

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 68: Corporate Bologna

SuperMegaCast - EP 68: Corporate Bologna

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[00:17 - 00:23] Ryan and Tom switch sides on the couch for the podcast

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[00:50 - 00:55]Episode 68 of the Super Mega Cast podcast

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[01:40 - 01:51]Tom and Ryan have a new roommate, Tucker, who just moved to LA

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[05:02 - 05:07]The Super Mega Cast is a podcast where they talk about various topics and updates in their lives

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[06:04 - 06:11]Tucker got second place on his first try playing by himself

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[06:11 - 06:16]They have been playing a lot of PUBG with friends, usually getting in the top 10

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 68: Corporate Bologna

[06:17 - 06:24]They had a close game where they came in second place due to some mistakes

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[06:24 - 06:30]They have gotten 2nd place twice in one day and are hoping to win soon with a mix of luck and skill

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[06:46 - 07:01]The most satisfying way to kill people in the game is by running them over with a car

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 68: Corporate Bologna

[00:00 - 07:01]Ryan and Tom switch sides on the couch for the Super Mega Cast podcast, episode 68. They have a new roommate, Tucker, who just moved to LA. They have been playing a lot of PUBG with friends, usually getting in the top 10. They had a close game where they came in second place due to some mistakes. Tucker got second place on his first try playing by himself. They have gotten 2nd place twice in one day and are hoping to win soon with a mix of luck and skill. The most satisfying way to kill people in the game is by running them over with a car. The Super Mega Cast is a podcast where they talk about various topics and updates in their lives.

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[09:20 - 09:28] Tucker and the speaker were playing a game called Pub G

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[09:39 - 09:49]They were at the top of a hill with two people shooting at them

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[09:39 - 09:49]The speaker drove down the hill and the enemies disappeared, but reappeared and started shooting at Tucker

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[09:39 - 09:49]The speaker drove through them and killed three people, including a third person who was with them

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 68: Corporate Bologna

[09:50 - 09:58]They are thinking about recording and uploading some of their Pub G games in a different format

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 68: Corporate Bologna

[09:50 - 09:58]One of the speakers made a joke about Pub G being an independent game, which was not meant to be taken seriously

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[09:50 - 09:58]The group discusses their experience with the game and suggests that more people should check it out

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[11:36 - 11:42]They also mention the possibility of showing up at schools and teaching classes

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[12:23 - 12:33]They briefly discuss their knowledge of cell structure from high school

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[12:59 - 13:10]Our bodies are made up of tiny intricate "factories" that work together

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[13:10 - 13:23]Our brains are like a nuclear power plant at the top of this civilization

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[07:01 - 13:23]Playing Pub G, recording games, joking about the game being independent, discussing their experience and potential for teaching, and reflecting on the complexity of our bodies and brains.

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[13:32 - 13:40] Discussion about the complexity of the human body and its amazing functions

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[14:47 - 14:53]Comparisons to a city and its infrastructure

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[16:02 - 16:08]Conversation about drinking alcohol and the perception of fruity drinks

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[16:34 - 16:40]Discussion of the movie "Killing of a Sacred Deer" and its jarring opening scene

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[17:29 - 17:43]Praise for the acting, score, and writing in the movie

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[18:44 - 18:53]Comparison to Cormac McCarthy's writing style

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[19:39 - 19:45]Personal opinions on the movie and its surrealism

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[20:19 - 20:35]Acknowledgement that the movie is not for a mass audience

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[13:23 - 20:35]Overall, the text discusses the complexity of the human body, perceptions of alcohol and cinema, and a review of the movie "Killing of a Sacred Deer."

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[20:35 - 20:42] The speaker initially struggles to understand the movie they watched and plans to rewatch it and read about it to fully comprehend it

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[21:00 - 21:06]They enjoyed the suspense, sound design, and acting in the movie

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 68: Corporate Bologna

[21:26 - 21:36]The movie requires a lot of thinking and cannot be tuned out, but the speaker still recommends it

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[22:18 - 22:27]The speaker discusses their confusion over ticket pricing at the movie theater

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[24:09 - 24:20]Overall, the speaker enjoyed the movie and recommends it to others, especially those who enjoyed "The Lobster" or are curious about it.

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[24:45 - 24:50]The speaker also recommends seeing the movie at the Nickelodeon theater in Columbia, South Carolina.

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[26:06 - 26:14]They mention creating Facebook pages in eighth grade, including "Join if you never plan on doing pot" and "Justin Bieber is totally gay for Usher"

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 68: Corporate Bologna

[26:41 - 27:10]Children are egotistical and focused on themselves until they experience life lessons and hardships

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[27:10 - 27:24]Life is about chipping away at childhood innocence and becoming a "nice chiseled man" who may need medication

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 68: Corporate Bologna

[20:35 - 27:24]The speaker discusses their experience watching a movie that initially went over their head, but they plan to rewatch it and enjoyed the suspense, sound design, and acting. They also mention their confusion over ticket pricing at the movie theater and their childhood egotism. They wrap up by recommending the movie to others, particularly those who enjoyed "The Lobster" or are curious about it. They also recommend seeing it at the Nickelodeon theater in Columbia, South Carolina.

