

Youtube profile pic for A Very Special Fear& Christmas

A Very Special Fear& Christmas

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[00:14 - 02:33]The speaker then reveals that they have bought Christmas presents for their co-hosts and they exchange gifts.

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[02:33 - 04:34]One of the speakers mentions that they have strict parents but have learned to become more independent through their experiences.

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[04:12 - 05:38]They discuss their family backgrounds and socio-economic status, with some growing up rich and others growing up poor.

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[04:46 - 05:31]One of the speakers talks about being bullied in school for being rich and shares a story about a classmate who tried to harm them with a knife.

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[06:11 - 07:22]One of the speakers mentions that they have strict parents but have learned to become more independent through their experiences.

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[06:31 - 09:00]They also mention the Turkish president's controversial comment about his opponent being gay and winning the election because of it.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[07:02 - 09:13]One of the speakers talks about being bullied in school for being rich and shares a story about a classmate who tried to harm them with a knife.

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[09:06 - 10:43]The speaker shares a story about their past struggles with needing a handler and being restricted in their movements

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[09:13 - 10:43]One of the speakers mentions that they have strict parents but have learned to become more independent through their experiences.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[09:54 - 11:21]They express their love for public transportation, specifically buses, as it represented freedom for them

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[11:22 - 13:47]There is mention of wanting to be a bus driver as a child and potentially becoming an airline pilot in the future

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[13:02 - 14:14]The speaker discusses their potential run for president

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[13:11 - 15:45]They discuss a viral video of a woman expressing anger over migrants being on her flight, the speaker calls out her racism and lack of understanding of the purpose of international airports

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[15:28 - 17:06]The speaker's guest expresses admiration for their financial success and willingness to pay taxes

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[15:45 - 16:21]They discuss a viral video of a woman expressing anger over migrants being on her flight, the speaker calls out her racism and lack of understanding of the purpose of international airports

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[16:53 - 17:38]The speaker's guest expresses admiration for their financial success and willingness to pay taxes

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[17:38 - 19:19]The topic shifts to the speaker's taxes and their priorities in life

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[19:19 - 21:47]The speaker talks about feeling financially secure and comfortable when they no longer have to worry about small purchases like Uber rides and Chipotle.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[19:30 - 20:27]The speaker reflects on their experience with getting backlash for rating Cutie Cinderella and comments on their co-host's opinions.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[19:30 - 21:09]They joke about being a presidential candidate and implementing pizza Friday in the White House.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[19:39 - 20:56]The speaker discusses their potential run for president

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[20:05 - 23:11]They mention that when you don't have a lot of money, there is a constant mental burden of calculating expenses and worrying about financial stability.

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[22:46 - 23:02]The speaker talks about a study that shows a correlation between $75,000 and happiness, but beyond that, money does not significantly increase happiness.

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[23:11 - 24:15]The speaker shares their own experience of using food stamps and feeling grateful for the support.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[24:16 - 25:29]They mention that this is when they realized they had "made it" financially.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[25:30 - 27:57]The speaker shares their own experience of using food stamps and feeling grateful for the support.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[25:46 - 27:12]They mention that rich people don't feel ashamed to receive government assistance, while there is a stigma for poor people.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[27:40 - 31:27]The speaker reflects on the impact of coming from a privileged background and then experiencing financial struggles.

