

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 335: Pin The Tail On The Donkey

SuperMegaCast - EP 335: Pin The Tail On The Donkey

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[00:00 - 00:05]This episode of The Super Mega Cast is sponsored by BetterHelp

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[00:22 - 00:28]Matt and Ryan introduce the podcast

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[00:28 - 00:36]They usually don't have specific topics, but this time they do

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[00:36 - 00:50]Tucker brought up a conversation about having sex with donkeys

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[01:43 - 01:51]Ryan watched a Vice documentary about this topic and was surprised and disgusted

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[02:01 - 02:07]In certain cultures in South America, it is a real thing for young boys to have sex with female donkeys

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[03:25 - 03:32]Ryan and Matt discuss whether or not it is their place to judge this cultural practice

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[05:00 - 05:07]The boys are taught how to do it and it is seen as normal in their culture

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[05:18 - 05:26]They also joke about possibly going on a trip to South America to experience it themselves

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[07:45 - 07:52]They acknowledge that this is not the most messed up thing people do in the world, citing beheadings and religious violence

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[08:18 - 08:23]The podcast ends with a summary of all the points discussed and a joke about "pebble in sword" being a game.

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[08:23 - 08:30]They also make a joke about "pebble in sword" sounding like a euphemism for a small penis

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[00:00 - 08:30]The podcast hosts discuss the controversial topic of young boys having sex with donkeys in certain cultures in South America, sparked by a Vice documentary and a conversation with their friend Tucker. They debate whether or not it is their place to judge this cultural practice and make jokes about it. They also mention other messed up things that happen in the world, such as beheadings and religious violence. The podcast ends with a joke about "pebble in sword" being a game.

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[08:30 - 08:39] The speaker talks about people holding world records for obscure things

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[09:01 - 09:19]They discuss the possibility of someone having the longest penis with the smallest balls

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[11:11 - 11:18]The conversation shifts to discussing past cultures and their beliefs, including human sacrifices for rain

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[12:17 - 12:23]The speaker talks about the satisfaction of performing a rain dance and having it actually rain

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[12:51 - 12:57]They discuss the story of Noah's Ark and the possibility of it being found in modern times

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[13:43 - 13:57]The speaker brings up the idea of ancient beings being aliens rather than gods

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[14:05 - 14:16]The conversation turns to the book of Revelation and the fantastical creatures described in it

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[14:48 - 14:55]They discuss the idea of resorting to prayer in moments of desperation, even if one is not religious

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[15:18 - 15:26]The speaker mentions a sad story about a girl being eaten alive by a bear while talking to her mother

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[08:30 - 15:26]Overall, the conversation touches on obscure world records, cultural beliefs, ancient beings, and the comfort of prayer in desperate situations.

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[15:26 - 15:32] The speaker watched a video in Russia about a woman who spent an hour on the phone with her mother before dying, along with her stepfather.

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[15:38 - 15:44]The speaker and his friend discuss the terror of bears, including a stuffed grizzly bear and prehistoric cave bears.

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[16:21 - 16:26]They mention encountering a bobcat while biking in the woods and feeling scared of any wild animal that could harm them.

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[16:51 - 17:01]The speaker and his friend went on a writing retreat to Maui, Hawaii and did not get much writing done due to writer's block.

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[20:07 - 20:14]They swam with sea turtles and described the beauty of the ocean, but also the potential danger of sharks.

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[20:07 - 20:14]They threw the turtle back into the ocean and reflected on the experience.

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[20:53 - 20:59]The speaker and his friend played with a sea turtle in a hot tub filled with vodka, but the turtle eventually stopped moving.

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[21:48 - 21:57]Hawaii is a gorgeous place.

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[21:48 - 21:57]The speaker's first time in Hawaii was his second time in Maui.

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[15:26 - 21:57]The speaker and his friend discuss various topics, including a video they saw of a woman dying in Russia, their fear of bears and other wild animals, their lack of writing progress on a retreat in Maui, swimming with sea turtles and encountering potential danger in the ocean, and their time in Hawaii being a beautiful experience.

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[21:57 - 22:09]Person describes seeing green mountains, coconut trees, and whales while in Hawaii

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[22:25 - 22:42]They mention pushing a beached baby whale back into the ocean with their friend Matt

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[24:51 - 25:00]They discuss a scene from the movie Reno 911 involving a topless scene and also an ad read for

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 335: Pin The Tail On The Donkey

[26:00 - 26:08]Person shares a personal story of nearly wetting the bed multiple times in one week and pissing themselves once

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[28:08 - 28:18]They mention a recent Chinese spy balloon incident in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and their distrust of both the Chinese and American governments

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[29:00 - 29:30]Person expresses their belief that no one would win in a war with China, and suggests using nukes as a solution

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[21:57 - 29:40]Person shares their experiences in Hawaii and their near bed-wetting incidents, before discussing a recent Chinese spy balloon incident and expressing their belief that war with China would be devastating for all involved.

