

Youtube profile pic for The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

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[00:00 - 01:11]Person A is making fun of Person B for being small and bald.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[00:22 - 00:52]Person A talks about a person named Gary who always tells dad jokes.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[00:53 - 01:37]Person A and Person B discuss the possibility of battle rap becoming popular on Twitch.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[01:24 - 01:57]Person A talks about a person named Gary who always tells dad jokes.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[01:57 - 03:07]Person A and Person B discuss a Twitter account that is just funny content.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[02:03 - 03:02]Person A talks about a person named Gary who always tells dad jokes.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[03:08 - 03:24]Person A and Person B discuss the possibility of battle rap becoming popular on Twitch.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[03:25 - 03:41]Person A is making fun of Person B for being small and bald.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[03:41 - 05:24]Person A shares a tweet making fun of the CEO of G2 and Andrew Tate.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[03:49 - 05:09]Person A talks about a person named Gary who always tells dad jokes.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[04:15 - 05:34]Person A shares a tweet making fun of the CEO of G2 and Andrew Tate.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[05:34 - 06:20]Person A gets banned from Twitter for telling someone to "Minecraft" themselves.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[06:20 - 06:38]Person B needed something from Person A, but Person A did not give it to them.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[06:38 - 07:29]Person A and Person B discuss a fan account that Person A found.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[07:29 - 08:24]Person A and Person B discuss a Twitter account that is just funny content.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[08:00 - 08:49]Person A talks about a person named Gary who always tells dad jokes.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[08:49 - 09:54]The group discusses the appropriate term for referring to non-white people.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[09:43 - 11:19]Person A shares a joke about a man who fell off a ladder.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[09:54 - 10:41]The speaker discusses a joke they made about bisexual men not existing or being relevant.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[10:01 - 12:24]They mention another friend, Point Crew, and their easy-to-impress nature.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[10:28 - 11:02]The speaker and their friends discuss a joke made about Jesus.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[11:13 - 12:55]The speaker and their friends discuss the movie Austin Powers and compare it to their friend, Ludwig.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[13:04 - 13:14]The speaker discusses a joke they made about bisexual men not existing or being relevant.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[13:15 - 14:42]The speaker mentions a group chat where their friend, Prezzo, made a comment about someone being gay.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[13:32 - 14:15]They mention a friend, possibly named Aiden, and their struggles.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[13:48 - 15:28]The speaker mentions a group chat where their friend, Prezzo, made a comment about someone being gay.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[14:44 - 15:21]The speaker mentions a conversation with Clint Stevens at a tournament.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[15:29 - 17:49]The speaker mentions a League of Legends game where they beat their friend, Big A.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[15:48 - 16:17]They mention LilyPichu, a professional gamer, and her performance in the game.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[16:23 - 18:17]The tiebreaker for the tournament was based on who won the game the fastest, which they think is a flawed metric.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[16:36 - 17:16]They discuss a recent tournament where they beat another team and advanced.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[16:55 - 18:23]They briefly discuss Clint's behavior at the tournament.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[17:34 - 18:23]The speaker discusses the use of metrics in a league and suggests time action as the best metric.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[18:17 - 19:27]The speaker blames the game for negatively affecting their mental and physical health.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[18:23 - 20:41]The speaker mentions a League of Legends game where they beat their friend, Big A.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[18:23 - 21:04]The speaker talks about a leak from an ex-Valve employee about a performance-based bonus structure.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[19:27 - 22:52]The speaker reflects on how some racist gamers may try to spread their beliefs through seemingly harmless behavior.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[19:43 - 21:15]They mention another friend, Point Crew, and their easy-to-impress nature.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[20:41 - 21:22]The speaker mentions a League of Legends game where they beat their friend, Big A.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[21:15 - 21:31]The speaker mentions the common practice of game developers firing entire teams after bringing them into their company.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[21:22 - 22:52]They discuss another friend, Connor, and his team.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[21:31 - 21:53]They compare Valve's company structure to a murder factory.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[21:31 - 23:46]The group talks about a book club, with one member admitting they don't read often

