

Youtube profile pic for Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[00:05 - 06:40]The speaker has recently started going to therapy and discusses their experience and progress

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[06:40 - 08:50]They mention a sketch about therapy that was filmed and will be released soon

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[08:50 - 12:05]They also discuss the difficulty of writing and perfectionism in writing

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[12:05 - 14:41]The speaker's friend is back on a TV show and they discuss the workload and balancing it with other responsibilities, such as graduating college

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[13:22 - 15:00]The speaker is discussing their busy life in LA, juggling a full-time office job, pursuing a bachelors degree, and pursuing acting.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[15:00 - 16:39]Despite the cost, the speaker decides to finish their degree, citing the value of education and their love for learning.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[16:39 - 19:12]They are currently taking a basic anthropology class and recently wrote a discussion post on the significance of lithics (stone tools) in early human technology.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[19:12 - 21:32]The speaker also studied psychology and forensic psychology in college, including a case about the insanity defense in court.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[22:10 - 23:22]The speaker encourages others not to give up on college, mentioning the option of community college.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[22:44 - 25:16]They believe college should be more accessible and affordable, citing the consequences of lack of knowledge and trust in science.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[25:16 - 26:31]The speaker encourages others not to give up on college, mentioning the option of community college.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[25:41 - 26:44]They express that learning becomes more enjoyable in college, especially when given the opportunity to choose what to learn.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[25:41 - 30:37]Discussion about Mavis Beacon and her computer typing program

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[28:36 - 29:20]Plans to make a Smosh Games video on Mavis Beacon

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[30:37 - 33:36]Brianna Boho's recent tweet that was more extreme than anything her character would say

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[32:54 - 35:11]Talking about people with wide eyes and intense eye contact

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[33:59 - 34:33]Demonstrating the "smizing" pose

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[35:11 - 35:33]Talking about people with wide eyes and intense eye contact

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[35:33 - 36:26]Discussion about body language and facial expressions in communication

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[36:26 - 36:57]Discussion about TSA pat-downs and requesting a pat-down

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[36:57 - 37:14]Brianna Boho's recent tweet that was more extreme than anything her character would say

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[37:14 - 38:31]The speaker talks about their decision to put hair on a tennis ball and their past experience playing tennis.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[38:31 - 41:12]The conversation turns to fashion and how the speaker has become more daring and experimental with their style since working at Smosh.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[40:44 - 41:43]They discuss the fashion sense of their coworkers and mention wanting to see their colleague, Damien, have a "glow up" moment with his style.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[41:12 - 42:02]The conversation turns to fashion and how the speaker has become more daring and experimental with their style since working at Smosh.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[42:02 - 47:21]The speaker jokes about trying a mullet or a mustache, and the other person suggests dying their hair and trying a "Cody co-cut."

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[47:21 - 48:51]They mention having jars of hair dye and wanting to try a bold color like orange or red, but express concern about the upkeep and potential damage to their hair.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[48:09 - 49:35]The speaker talks about their decision to put hair on a tennis ball and their past experience playing tennis.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[48:51 - 51:08]The speaker jokes about trying a mullet or a mustache, and the other person suggests dying their hair and trying a "Cody co-cut."

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[49:29 - 52:39]The speakers discuss the possibility of starting a beauty channel

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[52:39 - 54:45]They mention throwing axes at a John Wick-themed event and compare their aim

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[54:45 - 57:26]The topic switches to caffeine, with a debate about the caffeine content in root beer and other drinks

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[56:58 - 1.00:10]The speakers discuss the possibility of starting a beauty channel

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[58:20 - 1.00:16]They discuss the potential health benefits and drawbacks of caffeine consumption

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[59:29 - 1.00:30]The topic switches to caffeine, with a debate about the caffeine content in root beer and other drinks

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[1.00:16 - 1.01:32]They discuss the potential health benefits and drawbacks of caffeine consumption

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[1.01:32 - 1.02:23]The man is unsure of the exact nutritional content of non-alcoholic beer, but he enjoys it for its refreshing taste and lack of alcohol.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[1.02:23 - 1.05:12]The man's friend has experienced a slight buzz from drinking too much kombucha, which contains a small amount of alcohol.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[1.04:22 - 1.06:20]The man also mentions the social stigma surrounding kombucha and its association with LA culture.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[1.06:20 - 1.08:27]The conversation ends with the man joking about not speaking for an entire day and discussing their love for kombucha and Greek yogurt.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[1.06:33 - 1.07:18]The man's friend has experienced a slight buzz from drinking too much kombucha, which contains a small amount of alcohol.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[1.07:43 - 1.08:11]The man also mentions the social stigma surrounding kombucha and its association with LA culture.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[1.08:27 - 1.09:08]They then switch topics to a recent news story about the founder of a gay conversion therapy camp coming out as gay and denouncing his own practices.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[1.09:08 - 1.10:53]The man and his friend discuss the impact this revelation may have on the individuals who went through the conversion therapy program.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[1.10:53 - 1.11:34]The conversation ends with the man joking about not speaking for an entire day and discussing their love for kombucha and Greek yogurt.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[1.10:59 - 1.11:19]They also mention the involvement of Mike Pence in supporting these types of programs.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ian (Finally) Goes To Therapy - SmoshCast #30

[1.11:34 - 1.13:22]The conversation ends with the man joking about not speaking for an entire day and discussing their love for kombucha and Greek yogurt.