

Youtube profile pic for HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[15:00 - 15:19] Nikki Haley has dropped out of the race for president

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[19:15 - 19:20]Page is a fan of Yakuza and works out regularly

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[19:58 - 20:12]He also talks about personal issues and his relationship with Cutie Cinderella

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[21:52 - 21:59]He mentions upcoming plans for Australia and possibly doing a birthday party for someone

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[23:22 - 23:27]Page thinks exercise is important for mental health and recommends it to others

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[23:39 - 23:48]Page talks about his dislike for someone named Hideo Kojima and mentions a recent TikTok video

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[23:39 - 23:48]The audio has a timestamp of 11:14 AM on March 6, 2024

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[24:47 - 24:53]Page is excited about a new merch release and mentions a Shogun review from his father

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[24:53 - 24:59]He also mentions his father voted for Bernie in the 2016 primary

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[02:24 - 25:28]Overall, Page is in a good mood and feeling positive about the future. He also shares personal updates and talks about his interests in gaming and fitness.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[25:28 - 25:40] The speaker talks about a book that was popular in the past and is now being watched.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[25:59 - 26:06]The book is called Shogun and is set in 17th century Japan.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[26:06 - 26:14]The speaker praises the show's details, cast, costumes, sets, and VFX.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[28:10 - 28:32]They mention that the show is on FX and is a miniseries.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[28:10 - 28:32]They mention other shows on FX and express excitement for future releases.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[29:44 - 30:12]The speaker talks about the author of the book and the network's reputation for holding onto their IP.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[31:16 - 31:48]The speaker discusses their love for movies and TV.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[32:28 - 33:47]They mention upcoming shows and movies.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[33:54 - 34:32]The speaker clarifies their stance on movies and mentions a movie called Madam Webb.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[34:32 - 35:26]They mention that they are not a "film guy" and prefer movies for entertainment.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[34:32 - 35:26]The speaker mentions the movie The Lighthouse.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[34:32 - 35:26]The speaker gives a rating for Dune and summarizes their love for movies and TV.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[35:51 - 36:12]They mention a movie called The Zone of Interest and explain why it appeals to them.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[36:17 - 36:22]The speaker rates Dune as a "bucket of popcorn".

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[25:28 - 36:22]The speaker talks about a book-turned-show called Shogun set in 17th century Japan and praises its details and production. They mention FX and its reputation for holding onto their IP, as well as upcoming shows and movies. The speaker clarifies their stance on movies and expresses their love for entertainment. They mention a movie called The Lighthouse and discuss their excitement for The Zone of Interest. The speaker concludes by giving a rating for Dune and summarizing their love for movies and TV as a whole.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[36:26 - 36:37]The speaker does not consider themselves a film snob or critic, but they refuse to watch certain movies like Transformers and Fast and Furious.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[36:38 - 37:06]They also mention enjoying MCU movies but only watch them on a plane or to keep up with current events.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[36:38 - 37:06]The speaker acknowledges that others may enjoy these movies and encourages them to do so, but they personally despise them.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[37:45 - 38:44]They also mention liking John Wick and criticize others for not liking it, jokingly saying they will become a Republican.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[37:45 - 38:44]They receive criticism for objectifying women, particularly when talking about actress Sydney Sweeney.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[38:47 - 39:10]The speaker defends themselves, saying Sweeney makes jokes about herself and that they talk about men in the same way.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[38:47 - 39:10]They mention focusing on appearance and objectifying women is harmful because women are often presented as objects of desire.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[45:32 - 45:42]The speaker briefly mentions watching One Piece and their thoughts on certain characters.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[47:39 - 47:44]They mention a TikTok drama involving a burnt food video.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[48:10 - 48:17]The speaker teases discussing real news, specifically mentioning a possible LGBT war in the Philippines.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[36:26 - 48:17]In summary, the speaker discusses their movie preferences, criticism of objectifying women, and teases discussing real news.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[48:23 - 48:29]Person discussing covering a topic related to Thai Filipino queer war

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[48:39 - 48:45]Mention of Judy Cinderella playing basketball without invite

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[48:50 - 48:57]Importance of her skills on the court for the "yard"

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[49:07 - 49:15]Sweet Baby is a diversity-focused company in the gaming industry

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[53:02 - 53:47]Capitalism as the root cause of these issues, not diversity or woke agendas

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[54:04 - 54:25]Comparison to other successful and diverse franchises in the gaming industry

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[54:31 - 55:47]Right wing criticism and backlash against Sweet Baby for promoting diversity in games

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[54:31 - 55:47]Gamers using Sweet Baby as a scapegoat for failures in the industry

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[54:31 - 55:47]Misunderstanding of Sweet Baby's role in the industry and its actual impact

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[54:31 - 55:47]Mention of recent struggles and controversies in the gaming industry

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[54:31 - 55:47]Discussion of GamerGate and its impact on online discourse

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[58:13 - 58:39]Mention of Donald Trump's presidency and the current year (2024)

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[58:39 - 58:52]Brief explanation of Sweet Baby's role in the industry as a promoter of tradition and rejection of modernity

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[48:18 - 59:13]Person discusses the controversy surrounding Sweet Baby, a diversity-focused company in the gaming industry, and the backlash from right wing gamers who blame it for failures in the industry. They argue that capitalism is the root cause of these issues, not diversity or "woke agendas," and point to successful and diverse franchises in the industry as examples. They also mention the impact of GamerGate on online discourse and briefly touch on current events.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[59:13 - 1.00:28]A game director took to X to dispel rumors about a protagonist's race in a successful game, but his statement did not stop conspiracy theories.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.00:39 - 1.01:05]There is a lack of empathy for game developers and a tendency to believe and spread misinformation.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.04:17 - 1.05:51]Discord screen grabs show the prevalence of hateful and extreme rhetoric in online gaming communities.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.04:17 - 1.05:51]A journalist was kicked out of a discord server for identifying as a "critical theory journalist."

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.06:33 - 1.06:49]Devs are harassed, and Anita Sarkeesian is still a target despite the fact that she is no longer relevant.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.06:33 - 1.06:49]The creator of a playlist about Anita Sarkeesian is no longer involved in the anti-SJW movement.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.11:41 - 1.12:03]People in the discord server expressed concerns about being infiltrated by law enforcement.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.12:23 - 1.12:35]Super Tuesday will be discussed at 1 p.m.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[59:13 - 1.12:35]Online gaming communities are plagued by hatred, extremism, and a lack of empathy for developers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.15:53 - 1.16:17] The author discusses a Discord server and its members' behavior

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.20:03 - 1.20:17]They mention the importance of making fun of ridiculous behavior in order to not give in to what the perpetrators want

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.21:33 - 1.22:33]The author questions why anti-woke individuals only seem to target successful and popular games, rather than smaller and less successful ones

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.23:06 - 1.23:40]They advise younger people to leave Discord servers if they encounter grooming behavior

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.23:06 - 1.23:40]They mock the idea that Sweet Baby Inc. is responsible for adding diversity to games

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.23:06 - 1.23:40]The author discusses the role of Sweet Baby Inc. as a narrative design company rather than a diversity consultancy firm

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.23:06 - 1.23:40]They mention specific games that have been accused of being "woke" and mock the idea that this is the downfall of modern gaming

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.23:06 - 1.23:40]The article discusses the role of Sweet Baby Inc. in promoting inclusivity and diversity in the gaming industry

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.23:40 - 1.24:35]The author criticizes the overuse and lack of meaning in terms like "woke"

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.23:40 - 1.24:35]They mention a publication that objectifies women and claims that they are not "woke" if they appreciate their appearance

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.12:45 - 1.24:35]Sweet Baby Inc. is not responsible for the downfall of modern gaming; rather, the author argues that anti-woke individuals are getting progressively dumber and unable to understand the concept of diversity.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.24:35 - 1.25:16] Person expresses confusion and frustration over the definition of "woke" and its relation to politics and physical appearance

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.26:02 - 1.26:34]Person references a situation where Republicans were upset about a white football player dating a white Christian musician

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.29:26 - 1.30:31]Person criticizes the idea of a "woke mob" and its supposed influence on media and politics

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.29:26 - 1.30:31]Person argues that the success of a "woke" media product, like Harry Potter, disproves the idea of a "woke mob"

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.30:57 - 1.31:30]Person expresses disinterest in a controversy surrounding a video game company's alleged "woke" agenda

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.34:04 - 1.34:37]Person argues that some people's brains may be rewired by constantly playing online competitive games

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.36:22 - 1.36:50]Person finds irony in someone using a video game, Hell Divers, as an example of something that is not "woke"

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.37:05 - 1.37:16]Person discusses the importance of proper representation and avoiding unintended racism in media

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.24:35 - 1.37:16]Person expresses confusion and frustration over the definition of "woke" and its relation to politics and physical appearance, while also criticizing the idea of a "woke mob" and its supposed influence on media and politics. They also argue against the idea of a "woke mob" by pointing to the success of "woke" media products like Harry Potter. Additionally, they discuss the potential effects of constantly playing online competitive games on the brain, and the importance of proper representation and avoiding unintended racism in media. They also find irony in someone using a video game, Hell Divers, as an example of something that is not "woke."

