

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 355: Prison Fans

SuperMegaCast - EP 355: Prison Fans

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[00:00 - 00:05]The episode is sponsored by PayPal Honey, which saves money when shopping online.

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[00:05 - 00:12]It only takes a few seconds to get PayPal Honey on your laptop or iPhone.

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[00:25 - 00:32]The hosts use PayPal Honey and it's easy.

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[00:25 - 00:32]Get PayPal Honey for free at slash megacast.

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[01:23 - 01:29]eBay now offers an authenticity guarantee for items.

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[02:13 - 02:19]They have taken breaks and tried different formats, but ultimately enjoy doing it.

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[02:51 - 02:59]The hosts have been doing the podcast for a while.

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[03:30 - 03:36]They have a lot of episodes and will continue to make more.

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[04:31 - 04:43]They discuss the upcoming collaboration between Sea of Thieves and Monkey Island.

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[05:45 - 05:57]The podcast is a staple of the channel and the hosts enjoy talking back and forth.

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[06:56 - 07:02]They question if pirates actually had monkeys as pets.

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[07:15 - 07:24]There is no definitive evidence that pirates commonly had monkeys as pets.

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[07:34 - 07:43]Pirates were more likely to have practical pets like cats, dogs, and birds for hunting and companionship.

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[07:43 - 07:57]The character trait of having a monkey as a pet is a standout for Barbosa in Pirates of the Caribbean.

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[00:00 - 07:57]The hosts discuss the sponsorship of PayPal Honey, their podcast history, and the upcoming collaboration between Sea of Thieves and Monkey Island, questioning if pirates actually had monkeys as pets. They also mention eBay's authenticity guarantee and their love for doing the podcast.

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[07:57 - 08:05]Jack wants a gorilla as a pirate

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[09:37 - 09:47]Discussion about parody movies and their low quality

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[09:48 - 09:55]Mention of "Hunger Games" parody movie

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[11:20 - 11:26]Discussion about director who did "Nymphomaniac" and "Antichrist"

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[13:40 - 13:46]Discussion about "Lilo and Stitch" live action remake

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[13:54 - 14:01]Discussion about possible backlash for live action "Lilo and Stitch"

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[14:16 - 14:23]Mention of possible "Moana" sequel

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[14:45 - 14:51]Discussion about Disney announcing "Frozen 3" and "Toy Story 6"

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[15:10 - 15:19]Opinions on "Toy Story 4" and its continuation of the story

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[15:52 - 15:57]Debate on whether the continuation hurts the longevity of the brand

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[07:57 - 15:57]Discussion about various movies and sequels, including a mention of a possible sequel to "Moana."

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[15:57 - 16:14]The original first two Toy Story movies are considered classics.

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[17:48 - 17:55]Continuing the Toy Story franchise with more movies may make the brand more stale and lose charm.

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[20:42 - 20:50]The fourth movie introduces a new purpose for the toys.

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[20:42 - 20:50]Cars was a big influence on the monetization of products based on movies.

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[20:56 - 21:02]The first two movies will always stand on their own.

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[20:56 - 21:02]The third movie could have been the end point of the original arc.

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[21:29 - 21:41]The rest of the movies seem to be more about marketability and making toys.

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[21:29 - 21:41]The second Cars movie was a disappointment and a realization of the focus on selling toys.

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[21:29 - 21:41]The Good Dinosaur was a forgettable Pixar movie.

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[22:49 - 22:54]The book "Old Yeller" is sad and made the reader cry.

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[22:54 - 23:01]The speaker had to read two books in fifth grade about dogs dying.

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[15:57 - 23:17]The overall impact of the Toy Story franchise may not be as impactful due to the focus on making more movies and selling toys.

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[23:17 - 23:35]The speaker discusses a movie called "Sounder" and how it focuses on the African American experience.

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[23:41 - 23:47]They share a personal connection to the movie, as they were obsessed with dog movies and books as a child.

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[24:36 - 24:49]The discussion turns to the genre of "dog death" movies, which includes Sounder and other films.

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[25:16 - 25:36]The movie has a scene where the father is wrongfully arrested and the mother bakes him a cake, but the police officer ruins it.

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[25:36 - 25:42]The speaker reflects on how this scene made them realize the negative impact of racism.

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[26:16 - 26:21]The speaker then transitions to talking about their sponsor,, and how it makes mailing and shipping easier.

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[27:56 - 28:02]They also mention their other sponsor, Honey, which helps find and apply discount codes while shopping online.

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[29:41 - 29:57]The speaker muses about the possibility of someone listening to this podcast in the future, and speculates that they will find it cringe.

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[30:26 - 30:45]The conversation ends with a discussion about not wanting to live to old age if it means being immobile and dependent on others.

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[30:26 - 30:45]The speaker shares a personal thought about not wanting to be like Jerry Atrepit.

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[30:26 - 30:45]The speaker discusses how their current lifestyle may not lead to a long life.

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[23:17 - 30:45]The speaker discusses a movie called "Sounder" and its connection to the African American experience, shares a personal anecdote, and transitions to talking about sponsors before reflecting on aging and the impact of their current lifestyle.

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[31:03 - 31:12]Discussion about assisted suicide for terminally ill and elderly individuals in pain.