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[21:53 - 22:57]The speaker mentions a conversation about someone's mother.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[21:53 - 22:57]The speaker shares a story about employees being brought on for potential projects that end up getting canceled, leaving them with no new assignments.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[21:53 - 23:25]The speaker blames the game for negatively affecting their mental and physical health.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[22:46 - 23:12]The speaker talks about a leak from an ex-Valve employee about a performance-based bonus structure.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[23:05 - 25:11]One member makes a reference to a video game character, causing confusion among the others

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[23:12 - 24:18]The ad ends and they go back to their conversation about the book club and reading habits

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[23:18 - 25:11]The speaker shares a story about employees being brought on for potential projects that end up getting canceled, leaving them with no new assignments.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[23:46 - 24:24]The speaker plays the game "Moabas" and enjoys the role of the jungler.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[24:24 - 25:31]The speaker has been having a better experience playing "Valorant" recently, despite encountering toxic players.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[24:24 - 26:22]The speaker mentions the common practice of game developers firing entire teams after bringing them into their company.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[24:24 - 27:45]One member makes a reference to a video game character, causing confusion among the others

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[24:50 - 27:45]They mention playing with someone who had a racist username but behaved normally in the game.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[25:31 - 26:55]The speaker shares a story about employees being brought on for potential projects that end up getting canceled, leaving them with no new assignments.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[26:47 - 29:06]The conversation shifts to a sponsored ad for a learning platform called

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[26:55 - 27:37]The speaker reflects on how some racist gamers may try to spread their beliefs through seemingly harmless behavior.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[29:06 - 30:54]They attempt to solve a logic puzzle on the platform, with one member struggling

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[30:55 - 31:57]The conversation shifts to a sponsored ad for a learning platform called

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[31:43 - 32:53]They briefly mention current events and the potential irrelevance of discussing it later on

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[31:43 - 33:08]Drama happened this week, including a big incident involving Magnus Carlsen and a gun

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[31:49 - 31:57]The speaker and someone else were involved in a drama with Trainwreckstv on a smaller scale

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[31:57 - 32:22]One member makes a reference to a video game character, causing confusion among the others

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[31:57 - 32:22]Slicker has caused controversy in various corners of the gaming community.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[32:35 - 34:55]E-Rob got banned for a month for threatening a viewer at TwitchCon

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[34:36 - 34:48]XQC bailed on an event due to Soda not attending, but the stated reason was false

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[34:55 - 40:10]The speaker and someone else were involved in a drama with Trainwreckstv on a smaller scale

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[40:10 - 41:12]The speaker got scammed by Slicker and was angry about it, but also found it amusing

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[40:29 - 45:07]The speaker and someone else were involved in a drama with Trainwreckstv on a smaller scale

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[42:31 - 42:50]People are invested in drama involving people they care about, despite claiming to not be interested in celebrity gossip

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[42:51 - 45:13]The speaker got scammed by Slicker and was angry about it, but also found it amusing

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[44:16 - 47:48]Slime gave Slicker a thousand dollars and then Slicker asked for 7,000 more.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[44:34 - 46:48]Slicker asked for money again after being exposed, and the speaker considered asking for his passport as a joke

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[44:34 - 48:27]Slicker had a gambling addiction and was betting on tennis and golf matches, as well as doing CSGO gambling, and lost a lot of money.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[46:22 - 48:20]The speaker got scammed by Slicker and was angry about it, but also found it amusing