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.37:16 - 1.37:32]Companies like Sweet Baby Ink can receive ESG investment if they meet certain criteria

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.37:32 - 1.37:59]Black Rock is a major investor in these companies

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.37:32 - 1.37:59]Black Rock allegedly has a scorecard for ESG investments

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.37:32 - 1.37:59]Right-wing critics often miss the mark on capitalism and corporations

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.37:32 - 1.37:59]They often attribute capitalism's flaws to marginalized groups

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.39:20 - 1.39:39]This is just marketing, not serious amounts of investment

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.40:38 - 1.41:11]Companies are turning to diversity to increase their ESG scores and secure funding

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.44:19 - 1.44:46]Video game companies are diverse for monetary gain, not just to be "woke"

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.45:57 - 1.46:38]Natural diversity has always existed in gaming

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.45:57 - 1.46:38]The issue is when forced diversity replaces natural diversity

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.47:31 - 1.47:47]Criticizing representation in Norse mythology is hypocritical, as it is already fictional

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.47:47 - 1.48:18]There is a difference between how diversity was treated historically and how it is treated now

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.47:47 - 1.48:18]The "woke debates" online are often about games that critics haven't even played

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.37:16 - 1.49:13]Overall, the criticism of "woke" gaming is often misguided and overlooks bigger issues.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.49:13 - 1.50:52]Sweet Baby Inks has a diverse client list in the gaming industry

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.54:17 - 1.54:32]Sweet Baby Inks has worked with major gaming studios and has had a significant influence on their games

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.54:59 - 1.55:15]Gamers often have strong opinions about game development, even though they may not fully understand the process

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.54:59 - 1.55:15]Some gamers criticize games for being "woke" or too politically correct, but also enjoy games that align with their personal beliefs

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.54:59 - 1.55:15]Critics of the company often have personal biases and baggage that cause them to react negatively

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.56:29 - 1.56:45]Some gamers criticize the company for pushing for diversity in game development

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.56:29 - 1.56:45]Sweet Baby Inks also offers services for improving representation and inclusivity in games

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.58:17 - 1.59:49]Diversity in game development and storytelling leads to better games overall

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.49:13 - 1.59:49]Sweet Baby Inks is a gaming consulting company that has worked with major studios and has been criticized for promoting diversity in game development. Gamers often have strong opinions about the industry, but may not fully understand the process. Some gamers criticize games for being too politically correct, but also enjoy games that align with their beliefs. Critics of Sweet Baby Inks often have personal biases, but diversity in game development leads to better games.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.03:20 - 2.05:28]Audio discusses the importance of cultural representation in storytelling.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.05:28 - 2.05:54]Emphasizes the need for people with lived experience to be involved in creating works of art.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.05:54 - 2.06:18]Mentions the controversy surrounding Sweet Baby Ink and their involvement in promoting diversity in the gaming industry.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.06:18 - 2.07:07]Points out that the focus on diversity is primarily driven by monetary investments from companies like Black Rock and Vanguard.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.07:22 - 2.08:14]Reveals that Black Rock and Vanguard are the largest shareholders in major gaming companies like Activision Blizzard, Ubisoft, EA, Microsoft, and Warner Brothers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.07:22 - 2.08:14]Concludes that the push for diversity in the gaming industry is driven by financial interests rather than moral or ethical reasons.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.09:42 - 2.10:33]Mentions that Sweet Baby Ink was involved in the creation of the controversial game, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.10:33 - 2.10:54]Notes a tonal shift towards forced diversity in recent games such as Spider-Man 2 and the Spider-Man 2018 sequel.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[1.59:49 - 2.11:38]Kill the Justice League and the tonal shift towards forced diversity in recent games are discussed. The conclusion is that the push for diversity in the gaming industry is primarily driven by financial interests.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.11:38 - 2.13:33]Discussion of Sweet Baby Ink's impact on the gaming industry and the creation of a Steam group dedicated to games associated with the company

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.13:33 - 2.14:05]Attempts by Sweet Baby Ink to remove the Steam group and ban its creator, leading to backlash and accusations of harassment

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.15:27 - 2.16:16]Mention of Zoe Quinn and the Gamergate controversy, along with criticism of those who continue to bring it up

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.22:00 - 2.22:09]The election results of Super Tuesday, including the victory of Jason Palmer of American Samoa with 51 votes

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.11:38 - 2.22:34]Discussion of Sweet Baby Ink's impact on the gaming industry and backlash over attempts to remove a Steam group dedicated to the company, along with mention of the Gamergate controversy and the results of Super Tuesday.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.22:34 - 2.22:59]The American Samoa caucus structure has consistently voted for "bullshit" candidates, including Michael Bloomberg in 2020.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.22:59 - 2.23:21]Bloomberg won the 2020 primary in American Samoa, despite Tulsi Gabbard being expected to win due to being born there.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.26:46 - 2.27:08]Nikki Haley suspended her campaign for president after failing to gain traction, despite having a strong brand and approval ratings within the Republican party.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.28:54 - 2.29:16]Adam Shitt won the California Senate primary, filling the seat of the "evacuated" Dianne Feinstein.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.31:41 - 2.31:53]Katie Porter and Barbara Lee were also contenders for the seat, but ultimately failed due to lack of funding and maneuvering.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.31:41 - 2.31:53]Lee had a long and storied career, but faced difficulties in funding and her bid for the Senate.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.31:53 - 2.32:00]She had notable policies, such as endorsing a $50 minimum wage, but ultimately only received 7% of the vote.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.32:08 - 2.32:22]Porter and Lee had to remove themselves from their house seats.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.22:34 - 2.32:22]Overall, the American Samoa caucus consistently votes for "bullshit" candidates, Nikki Haley suspended her campaign for president, and Adam Shitt won the California Senate primary, filling the seat of the "evacuated" Dianne Feinstein.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.32:22 - 2.32:32] Three candidates retired from their seats to run in a race, giving up their seats to do so.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.32:32 - 2.32:42]Adam Shiv spent $10 million promoting a Republican candidate in a state that has more Republicans than many Republican states.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.33:36 - 2.33:56]This move may have activated more Republicans in California and could harm the Democratic party's chances of taking control of the House.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.36:46 - 2.37:23]In 2020, a race in Southern California was decided by only 300 votes, showing how close these races can be.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.38:19 - 2.39:31]Biden did not do well in many states, except in New England.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.38:19 - 2.39:31]He also did poorly in the South, where he only received 95% of the vote in South Carolina.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.38:19 - 2.39:31]In Virginia and North Carolina, there were significant numbers of voters who chose "uncommitted."

