

Youtube profile pic for Goodbye Japan | Trash Taste #102

Goodbye Japan | Trash Taste #102

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Japan | Trash Taste #102

[00:00 - 00:07]Trash Taste has partnered with Game of Subs to create a limited edition Trash Taste Wifu Cup.

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[00:13 - 00:21]The cup is only available for two weeks and features a design of the hosts as attractive women.

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[00:13 - 00:21]The hosts promote their own code for purchasing the cup.

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[01:50 - 01:55]The podcast episode discusses leaving Japan, but it is later revealed to be a clickbait title as they are technically just taking a break.

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[03:09 - 03:14]The hosts were not aware of the brand until the announcement on the podcast.

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[04:47 - 04:53]One of the hosts, Joey, announces his own clothing brand called Nonsense.

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[04:47 - 04:53]The brand launch coincides with the move to a new office.

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[05:43 - 05:53]The brand has been in the works for a year and features streetwear designs that do not include the likeness of the hosts.

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[05:43 - 05:53]The brand is not meant to be just merch for the anime man channel, but rather a separate entity.

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[06:30 - 06:36]The hosts did not know about the brand beforehand and were kept in the dark by Joey.

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Japan | Trash Taste #102

[00:00 - 06:36]The hosts reveal a limited edition Trash Taste Wifu Cup and discuss leaving Japan, but it is later revealed to be clickbait. Joey then announces his own clothing brand, Nonsense, which has been in the works for a year and is meant to be a separate entity from the anime man channel. The other hosts were not aware of the brand until the announcement on the podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Japan | Trash Taste #102

[07:52 - 07:57] Speaker discusses their passion project of creating their own clothing brand.

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[08:18 - 08:24]They mention that it has been a year in the making and they are very passionate about it.

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[09:32 - 09:38]The brand is called Nonsense and they plan to release a new design every month.

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[10:03 - 10:10]They have a team of designers to help with the process.

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[10:23 - 10:32]The speaker has a newfound appreciation for graphic design and typography.

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[10:48 - 10:59]The clothing is a combination of streetwear and loungewear.

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[11:15 - 11:21]They joke about the ad for their brand and mention that it is not a sponsored ad, but they are sponsoring themselves.

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[11:21 - 11:32]The speaker has many questions and everything is designed by them.

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[11:21 - 11:32]They mention the challenges of designing a font for the brand and the importance of graphic design in clothing branding.

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[11:55 - 12:03]The speaker talks about discovering strange keyboard ASMR videos and not understanding the world of keyboard enthusiasts.

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[12:50 - 12:59]They mention trying out different keys on a custom keyboard and not understanding the differences.

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[06:37 - 13:29]In summary, the speaker discusses their passion project of creating a clothing brand, the challenges and importance of graphic design in the process, and their newfound appreciation for typography. They also touch on their confusion with keyboard ASMR and the world of keyboard enthusiasts.

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Japan | Trash Taste #102

[13:29 - 13:35]Person discussing their preference for smooth and subtle keyboard clicks.

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[13:36 - 13:43]They have watched many keyboard videos and have come to appreciate the "thunk" sound.

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[13:51 - 13:56]They do not like Cherry MX brand switches and prefer Gatoron black ink ones.

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[14:57 - 15:05]They are getting a custom keyboard made by a fan.

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[15:30 - 15:36]They prefer a full 100% keyboard with all parts.

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[17:39 - 17:45]They do not see the need for a number pad, but recognize its usefulness for numbers.

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[17:56 - 18:04]They have two audio interfaces and other cables on their desk.

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[19:07 - 19:13]They discuss the aesthetic and portability benefits of a smaller keyboard.

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[19:39 - 19:44]They mention using a controller for games that do not allow for controller use.

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[19:44 - 19:50]Many people prefer not to use the laptop keyboard and bring a separate keyboard.

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[13:29 - 19:50]The person discusses their preference for smooth and subtle keyboard clicks, their dislike for Cherry MX switches, and their satisfaction with Gatoron black ink switches. They are getting a custom keyboard made and prefer a full 100% keyboard without a number pad. They also mention the benefits of a smaller keyboard for aesthetics and portability. Finally, they discuss using a controller for games and the common preference for not using the laptop keyboard.

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Japan | Trash Taste #102

[19:56 - 20:07]Person is discussing the use of a remote setup for their computer.

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[21:47 - 21:52]They mention buying a $5 keyboard if needed.