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[47:48 - 48:47]Slicker, a former popular streamer, scammed many people for large amounts of money.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[48:14 - 50:13]Slime, another streamer, was asked for money by Slicker, but found out Slicker had a negative balance of 7,000 pounds and needed a thousand dollars.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[50:13 - 55:33]Many people, including XQC, are trying to pay back those who were scammed by Slicker.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[55:33 - 58:09]Slicker would ask other streamers for money and then use it to gamble, leading to a Ponzi scheme where he couldn't pay anyone back.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[56:45 - 57:48]Mention of leaked emails and conspiracy theories involving Crazy Slick.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[56:45 - 59:06]Slime gave Slicker a thousand dollars and then Slicker asked for 7,000 more.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[57:00 - 1.00:43]Mention of other streamers and their involvement in the drama.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[58:09 - 59:13]Train also leaked a tweet calling Miz a scammer for trying to end gambling on Twitch, as Slicker's actions were not directly related to Twitch or gambling streams.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[58:09 - 59:13]A discussion between streamers regarding a tweet exchange between MissKiff and Train Wrecks TV

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[58:33 - 59:06]Mention of a previous incident involving Slick and a girl at a party.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[59:13 - 1.00:43]Miz and others are using this opportunity to call for a ban on gambling on Twitch, but Train argues that sponsored gambling is a major source of funding for esports like CSGO and DOTA.

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[1.00:43 - 1.01:16]Slicker would ask other streamers for money and then use it to gamble, leading to a Ponzi scheme where he couldn't pay anyone back.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[1.00:43 - 1.01:52]Discussion about the excitement of drama in the streaming world and its impact on content creation.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[1.01:11 - 1.03:26]Discussion about MissKiff's involvement in a "coin scam" and possible cover-ups of sexual assaults.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[1.03:26 - 1.03:36]Hypothetical scenario of MissKiff giving up worldly possessions.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[1.03:36 - 1.06:34]Discussion about the main topic of the podcast, Hello Fresh, and its benefits for those who cannot cook.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[1.07:10 - 1.07:55]Mention of Mia, who is involved in the current situation with MissKiff.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[1.07:55 - 1.09:51]Discussion about streamers' lack of understanding of PR and dealing with sensitive situations on stream.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[1.08:58 - 1.09:31]Mention of leaked emails and conspiracy theories involving Crazy Slick.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[1.09:51 - 1.12:26]Summary of what happened in the previous incident with Slick and the girl at the party.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[1.09:59 - 1.11:20]Discussion about the excitement of drama in the streaming world and its impact on content creation.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[1.11:01 - 1.12:03]Mention of other streamers and their involvement in the drama.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[1.12:26 - 1.12:47]Hypothetical scenario of MissKiff giving up worldly possessions.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[1.12:47 - 1.15:19]They mention a religious leader, the Dolly Llama, and how it is decided who becomes the Dolly Llama

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[1.13:19 - 1.16:52]The speaker discusses a "punching with the llama" incident and mentions a "Dolly in the trap" and a "Dolly Llama"

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[1.17:04 - 1.21:57]The conversation shifts to a tournament involving Sosa and Slicker and a potential scam

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[1.19:58 - 1.20:19]The speaker discusses a "punching with the llama" incident and mentions a "Dolly in the trap" and a "Dolly Llama"

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[1.21:02 - 1.21:34]The conversation shifts to a tournament involving Sosa and Slicker and a potential scam

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[1.21:57 - 1.24:59]The conversation shifts to a golden Nintendo given to the Queen of England, which was later auctioned off

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[1.23:40 - 1.24:30]The speaker discusses a "punching with the llama" incident and mentions a "Dolly in the trap" and a "Dolly Llama"

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[1.24:30 - 1.26:54]The speaker talks about attending a tournament in the Netherlands and meeting a controller collector who owned the golden Nintendo

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[1.24:38 - 1.26:10]The conversation shifts to a golden Nintendo given to the Queen of England, which was later auctioned off

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[1.26:54 - 1.28:09]They briefly discuss a missed opportunity for a sponsorship with a crypto casino

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[1.28:09 - 1.31:40]The speaker mentions their morals and principles in turning down certain sponsorships

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[1.28:29 - 1.29:49]The speaker discusses a "punching with the llama" incident and mentions a "Dolly in the trap" and a "Dolly Llama"

A youtube thumbnail wor The Biggest Drama in Twitch History | The Yard

[1.29:54 - 1.31:09]The episode ends with the speaker imitating a Chinese or Australian accent.