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[29:41 - 29:48] People on Twitter discussing balloon on a nuke incident involving China

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[30:39 - 30:47]Discussion on the effectiveness and purpose of nuclear weapons

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[32:20 - 32:56]Debate on the credibility of government information and propaganda

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[32:20 - 32:56]The possibility of a government cover-up regarding UFOs

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[34:49 - 34:56]Speculation on the recent increase in sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs)

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[37:43 - 38:22]The release of a hacked no-fly list, potentially revealing interesting individuals

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[29:41 - 38:22]Overall, the text discusses discussions on Twitter about a balloon on a nuke incident involving China, the effectiveness of nuclear weapons, speculation on recent UFO sightings, government credibility and cover-ups, and the release of a hacked no-fly list.

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[38:29 - 38:37] Ryan and the speaker discuss the no-fly list and the perception of Middle Eastern individuals as potential threats.

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[40:06 - 40:16]They joke about a potential video game about committing terrorist acts to a beat.

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[40:50 - 41:58]They reminisce about playing flash games and make an ad for Better Help.

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[42:43 - 42:52]The speaker apologizes for a previous edgy joke about Ryan's Middle Eastern heritage.

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[46:01 - 46:11]They briefly talk about microdosing and the effects of mushroom chocolates.

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[46:16 - 46:22]They discuss getting microdosing mushroom chocolates from their friend, Jim.

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[47:14 - 47:29]The speaker mentions having three mushroom chocolates in their fridge.

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[38:22 - 47:37]Ryan and the speaker discuss the no-fly list and Middle Eastern stereotypes, reminisce about flash games and make an ad for Better Help. They also discuss microdosing mushroom chocolates from their friend Jim.

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[48:57 - 50:24]The speaker discusses being in a green screen room with a projector controlled by chat

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[51:46 - 52:22]They talk about the therapeutic benefits of psychedelics, specifically ketamine therapy

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[53:49 - 54:02]The speaker mentions experimenting with drugs and surrounding themselves with negative people in their early 20s

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[54:09 - 54:15]They talk about getting out of negative environments and how it can be freeing

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[54:29 - 54:37]The speaker makes a joke about their coworker, Danny, slipping LSD into their coffee at the Game Grumps office

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[55:39 - 56:01]The speaker jokes about Danny not being trustworthy because he is in the entertainment industry and wears a wig

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[56:01 - 56:27]They mention the backlash from a previous incident involving the Oath Keepers and Danny's reaction to it

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[47:37 - 56:27]Overall, the text discusses psychedelics, negative environments, and jokingly references a previous incident with a coworker.

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[56:34 - 56:54]Discussion about spending money and donations to Oath Keepers

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[57:12 - 57:41]Possible idea for a "let's play" video on shrooms

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[57:56 - 58:20]Streaming career and viewership

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[59:56 - 1.00:08]Narcolepsy and astral projection

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[1.01:08 - 1.01:33]Discussion about showing genitalia on YouTube

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[1.02:30 - 1.02:37]Embarrassing incident while drunk in Hawaii

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[1.03:38 - 1.04:11]Ordering well-done wagyu beef at a fancy restaurant

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[1.04:11 - 1.04:27]Customer always being right

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[1.04:27 - 1.04:45]Nostalgia for previous jobs

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[56:27 - 1.05:02]The audio discusses various topics such as spending money and donations, potential video ideas, streaming career, narcolepsy, showing genitalia on YouTube, an embarrassing incident, ordering well-done wagyu beef, and nostalgia for previous jobs.

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[1.05:02 - 1.05:12] Someone is discussing the importance of returning shopping carts

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[1.05:27 - 1.05:45]They mention that it's a selfless act with no negative consequences

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[1.06:07 - 1.06:26]The person talks about their experience working at a grocery store and the percentage of carts that were put away

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[1.06:45 - 1.07:18]They mention carts being left all over the parking lot and the inconvenience it causes for employees

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[1.07:41 - 1.08:13]The person talks about their guilty pleasure of organizing carts and helping out

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[1.08:27 - 1.08:42]They mention the invention of compactable shopping carts and mini carts for kids

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[1.09:29 - 1.09:40]The idea of getting stuck in a mini cart is brought up as a potential prank

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[1.10:09 - 1.10:47]The podcast host mentions the extended version of the podcast on Patreon

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[1.10:09 - 1.10:47]The benefits of being a Patreon member are listed

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 335: Pin The Tail On The Donkey

[1.10:09 - 1.10:47]The person talks about ad revenue and the importance of Patreon support

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 335: Pin The Tail On The Donkey

[1.10:09 - 1.10:47]The podcast host concludes the episode by thanking listeners and reminding them to check out the Patreon membership

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[1.05:02 - 1.11:36]The importance and benefits of returning shopping carts are discussed, including the inconvenience for employees and the fun of organizing carts. The extended version of the podcast on Patreon is mentioned as well as the importance of Patreon support for the podcast.