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.39:31 - 2.39:43]The West Coast and Mountain States have not finished counting yet.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.39:43 - 2.39:52]Biden did better in Colorado than expected.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.39:52 - 2.40:43]Minnesota stood out as a state where Biden nearly went under 70% of the vote.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.39:52 - 2.40:43]The uncommitted vote in Minnesota was correlated with younger and more diverse precincts.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.40:43 - 2.40:56]It was a bad result for Biden and may be a sign of a localized protest vote.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.32:22 - 2.41:02]Overall, the results were not good for Biden and could harm the Democratic party's chances of taking control of the House.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.41:02 - 2.41:42] Minneapolis is the area of Ilhan Omar, where there is a strong presence of uncommitted voters

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.41:42 - 2.42:17]Uncommitted voters are Democratic party loyalists who want to make a statement about the direction of the Biden campaign

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.42:43 - 2.42:58]Uncommitted voters are not likely to vote in the primary but would vote for the Democratic party in the general election if Biden changes course on his policies towards Israel

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.42:58 - 2.44:50]In Michigan, uncommitted voters received 10% of the vote, which was a significant increase compared to previous years due to the changing political climate

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.45:01 - 2.45:37]Uncommitted voters are a significant indicator of Biden's ability to hold onto less loyal voters

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.45:37 - 2.46:21]The uncommitted campaign was put together in a matter of weeks, which is impressive given the short timeframe

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.46:46 - 2.47:06]Other states with uncommitted options, such as Wisconsin and Washington, are worth keeping track of

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.47:06 - 2.47:33]The result of the uncommitted voters is usually something that takes decades to develop, not something that happens over a conflict that started five months ago

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.47:33 - 2.48:01]The Iraq War took years for people to sour on, compared to the uncommitted voters' rapid response to the conflict in Israel

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.48:01 - 2.49:22]Uncommitted voters are causing chaos within the Biden campaign and are being closely monitored by the media

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.48:01 - 2.49:22]The polls have been stagnant, making the uncommitted voters a central topic for those covering the election

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.50:09 - 2.50:25]Biden was supposed to be a strong candidate, so comparing him to Trump is a sign of his failure to live up to expectations

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.41:02 - 2.50:25]The uncommitted voters in Minnesota, a strong Democratic party presence in Ilhan Omar's territory, are causing chaos in the Biden campaign and are being closely monitored by the media. Uncommitted voters are a significant indicator of Biden's ability to hold onto less loyal voters and his failure to live up to expectations as a strong candidate. This is a rapid response to the conflict in Israel, compared to previous conflicts such as the Iraq War. Other states with uncommitted options, such as Wisconsin and Washington, are also worth keeping track of.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.50:25 - 2.51:32]Biden is sharing his screen to discuss important demographics needed for his 2020 campaign.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.55:48 - 2.56:56]Young and Hispanic voters in key states are crucial for Biden's victory.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.57:05 - 2.57:27]Biden's age and past actions make it difficult for him to appeal to voters.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.58:52 - 2.59:07]His approval ratings are at an all-time low and continue to decrease.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.58:52 - 2.59:07]The vessel for his policies, Biden, is inadequate and unappealing to voters.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.59:07 - 2.59:13]Biden is trying to win over Nikki Stout, an 80-year-old Trump voter.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.59:19 - 2.59:32]These voters are already unhappy with Biden's administration and policies.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.59:19 - 2.59:32]Biden's lack of leadership and clear direction is the main issue in this election.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.59:19 - 2.59:32]No incumbent with a sub-40% approval rating has won re-election.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.59:19 - 2.59:32]The situation looks dire for Biden and the Democratic party.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.59:19 - 2.59:32]There is no indication that they are willing to make changes or switch out Biden.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.59:55 - 3.00:02]Democrats are leading in most competitive Senate races, even in traditionally red states.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.59:55 - 3.00:02]A delegate war or convention could potentially lead to a change in candidates.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.59:55 - 3.00:02]People would likely be fine with a change in candidates.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[2.50:25 - 3.00:11]Biden's campaign is struggling due to his age, past actions, and lack of leadership. He is trying to win over key demographics, but his approval ratings continue to decline. Democrats are leading in most Senate races, but Biden's appeal to voters is inadequate. A change in candidates may be necessary for a successful campaign.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.00:11 - 3.00:44]People didn't like Biden, now they're looking for a new candidate

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.00:57 - 3.01:20]Some states still select candidates through conventions, which has worked out well in the past

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.02:29 - 3.02:58]Uncommitted vote did well in urban areas during Super Tuesday

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.03:18 - 3.03:27]Kamala Harris' team is leaking information to make her seem more competent than Biden

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.05:14 - 3.05:25]Biden is motivated by bitterness and spite

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.06:00 - 3.06:11]Open primaries have been used since 1972, but there haven't been many good presidents since then

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.06:37 - 3.07:18]He's the most Nixonian president we've had

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.06:37 - 3.07:18]His brain isn't working the way it used to

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.06:37 - 3.07:18]He's unimaginably pro-Israel due to past influences

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.06:37 - 3.07:18]He's angry and resentful, holding onto the presidency

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.06:37 - 3.07:18]He's holding onto positions out of spite, even when they don't make sense

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.07:42 - 3.08:01]His opinions can be cool when he actually has them

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.07:42 - 3.08:01]He withdrew troops from Afghanistan out of spite

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.08:01 - 3.08:17]He's a complete diva and very petty

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.08:19 - 3.08:30]It's not looking great for the media or for the election

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.00:11 - 3.08:39]People didn't like Biden, now they're looking for a new candidate, but the open primaries used since 1972 haven't produced many good presidents. Uncommitted vote did well in urban areas during Super Tuesday. Kamala Harris' team is leaking information to make her seem more competent than Biden. Biden is motivated by bitterness and spite and is the most Nixonian president we've had. His brain isn't working the way it used to and he's unimaginably pro-Israel due to past influences. He's holding onto positions out of spite, even when they don't make sense. His opinions can be cool when he actually has them, but he's a complete diva and very petty. It's not looking great for the media or for the election.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.08:39 - 3.09:09]The media is interested in ratings and hopes Trump wins the presidency

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.16:13 - 3.16:23]Running an 81-year-old for president is not a valuable lesson

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.16:23 - 3.16:34]Left-of-center media people are not interested in politics if Trump wins again

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.16:23 - 3.16:34]The media finds Trump's victory depressing

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.16:23 - 3.16:34]The speaker is a press secretary and urges people to vote uncommitted instead of for Jank

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.17:40 - 3.17:50]The speaker is a part of the "Jank momentum train"

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.18:21 - 3.18:54]Mando is an insane candidate in Texas who has controversial and anti-semitic views

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.18:21 - 3.18:54]Mando also wants to expel all migrants from black communities

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.18:55 - 3.19:07]Trump's victory in the past was not a huge shock

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.18:55 - 3.19:07]The story ends with an old man with a massive ego getting away with it

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.18:55 - 3.19:07]Mando was doing better than Jank in the primaries in Texas

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.18:55 - 3.19:07]Mando has a Spanish website and wants to execute Trump and provide reparations for the black community

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.18:55 - 3.19:07]Mando is the future of the Democratic party according to the speaker

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.18:55 - 3.19:07]The speaker and others will vote for Trump in November because of Mando's views

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.18:55 - 3.19:07]Edinger Mentham can be found on and on Twitter and Twitch

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.18:55 - 3.19:07]Hitler-supporting candidate Margar Robinson won in the North Carolina Republican gubernatorial primary

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.18:55 - 3.19:07]Another pro-gun Republican candidate, Brandon Harreira, also won in the primary

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.18:55 - 3.19:07]The speaker supports all YouTubers regardless of their politics

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.18:55 - 3.19:07]Brandon Harreira is known for making a 50 caliber AK and creating Fallout: New Vegas in real life

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.18:55 - 3.19:07]Brandon Harreira is known for making a 50 caliber AK and creating Fallout: New Vegas in real life

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.18:55 - 3.19:07]Brandon Harreira is known for making a 50 caliber AK and creating Fallout: New Vegas in real life

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.18:55 - 3.19:07]Brandon Harreira is known for making a 50 caliber AK and creating Fallout: New Vegas in real life

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.18:55 - 3.19:07]Brandon Harreira is known for making a 50 caliber AK and creating Fallout: New Vegas in real life

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.18:55 - 3.19:07]Brandon Harreira is known for making a 50 caliber AK and creating Fallout: New Vegas in real life

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.18:55 - 3.19:07]Brandon Harreira is known for making a 50 caliber AK and creating Fallout: New Vegas in real life

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.18:55 - 3.19:07]Brandon Harreira is known for making a 50 caliber AK and creating Fallout: New Vegas in real life

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.18:55 - 3.19:07]Brandon Harreira is known for making a 50 caliber AK and creating Fallout: New Vegas in real life

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.18:55 - 3.19:07]Brandon Harreira is known for making a 50 caliber AK and creating Fallout: New Vegas in real life

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.18:55 - 3.19:07]Brandon Harreira is known for making a 50 caliber AK and creating Fallout: New Vegas in real life