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[22:11 - 22:16]They bring a laptop rest for better support.

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Japan | Trash Taste #102

[22:22 - 22:28]The person values ergonomics and prefers using a full keyboard rather than a laptop keyboard.

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Japan | Trash Taste #102

[22:22 - 22:28]They feel a laptop is portable because of its size, not because of the attached keyboard.

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[23:18 - 23:25]They also prefer using a controller for gaming.

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Japan | Trash Taste #102

[23:18 - 23:25]When traveling, they bring a camera for filming and a keyboard and mouse for gaming.

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[23:18 - 23:25]They argue that a 75% keyboard is small and easy to bring.

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[23:31 - 23:37]They believe it is not weird and have never had a problem with it.

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[23:50 - 23:57]The other person finds it unnecessary and pretentious to bring a keyboard while traveling.

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[25:19 - 25:26]The first person clarifies their use of the keyboard and the second person disagrees.

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[25:32 - 25:40]The first person defends their preference and argues that number pads are unnecessary.

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[25:32 - 25:40]They also mention using a number pad as a convenience and for gaming.

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[26:19 - 26:26]The second person admits they are not a gamer and the first person accuses them of pretending to be.

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[19:50 - 26:33]A comprehensive summary is that the two people are discussing the use of a remote setup and the preference for bringing a keyboard while traveling. The first person values ergonomics and convenience, while the second person finds it unnecessary and pretentious.

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Japan | Trash Taste #102

[26:34 - 26:41] The speaker does not believe in the existence of a portable keyboard.

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[26:41 - 26:46]They are a Karthus main in League of Legends and have a 1% keyboard for gaming.

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Japan | Trash Taste #102

[26:47 - 26:56]They prefer using a controller for gaming while on-the-go.

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[27:02 - 27:07]They do not have a hissy fit over not having a 75% keyboard for gaming.

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[27:39 - 27:44]They always bring their keyboard with them and find it more efficient for work.

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[29:50 - 29:55]They explain their valid point and get jumped on.

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[30:01 - 30:11]The speaker argues with others about their preference for a keyboard.

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[30:01 - 30:11]They do not understand the need for a custom keyboard.

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[30:39 - 30:50]They have multiple keyboards and find it important to have backups.

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Japan | Trash Taste #102

[31:22 - 31:30]The speaker does not care about aesthetics or preference for tech.

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[32:37 - 32:46]They prefer cheap headphones for running and sunglasses due to frequent misplacement.

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[33:00 - 33:10]The speaker finds headphones uncomfortable due to pressure on their head.

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Japan | Trash Taste #102

[33:00 - 33:10]They prefer a keyboard with a wrist rest to avoid wrist pain.

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Japan | Trash Taste #102

[33:00 - 33:10]The speaker values comfort and efficiency in their work.

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Japan | Trash Taste #102

[26:34 - 33:10]The speaker prefers a portable controller for gaming and a custom keyboard for work, values comfort and efficiency, and does not care about aesthetics or preference for tech. They also have multiple backups and prefer cheap headphones and sunglasses due to frequent misplacement.

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Japan | Trash Taste #102

[33:27 - 33:33] The speakers discuss their concerns about wrist injuries and the importance of an ergonomic setup for gaming.

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[34:11 - 34:18]They also talk about their preferences for headphones, with one preferring over-ear headphones and the other liking AirPods.

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[37:44 - 37:52]The topic of 144 Hertz monitors is brought up, with one speaker stating that they don't notice a difference unless playing FPS games.

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[38:28 - 38:37]They discuss the importance of having a good monitor to match a powerful PC.

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[39:14 - 39:22]The speakers mention the benefits of having a 30 80 graphics card for editing and streaming.

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[39:41 - 39:47]The topic of keyboard sounds, or ASMR, is briefly discussed.

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Japan | Trash Taste #102

[33:11 - 39:47]Overall, they discuss their preferences for gaming setups and the importance of having the right equipment for a smooth gaming experience.

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[39:47 - 39:53] The speaker discusses the possibility of being reminded to record something.

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[39:54 - 40:04]They mention their upcoming custom keyboard and how they may change their opinion on it later.

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[40:48 - 40:53]The speaker talks about the popularity of mechanical keyboards and the sound of the keys.

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[41:51 - 41:58]They mention a collection of different keys and how they are constantly clicking them.

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[44:24 - 44:36]The speaker brings up ADHD and how they were recently diagnosed.