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[27:48 - 27:54] As a child, the speaker wanted an "eight pack" (six-pack of abs with two pecs)

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[29:03 - 29:08]They mention a YouTuber named "review bra" who reviews bras and has recently hit 500,000 subscribers

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[30:14 - 30:19]They discuss dog nipples and potential for dog bras

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[32:22 - 32:34]The speaker talks about their dog, Lego, and asks for advice on how to calm him down and stop him from barking at other dogs

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[33:20 - 33:26]They also mention their cat, Banana, meowing for attention

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[33:54 - 34:01]They joke about making a scarecrow of themselves to leave in the room with Lego to calm him down

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 68: Corporate Bologna

[27:27 - 34:29]The speaker discusses their childhood desire for an "eight pack," dog nipples and bras, a YouTuber named "review bra," their dog Lego and cat Banana, and asks for advice on calming down and training Lego.

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[38:00 - 38:12]Disney has been caught doing some questionable political actions, such as strong-arming Anaheim for money.

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[38:38 - 38:46]The LA Times published an investigative piece on Disney's actions, leading to Disney barring the Times from early movie screenings.

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[39:20 - 39:34]This sparked controversy and criticism from various journalism associations.

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[41:15 - 41:21]Eventually, Disney apologized and the ban was lifted.

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[42:07 - 42:19]It is important to support and protect free journalism in order to prevent corporations from abusing their power.

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[34:30 - 42:29]Overall, Disney's actions serve as a reminder to stay vigilant and hold corporations accountable for their actions.

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[42:30 - 42:38] Support Alex Jones and buy his mail supplements

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 68: Corporate Bologna

[42:45 - 42:58]Plan to try Alex Jones' vitality solution and worry about turning into him

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[42:59 - 43:09]Wonder if the vitality solution could turn frogs gay

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[43:41 - 43:54]Imagine what Alex Jones' cock looks like and compare it to a bowl of baked beans

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 68: Corporate Bologna

[44:46 - 44:52]Discuss other food mascots protecting secret recipes, like the Jolly Green Giant and Bush's Baked Beans dog

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 68: Corporate Bologna

[46:52 - 47:00]Discuss the process of milking a cow and the controversial practices in the beef industry

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 68: Corporate Bologna

[47:24 - 47:37]Wonder why cow and goat milk is the only mainstream option and why other animal milks are not as popular

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 68: Corporate Bologna

[49:14 - 49:22]Mention the slaughter of animals in movies and the impact it has on viewers

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 68: Corporate Bologna

[42:30 - 49:45]The audio discusses supporting Alex Jones and trying his vitality solution, as well as the possibility of it turning frogs gay. They also compare Alex Jones' cock to a bowl of baked beans and discuss other food mascots protecting secret recipes. The conversation also touches on the process of milking a cow and the controversial practices in the beef industry, as well as the portrayal of animal slaughter in movies.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 68: Corporate Bologna

[49:45 - 49:53]Henry asks about the big brother's name and apologizes for not remembering it.

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[50:18 - 50:28]Tucker Tucker's treatment of animals is based on ignorance.

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[50:35 - 50:40]The speaker's aunt and cousin became vegetarians after visiting a slaughterhouse.

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[50:41 - 50:51]The speaker understands both sides of the argument regarding eating meat.

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[50:51 - 51:05]They wish for better treatment of animals in slaughterhouses and better regulations.

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[51:21 - 51:29]The speaker acknowledges that there will always be people who mistreat animals.

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[51:43 - 51:51]Animals have personalities and feelings and should be treated with respect.

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[52:49 - 53:04]The treatment of animals varies in different countries.

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[53:26 - 53:49]The speaker proposes the idea of growing meat in a lab without killing animals.

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[54:54 - 55:08]They speculate on the reasons for the poor treatment of animals in the food industry, including profit and quantity over quality.

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[55:59 - 56:15]Tucker's environmental concerns have made the speaker more conscious of their own waste.

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[56:15 - 56:21]The speaker's actions have led to a clone or duplicate of themselves.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 68: Corporate Bologna

[56:35 - 56:43]The speaker did not become a vegetarian because of Tucker, but has become more environmentally conscious.

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[56:54 - 57:06]Buckley, Matt, and Tucker are trying to figure out the situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 68: Corporate Bologna

[57:14 - 57:19]The speaker needs to leave because they drank tea before bed.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 68: Corporate Bologna

[57:20 - 57:26]The speaker's tea-drinking has caused a series of events that has led to a confusing situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 68: Corporate Bologna

[57:20 - 57:26]The speaker is not the "real" Ryan and needs to leave because they drank tea before bed.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 68: Corporate Bologna

[57:20 - 57:26]The speaker's tea-drinking has caused a series of events that has led to a confusing situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 68: Corporate Bologna

[57:20 - 57:26]The speaker is not the "real" Ryan and needs to leave because they drank tea before bed.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 68: Corporate Bologna

[49:45 - 57:30]The speaker reflects on their movie and their thoughts on eating meat and the treatment of animals. They also discuss environmental concerns and a confusing situation involving tea-drinking that has led to a clone of themselves.