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.08:39 - 3.19:07]The speaker finds it cool that Paxton got "shanked" for his corruption.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.19:07 - 3.19:19]Republicans who voted to impeach Trump were defeated by those who support Paxton and Trump.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.19:27 - 3.19:36]Democrats see this as an opportunity to highlight the extreme and corrupt nature of the Texas Republican party.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.20:51 - 3.21:09]Defensive voting is prevalent among both Republicans and Democrats.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.20:51 - 3.21:09]Both parties use fear tactics to sway voters.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.21:09 - 3.21:36]Republicans use issues like racism and gun rights to appeal to single issue voters.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.21:36 - 3.21:41]Democrats have lost sight of their original appeal and are now relying on the Republican party's ineptitude.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.24:56 - 3.25:47]The Democratic party's focus on the economy and immigration is a major strategic mistake.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.26:36 - 3.26:42]They should be focusing on issues like abortion and criminality.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.27:07 - 3.27:17]Trump's leaked abortion bill and IVF policy were major gifts to the Democratic party.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.27:17 - 3.28:23]The Democratic party's focus on right-wing framing of immigration has neutralized the issue.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.27:17 - 3.28:23]They are unable to effectively argue for their own policies and end up contradicting themselves.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.27:17 - 3.28:23]It is more damaging to start arguing against oneself than to stick to one's beliefs.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.19:07 - 3.28:36]Democrats should focus on being honest and true to their beliefs. Overall, the Democratic party's current strategy is damaging and ineffective, and they should focus on highlighting their own policies and beliefs.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.28:36 - 3.28:54]Audio begins with discussion of Kamala Harris potentially running for president in 2024

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.28:54 - 3.29:00]Excitement for a potential Kamala Harris presidency and "black girl magic"

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.29:10 - 3.29:45]Mention of "coconut tree gang" and taking old, racist men out of positions of power

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.30:48 - 3.32:46]Discussion of Nikki Haley and her supporters

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.30:48 - 3.32:46]Criticism of Haley and her acceptance of pro-Israel lobbying money

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.30:48 - 3.32:46]Mention of national guard being sent to New York and a vote against a ceasefire resolution

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.33:26 - 3.33:35]Criticism of "old-ass monsters" voting and disrupting public events to put pressure on politicians

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.40:23 - 3.40:40]Clip of representative Trach Flieshman defending Israel and stating that it will always exist

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.41:20 - 3.42:13]Mention of Ilhan Omar's comments about Israel hypnotizing the world

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.28:36 - 3.42:36]The audio discusses potential presidential candidates, criticism of Nikki Haley and her acceptance of pro-Israel lobbying money, and the use of public events to put pressure on politicians. It also includes a clip of a representative defending Israel and mentions of Ilhan Omar's comments about Israel.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.42:36 - 3.43:57]Omar wrote about Israel hypnotizing the world and called for people to see their evil doings

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.44:13 - 3.44:47]He also retweeted a post about Boston GOP voters supporting a Nazi candidate

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.44:13 - 3.44:47]The candidate, Laurie Koffman, received 37.4% of the vote despite her support for Nazism and anti-semitic views

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.46:33 - 3.48:12]Mark Robinson, North Carolina's lieutenant governor, has a history of making controversial and inflammatory comments

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.46:33 - 3.48:12]Robinson has stated his support for banning abortion and derogatory views towards LGBTQ+ individuals

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.46:33 - 3.48:12]Robinson won the Republican nomination for governor and will face Democrat Josh Stein in a close race

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.46:33 - 3.48:12]If elected, Robinson would be the first black governor of North Carolina but has a track record of divisive and bigoted views

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.50:20 - 3.51:10]This incident highlights the issue of Christian Zionism in America and how it is a significant force in supporting Israel

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.53:26 - 3.54:00]The New York Times portrayed Robinson as a "fiery outsider eager to dive into the culture war"

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.54:30 - 3.54:45]He has also quoted Hitler and made anti-semitic comments

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.54:47 - 3.55:03]Robinson's views on Israel and Palestine are concerning and show a lack of concern for human rights and justice

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.57:28 - 3.57:37]The conversation devolved into a discussion about dual loyalty and Robinson stated he does not care about the interests of American citizens if they conflict with Israel's

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.42:36 - 3.58:14]This incident highlights the danger of extremist and bigoted views in politics and the need for accountability and consequences for those who espouse them.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.58:14 - 3.58:26]Discussion about oppressive Palestinian babies and the need to slaughter them

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.58:26 - 3.58:31]Support for Israel and criticism of Palestine

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.58:37 - 3.58:45]Mention of a "nutty moment" from last night that has not been covered

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.00:30 - 4.00:35]Support for President Trump and criticism of the left

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.00:35 - 4.01:10]Excitement over a biker jacket with "born-to-ride president Trump" written on it

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.03:48 - 4.04:31]Biden's comments on Nicky Haley dropping out of the Republican presidential primary

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.03:48 - 4.04:31]Support for Trump over Biden, but not necessarily Nicky Haley

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.03:48 - 4.04:31]Criticism of Trump and support for Biden from a former Trump voter

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.07:46 - 4.07:54]Discussion of the "Project 2025" conspiracy theory and fear of living in a dictatorship

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.08:47 - 4.09:16]Mention of a video featuring a "haly voter" who switched from Trump to Nicky Haley

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.08:47 - 4.09:16]Trump's campaign message about uniting the party to defeat Biden and Haley's response

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.10:18 - 4.10:39]Mention of a Reddit commentor starter pack

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.10:47 - 4.11:38]Discussion of recent bombings in Gaza and criticism of Israel's actions

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[3.58:14 - 4.11:38]The conversation covers topics such as support for Israel, criticism of Palestine, support for Trump and criticism of the left, discussion of a "nutty moment," and a former Trump voter's switch to supporting Biden over Trump. There is also mention of the "Project 2025" conspiracy theory and recent bombings in Gaza.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.11:44 - 4.11:55]Former President Trump speaks about caring for humanity and fake deaths

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.12:43 - 4.13:04]Discussion about Brian Mass's encounters

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.13:13 - 4.13:20]Trump's dislike for Islamist fundamentalists

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.16:13 - 4.17:22]Nikki Haley's speech and her request for Trump to earn the votes of Republicans

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.16:13 - 4.17:22]Trump's belief that Biden is the enemy and destroying the country

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.17:22 - 4.17:59]Donald Trump's statement before Nikki Haley's speech

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.17:22 - 4.17:59]Trump's response to Haley's speech and his statement on Twitter

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.17:22 - 4.17:59]Haley's supporters and donations

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.17:22 - 4.17:59]Trump's invitation for Haley supporters to join his movement

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.18:44 - 4.19:23]The need for both candidates to rebuild their coalitions

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.18:44 - 4.19:23]The start of the rematch between Trump and Biden

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.20:05 - 4.20:29]Trump's stronger position compared to 2016

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.20:39 - 4.20:57]The importance of Haley voters

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.20:39 - 4.20:57]Biden's weaker position compared to 2020

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.20:57 - 4.21:06]Voters being ready for the reality of the rematch

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.24:23 - 4.25:07]Uncertainty among voters

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.24:23 - 4.25:07]Uncertainty among voters

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.24:23 - 4.25:07]Potential for a great resorting of the parties

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.24:23 - 4.25:07]The impact of criminal charges and court cases on Trump's candidacy

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.24:23 - 4.25:07]Concerns about Trump's fitness for serving and potential conviction

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.25:09 - 4.25:32]The potential impact of these factors on key swing states like North Carolina and Virginia

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.11:44 - 4.25:32]Overall, the discussion focused on the rematch between Trump and Biden, rebuilding coalitions, and concerns about criminal charges and court cases.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.25:32 - 4.26:14]Court cases may not reach a point of conclusion

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.30:28 - 4.31:11]Wildcards in the presidential race make it more interesting

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.34:20 - 4.35:43]Trump met with Elon Musk and other wealthy donors seeking cash infusion

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.34:20 - 4.35:43]Elon Musk could potentially erase Democrats' financial advantage

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.36:16 - 4.36:27]Criminal charges have helped Donald Trump consolidate his base

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.36:16 - 4.36:27]Biden campaign's task is to make the election about Trump's negatives

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.36:16 - 4.36:27]Biden campaign sees opportunity to seize upon Trump's negative image

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.36:16 - 4.36:27]Biden campaign is trying to appeal to African-American voters