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[44:24 - 44:36]The speaker asks the other person what made them realize they may have ADHD.

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[44:37 - 44:48]They talk about how mental health is perceived in their culture.

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[45:10 - 45:16]The speaker describes a vivid memory of a classmate with ADHD.

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[45:10 - 45:16]They discuss the turning point that led them to get diagnosed.

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Japan | Trash Taste #102

[39:47 - 46:03]The speaker discusses their thoughts on recording something and their upcoming custom keyboard before talking about the popularity of mechanical keyboards and the sound of the keys. They then mention their recent ADHD diagnosis and their culture's perception of mental health before describing a vivid memory of a classmate with ADHD. The speaker then asks the other person about their own realization of potentially having ADHD.

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Japan | Trash Taste #102

[46:04 - 46:09] The speaker talks about receiving comments on their behavior on the show "Trash Taste"

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[46:10 - 46:15]They mention how seeing themselves on camera has made them realize their own habits

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[46:29 - 46:39]They start to notice habits and behaviors as they view themselves in the third person

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[46:54 - 47:01]The speaker met someone with ADHD who described their symptoms, leading the speaker to seek a diagnosis

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[47:07 - 47:16]The speaker credits the show and YouTube comments for helping them come to this realization

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[50:58 - 51:04]They discuss their struggles with reading and English in school

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Japan | Trash Taste #102

[52:06 - 52:12]Their parents and teachers suggested they may have dyslexia, but the speaker denies this and insists they just hate the subject

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[52:18 - 52:24]The speaker is glad they were stubborn and did not let others convince them they had dyslexia

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[46:04 - 52:33]In summary, the speaker discusses their journey to self-discovery and how the show and comments played a role in this process.

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[52:33 - 52:39] The speaker has no problem reading about My Son Men but prefers watching the movie

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[52:49 - 52:54]The discussion of diagnosing kids is a touchy subject and some people are quick to jump to it

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[52:54 - 53:04]It can be uncomfortable for kids to express their feelings about a subject they don't connect with

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[53:17 - 53:29]Some parents are against their kids being diagnosed with mental health issues

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[53:29 - 53:34]The speaker's parents didn't care about getting him diagnosed

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[53:34 - 53:52]Getting diagnosed can make someone feel like something is wrong with them

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[53:52 - 54:16]The speaker's entire life has been trying to cope with ADHD and they didn't realize it was abnormal

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Japan | Trash Taste #102

[54:22 - 54:32]Getting diagnosed has helped the speaker understand themselves better

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[54:53 - 55:06]The speaker has ADHD and only recently realized it due to a YouTube video

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[56:55 - 57:00]The process of getting diagnosed involves a survey and a one-on-one session with a psychologist

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[57:08 - 57:16]It can be different in different countries

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[57:38 - 57:48]The speaker's life hasn't changed much since getting diagnosed, but they have a better understanding of themselves

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[58:11 - 58:27]People may have different mental conditions but have found ways to cope with them

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[58:51 - 58:59]It's worth talking to someone and learning more about yourself

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[59:12 - 59:18]It's difficult to get seen for mental health issues if you're not rich or have a lot of time

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[59:18 - 59:25]In the UK, the waiting list for mental health care is long

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[52:33 - 59:33]In summary, the speaker prefers watching the movie My Son Men over reading about it, and believes that diagnosing kids with mental health issues is a touchy subject. They didn't realize they had ADHD until recently and getting diagnosed has helped them understand themselves better. The process of getting diagnosed involves a survey and a one-on-one session with a psychologist, and it can be difficult to get seen for mental health issues in the UK.

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[59:44 - 59:50]Speaker discusses difficulty of accessing mental health care, particularly in Japan

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[1.00:09 - 1.00:17]Mentions witnessing a person crying on the street with no one offering help

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[1.01:27 - 1.01:35]Notes that self-diagnosis is becoming more prevalent, particularly on social media platforms like TikTok

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[1.02:22 - 1.02:27]Criticizes those who self-diagnose for bragging about it online

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Japan | Trash Taste #102

[1.02:39 - 1.02:44]Acknowledges that some people may not have access to professional diagnosis, but still advises against self-diagnosis

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Japan | Trash Taste #102

[1.02:39 - 1.02:44]Concludes that self-diagnosis is not recommended and can be harmful

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Japan | Trash Taste #102

[1.03:05 - 1.03:12]Shares personal experience with doctors giving conflicting opinions on a health issue

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[1.04:01 - 1.04:11]Talks about the struggle of finding the right treatment for a jaw issue, with dentists giving different recommendations

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[59:34 - 1.05:41]The speaker discusses the challenges of accessing mental health care, the prevalence of self-diagnosis on social media, and their personal experiences with conflicting opinions from doctors. They caution against self-diagnosis and emphasize the importance of seeking professional help for mental health and physical health issues.

