

Youtube profile pic for We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

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[00:00 - 01:01]The topic shifts to the personal hells of others, with Schlatt mentioning a popsicle stick being pulled through their teeth infinitely while receiving torture similar to what American POWs experienced in Japan.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[00:17 - 02:04]They also mention their parents decomposing and returning to life, asking for help before melting again, and being gaslit.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[02:05 - 02:29]The conversation then turns to staring at the sun, with Schlatt's girlfriend having a New Year's resolution to stop doing so.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[02:17 - 03:13]They mention watching the worst parts of their life play out over and over again, with a black creature getting closer each time.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[03:13 - 04:42]The conversation then turns to staring at the sun, with Schlatt's girlfriend having a New Year's resolution to stop doing so.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[03:46 - 04:56]After Schlatt exaggerated the story, they receive messages from people who actually stare at the sun for hours a day.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[04:42 - 05:58]The conversation then turns to staring at the sun, with Schlatt's girlfriend having a New Year's resolution to stop doing so.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[05:22 - 07:03]After Schlatt exaggerated the story, they receive messages from people who actually stare at the sun for hours a day.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[07:03 - 08:23]The group then discusses "beast-o-vision" and turning the sun-staring people into soup.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[07:18 - 08:41]They mention watching the worst parts of their life play out over and over again, with a black creature getting closer each time.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[08:47 - 09:55]The topic shifts to Schlatt's pronunciation of "soup" and whether he has made miso soup before.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[09:55 - 10:56]The conversation then turns to a teacher dismissing students and waking up as a sleeper agent.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[10:58 - 11:33]The group discusses a video with Schlatt and "Ted" (possibly referring to Ted Nivison) and killing a fly.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[11:33 - 13:54]The speaker then shares their own experience of streaming a show called "Video Game High School" with permission from the creator, Freddie Wong

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[12:56 - 16:27]They mention their excitement about having Freddie Wong join their stream and discuss behind-the-scenes details of the show

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[14:24 - 16:13]They mention a previous incident with a guest named Schlatt and wanting to "nerd out" with the host, Charlie

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[16:27 - 19:40]The speaker then shares their own experience of streaming a show called "Video Game High School" with permission from the creator, Freddie Wong

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[16:36 - 17:48]The chat becomes annoyed with the speaker for talking too much and not watching the show, but overall it was a positive experience

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[18:06 - 19:24]The speaker then shares their own experience of streaming a show called "Video Game High School" with permission from the creator, Freddie Wong

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[18:26 - 20:02]The speaker's thoughts on the situation are summarized as not knowing what to believe and thinking it could potentially be a "bit" or joke from the streamer.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[20:03 - 23:40]The speaker expresses confusion and frustration with the trend of watching shows on Twitch and questions the sincerity of some streamers

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[22:27 - 24:15]The chat becomes annoyed with the speaker for talking too much and not watching the show, but overall it was a positive experience

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[23:40 - 25:31]The speaker's thoughts on the situation are summarized as not knowing what to believe and thinking it could potentially be a "bit" or joke from the streamer.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[23:45 - 25:20]They mention a streamer named Toast who watched the entire series of Naruto, questioning if it was genuine or just for views

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[25:20 - 25:45]Mention of favorite part being having the streamer in the corner reacting to the content

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[25:45 - 26:00]Personal experience of watching a streamer get criticized for streaming MasterChef, but now seeing the trend become more popular

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[26:00 - 27:26]Difficulty in planning and executing entertaining streams regularly, leading to missed streams

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[26:33 - 29:18]Enjoyment of react stream content but also recognizing the difficulty and mental space it takes to plan and execute successful streams regularly

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[26:49 - 27:48]Mention of favorite part being having the streamer in the corner reacting to the content

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[28:15 - 29:04]Dislike for streaming as a job due to compromising integrity and selling a part of oneself

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[29:04 - 29:10]Enjoyment of react stream content but also recognizing the difficulty and mental space it takes to plan and execute successful streams regularly

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[29:18 - 29:31]Mention of success being a compromise, even on Twitch