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.36:35 - 4.36:41]Elon Musk has government contracts and interest in regulatory affairs

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.36:35 - 4.36:41]Trump is running for his life and could potentially be saved by Musk's money

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.36:41 - 4.36:47]Trump could potentially dismiss all his legal cases if he wins with Musk's support

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.36:47 - 4.37:01]Musk could be a powerful force if he backs Trump financially

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.36:47 - 4.37:01]Money in politics is a problem

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.25:32 - 4.37:06]Court cases may not reach a conclusion, wildcards make the presidential race interesting, criminal charges have helped Trump consolidate his base, Biden campaign is trying to make election about Trump's negatives, opportunity for Biden campaign to seize on Trump's negative image, Biden campaign trying to appeal to African-American voters, Trump met with Elon Musk and other wealthy donors seeking cash infusion, Musk could potentially erase Democrats' financial advantage, Musk has government contracts and interest in regulatory affairs, Trump could potentially dismiss all his legal cases with Musk's support, Trump is running for his life and could be saved by Musk's money, overall money in politics is a problem.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.37:06 - 4.37:30] Elon Musk is reliant on government contracts and may face difficulties if Joe Biden is reelected.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.37:30 - 4.37:55]Tesla was not invited to the last EV Summit at the White House and may not be invited in 2025.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.38:34 - 4.38:48]Elon Musk's online presence and ego may contribute to his radicalization.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.39:17 - 4.39:22]Tesla's funding may be used for ground and mail campaigns.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.39:17 - 4.39:22]Republican governments tend to cut taxes and deregulate, which benefits people like Elon Musk.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.39:22 - 4.40:29]The Supreme Court may try to ensure the longevity of a Republican government.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.41:56 - 4.42:40]Institutions rely on transparency and shame to defend against authoritarian rule.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.43:30 - 4.45:35]Fox News had the highest ratings during Super Tuesday coverage.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.43:30 - 4.45:35]CNN's ratings have been declining, possibly due to their attempt to pivot towards a right-wing bias.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.47:15 - 4.48:54]There are only two options for the upcoming election: Donald Trump or Joe Biden.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.47:15 - 4.48:54]People must actively work to ensure their preferred candidate wins.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.48:54 - 4.49:46]Biden's campaign sees tonight's results as cementing the reality of a choice between him and Trump.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.48:54 - 4.49:46]Senate Republican leader McConnell has endorsed Trump.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.48:54 - 4.49:46]A long-time White House staff member is leaving to work for Apple.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.48:54 - 4.49:46]The White House has agreed to a budget cut for the regulator investigating Apple.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.37:06 - 4.49:46]Trump or Biden, and people must actively work to ensure their preferred candidate wins. Senate Republican leader McConnell has endorsed Trump and a long-time White House staff member is leaving to work for Apple. The White House has agreed to a budget cut for the regulator investigating Apple.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.49:48 - 4.51:22] The audio covers topics such as the White House deputy press secretary Olivia Dalton still working at the White House despite announcing she's leaving for Apple and a DOJ antitrust investigation into Apple.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.56:31 - 4.57:13]The conversation shifts to a murder suspect, Daniel Rotimer, who was endorsed by Trump and is now being sought by Las Vegas police for a murder at a resort's world hotel room.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.56:31 - 4.57:13]This leads to a discussion about a previous case where a man, Christopher Tapp, was falsely convicted of a crime and spent 20 years in prison before being proven innocent through genetic genealogy.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.57:43 - 4.58:09]The conversation then moves to a murder suspect in Israel, Andy Green, who is also leading protests blocking humanitarian aid to Gaza.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.58:40 - 4.59:16]The audio then mentions the saving graces of the administration, Lena con and the NLRB, and the potential impact of budget cuts on these organizations.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.59:16 - 4.59:44]There is also discussion about the budget cuts to the antitrust division and the lack of knowledge within the administration.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.59:16 - 4.59:44]There is a brief discussion about U.S. tax dollars potentially funding Israeli healthcare.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.01:39 - 5.02:21]The audio ends with a mention of a fight between Thai and Filipino transgender individuals in Bangkok, with speculation about the cause of the fight.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[4.49:48 - 5.02:54]In summary, the audio covers a range of topics including White House personnel, budget cuts, murder suspects, and a fight between Thai and Filipino transgender individuals in Bangkok.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.03:02 - 5.04:07] Fight breaks out at 5 a.m. between 20 Filipino and 4 Thai trans women in a hotel in Thailand

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.04:12 - 5.06:02]Filipina group started the fight, allegedly mocking and assaulting a Thai trans woman

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.04:12 - 5.06:02]Outrage on Thai social media leads to a mob of 100 mostly Thai trans women gathering at the Filipino group's hotel

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.07:05 - 5.07:31]Police called in, but unable to control the growing crowd

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.07:31 - 5.08:03]Filipino group is eventually escorted by police to their cars, but the Thai mob breaks through and assaults them

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.07:31 - 5.08:03]Police release a PSA after a body camera and gun are stolen during the chaos

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.09:03 - 5.09:18]The moral of the story is to not mess with the Thai dolls, who have expertise in Muay Thai and other skills

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.13:07 - 5.13:44]Video footage shows a marauder using sambas as weapons, with other classes such as paladins and hunters present

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.14:10 - 5.14:30]The fight analysis explains the different classes and skills at play in the fight, including the marauder's use of sambas for critical hits

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.02:54 - 5.16:27]A fight breaks out between a group of Filipino and Thai trans women in a hotel in Thailand, with the Filipina group allegedly starting the fight and sparking outrage on Thai social media. A mob of Thai trans women gather at the hotel, leading to chaos and police intervention. Video footage shows different classes and skills at play, with the marauder utilizing sambas for critical hits. The fight analysis explains the importance of class and skill proficiency in the fight.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.16:27 - 5.16:34]NPC in escort mission is lost during boss fight

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.16:41 - 5.16:47]Aggro draws from hotel lobby

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.17:08 - 5.17:19]Unique priest or bard class attempts to use charm

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.17:19 - 5.18:12]NPC takes too much damage and cannot de-escalate combat

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.18:14 - 5.20:34]Thai-Filipina swagapina war

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.18:14 - 5.20:34]Thai girl says they only brought fists and cocks

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.22:38 - 5.24:26]Thai people prioritize defending trans women over foreigners

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.22:38 - 5.24:26]Thai people do not play when it comes to trans people

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.24:33 - 5.25:05]Group of Pinai trans women beat up Thai trans woman

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.25:13 - 5.25:52]Police seen escorting Filipino into police station

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.25:13 - 5.25:52]Thai man arrested for defending Thai trans women

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.25:13 - 5.25:52]Thai defenders go to hotel where Filipino trans women are staying

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.25:52 - 5.26:07]Interviewer talks about their services and the violence

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.26:15 - 5.26:22]Uncle makes a joke about the 360-degree beating

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.26:26 - 5.27:14]Filipino trans women were doing sex work and acting out

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.27:59 - 5.28:14]Thailand is a queer-positive country due to historical reasons

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.27:59 - 5.28:14]Thailand is one of the only places not impacted by colonial homophobia

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.29:18 - 5.29:36]Thai trans women beat up Filipino trans women in an instance of doll on doll violence

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.29:18 - 5.29:36]Thai trans women beating up Filipino trans women sparked war between the two groups

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.29:18 - 5.29:36]Thai man arrested for defending Thai trans women during the war

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.29:18 - 5.29:36]Thai people prioritize defending trans women over foreigners

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.29:18 - 5.29:36]Filipino trans women were doing sex work and acting out

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.29:18 - 5.29:36]Thailand is a queer-positive country due to historical reasons

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.29:18 - 5.29:36]Thai trans women beat up Filipino trans women in an instance of doll on doll violence

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.29:18 - 5.29:36]Thailand is one of the only places not impacted by colonial homophobia

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.30:09 - 5.30:16]Transphobic remarks made by interviewer

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.30:16 - 5.30:39]Thai trans women beating up Filipino trans women sparked war between the two groups

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.30:16 - 5.30:39]Thai man arrested for defending Thai trans women during the war

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.30:16 - 5.30:39]Thai people prioritize defending trans women over foreigners