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[31:44 - 31:53]Support for assisted suicide in certain cases.

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[31:53 - 32:04]Personal experiences with elderly individuals who were ready to die.

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[32:47 - 33:05]Thoughts on death and the fear of not experiencing anything.

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[34:29 - 34:37]Memories of delivering meals to elderly individuals and one woman who was ready to die.

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[37:25 - 37:33]Importance of allowing oneself to feel emotions and have a good cry.

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[38:00 - 38:08]Men not being allowed to express emotions.

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[30:46 - 38:14]Discussion about assisted suicide and personal experiences with elderly individuals who were ready to die, followed by thoughts on death and the importance of allowing oneself to feel emotions.

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[38:14 - 38:19]The speaker discusses crying as a way to release emotions in a private setting.

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[38:29 - 38:34]Men are often expected to suppress their emotions and only cry when their sports team loses.

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[38:34 - 38:43]The speaker finds it funny when grown men cry over their football team losing.

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[39:53 - 40:04]They mention that Republicans may have cried when gay marriage became legal.

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[40:04 - 40:16]The speaker suggests that this may be due to their relationships with their male lovers.

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[40:51 - 40:57]They mention two politicians from South Carolina, Tim Scott and Nikki Haley.

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[43:07 - 43:17]The speaker talks about various types of candy, including "pixie dust," which is a street name for a drug called 2C-B.

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[45:19 - 45:26]The speaker learns about the drug PCP and recalls a conversation with someone who casually advocated for its use.

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[45:19 - 45:26]The speaker finds it wild that someone would casually advocate for the use of PCP.

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[38:14 - 45:32]The speaker discusses various topics including crying, men's emotions, gay marriage, South Carolina politicians, candy, and drugs such as 2C-B and PCP.

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[50:47 - 50:54]The speaker is describing a movie called "Reality" with actress Sidney Sweeney

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[51:39 - 51:50]The movie is based on an FBI recording and tries to replicate the pacing and awkwardness

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[52:27 - 52:32]The speaker found the editing, with the characters disappearing and reappearing, obnoxious and hard to take seriously

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[52:27 - 52:32]The speaker ultimately did not think the movie was bad, but did not think it was successful in its execution

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[52:33 - 52:43]The movie is about a person leaking government documents and their interaction with the FBI

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[53:06 - 53:13]The movie gets avant garde and surreal at one point, which the speaker enjoyed

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[53:13 - 53:21]The first half of the movie is mostly focused on awkward and boring dialogue

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[53:21 - 53:27]Sidney Sweeney's performance was good, along with the rest of the actors

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[45:33 - 53:42]Overall, the speaker found the movie to be awkward and boring, with some avant garde moments, and good performances from the actors.

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[53:43 - 53:49] The speakers discuss a movie where the first half is focused on a dog and it made one of them uncomfortable

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[54:18 - 54:25]The movie is based on a true story about a woman named Reality Winner

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[54:18 - 54:25]Reality Winner leaked classified documents and was sentenced to five years in prison

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[56:09 - 56:17]They joke about how their podcast could be watched in prison and potentially change inmates' lives for the better

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[56:27 - 56:36]The speakers talk about how the prison system allows inmates to have access to technology like cell phones and computers

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[1.00:05 - 1.00:11]The speakers discuss a friend's Danny Phantom inspired original character named Danny Fantress

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[1.00:11 - 1.00:18]They mention a YouTuber named Randy Stair who did a mass shooting at a grocery store and documented it on his channel

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[1.01:34 - 1.01:43]They joke about their friend's lack of creativity and mention his obsession with pussy

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 355: Prison Fans

[53:43 - 1.01:48]The speakers discuss a movie based on a true story about Reality Winner, who leaked classified documents and served five years in prison. They joke about their podcast potentially being watched in prison and changing inmates' lives. They also mention a YouTuber who documented a mass shooting on his channel and joke about their friend's lack of creativity and obsession with pussy.

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[1.01:49 - 1.01:54]The speaker and others feel cheated by someone named Jim who ran a survival stream.

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[1.02:02 - 1.02:08]They were friends with Jim and would have donated a lot of money to support his future streams.

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[1.03:17 - 1.03:24]The speaker and others are promoting other streamers, Luke and Justin, who they believe are honest and active.

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[1.03:31 - 1.03:44]They also mention how Jim has treated their mutual friend Luke poorly, asking him to do things without compensation.

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[1.04:50 - 1.04:59]However, after Jim changed the rules of the stream and cut it off early, they no longer support him.

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[1.05:57 - 1.06:03]The speaker expresses anger and disappointment towards Jim and mentions the possibility of a class action lawsuit.

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[1.08:33 - 1.08:47]They promote their Patreon and a new show called Uncle Sleepover.

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[1.09:01 - 1.09:12]The speaker and others have been doing the podcast for over 300 episodes and express their love for each other.

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[1.09:17 - 1.09:23]The podcast ends with a request for their editor, Luke, to end the recording.

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[1.01:49 - 1.09:32]The overall summary is that the speaker and others feel cheated by their friend Jim, who broke promises and treated them and their friends unfairly. They are promoting other streamers and expressing their love for each other and their podcast.