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[29:32 - 30:22]Personal experience of streaming on Twitch recently and enjoying it, but also facing criticism from viewers for ranking Fortnite first in a tier list

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[29:48 - 30:45]Mention of watching a clip from an Anthony Padilla interview with Tubbo and Phil, where they turn off the viewer count to avoid getting psyched out

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[30:23 - 31:02]Personal experience of streaming on Twitch recently and enjoying it, but also facing criticism from viewers for ranking Fortnite first in a tier list

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[30:46 - 32:34]Personal experience of avoiding the viewer count during a recent stream

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[31:11 - 31:17]Mention of watching a clip from an Anthony Padilla interview with Tubbo and Phil, where they turn off the viewer count to avoid getting psyched out

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[31:47 - 32:27]Mention of nitrous and its effects on cars, drawing a comparison to streaming success being a reflection of one's entertainment value

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[32:35 - 32:44]Belief that there will be consequences for streaming copyrighted content on Twitch and a warning against continuing to do so

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[32:44 - 34:17]Mention of nitrous and its effects on cars, drawing a comparison to streaming success being a reflection of one's entertainment value

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[33:07 - 33:29]Comparison to planning and creating videos

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[33:14 - 34:02]Mention of nitrous and its effects on cars, drawing a comparison to streaming success being a reflection of one's entertainment value

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[34:03 - 34:35]Discussion of Mario Kart stream and having a good time

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[34:17 - 35:34]Belief that there will be consequences for streaming copyrighted content on Twitch and a warning against continuing to do so

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[34:35 - 34:41]Personal experience of watching a streamer get criticized for streaming MasterChef, but now seeing the trend become more popular

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[34:55 - 36:37]Belief that there will be consequences for streaming copyrighted content on Twitch and a warning against continuing to do so

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[36:37 - 36:43]Personal desire to use copyrighted music in videos, but inability to do so due to copyright laws

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[36:44 - 38:03]Personal experience of streaming copyright music on Twitch but recognizing the need for licensing in other industries such as coffee shops.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[37:44 - 38:54]The group discusses the issue of playing copyrighted music in public places, with larger companies being more likely to get in trouble than smaller local businesses.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[38:09 - 40:13]They also talk about how companies are seen as people, with some companies like Amazon having more power and influence than others.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[39:38 - 43:28]Charlie takes off his glasses and the others comment on how different he looks.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[43:36 - 44:50]Charlie reveals that he cannot see without his glasses and this leads to a discussion about potential ways to make money off of his glasses-less appearance, such as releasing a calendar.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[43:55 - 45:13]Charlie takes off his glasses and the others comment on how different he looks.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[44:34 - 45:50]Charlie reveals that he cannot see without his glasses and this leads to a discussion about potential ways to make money off of his glasses-less appearance, such as releasing a calendar.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[45:50 - 46:04]They mention a year with a lot of choking.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[46:06 - 46:11]The speaker commits to a business idea.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[46:11 - 47:00]They mention a year with a lot of choking.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[46:27 - 46:32]The speaker expresses dislike for a certain look.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[47:01 - 47:06]The other person suggests streaming Naruto instead.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[47:07 - 47:14]The speaker proposes a magazine or calendar idea.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[47:15 - 48:01]The speaker expresses interest in doing a Jambo photoshoot.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[47:29 - 48:18]They mention dressing up as a character from Mario.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[48:18 - 48:30]The speaker expresses dislike for a certain look.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[48:30 - 48:35]A potential business idea involving Jambo is discussed.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[48:35 - 48:40]The speaker commits to a business idea.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[48:42 - 48:56]The speaker proposes a magazine or calendar idea.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[48:56 - 49:30]The speaker suggests a calendar featuring themselves with swords and revealing their calves.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[49:31 - 49:38]The speaker proposes a magazine or calendar idea.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[49:38 - 49:55]The other person suggests a spin attack for each month leading up to a final December photo.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[49:56 - 50:02]They mention a mixture of laughing and throwing up.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Are Being Censored - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 42

[50:02 - 50:13]The podcast ends with a mention of a live show and a closing of the "hell portal."