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.16:27 - 5.32:16]This is a chronological summary of events surrounding an instance of violence between Thai and Filipino trans women, including the involvement of Thai defenders and the arrest of a Thai man for defending Thai trans women. It also discusses Thailand's queer-positive culture and a song about Nikki Haley and democracy.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.32:16 - 5.32:27] Niki Haly is needed urgently

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.32:27 - 5.33:43]Kaya and another person were being separately

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.32:27 - 5.33:43]The speaker is upset about a broken promise

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.33:43 - 5.34:35]The community thrives on random esoteric memes

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.33:43 - 5.34:35]The speaker disagrees that the community is weird

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.37:34 - 5.37:43]Someone is speaking in tongues

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.38:09 - 5.38:22]Ryan Garcia is mentioned

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.38:09 - 5.38:22]Ryan Garcia is accused of promoting his fight by posting unhinged stuff

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.38:47 - 5.39:24]Examples of Ryan Garcia's unhinged posts are mentioned, including false claims about the Illuminati and child trafficking

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.43:42 - 5.43:49]Someone is asking for help

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.46:15 - 5.46:45]There is a conversation about the state of Twitter and mental health

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.46:46 - 5.47:03]People are reacting to Ryan Garcia's posts on Twitter, with some believing them to be true and others calling for him to get help

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.46:46 - 5.47:03]The speaker believes that people with a history of mental illness are more likely to believe in conspiracy theories

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.47:03 - 5.47:37]The speaker believes that the conspiracy theorists are creating a new reality for themselves

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.47:40 - 5.48:00]The speaker knows Ryan Garcia and has discussed mental health with him in the past

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.47:40 - 5.48:00]Mike, who knows Ryan Garcia, speaks out about the situation

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.47:40 - 5.48:00]Mike has first-hand information about Ryan Garcia's mental health and past struggles with addiction Summary:

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.47:40 - 5.48:00]Urgent need for Niki Haly

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.47:40 - 5.48:00]Broken promise and disagreement about community

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.47:40 - 5.48:00]Mention of Ryan Garcia

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.47:40 - 5.48:00]Speaking in tongues and asking for help

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.47:40 - 5.48:00]Accusations against Ryan Garcia for posting unhinged stuff

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.47:40 - 5.48:00]Examples of Ryan Garcia's posts and reactions on Twitter

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.47:40 - 5.48:00]Examples of Ryan Garcia's posts and reactions on Twitter

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.32:16 - 5.48:00]Mike speaks out and has first-hand information about Ryan Garcia's mental health.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.48:00 - 5.48:35]The person speaking has personal experience with dealing with demons and trying to bring sanity to discussions.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.48:35 - 5.48:41]Someone responds saying he may have the secrets of the Vatican and the universe on his phone and is waking people up.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.48:41 - 5.48:53]The person speaking questions if people are for real and mentions people thinking he is working for someone and trying to save face.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.48:53 - 5.49:13]He talks about society becoming more mentally ill and the failure of capitalism.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.49:13 - 5.50:19]He mentions the dam breaking and the inability to have access to healthcare and meaningful wages.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.50:19 - 5.51:17]He brings up various conspiracies such as election stealing, Pizzagate, and the Bohemian Grove child sacrifices.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.54:53 - 5.55:01]He talks about how people either look for answers in materialist understanding or conspiratorial thinking.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.54:53 - 5.55:01]He questions the lack of evidence for these conspiracies and mentions the government being able to cover things up.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.55:24 - 5.55:35]He discusses the role of mental health treatment and access to it.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.55:36 - 5.55:52]He mentions the cancellation of Ryan Garcia's fight and his public mental breakdown.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.55:36 - 5.55:52]He talks about Garcia's tweets and how it is a cry for help.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.56:03 - 5.56:21]He questions if people joking or being serious about believing in a wealthy elite pedophile cabal.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.56:21 - 5.57:01]He talks about Ryan Garcia limiting his social media posts and comments on his mental state.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.57:23 - 5.57:33]He mentions Patrick Bed David and his involvement in Garcia's training.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.59:33 - 6.00:03]He questions the people who are praising Garcia's decision to limit his posts and says he needs help.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[5.48:00 - 6.00:03]The speaker discusses personal experiences with demons and trying to bring sanity to discussions. They question society's increasing mental illness and the failure of capitalism. They mention various conspiracies and the lack of evidence for them. They also bring up the role of mental health treatment and discuss Ryan Garcia's public mental breakdown and decision to limit his social media posts. The speaker questions the people praising Garcia's decision and says he needs help.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.02:18 - 6.02:24] Ryan Garcia appears in a video, claiming he is being held against his will and cannot access his phone or money.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.10:56 - 6.11:07]The speaker argues that online anonymity allows for the spread of misinformation and the lack of proper assessment of individuals.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.11:19 - 6.11:37]The speaker criticizes the online community for hyping up individuals in the midst of mental health issues.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.12:09 - 6.12:21]The speaker questions the validity of Garcia's claims, suggesting he may be bipolar or under duress.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.12:22 - 6.12:28]The speaker references Kanye West's bipolar diagnosis and suggests Garcia could be experiencing a manic episode.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.12:34 - 6.12:52]The speaker brings up the example of YouTuber Etika, who passed away due to drug abuse after online speculation about his mental health.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.12:34 - 6.12:52]The speaker also mentions the role of influencers and celebrities in hyping up controversial events, such as influencer boxing.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.12:53 - 6.12:59]The speaker addresses comments from viewers questioning the validity of Garcia's claims, stating that the truth can be stranger than fiction.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.00:03 - 6.13:43]A bullet point summary of the main points made in the audio, discussing Ryan Garcia's video and the speaker's opinions on mental health and online communities.

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[6.13:43 - 6.13:49]20 month subscriber joking on community

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[6.14:31 - 6.14:41]Context is important in human interaction

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.14:31 - 6.14:41]Online interactions lack context

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.14:41 - 6.14:58]Anyone can present themselves as normal online

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.14:41 - 6.14:58]This can lead to a spiral of madness

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.16:17 - 6.16:35]Twitter is an example of this

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.16:35 - 6.16:41]Social media platform ELA renamed as X

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.16:43 - 6.16:51]Moderation was unshackled and led to right wing platform of X

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.16:59 - 6.17:09]Theories about his mental state and drug use

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.18:11 - 6.18:30]Ryan Garcia's strange behavior and videos

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.19:17 - 6.19:28]People around Garcia may also be contributing to the situation

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[6.22:55 - 6.23:07]Concerns raised by his ex-wife and coach

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.23:49 - 6.24:05]Comparisons to past mass hysteria events

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.13:43 - 6.24:45]Ryan Garcia's recent strange behavior and videos have raised concerns about his mental state and drug use. The lack of context in online interactions can lead to a spiral of madness and Twitter is an example of this. Moderation being unshackled led to the platform X, which has become a right wing shithole.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.24:45 - 6.24:58]People were calling out someone for making bad decisions

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.26:03 - 6.26:13]The person is possibly being influenced by someone in their ear, possibly Mayweather

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.26:14 - 6.26:20]There is concern that a fight with Devin Haney may not happen due to the person's behavior

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.27:05 - 6.27:23]There is speculation about the person's mental health and motives for their behavior

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[6.27:54 - 6.28:16]The person has a list of "non-negotiables" that they must follow, including strict diet and no smoking

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.29:25 - 6.29:40]The person is calling for peace in the Middle East and prayers for Jerusalem

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.33:50 - 6.33:56]The person's behavior has caused concern and could lead to the cancellation of the fight

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.34:36 - 6.35:07]There are mentions of child abuse in the Catholic church and the Bohemian Grove conspiracy

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.35:38 - 6.35:53]The person has been threatened and feels they are not part of a certain club

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.24:45 - 6.35:53]Someone is making bad decisions and possibly being influenced by someone in their ear, causing concern about a scheduled fight. They have a strict list of "non-negotiables" and there is speculation about their mental health and motives. They are also speaking out about issues such as child abuse and conspiracy theories.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.41:24 - 6.42:01]Ice Cube talking about his book "Doppelganger" and the criticism he has faced from liberals and the media.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.42:07 - 6.42:54]He plans to go on a podcast tour to share his message and address the gatekeepers in the industry.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.42:07 - 6.42:54]He also talks about his Big Three basketball league and potential issues with the NBA.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.42:07 - 6.42:54]Ice Cube is accused of being anti-Semitic due to his support of Louis Farrakhan.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.42:07 - 6.42:54]He has been sued for assault and battery in the past.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.44:06 - 6.44:22]Ice Cube discusses the arms trade and the history of war profiteering.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.44:06 - 6.44:22]He presents a map showing the flow of weapons around the world and the power dynamics at play.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.44:06 - 6.44:22]Ice Cube speaks with experts about the reasons behind selling weapons to other countries.