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[27:45 - 28:44]They give a tip for finding discounted food through the "manager special" section at grocery stores.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[28:21 - 28:50]They mention that this is when they realized they had "made it" financially.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[28:50 - 31:15]The speaker reflects on their experience with getting backlash for rating Cutie Cinderella and comments on their co-host's opinions.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[28:56 - 31:09]They mention their natural esthetician and how she talks about the podcast with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[29:03 - 31:50]The conversation then shifts to discussing a woman in her 70s who watches the podcast and is mentioned in a previous episode.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[29:11 - 30:10]The discussion then shifts to someone being two-faced and bad, with someone else defending them.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[31:09 - 32:09]The conversation then turns to discussing the difficulties of being a woman and the accused expressing admiration for women.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[31:15 - 32:09]The speaker reflects on their experience with getting backlash for rating Cutie Cinderella and comments on their co-host's opinions.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[31:57 - 34:53]The accused denies only targeting one person and the conversation shifts to discussing a previous incident where someone was cut off while speaking.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[32:09 - 32:42]The speaker reflects on the impact of coming from a privileged background and then experiencing financial struggles.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[32:42 - 33:01]They mention that this is when they realized they had "made it" financially.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[32:49 - 33:58]The conversation then turns to discussing the difficulties of being a woman and the accused expressing admiration for women.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[34:15 - 35:45]The conversation starts with an accusation of sexism being made against someone, with the accused admitting to being aware of their actions.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[34:53 - 37:18]The conversation then shifts to discussing a previous incident where the accused was on their phone during someone's performance.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[35:18 - 37:38]The discussion then shifts to someone being two-faced and bad, with someone else defending them.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[36:06 - 37:12]The conversation then shifts to discussing a previous incident where the accused was on their phone during someone's performance.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[37:38 - 39:22]The accused is accused of being the problem and the discussion turns to the accused's habits of talking about certain topics repeatedly.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[38:45 - 40:46]A suggestion is made to start a "dick jar" to discourage the accused from talking about certain topics.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[40:23 - 41:29]The conversation then shifts to discussing a previous incident where the accused was on their phone during someone's performance.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[41:29 - 43:54]The conversation then turns to discussing someone's comments about Sarah Palin and whether they exclusively criticize a particular person.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[41:49 - 42:25]The accused then brings up a skin disorder they have and mentions that the others have never noticed it before.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[42:25 - 43:02]The conversation then turns to discussing someone's comments about Sarah Palin and whether they exclusively criticize a particular person.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[43:04 - 44:35]The accused admits to being impressed that the woman watches the podcast and mentions trying to give her a shout out.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[43:37 - 44:42]The accused then brings up a skin disorder they have and mentions that the others have never noticed it before.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[44:26 - 46:16]The speaker mentions making changes to not talk about dicks and to stop saying things for shock value.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[44:42 - 46:38]The speaker's gripe with the other person is that they are too good at throwing to subjects the speaker cares about.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[45:22 - 46:30]The other person accuses the speaker of being homophobic and not appreciating them.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[46:38 - 46:57]The speaker's sister, who has five children, feels like she can never have a moment to herself.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[46:57 - 47:18]They agree to make changes and move on to discussing how often they each talk on the podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[47:18 - 47:26]The speaker's mother decorates their house and does not want the decorations taken down.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[47:27 - 47:49]They agree to make changes and move on to discussing how often they each talk on the podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[47:50 - 49:37]The speaker discusses feeling like they are less valued now.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[47:55 - 50:26]The speaker's mother does their laundry and helps with household tasks.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[50:26 - 51:40]The speaker's sister, who has five children, feels like she can never have a moment to herself.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[50:32 - 52:47]The speaker's mother does their laundry and helps with household tasks.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[51:03 - 52:41]The other person denies this and the speaker jokes about their dynamic.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[52:23 - 53:51]The speaker's mother does their laundry and helps with household tasks.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[53:00 - 53:38]The speaker's mother decorates their house and does not want the decorations taken down.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[53:51 - 54:12]The speaker mentions making changes to not talk about dicks and to stop saying things for shock value.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[53:58 - 55:36]The other person denies this and the speaker jokes about their dynamic.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[54:12 - 54:41]The other person cuts off the speaker and explains the female orgasm to them and another person.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[54:20 - 54:35]The other person denies this and the speaker jokes about their dynamic.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[54:41 - 54:53]The speaker's sister, who has five children, feels like she can never have a moment to herself.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[55:07 - 55:30]The speaker's gripe with the other person is that they like their dog and another person more.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[55:36 - 56:27]They discuss forgetting what they talked about after the podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[55:44 - 56:20]The speaker mentions realizing their own instability while watching themselves on the podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[56:00 - 56:27]The speaker mentions they are learning and growing as a person

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[56:27 - 57:33]They discuss the possibility of the speaker giving a blow job to the friend's father, but decide against it

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[56:34 - 57:51]The speaker discusses the popularity of Twinks in gay porn in 2023

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[57:51 - 1.00:52]The speaker's mother finds the speaker's friend attractive

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[57:57 - 58:17]The speaker and another person are discussing last minute Christmas shopping.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[58:17 - 58:35]The speaker and other person continue to argue over who is better liked by the other's mother.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[58:36 - 59:57]The speaker's father is brought up in the argument.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[59:20 - 1.00:33]The speaker tells a story about a woman on a flight who talked about him in front of him.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[1.00:33 - 1.01:48]The speaker is bad at gift giving, but good at financing activities.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[1.00:41 - 1.03:00]The speaker's mother gives the friend's father a coupon for Christmas

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[1.00:46 - 1.02:03]They are planning a trip to Italy, which the speaker will be paying for.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[1.01:00 - 1.02:53]The speaker is bad at gift giving, but good at financing activities.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[1.02:53 - 1.05:25]They discuss potential gifts for a person named "Cutie".

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[1.03:00 - 1.04:37]The speaker discusses a Samsung steamer that is popular.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[1.03:00 - 1.04:59]The speaker's mother finds the speaker's friend attractive

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[1.03:22 - 1.07:58]The speaker's mother gives the friend's father a coupon for Christmas

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[1.04:37 - 1.06:56]The speaker talks about getting tennis bracelets as gifts for women.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[1.05:05 - 1.05:31]The speaker and another person are discussing last minute Christmas shopping.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[1.06:02 - 1.06:35]The speaker talks about getting tennis bracelets as gifts for women.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[1.06:56 - 1.08:51]The speaker and another person argue about who is more favored by the other's mother.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[1.07:29 - 1.08:38]They discuss the possibility of the speaker giving a blow job to the friend's father, but decide against it

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[1.07:40 - 1.08:10]The speaker and other person continue to argue over who is better liked by the other's mother.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[1.08:10 - 1.08:59]The speaker and another person are discussing last minute Christmas shopping.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[1.08:28 - 1.08:38]They are planning a trip to Italy, which the speaker will be paying for.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[1.08:59 - 1.09:58]The speaker tells a story about a woman on a flight who talked about him in front of him.

A youtube thumbnail wor A Very Special Fear& Christmas

[1.09:40 - 1.10:14]The woman claimed to fly frequently, which angered the speaker.