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[20:53 - 27:37]The narrator talks about his love for cheese and tells a story about getting drunk and eating a block of cheese, throwing up, and falling asleep in his own vomit. He and his friends joke about giving bad dating advice, but receive a serious letter from someone who has killed three women they were attracted to and is worried about their current crush rejecting them. The group discusses the dangers of toxic masculinity and the narrator steps in to give genuine advice.

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[27:37 - 27:46]Well, well, you did is Tim, but it might not be the right.

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[28:42 - 28:49]I don't think that's a good idea.

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[29:06 - 29:14]Personally, I wouldn't kill a woman.

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[30:39 - 30:44]We just need to look at both sides.

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[32:48 - 32:53]Ross got very drunk after a show and ate mac and cheese off the sidewalk.

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[33:12 - 33:17]It's an illusion.

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[33:17 - 33:23]You would allow such a big government to, you know, set up boundaries and control.

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[33:17 - 33:23]What happens when government comes to your front door and there's a mandatory woman buyback?

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[33:23 - 33:28]Who defines the police and the government?

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[33:50 - 33:57]Matt and Ryan found out their penises were not as big as they thought.

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[33:50 - 33:57]A Halloween story about Ryan's trick-or-treating adventure.

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[34:33 - 34:45]Technically, I control them because I have the voting power.

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[34:33 - 34:45]In freshman year of high school, Ryan hung out with a friend group where two friends had a falling out and Ryan filled in the puzzle piece for one of them.

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[27:37 - 35:00]The audio covers various discussions and stories including questioning authority, the illusion of control, a Halloween story, and a personal anecdote about finding out their penises were not as big as they thought.

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[35:42 - 35:50]Narrator is invited to go trick-or-treating with a group that includes a girl they have a crush on

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[36:33 - 36:40]Narrator's friend encourages them to pursue the girl

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[36:33 - 36:40]The group consists of the girl, her friend, two friends who hate each other, and the narrator

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[36:33 - 36:40]Narrator tries to talk to the girl and they hit it off, but then the friend who encouraged them kisses the girl

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[37:08 - 37:19]The group was actually a double date and the narrator was left alone walking behind the couples

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[38:03 - 38:08]The narrator's friend is the same person who introduced them to Smosh and YouTube

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[39:12 - 39:19]The narrator fears retaliation from other YouTubers, specifically Matt Pat

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[41:23 - 41:30]Narrator's unfortunate experience on Halloween leads to a loss of self-esteem

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[41:47 - 41:55]The narrator and their friend jokingly threaten each other with violence

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[42:04 - 42:10]The podcast ends with a joke about Terry Crews starring in a Madea movie

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[35:02 - 42:32]Narrator's Halloween takes a turn for the worse when they try to pursue a crush and end up alone on a double date with their friend, who also introduced them to YouTube and Smosh. Jokes are made about retaliation from other YouTubers and a potential Madea movie starring Terry Crews.