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[6.47:26 - 6.47:38]The main reasons given are to promote peace and security, but there may be other underlying motivations.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.35:54 - 6.47:47]Ice Cube discusses criticism he has faced for his book and his plans to address gatekeepers. He also talks about potential issues with the NBA and his support for Louis Farrakhan. Additionally, he discusses the arms trade and reasons for selling weapons to other countries.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.47:47 - 6.48:13]The discussion begins with a strategic argument about the belief in the ability to find and defeat adversaries abroad.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.56:07 - 6.56:18]The ingredients used for this calculation are money and profit for military contractors.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.57:18 - 6.57:35]The concept of balance of power in international relations theory is discussed.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.57:18 - 6.57:35]The constant conflict must occur in order for the US to continue exploiting resources and places where conflict occurs.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.57:35 - 6.57:43]The map shows the US selling weapons to other countries in exchange for influence and loyalty.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.57:35 - 6.57:43]Sam Ellis, creator of "Search Party," helps decode the map and discuss the reasons for weapon sales.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.57:35 - 6.57:43]The map is updated to show the countries and what the US expects in return for selling weapons.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.57:49 - 6.58:06]The US has sold weapons to 103 countries, but they are not supposed to be used to violate human rights.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.57:49 - 6.58:06]It is difficult to see the leverage that the US can use with governments it sells weapons to.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.57:49 - 6.58:06]The US government approves weapons being sent to other countries to maintain balance of power.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.57:49 - 6.58:06]The US has a massive global presence and influence through selling weapons.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.58:08 - 6.58:18]Countries will naturally get into conflict with each other unless they calculate that it is unwise to do so.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.58:08 - 6.58:18]The US buys stability, alliances, friendship, help against enemies, and vital resources through weapon sales.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.58:08 - 6.58:18]Friendship is the most common thing that the US is buying with weapons.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.58:46 - 6.58:59]Some countries have more to offer in return for weapons, leading to a cycle of fascism.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.47:47 - 6.59:08]The US sells weapons to other countries to maintain balance of power and gain influence and loyalty. The main goal is to buy friendship with other nations, but some countries have more to offer in return, leading to a cycle of fascism. The constant conflict and exploitation of resources are also discussed, and the impact of the US's violent culture on weapons manufacturing is mentioned.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.59:09 - 6.59:26] Introduction to the topic of domestic policy and the ar platform

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.59:27 - 6.59:39]The ar 15 becomes a symbol of American identity

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.59:40 - 6.59:56]Vietnam War and the increase in sales of ar 15

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.00:09 - 7.00:20]The modularity of the ar platform and its popularity for customization

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.00:38 - 7.01:08]US sells weapons to allies through NATO alliance

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.01:08 - 7.01:39]US sells weapons to Ukraine for defense against enemies

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.01:08 - 7.01:39]US considers countries allies only if they are obligated to defend them through a treaty

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.02:38 - 7.03:01]US sells weapons to allies and countries controlling vital resources

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.03:24 - 7.03:55]US sells weapons to countries in Africa for stability and to prevent regime change

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.03:55 - 7.04:19]China's influence in East Asia and US response of selling weapons to countries in their way

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.04:19 - 7.04:36]US uses weapons as a currency for influence and to maintain alliances

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[7.05:56 - 7.06:29]Weapons are not always effective in achieving desired outcomes

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.10:41 - 7.11:11]China's inaction is the only thing keeping the region stable

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[6.59:09 - 7.11:11]The US uses the sale of weapons as a way to maintain alliances and project influence globally, but this strategy is not always effective and relies on China's inaction to prevent potential conflicts.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.11:12 - 7.11:24]China is being criticized for doing the same actions as the US in terms of regional stability.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.12:18 - 7.12:52]The US has given a lot of weapons to Saudi Arabia, with the condition that they are not used against civilians.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.12:18 - 7.12:52]However, Saudi Arabia has been using these weapons against civilians, including bombing hospitals and schools.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.14:52 - 7.15:13]China successfully facilitated a cessation of hostility between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.15:34 - 7.16:39]Trump vetoed a resolution to stop selling weapons to Saudi Arabia, saying they would buy them from Russia otherwise.

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[7.17:09 - 7.17:19]The US has leverage over these countries by not giving them weapons and not providing political cover.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.21:05 - 7.21:18]The US has a strong weapons relationship with Israel, but has no leverage over them in terms of their actions in the Gaza Strip.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.21:18 - 7.21:35]Despite the US government's disapproval of Israel's actions, there is an effort to push for more weapons transfers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.21:18 - 7.21:35]In reality, countries will continue to do what they want with the weapons, regardless of conditions set by the US.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.21:18 - 7.21:35]The US is a major player in the arms trade, but often lacks the ability to control how these weapons are used.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.11:12 - 7.21:56]The US has been criticized for its actions in the arms trade, particularly its supply of weapons to Saudi Arabia and Israel. Despite conditions set by the US, these countries have used the weapons to commit human rights violations. However, the US has the leverage to control these actions by withholding weapons and political cover. The US should use this leverage to promote peace and prevent human rights violations.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.22:24 - 7.22:36] The speaker defends someone who is robbing a bank and talks about the irony of using weapons for stability.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.27:08 - 7.27:18]They discuss the use of weapons as a currency for influence and the fact that they often end up in the wrong hands.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.27:08 - 7.27:18]The speaker questions why the United States continues to make and sell weapons to over a hundred countries.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.29:49 - 7.29:57]The speaker urges people to read the works of Vladimir Lenin to gain a better understanding of the history of weapons and their use in politics.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.32:09 - 7.32:19]They discuss the dangers of dealing with weapons and the need for proper critique and scrutiny.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.33:08 - 7.33:23]They mention the conflict of interest between politicians and weapon-making corporations.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.33:08 - 7.33:23]The conflict of interest and incentives hinder our ability to properly criticize and critique the use of weapons.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.21:56 - 7.33:34]The speaker discusses the irony of using weapons for stability, the issues with using weapons as a currency for influence, and the conflict of interest between politicians and weapon-making corporations. They also urge people to read the works of Vladimir Lenin to gain a better understanding of the history of weapons and their use in politics.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.35:25 - 7.36:07]The audio starts off with a discussion about the role of weapons manufacturing in global conflicts and the need for a balance of power

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.37:16 - 7.37:45]The conversation shifts to the topic of Pine Gap, a secret CIA spy base located in the Australian outback

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.39:47 - 7.39:54]They mention leaked documents that reveal the extent of Pine Gap's capabilities and its connection to other US intelligence agencies

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.40:44 - 7.40:56]A CIA agent is quoted as admitting to spying on conversations between everyday people

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.41:28 - 7.41:36]The hosts discuss Pine Gap's history and its role in global surveillance

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.41:28 - 7.41:36]The hosts also mention the indigenous people's displacement from the land to make way for Pine Gap

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.41:28 - 7.41:36]The discussion turns to the Vietnam War and the protests against Pine Gap in the 1960s

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.41:55 - 7.42:03]The audio ends with the hosts expressing their admiration for the creators' work.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.42:56 - 7.43:14]The hosts then share a personal anecdote about meeting the creators of the video

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.33:34 - 7.43:30]The audio discusses the role of weapons manufacturing and introduces Pine Gap, a secret CIA spy base in Australia. They discuss its history, capabilities, and connection to other US intelligence agencies, as well as the indigenous people's displacement and protests against the base. The hosts also share a personal anecdote and express admiration for the creators' work.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.43:30 - 7.43:46]Mention of socialist government in Australia and their policies

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.45:14 - 7.45:21]Nixon's self-bugging and his consistent values

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.45:21 - 7.45:34]Shock at the revelation of a socialist government in Australia

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.45:21 - 7.45:34]Mention of a new leader, Goth, who wanted an independent Australia

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.45:21 - 7.45:34]Goth's unique name and stance on not being bullied by foreign superpowers

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.45:21 - 7.45:34]CIA's response to Goth's actions, including bugging Australian parliament

