

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 87: The Secret Formula

SuperMegaCast - EP 87: The Secret Formula

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[00:01 - 00:09]Matt Watson and Ryan McGee introduce themselves

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[00:09 - 00:16]They discuss how they sometimes forget their own age

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[00:31 - 00:40]Matt shares a story about being asked where he was in Texas and struggling to remember

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[00:53 - 01:06]They talk about how they often have to think about their birthday when asked for ID

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[01:06 - 01:11]They joke about being scared of being questioned about their ID and having it taken away

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[02:42 - 03:07]They discuss the possibility of making fake IDs and how the recipe for Coca-Cola is a secret conspiracy

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[03:41 - 04:14]They joke about being scared of getting caught for revealing the secret formula

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[06:17 - 06:24]They talk about the shock of hitting things with a baseball bat and the dangers of playing baseball

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[06:43 - 06:56]They wonder what aliens would think if they watched a baseball game

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[06:56 - 07:18]They discuss the tension and strategy involved in playing baseball

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[07:19 - 07:28]One of them mentions the movie "Moneyball"

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[07:28 - 07:38]They joke about a pitcher being on the lookout for the man in the big red suit who knows the Coca-Cola secret formula

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 87: The Secret Formula

[00:01 - 07:38]Matt and Ryan discuss forgetting their age and birthday, the possibility of making fake IDs, and the tension and strategy involved in playing baseball. They also joke about the secret formula for Coca-Cola and the fear of getting caught for revealing it.

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[09:17 - 09:23]Speaker discusses seeing a coach and a player, speculating about their relationship and imagining a conspiracy involving the Coca-Cola secret formula

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[11:29 - 11:40]Speaker and co-host discuss making a horror movie about someone learning the secret formula and being targeted by Coca-Cola

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[11:29 - 11:40]Speaker and co-host discuss the possibility of recreating Coca-Cola using stem cells

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[11:29 - 11:40]Co-host jokes about doing a "make your own Coca-Cola" challenge with corn syrup and mayonnaise, potentially leading to a legal scandal if it is actually the secret formula

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[11:40 - 11:47]Co-host reveals that the secret formula is made up of corn syrup and mayonnaise, causing the speaker to question the authenticity of other companies' attempts to recreate Coca-Cola

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[12:09 - 12:19]Speaker and co-host joke about different historical figures being involved in the secret formula, including Marilyn Monroe, Martin Luther King Jr., and Abraham Lincoln

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[12:09 - 12:19]Co-host reveals that Coca-Cola does not contain any actual Coca-Cola cells, causing the speaker to joke about being in trouble for their conversation

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[12:19 - 12:28]Speaker and co-host discuss the secrecy surrounding the formula and how only a select few people know the full recipe

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[13:42 - 13:50]Co-host mentions a sponsored ad for Beach Body On Demand, a streaming service for at-home workouts

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[13:42 - 13:50]Speaker and co-host joke about the results they have seen from using Beach Body On Demand

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 87: The Secret Formula

[13:42 - 13:50]Ad mentions that Beach Body On Demand is cheaper than a gym membership and offers a free trial when texting "super" to a specific number

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 87: The Secret Formula

[07:38 - 15:37]The speaker and co-host discuss a conspiracy involving the Coca-Cola secret formula and joke about different historical figures being involved, while also discussing a sponsored ad for Beach Body On Demand and the potential benefits of using it.

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[15:37 - 15:46]Discussion about P90X and Insanity workouts

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[15:46 - 16:09]Offer to try a free trial membership for fitness platform

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[16:43 - 16:49]Discussion about junk food and eating habits

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[19:51 - 19:58]Sponsorship mention and potential loss of sponsorship

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[20:33 - 20:41]Imagining having nerves in hair

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[21:42 - 21:52]Discussion about haircuts and passion for hair styling

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[22:02 - 22:17]Mention of awkward phase of long hair

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[22:23 - 22:33]Thoughts on visiting Canada and weather preferences

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 87: The Secret Formula

[15:37 - 22:56]Discussion about P90X and Insanity workouts, offer for free trial membership, talk about junk food and eating habits, mention of sponsorship and potential loss, imagining hair with nerves, discussion about haircuts and passion, mention of awkward phase of long hair, thoughts on visiting Canada and weather preferences.

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[22:56 - 23:02]Think about North Dakota and its cold weather.

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[23:02 - 23:11]California weather is preferred for its lack of humidity and biting cold.

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[23:30 - 23:39]Los Angeles has clean air and good weather, especially when camping.

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[24:03 - 24:14]Downtown Los Angeles is often depicted as depressing and gross in literature.

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[26:01 - 27:04]Reading Shakespeare can be challenging without understanding the language.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 87: The Secret Formula

[27:04 - 27:14]English class should focus on teaching the history and progression of the language.

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[27:22 - 27:33]The speaker had a challenging AP lit class with a lot of required reading.

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[29:15 - 29:24]Summer reading often turns into a last-minute cram session.

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[29:51 - 30:02]Spark notes were often used to fake annotations.

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[30:13 - 30:19]The speaker wants to read more but doesn't know where to start.