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[1.05:56 - 1.06:04]Speaker discusses wanting to fix something about their body but is hesitant due to commitment and conflicting advice from others

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[1.06:10 - 1.06:17]They mention getting tonsillitis frequently and being advised to remove their tonsils, but not wanting to due to potential changes in their voice

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Japan | Trash Taste #102

[1.06:29 - 1.06:34]They value their current voice for their job and do not want to risk changing it

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[1.07:15 - 1.07:20]The speaker and others discuss their own experiences with tonsillitis and its symptoms

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[1.08:51 - 1.08:59]They mention upcoming travel plans and filming episodes of their podcast in different countries

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[1.11:10 - 1.11:16]Guests will be featured in the upcoming episodes and there may also be specials filmed

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[1.11:28 - 1.11:34]The speaker acknowledges that some viewers prefer episodes with just the three hosts, but they are excited for the upcoming guests and content

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[1.05:42 - 1.11:59]The speaker discusses their hesitancy to change something about their body due to conflicting advice, specifically regarding removing their tonsils, and mentions upcoming travel plans and filming episodes with guests in different countries.

A youtube thumbnail wor Goodbye Japan | Trash Taste #102

[1.12:05 - 1.12:10]Talking about guest episodes and how they may not be as personal, but they try to make sure the vibe is good

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[1.12:29 - 1.12:35]Decided to have just the three of them to allow for deeper conversations

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[1.13:42 - 1.13:48]Joey trying to stay healthy before their trip to America and the UK

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[1.14:37 - 1.14:46]Hard to stay consistent with working out when traveling, especially with limited gym options

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[1.15:38 - 1.15:44]Discussing the challenges of packing shoes and how they take up the most space

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[1.15:59 - 1.16:07]Joey often brings multiple pairs of shoes depending on the destination and activities planned

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[1.16:49 - 1.16:57]Conversation about how many pairs of underwear and socks people bring on a trip

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[1.17:27 - 1.17:33]Some people bring 8-11 pairs of underwear while others only bring 1 or 2

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[1.11:59 - 1.18:14]The trio discusses guest episodes, the challenges of staying consistent with working out while traveling, and the varying opinions on how many pairs of underwear and socks to bring on a trip.

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[1.18:50 - 1.18:57] The speaker discusses the need for extra underwear while traveling, especially in hot and humid climates.

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[1.19:02 - 1.19:10]The speaker also talks about trying to minimize their luggage while traveling.

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[1.19:11 - 1.19:22]They share a story about trying to sneak a heavy suitcase past the weight limit at the airport.

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[1.19:11 - 1.19:22]They discuss their experience with airlines charging for overweight luggage and finding ways to avoid the fees.

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[1.23:28 - 1.23:33]The speaker shares a story about losing their passport while traveling and having to go to an embassy to get a new one.

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[1.18:14 - 1.24:09]In conclusion, the speaker discusses the challenges and tricks of traveling with luggage and the importance of being prepared for unexpected situations.

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[1.25:36 - 1.25:49] Person is flying to Toronto and realizes they have forgotten their passport.

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[1.25:57 - 1.26:03]Friend agrees to mail it, but it gets stuck in customs and takes 5 days to arrive.

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[1.25:57 - 1.26:03]Person is stuck in a hotel in Toronto for 5 days, unable to change their flight.

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[1.26:03 - 1.26:16]Canadian woman at the airport changes their flight for free out of pity.

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[1.27:21 - 1.27:28]Similar incident happens to person's friend who also forgets their passport, but is able to retrieve it in time.

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[1.27:34 - 1.27:39]Person eventually gets their passport and flies back home.

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[1.27:45 - 1.27:51]Person reflects on the kindness of strangers and how it would not happen in Japan.

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[1.29:11 - 1.29:19]Person's fiance forgets their passport before flying to meet family in America, causes panic but eventually retrieves it.

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[1.24:09 - 1.30:40]Person experiences multiple incidents of forgetting passports while traveling, with one resulting in a kind act from a stranger. Eventually, all passports are retrieved and travel plans continue as planned.