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.45:21 - 7.45:34]CIA's coup to remove Goth from power

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.45:43 - 7.46:02]Involvement of the governor general, John Kerr, who was secretly working for the Americans

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.46:02 - 7.46:11]Dusty old law giving the governor general the power to dismiss the prime minister

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.47:25 - 7.47:39]Replacement of Goth with a more subservient prime minister

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.48:38 - 7.48:51]Mention of American military bases in Australia

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.49:10 - 7.49:42]Secretive base causing plane malfunctions and rerouting of commercial air travel

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.49:56 - 7.50:07]Desire to know what is happening in their own country

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.50:07 - 7.50:12]Discussion of the base being a joint defense facility, but run entirely by the CIA

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.50:12 - 7.50:22]Interview with Donna, who snuck into the base in 2006

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.50:12 - 7.50:22]Donna's six-hour trek to the base and encountering obstacles

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.51:42 - 7.51:49]Mention of Australian staff working at the base

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.52:14 - 7.52:30]Telling the defense minister of their plans to sneak in but not being taken seriously

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.52:48 - 7.52:56]Final realization of the base's existence and disbelief

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.43:30 - 7.53:06]The text discusses the shock and revelation of a socialist government in Australia, their unique leader Goth and his actions, CIA's response and coup to remove him from power, and the involvement of the governor general who was secretly working for the Americans. It also mentions American military bases in Australia and an interview with Donna who snuck into the base in 2006.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.53:12 - 7.53:20] It's three o'clock in the morning and the speaker is in the middle of the desert near an American spy base.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.53:20 - 7.53:26]They hear a call to drop the bulk colors and see AFP with guns.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.53:33 - 7.53:41]The speaker gets on the ground and is pushed to their knees by a woman.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.57:10 - 7.57:16]The speaker is jealous of Donna who has seen the base with her own eyes.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.57:16 - 7.57:53]Donna and her friends have been protesting the base and were thrown in jail for it.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.57:16 - 7.57:53]The government tightened security and enacted new laws.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.58:02 - 7.58:08]The speaker and their group decide to sneak into the base as YouTubers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.00:20 - 8.00:52]They discuss the purpose of the spy base and the possibility of it being run by the US or Australian federal police.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.01:08 - 8.01:26]They travel to Alice Springs and notice many American accents.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.02:15 - 8.02:36]They encounter some suspicious men at the airport.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.02:51 - 8.03:27]They continue their journey and stop at a tourism center for information.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.02:51 - 8.03:27]Getting into the base proves to be more difficult than expected.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.02:51 - 8.03:27]The speaker and their group are lost and their spy gear isn't working well.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[7.53:06 - 8.03:27]The speaker and their group are trying to sneak into an American spy base in the middle of the Australian desert and encounter various obstacles and challenges along the way.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.03:27 - 8.04:07]The narrator and his friends decide to sneak into a casino to gather information on American spies.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.04:29 - 8.04:41]They find a large casino near an American base and are surprised by the country music and American presence.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.06:29 - 8.06:38]Most of the patrons at the casino are indigenous Australians, but the rest are American spies from the nearby base.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.06:39 - 8.07:03]They gamble at the casino to maintain their cover.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.06:39 - 8.07:03]The narrator and his friends are amused by the irony of playing with the spies they plan to sneak into the base.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.07:11 - 8.07:35]They realize they need legal advice and call their lawyer, Mark Davis, who informs them of the serious consequences they could face if caught.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.11:46 - 8.11:58]Despite the risks, they decide to continue with their plan and dress up in suits to blend in with the base workers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.11:46 - 8.11:58]They drive to the base, nervously pretending to be employees.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.11:46 - 8.11:58]They finally reach the base and see the large satellite dishes.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.12:40 - 8.12:51]The narrator and his friends continue on with their plan, determined to sneak into the base.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.13:27 - 8.13:40]After passing a few checkpoints, they finally reach the sign for Pine Gap and are warned not to go any further.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.14:33 - 8.14:45]The narrator worries about accidentally revealing their cover, but they continue on.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.14:33 - 8.14:45]The narrator remarks on how difficult it is to lie while under pressure.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.03:27 - 8.15:20]In summary, the narrator and his friends decide to sneak into a casino near an American base, gamble with the American spies, and then attempt to sneak into the base the next day.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.15:28 - 8.15:37] Stopped to take YouTube thumbnail photos and heard loud noises that sounded like bombs or gunshots

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.15:48 - 8.15:56]Noticed a firing range nearby and decided to leave because of a no photography sign

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.16:10 - 8.16:16]Came across a fire and saw an American flag, worried about getting shot

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.16:30 - 8.16:35]Met a woman named Alexa who worked at the base and asked for her help to get in

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.24:11 - 8.24:20]Had a friendly interaction with base security and were able to leave without getting in trouble

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.25:21 - 8.25:29]Considered using a disguise or sympathy to get into the base

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.15:21 - 8.25:29]Overall, the group was unsuccessful in getting into the base and had to leave due to the no photography rule.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.25:30 - 8.25:37]Group of innocent soccer players try to retrieve a ball in the middle of nowhere

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.28:07 - 8.28:12]Realize they are being followed and suspect CIA involvement

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.28:55 - 8.29:06]Encounter security measures, including a camera and possibly a turret

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.28:55 - 8.29:06]Consider posting on social media for help

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.30:45 - 8.30:51]Decide to continue towards the base but move slowly due to fear and laziness

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.31:22 - 8.31:29]Discuss hiding footage if caught, including putting it in someone's ass

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.32:00 - 8.32:06]Hear gunshots and decide to turn back

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.32:42 - 8.32:49]Security arrives and they flee back to their car

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.32:50 - 8.32:57]Realize they have actually accomplished a lot during their visit to the base

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.25:30 - 8.33:05]A group of soccer players try to retrieve a ball in the middle of nowhere, realize they are being followed, encounter security measures, discuss hiding footage if caught, and ultimately decide to turn back due to fear and gunshots.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.33:07 - 8.33:16] Woke up on last day of trip, had interview booked with Indigenous officer

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.33:17 - 8.33:22]Received unexpected call from police, informing them that they were being chased

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.34:01 - 8.34:09]Began packing up Airbnb and checking flight, realizing they were being hunted by police

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.34:46 - 8.34:54]Started backing up footage online, had time to relax and blame each other

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.36:10 - 8.36:15]Practiced lines to deliver to cops when caught

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.38:32 - 8.38:43]Headed to airport, flight kept getting delayed, thought police were stalling it

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.38:32 - 8.38:43]Finally got on plane, thought they were home free

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.38:32 - 8.38:43]Returned home feeling uneasy and worried about potential raids

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.38:50 - 8.38:57]Federal police met them at plane, recorded conversation but did not arrest them

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.40:21 - 8.40:27]All of this for trekking through outback in own country

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.33:07 - 8.40:55]Two men on last day of trip receive unexpected call from police, pack up and head to airport where they are met by federal police but not arrested, return home feeling uneasy and worried about potential raids.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.40:55 - 8.41:11]Person talking about America and its negative actions

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.41:19 - 8.41:26]Criticizing those who are overly defensive of America

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.41:45 - 8.41:51]Australian politicians are not able to question the relationship

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.41:45 - 8.41:51]Australia's relationship with America is bizarre and unequal

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.41:57 - 8.42:08]Pointing out Australia's relationship with America

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.41:57 - 8.42:08]Americans have a strong presence in Australia

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.41:57 - 8.42:08]Australia relies on America for protection against China

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.43:57 - 8.44:04]Person is planning to collaborate with Australian content creators

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.44:14 - 8.44:22]Person is planning to do a livestream and Reddit conversation later

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.44:46 - 8.44:53]Mention of Gallipoli and potential revenge

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.45:49 - 8.45:55]Person is going to do a photoshoot for new merch

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.48:10 - 8.48:18]Sun is streaming and there is a live reaction to something happening in D.C.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.48:59 - 8.49:06]The system people are taught to trust in is broken

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 6, 2024 – Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley suspends campaign

[8.40:55 - 8.49:55]Person discusses America's negative actions and criticizes those who are overly defensive. They also discuss Australia's unequal relationship with America and their reliance on them for protection. Person plans to collaborate with Australian content creators and mentions a potential revenge for Gallipoli.