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[30:31 - 30:37]The Road by Cormac McCarthy is the speaker's favorite book.

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[30:37 - 30:48]The Boxcar Children is the transcriber's favorite book.

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[30:48 - 30:58]Norwegian Wood is the speaker's favorite book.

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[22:56 - 30:58]Overall, the conversation covers topics such as weather, literature, education, and personal book preferences.

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[30:58 - 31:03]The speaker discusses not knowing who a famous author named Murakami is and how good his writing is.

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[31:03 - 31:12]The speaker compares Murakami's fame to that of Tolkien and Shel Silverstein.

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[31:45 - 31:53]They mention Norwegian Wood and After the Quake as favorite books by Murakami.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 87: The Secret Formula

[31:59 - 32:07]The speaker discusses other favorite books they have read, including "Half Brother" and books about dogs.

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[32:18 - 32:36]They reminisce about wanting a puppy and wishing they could keep them as puppies forever.

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[34:46 - 34:52]The conversation turns to the speaker's dog, Lego, and his recent habit of breaking through the screen door.

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[37:11 - 37:23]They discuss how e-harmony has helped over a million people find meaningful relationships and offer a free month with a three-month subscription using the code "super mega."

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[37:33 - 37:39]They talk about funny moments involving children running into glass doors and then segue into an advertisement for e-harmony.

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[38:02 - 38:08]The speaker imagines a listener finding love through e-harmony thanks to the podcast.

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[38:24 - 38:33]The conversation returns to the podcast and thanks the sponsors for their support.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 87: The Secret Formula

[30:58 - 38:33]The speaker discusses various topics including famous authors, favorite books, dogs, and an advertisement for e-harmony, with a focus on finding meaningful relationships.

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[38:34 - 38:40]The speaker talks about the importance of ads for their show and thanks listeners for their support.

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[38:48 - 38:59]They mention a possible mix-up with a food order and discuss their love for Stella.

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[39:23 - 39:29]The speaker talks about taking a break and returning from lunch, joking about not actually eating.

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[40:15 - 40:20]They make a fake announcement about being bought by Disney and having their own theme park.

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[41:04 - 41:13]The actual announcement is that they will be at Anime Expo in Los Angeles in July.

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[45:08 - 45:22]The speaker mentions being excited to meet fans and possibly cosplaying as Ned Flanders.

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[45:28 - 45:40]They discuss a past experiment with Rogaine and growing facial hair.

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[46:04 - 46:24]The speaker expresses uncertainty about how good their facial hair would look after four months.

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[46:30 - 46:38]Some people may never be able to grow decent facial hair.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 87: The Secret Formula

[38:34 - 46:38]Overall, the speaker discusses ads, a food order mix-up, Stella, a break, an announcement about Anime Expo and a fake announcement about being bought by Disney, their past Rogaine experiment, and the uncertainty of how good their facial hair would look.

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[47:13 - 47:22]People discussing their ability to grow facial hair

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[47:34 - 47:40]One person mentions a nickname for a part of the face, but cannot remember it

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[47:34 - 47:40]The other person looks up the nickname, but cannot find it

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[49:21 - 49:29]They discuss a mobile game called Tiny Tower and its addictiveness

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[51:18 - 51:35]They also discuss other mobile games, including a new Tamagotchi game and a Catamari Damacy game

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 87: The Secret Formula

[51:36 - 51:59]They mention how newer Catamari games lack the unique creativity of the original games

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[52:33 - 52:43]They discuss a new game being made by the creator of Catamari Damacy

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[53:22 - 53:30]They briefly mention another game by the creator called "No Be No Be"

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 87: The Secret Formula

[53:46 - 54:05]One person decides not to drink a Coca-Cola due to health concerns

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 87: The Secret Formula

[46:38 - 54:18]Two people discuss facial hair, mobile games, and the creativity of a game creator, while one decides not to drink a Coca-Cola.

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[54:19 - 54:31] Discussion about worshiping Coca-Cola and the secret formula.

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[54:31 - 54:38]Joking about the tears of Ray William Johnson and making a horror movie about the secret formula.

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[55:04 - 55:20]Speculation about whether large corporations like Coca-Cola have done unethical things.

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[56:09 - 56:27]Comparison to Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg's uncomfortable demeanor.

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[58:46 - 58:58]Speculation about Zuckerberg's personal life and habits.

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[59:50 - 1.00:01]Humorous discussion about sperm survival and being a winner.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 87: The Secret Formula

[1.01:18 - 1.01:24]Unexpected call from God during the podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 87: The Secret Formula

[1.01:25 - 1.01:35]Decision to end the podcast and wrap things up.

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[1.01:49 - 1.01:55]Discussion about God's intentions and potential trouble.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 87: The Secret Formula

[54:19 - 1.02:08]The text contains a conversation about worshipping Coca-Cola, joking about the secret formula and making a horror movie, speculation about unethical actions of large corporations, discussion of Zuckerberg's demeanor and habits, humorous talk about sperm survival and being a winner, and an unexpected call from God during the podcast, leading to a decision to end the podcast and wrap things up.